Meet My Folks

Approval Rate: 56%

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    Wed Sep 15 2004


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    Mon Mar 08 2004

    I think this particular reality show is interesting and funny. I enjoy watching it. I love how the parents have a say in the dating process...

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    Tue Nov 11 2003

    Yeah this is really reality television. If I brought my boyfriends over to meet my folks they'd be subjected to a lie detector test. Get real.

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    Mon Jul 21 2003

    oh really!

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    Thu Jun 26 2003

    I like it how one person has an idea and several others steal it and call it their own. If the lie detector scene was left out of "Meet the parents" then this show probably wouldn't even exist.

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    Tue Apr 15 2003

    why arn't there any black families in the australian version. Its rasist!!!1

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    Fri Apr 04 2003

    Ok show, but when exactly does this show air? It is NEVER in the TV Guide. I live in L.A. It seems to air about once a month--absolutely ridiculous.

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    Mon Mar 10 2003

    k i think that the part where they go to the ly detector isn't very good b/c it can't tell whether the ppl are lying.

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    Mon Mar 10 2003

    After watching tonights episode (3/10) I'd rather watch 10 straight hours of CNN. Three spoiled brat rich (at least they think they are) kids bully three average men for their mom. I kept watching poor Mom all the way through the show and she acted like she'd been bullied by these three little punks ever since her divorce. But I kept thinking, probably the only thing she has to hold onto in life is the big house she was left with after the divorce and to pray, pray that these little brats will someday grow up, move out (I seriously doubt it) and she could finally have a life. No wonder this woman is still single. These brat kids act like their related to Ted Turner instead of "being real." Poor Mom. Half of America feels sorry for you! It was sad to watch.

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    Tue Mar 04 2003

    This is the most ridiculous show I've ever seen. Who are these parents who are sending their kids off to get laid by a set of twins, or rooting their kid on while he's getting slobbered on by two chicks in a hottub? Nasty. And people say the Iraqis are ruining the world. Whatever.

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    Sat Mar 01 2003

    This show sucks it's the same thing over and over. What does everyone on that show just happen to live in these big mansions and have extra spare bedrooms, as if it's all fake, and what all the daughters or sons look like models.It's no fun.

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    I think the show was much better when it was all in one night. The show that was on that it took THREE nights to find out the outcome was not near as good. Need to keep the show going ONLY if you can do like you did the first go around and have it completed in ONE episode and the next show have a different family. Three nights is way to long. I missed one episode and I vever missed the show when it was completed in one night. I watched every episode. Go back to that or you will lose your audience. The show is entertaining but not if you have to wait or 2 or 3 episodes. One did the job.

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    Thu Jan 30 2003

    This show just throws all good parenting out of the window, that's for sure. First off, the people they pick are either criminal (such as adulterers and cheaters), crude (a string of profanities used in ONE sentence) or dumb (the US has FIFTY-TWO states???). How about some SMART and NICE people getting a show for a change? Also, the parents aren't nearly as protective or selective as they should be. Also, the show has profanity, crude humor and is simply a bad-natured, boring reality-fest.

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    Mon Jan 27 2003

    What a "guilty pleasure"! For everyone bitchin' about Dan, his parents & the girls, put it in perspective - MOST average people wouldn't subject themselves to such public scrutiny, so these people all have to be exhibitionists to start with! By definition, the characteristics that make the the girls more interesting TV watching, are exactly what makes them poor candidates for dating/marriage .. same as most reality shows. Dirt, shock value, and character comflict are what attract viewers, so those are the participants selected & combined for these shows. For the producers, this really isn't about getting the best date or future daughter-in-law for Dan's family, but to get people to watch every week! Aren't more people going to watch if a girl's best friend "confesses" she's been in a soft-porn video, than her priest praises her for spending her Saturdays helping out in a soup kitchen? I'm personally shocked at the amount of bad baggage these girls already have at their age; I can only ... Read more

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    Mon Jan 27 2003

    What a sorry excuse for a show! It was clear who wore the pants in the family! And that dad is a wimp who couldn't get 10 words in the whole time. I honestly believe the parents enjoyed seeing their monkey boy make out with those gals. They were all gross, btw. Tawny was sure proud of herself for tying monkey boy up. Hell, I would have tied him up and left him there. No trip on earth is worth being subjected to that weird family. I cannot believe those gals were competing for monkey boy! One look at him and I would have ran out the door! WEIRD!

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    Sun Jan 26 2003

    I do enjoy watching this program. I do find a few parts of the show a little to phony like the lie detector. Do they really need this in the show???

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    Sun Jan 26 2003

    Started watching this mid-way through...but once we started, we could'nt look away. Its like a train know its terrible but for some reason we couldnt help but stare. Note to future contestants: When hooked up to a lie detector, tell the truth so you dont seem like a scheming hoe! you will always have a chance to spin a truthfull answer into somthing acceptable. btw...anyone else think the lie detector guy liked groping girls while hooking them up?

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    Sat Jan 25 2003

    Well, I am glad they decide to choose Chelsa for Dan she is really pretty but I still don't think your parents should pick who you date

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    Thu Jan 23 2003

    I think the current show is terrible. The girl Tawny is extremely hard up...she also appeared on Ex-Treme Dating this evening...she did nothing but show her boobs and show how her fist fit in her mouth.

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    Does anyone know where Shannon is from or her last name...I think I went to middle school with her! If it is her....same old Shannon big time drama mamma! Otherwise I think the show is decent...that lie detector guy is f'ing hilarious!

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    NBC should be embarrassed to show such drivel during Primetime.

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    You guys are about you chill? The whole point of the show is have the parents work the girls hard...out of the ordinary...The show was decent last night...but the parents blew it when they cut LISA!!!!! She was the only person that made the show worth watching... Guess who won't be watching next week.

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    I don't mean to say the show is "bad," its just not great. The lie detector test is in no way helpful, accept to affirm the parents preconceived notions, right or wrong. They thought Lisa was a tramp interested only in money. I doubt that; she seemed sincere to me. They will probably choose Chelsea, the hawain girl, who is interested in image. It would be difficult to build a lasting relationship, but atleast she does have a good image.

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    Here's my opinion. Dan's mother is a BATTLE AX..the father a nerd..and Dan a mamby pamby to his parents. His mother wants Stephanie..cause she is a fat ass battle ax in the making herself. Dan told them not to cut Lisa and the mother did...because she's better long term for him. Yeah right a fat ass like a possible lesbian. Dan should tell em...don't ask for my input anymore. Lisa was a babe and the mother was clearly jealous. Anybody else think like me? Bye the way the Hawiian is a babe...let's see how the mother knocks her off next! Anyway that's why I'm rating the show's making mad!

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    This show is very entertaining. I must say though, if the idea behind it is to find a match for Dan then any normal parent would want the best for their son and they should ask as many questions as they feel fit. I wouldn't let my son bring any one of those girls home. None of them would step foot in my house. I say, let Dan get his grove on with as many of them as he can nail. He's too young to get serious anyway. He'll figure out when he gets older that no man wants a "HO" for a wife or girlfriend. I mean really, they're all either a thief, a liar or a cheat. Now those young women are the kind of women we can be proud of.....NOT!

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    First of all, all of the girls have a very bad reputation. I would've already eliminated all of them but everyone makes mistakes so its ok. I guess. I think that Daniel should be very careful with what he does with the girls. Trust me Danny, be careful with what you do or say because you might regret it in the future. I'm only 16, going to 17 on July, but i preaty much know what's good and what's bad. Mom and Dad, be careful with the girls. Your son is a guy you culd trust but the girls, well, that's a different story. That's about it and I rally love your show. Have fun and make the right choice. If there's any. :) Yours truely, Nora

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    Okay show. Kind of like a car wreck... you know you ought to look away, but you just can't. This recent 3-part show, The Maloneys, is by far the most bizarre. The parents may be grilling like the CIA, but they're making ridiculous choices. I thought Lisa was a decent girl, albeit not the brightest of the bunch, and have no idea why they axed her instead of Miss. Piggy, the bisexual/lesbian who just wants the trip and will do anything/anyone for it! Unless, of course, the dad's planning on keeping her and Tawny ("Ohhhhh, she's wild.") around for his own foursome. (Mom might take some convincing.) What a creep! We may all be human and make mistakes, but PLEASE who'd you pick for your own son? (Homophobia? Generally, you don't choose a lesbian for a son. Then again, maybe he's really a Danielle... might work.) Hopefully, they'll brighten up and send the Hawaiian girl off on a well-deserved vacation.

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    Was Dan Maloney supposed to be the "PRIZE?" Miss me with that! I'd gladly pay the $499 for a plane ticket to Europe just to avoid his bitch mom and her pathetic son. I think mom should take some valium, dad should consider purchasing a personality, and son should get some pills to slow down his raging libido. Apparently, the idea of self-respect has completely missed this family. As for the girls, why not tell the bitch mom to go to hell and fulfill all our dreams!

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    I was a fan of this show UNTIL THEY VOTED OFF LISA!!!!! She was the only half descent girl on the show. The rest of those pirate broads are nasty and this is the last time I ever tune in to watch this show. The parents are on crack, and they totally disregarded their sons request to keep Lisa. Seriously disappointing!

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    Dan must really be a loser, seems to run in his family, Mom dresses like crap and has bad teeth. Dad is boring as hell and bald. Maybe mom and dad would like to see their wimpy kid to finally go out with a girl. Won't be watching this poop again.

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    Does Dans parents work for the C.I.A or F.B.I ?Maybe one of them works for the morality police.Isnt there a saying about glass houses?Unless the winning girl gets to strap Dan to the detector,his parents need to give that approach a rest.

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    Dan's parents are two of the most anal retentive people I've ever seen exploit themselves. I got a kick out of seeing the honesty of the two girls that were no more impressed with Dan than I was. When they honestly said they wanted to go to Europe sans Dan, I was thinking...who wouldn't? He's a geek! Somebody please tell his mother that her son is a mommy's boy and she's a sadist. As a parent of a 28 year old son, I thought most of the girls were refreshing, honest, candid, and way beyond Dan. I vote to remove the folks and get some from the 20th century with reality! Shannon, could I pick you for my son????

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    Tue Jan 21 2003


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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    After watching the show with Dan and his parents I feel the parents were totally unfair to all the girls in thier line of questioning. For example the questions that were given in the lie dector test were bullcrap.....everyone has dirty little secrets and I am sure that if the parents and Dan were given the test they would all have alot more dirty laundry than any of the girls both about sex and lying.....and all the girls are way beyond Dan and his parents....he is not even cute....I am sure Mom and dad have gone through plenty of hand cuffs and Dan ...he just wanted to get into all the girls pants which is obvious...advice to mom would be take 2 reality pills then smack her son in the morning for being such a mommy's boy....and dad was obviously enjoying all the little bikinis...all those girls deserve better than Dan or his family.

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    I have never wanted to take the time to actually write in an opinion about a reality show. Or any show . But after watching tonight's episode of "Meet My Folks - The Maloney's", I found myself hopelessly drawn to the computer. The exact moment I realized I would want to comment was when the mother asked Christine during the polygraph test whether or not she was attracted to other women. What the hell??!! I'd have to love someone a heck of a lot to put up with a homophobic mother. The worst part is - I'm sure if you asked her, she would state she didn't have a homophobic bone in her body. It also seems she had no sort of "fun" when she went out on dates - and I don't mean kissing other women. I mean ANY SORT OF FUN of a "Non-Pat Boonish" quality. Either she had a horribly dull "young adult" life - or she's in complete denial about being "human". They don't seem to be listening to their son either. I feel sorry for him, and those poor girls (especially that they felt they ne... Read more

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    I like reality shows and I think it's neat to have your parents pick a girl for you. However, it's a little embarrassing. I think they were a little hard on the girls tonight. I have a real big problem with the lie-detector part of the show. If this is reality, let's get real. Everyone knows that when taking a lie-detector test, the first questions asked are questions that you cannot lie on. Example: Is your name....? (yes) Is your birthdate.....? (yes) Are there 367 days in the year? (no) These answers are used to establish the truth or a lie. What happened to that? Exactly what was the man going by? There was no basis for the truth or a lie. I was very unhappy. I really think the second girl was telling the truth on some things. Anyway, I really liked it. I thought it was cute. However, if I miss an episode, I'm not going to cry over it. Night 2: I am changing my opinion. I totally think that the parents are too hard on these poor girls. I also think that is is... Read more

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    Tonights show was terrible!!!!! First i can't believe that these girls would put themselves in the public eye to be humiliated on national television and second who needs there parents picking out a date for them. Come on now be a big boy and meet girls on your own. Let me just start off with the mom. She was such a bitch. I think that she thoroughly thought that each and every girl that was in her home was a skank. And what was with her crying at the end of the show, like she was sad that the piano playing, hook-up contest winner, "classy" girl, who by the way was going to try to sleep with her son in europe, was leaving the show. I think that she is the one who can turn on the tears! And what kind of question is "Do you enjoy watching pornogrophy?" Who asks those kinds of questions to a girl trying to go out with her son? That's none of her business and that little blond girl should have been proud of watching porno. So these parents have no problem bringing these girls into their ho... Read more

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    Tue Jan 21 2003

    More like, "Pick The Guy Who Will Bang Your Daughter."

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    Mon Jan 20 2003

    This show is a waste of time. The All-American parents invite three losers to their home. These guys participate in lame challenges like eat off mom's plate. If the guys don't complete their challenges, they would have to revel their secrets. Yikes! Every time the doorbell ring, there would be a surprise. A nasty video from their friends or ex-girlfriends. The funny part is when the producers encourage the girl to $#$#$#$ the guys. And at the end of the show, the parents interview the two guys. "Would you cheat on my daughter?" Blah Blah. This show is so predictable. I rather watch The Amazing race than this crap.

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    Mon Jan 20 2003

    I wouldnt want Dan's parents my future in laws. They sound so mean and pick on the girls and use bad information against the girls. They also hurt their feelings as well. I understand they are protective of Dan but I think they are way overboard for doing this way. I think they should focus on who they are and how the girls treat Dan personally.

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    Thu Jan 02 2003

    Could this show BE any more boring?

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    Thu Nov 28 2002

    Although it really is a Meet The Parents meets Big Brother rip-off...I LOVED this show. The characters are wildly eccentric and likable...and it's like a contest. I'm hoping that this gem returns soon!

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    Mon Oct 14 2002

    I think the show is fun to watch. But I hate that the parents never seem to have a problem with the guys who have cheated on passed gfs?!? I would immediately cross them off the list. Does no one have respect for relationships anymore?? Also, what's with the "friends" of the boys telling secrets on them? Mostly the things they tell aren't that big of a deal but sound bad on TV when taken out of context. I just don't think they're very good friends..shouldn't they be trying to show their good sides?

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    Mon Sep 23 2002

    I'm usually not able to watch much tv on the weekends because I work at nights but boy was I a little late to work when I saw the episode on Saturday. I actually left the "carlsons" episode taping and really enjoyed it when I got a chance to watch it..particularly the first half with Giancarlo. By the way didn't his bitter ex-girlfriend was hardly cute, lets hope he dumped her. Anyways the show was really funny and I will invest in tivo to watch the next season. Oh and Giancarlo if you ever come to Washington DC-email me, I work at a club and could arrange friends to show you around. [email protected]

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    Sat Sep 14 2002

    This show is awesome the should be more episods on more than once a week.You Should at least try to watch this show. In case you were wondering what this show is a bout. I'll tell you. It is with three guys or girls and then try and get the parents to like then so they can go to hawaii with there daughter of son.

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    Mon Aug 26 2002

    This show is childish, boorish and so boring. Besides the fact that each show is EXACTLY like the other ones, the chance of the show being scripted is strong. I will be surprised if this terrible show sees a second season, anyway, lets hope not!

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    Mon Aug 26 2002

    My husband and I find this show hilarious, and we have watched it almost every night it's been on. Part of the show's "mystique" is that the parents so often seem to make poor decisions. Take tonight, that the parents kicked Giancarlo out of their house first just because he had said that he didn't like blonde, blue-eyed, California girls. I think that we all say things from time to time because of experiences we've had, or we joke around about stereotypes. They should have talked to their daughter before making the FIRST decision, like other parents on the show have. That he was honest, but didn't know how to defend himself, I don't know what decent person would have been able to think up a reply that would have explained that it was a meaningless & thoughtless statement he'd made before he'd met their daughter; obviously he cared for her and didn't feel that way about her specifically... we all have carry our stereotypes & joke about things occasionally that we don't mean seriou... Read more

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    Sat Aug 24 2002

    Anyone know where Eric from the episode with the Reeves can be found? I know he's a bartender, any ideas where? I live in NJ as well. [email protected]

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    Tue Aug 20 2002

    Tonights show with the 3 chicks was alright, but I think they should have picked Carrie, her and the son seemed to have the biggest connection, and she seemed to be the most fun. Jaimie seemed nice too but still. And well Lisa was just kind of boring, too much of a goody good. The son seemed like kind of a pervert too, I mean on TV asking girls to kiss! Creep! I hope they do more shows with the 3 girls getting picked though.

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    Tue Aug 20 2002

    it is terrible...why do i watch this???