Maxine Waters

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    Tue Aug 17 2010

    Revised 8/16/10 Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't she responsible for the passage of a Bill to prosecute older men from impregnating minor girls, even by the age of a only one or two years difference? Now these males have a criminal record of sexual abuse on a minor? Ex: 17yrs old female & 18yr. old males who get them pregnant can be prosecuted? I am kind of sure it was her but will stand corrected. Anybody with research on this can chime in. My opinion of her is that she is a Politician. Most all Politicians are flawed like any other human being. No matter their pigmentation of skin. They mostly all at one time or another lie, break promises, compromise, slant the truth, pander to the voters in their District and try to get away with what they can!! She is a Politician. That says it all. Until I know enough about her, I reserve my criticism. I hear she fights for the poor not just the black poor in her District. God is for helping the poor but not breaking the law. I have ... Read more

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    Tue Jul 26 2005

    As an LA resident I detest this woman. She sees everything in terms of skin color. There is little that takes place in her universe that has not been caused by bigotry and discrimination by whites. In short, she is an intolerable pig. I have no sympathy for anyone who would make excuses about the riots in '92 as she did on national television; the worst type of shoddy race hustling. I would have rated her lower but I give her credit for obtaining a college degree and achieving a good deal of success as one of about a dozen children who was raised by a single mother. Ironically, her success in America serves to disprove the very Soweto-like conditions she sees lurking around every corner in this country.

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    Sat Jul 23 2005

    I agree with the previous post. Even though she is a joke, the dominant media will trot her out at the drop of a hat.

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    Tue Jul 19 2005

    She is a joke, and a bad joke at that! Watch her on C-Span--don't take my word for it!

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    Classic type of black politician that we've seen for over 35 years now - racist , hysterical , shreiking ,race baiter , makes outrageous claims about Whites that are never close to being true , and is allowed to get away with it (Not to mention GET RICH ), because of her skin color , while claiming they got no freedom.And , her MEDUSA-like face is a perfect window to her craven soul..

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    Fri Sep 03 2004

    What has this woman been smoking?

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    Sat Aug 28 2004

    Maxine is a wonderful lady who has done a lot of good. I think all these people calling her a 'racist' are just projecting their own racist beliefs on Maxine. Maxine rocks!!!

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    Tue Aug 24 2004

    When the underrepresented don't read things like this happen.

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    Tue Aug 03 2004

    She is a traitor to her race, it's not about the people with this one, it's all about MAXINE.

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    Sat Jul 10 2004

    I'll give you plain and simple--- racist,communist bitch.

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    Plain and simple, Maxine Waters is one of the most divisive politicians ever. Instead of trying to promote personal responsibility and self-determination, she's continued to rant and point fingers at others (especially those who have worked hard to be successful- yet with lesser means at the beginning than those she continually defends), making stupid excuses for those who grotesquely ignore or evade the law for their own selfish purpose. Waters should condemn these wrongdoers, but she is either too stupid or too blind to do so.

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    Thu May 13 2004

    One of the most irresponsible leaders of the no justice, no peace crowd during the Rodney King riot.

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    Sun Apr 25 2004

    Did the birth certificate say Maxine? Or was it Marxine?

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    Thu Mar 25 2004

    She does what's right, rather than what's politically correct.

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    Sat Sep 20 2003

    She doesn't seem racist against whites to me. She seems to want equality for everyone and wants no racism at all.

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    Sat Jul 05 2003

    She'd give reparations to Cuba if she could.

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    Thu May 08 2003

    Regardless of your political stance, if you believe that behavior such as hers is a positive thing for a legislative body then you don't understand politics. Go somewhere else.

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    Sun Apr 27 2003

    Has not really accomplished anything productive over there in her LA District, but she is admirable for her anti-apartheid advocacy.

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    Tue Apr 01 2003

    typical mean spirited Democrat Liberal...Rude...ill-mannered and stupid...

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    Mon Feb 24 2003

    Ms Waters is a great lady. when our highest court of the ladn picked our president she was one fo the only people willing to spoeak up for the majority of Americans. I am a white guy from Texas and woudl vote for her hands down over G W Bush or any of the democrats running. She does something they never have or will do vote the way she thinks is right no matter the cost to her career. God Bless Maxine and the Democrats that have guts.

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    Sat Feb 22 2003

    For a member of Congress, she is a leader in demonstrating no responsibility or accountability along with Sheila Jackson Lee. One of the most amazing things I have ever seen was when she stood in LA after the Watts Riots and blamed them on the rest of the country. A real class act.

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    Maxine never moved beyond having the IQ of a glass of water matched with the looks and shrieking voice of the Barbary Ape.

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    Mon Jan 20 2003

    Elected officials are there to represent ALL americans. She is a racist low-life and there is no place for racism in politics.

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    Tue Jan 14 2003

    Waters is a militant, polarizing figure who inevitably sets back any kind of racial dialogue people in this country might want to engage in. Instead of trying to come up with solutions for the problems of this country, she would rather divide people and demonize those who disagree with her by playing the "racist" card.

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    Sat Dec 14 2002

    Is she really that stupid or is she putting us on?

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    Sun Dec 08 2002

    Virulent racist and Marxist. When Lrry King asked her if she would send a kid back to his parents in Nazi germany or Soviet Union (a la Elian Gonzales) Waters said: "Of course I would."

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    Mon May 06 2002

    I was happy to see that she was supporting the African American police chief that wanted to employ stricter punishments and less tolerance for racial profiling and police brutality, two horrible ills in the law enforcement community. It's about time that a politician finally stood up and did that.

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    Wed Feb 27 2002

    Hostile to the point of being psychotic...what kind of people would put something like this into office?

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    Sat Dec 08 2001

    Great, now just because someone thinks Ashcroft is bad, that makes one a racist? I don't agree with much of what she says, but then, that goes for most politicians.

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    Tue Oct 23 2001

    Gotta give props to a strong woman who is intelligent and not afraid to speak her mind. I respect her beliefs and attitudes tremendously and she keeps the Re-smug-licans (and some Democrats) on their toes by holding them accountable for their actions and beliefs. It kills me whenever I hear white people claim, "There is no racism in America. Blacks whine and complain too much." Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because they and other people of color have the deck(s) stacked against them from the second they are born? No, how silly of me to claim such a thing! Maybe the reason whites are tired of hearing it is because it's true! Their collective conscience is being pricked, and perhaps they may have done something in the past that was racist,or maybe they have learned how to be racist from family and friends, or maybe they had a negative experience with people of color and now they paint all people of color as the same! And these whites don't like to be reminded because it's too uncomforta... Read more

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    Fri Jun 15 2001

    I have watched this person make a fool out of herself, she is supposed to uphold the constitution, not her form of what is right and wrong.

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    Fri Jun 01 2001

    A political radical who was willing to send kids to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

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    Wed Apr 25 2001

    Responsible for the Rodney King Riot.

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    Wed Feb 14 2001

    The first time I heard Maxine Waters open her mouth was on Nightline in the wake of the 1992 L.A. riots. The shrill rhetoric that came out of her mouth back then convinced me that she was just another black hack, barely worth even insulting, much less taking seriously. Frankly, black apologists like her mystify me. She doesn't strike me as a stupid person, but on some metaphysical level she just doesn't "get it." Her whole career has been devoted to angrily denouncing purportedly racist whites for perceiving black people as crude racial stereotypes. But when has Maxine Waters ever behaved like anything OTHER than a crude racial stereotype? She is the classic loud-mouthed militant: really experienced at demanding respect from society, but not very experienced at earning respect.

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    She is one of the biggest racists around. She has far surpassed Jesse Jackson. She had the nerve to walk out on the meetings with Ashcroft, calling him a rascist. Well she is being investigated now and its about time. She never lets anyone speak as she is busy running her mouth and talking louder and over everyone else. Wish she would get impeached.

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    Thu Feb 01 2001


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    Fri Jan 26 2001

    Shrill one issue mouthpiece who leaves no room for honest dissent. Useless as legislator. Maintains powerbase by stirring racial fears. She and her ilk are worse than avowed white supremacists. At least latter are easy to see as idiots. Waters & Co. hide behind being black. Every dissenting opinion cast in ugly light of racism. Honest, hard working blacks (who are in the great majority) would be better off without this type of hyperbole generating media monger.

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    Wed Jan 24 2001

    There is no rating bad enough for Maxine Waters. New York! New York! What are you thinking? How could you do this to the rest of the nation? It's like you've hired a man dog to "take" for you! Step and listen! Get her out of there--we beg you!

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    Tue Jan 23 2001

    Maxine Waters is pretty much the same as most of the so called "Civil Rights Leadership" in this country. They (Jackson, Sharpton, and Waters) are all demagogues. If they truly want to help out blacks and minorities, then they would tell them to get an education and they would advocate lowering taxes to they would have the ability to go to their neighborhoods to establish businesses. They continue the so called "fight"; this kind of divisive politics only discredits black people even more and makes them feel like they are inferior. I just want to say that nobody is inferior, my Christian faith tells me that God created all in His image, we are all equals. Nobody will be "oppressed" or disenfranchised" if they do not allow themselves to be. Unfortunately, no one in the Conservative-Republican side advocates this message. Maybe in the 1940's and in the 1950's, it would have been more difficult for minorities to make it, but today, there is no excuse. All of the doors of opportunity are o... Read more

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    Mon Jan 22 2001

    BARF again...she misleads and loves to demonize people who disagrees with her just her....sickening... BJL

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    Fri Jan 19 2001

    As a minority, people like waters, jackson, sharpton(I believe it is), make me sick. When they open their mouth to speak, it is straight venom, hatred for those who don't believe the way they do. They have the guts to proclaim they are Christians, give me a break. The fruits of the Spirit --- gentleness, kindness, compassion,loving, tenderhearted,merciful, etc, things that are loving. I don't see it in them. Please people, they are dragging the minorities down the gutter with them. If you want to move up don't listen to them and those liberals. Even if there is not a hint of racism, the likes of these people make sure it is. Jackson, waters and sharp, they make themselves a judge, I wonder who died and made them God. That is why I am not a democrat. America is a great country, it is for all the people not just for the democrats, this is a country where we should agree to disagree. I am so fed up with these people, they need to get a life. Wake up and repent to the Lord. People of God d... Read more

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    Fri Jan 19 2001


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    Thu Jan 18 2001

    A magnificent lady and a true freedom fighter. She and her powerful sisters from the Congressional Black Congress stood as a beacon of light in the darkness as the U.S. Senate propped up an African-American legislator to certify the disenfranchisement of Florida's, and the United States of America's electorate. Shame on each and every cowardly Democratic Senator, including liberals like my own state's Kennedy and Kerry, who conspired to stifle the last honorable voice of dissent to the Republican coup d'état.