Approval Rate: 67%

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    Thu Jan 06 2011

    5 stars I don't like taking pills and I don't take them as directed, but this product definitely makes a difference with my energy level and focus. I have MS and Without question helps me get through the day...I'm probably deficient of something that this product works or triggers in my body chemistry.

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    Sun Aug 08 2010

    I've know numerous people who have tried MAX with either no results or bad results. In my opinion, MAX is just another Multi-Level company that marks prices way up (over 800%) so they can pay out bonuses to distributors that become part of their business pyramid. It's a cheap and unproven product with a massive markup. (Typical MLM)

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    Mon Jul 19 2010

    I took MAXGXL at the recommended dosage for four days and decided to stop. Although they say MAXGXL can provice mental clarity, it did the exact opposite for me. My mind was racing and I could not concentrate to the point it was difficult for me to even carryout my daily responsibilities at my work. I will say that I certainly felt less tired; however, this benefit was worthless if my brain couldn't function. You have to question why the company would recommend the same dosage for everyone, regardless of weight. They must do this in order to get you to purchase the maximum dosage each month so more money can be made. As for the energy I felt, I don't know how to describe it. It didn't feel like "natural" energy, that's for certain. I had to check my eyes out in the mirror because I felt like my pupils might be dialated; they weren't, thank goodness. I'm sure not all people will experience what I did. With that said, I'd be cautious about taking MAXGXL and listen to your bod... Read more

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    Tue Oct 13 2009

    My extended family has been on MaxGXL in varying doses for almost two years with no side effects and some amazing benefits. There are tens of thousands of people taking MaxGXL and, as with any supplement, I am sure there are some reported side-effects or reactions. In addition there are tens of thousands of incredible stories about improvement in health, immune system, mental clarity and vitality. In reading reviews it is always wise to look to the bias of the reviewer. I am a health care worker and share MaxGXL (in addition to other nutritional supplements from other companies) with people and let them make their own decisions after trying free samples and/or studying the literature. I believe in this product, in the research and developement behind it and in the people that form the company from owners to clinicians to people in the field sharing the Max story. We do this by directing people to the research, to the VETRIFIED studies on NAC and the other components in MaxGXL and... Read more

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    Sun Sep 13 2009

    Cysteine, contained in certain foods such as undenatured whey protein, may be the best food source of glutathione...Why? Should Max GXL Be monitored and forced to be prescribed? Why?Many Many Practitioners here in our community who work in HOlistic Wellness have developed severe ailments after using Max GXL for only a short period of time. Some have been hospitalized after ingesting especially with heart related and hypertensive conditions. Though no studies have been done or proof we all had too many scary stories to not stop taking it. And we found it hard to not take it. Like it was habit forming. Months have passed since weaning off of it and some have grown worse and or are still having frightening symptoms. One of the most frightening of all is:According to research conducted at the University of Virginia Health System, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can form a red blood cell-derived molecule that makes blood vessels think they are not getting sufficient oxygen. This leads to the devel... Read more

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    Wed Jun 17 2009

    I experienced an adverse reation when I took Max GXL as I was directed. I took the first packet at 3 o'clock on Sunday and the second packet on Monday morning. I first experienced extreme dry mouth that could not be quinched. The third packet was taken on Monday afternoon and the fourth packet on Tuesday morning. I was now beginning to experience joint pain, muscle weakness as well as muscle pain. The muscle pain was concentrated in my lower back. (After a month of not taking the MaxGXL I still have residual muscle pain in my lower back that is preventing me from working.) I took the last packet on Wednesday morning. By now my complcations had reached severe and was forced to discontinue taking Max GXL. I was told to cut back to only one pill per day and gradually build back up to the recommended dosage. Because one of my best friends was asking me to try Max GXL, I was tempted to continue. I am so grateful that I quit taking this suppliment because of the lingering side-ef... Read more

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    Tue Feb 17 2009

    Created by Dr. Keller after more then 10 years of research, MaxGXL is a patented glutathione accelerator that has been proven to raise glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is know as the "Master Antioxidant" and is found in every cell in the body. Several factors can cause low glutathione levels in the body including aging and exposure to toxins in our daily life. Many medical conditions have been associated with low glutathione levels and the list grows longer the more it is studied. At present, MaxGXL Glutathione Accelerator has been proven to raise gluthione levels and is the only method of accomplishing this via oral supplementation. MaxGXL has been proven to -Dramatically Raise Energy Levels -Strengthen Immune Systems -Fight Intracellular Inflammation -Slow the Aging Process Itself -Improve Athletic Performance and Recover Periods -Detoxify -Improve Mental Function and Clarity -Enhance Overall Sense of Well Being