
Approval Rate: 53%

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Just not at the dinner table, ok kids?

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    Sat Apr 10 2010

    A total stress reliever! Seriously, I see nothing wrong with doing it and I agree wholehaertedly with the old adage that, whoever denies ever doing it, is a liar. Pure and simple. It's totally healthy and sometimes the adequate relief (wink wink) isn't readily available to you. I would say the only times it becomes unhealthy is when: 1. You start to get sore. And trust me, you feel it. If you do it excessivley or if you do it in a way that hurts (totally defeating the purpose of it anyway), then it's time to stop for awhile. You usually feel a better a day or two later, and can resume :) 2. You don't wash up/clean up after doing it. That's gross. I don't think it's unhealthy to do it in a public place as long as it's IN a private area of THAT public place. To me, it gives me that extra "woosh!" because there's that intensely good feeling of possibly getting caught. (But I don't want to ACTUALLY get caught) Finally, when you abstain from it for 5-7 days or more, then when you fin... Read more

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    Fri Nov 20 2009

    My two best friends are 'Palm'ela Handerson, and Jackie

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    Sun May 03 2009

    If people do it, its fine as long as they keep it to themselves. One time, I went to a beach and some wierd hippie guy with a huge one was pullin on it. That was gross so I left. A co-worker asked me to take him to that place. He thought it was ok and wanted me to get naked. That is why gay (or almost gay) people need to "anounce" themselves so there will be no mixups. All I wanted to do was go swimming in the freaken lake. I did not want to see a live beat off demo. My day was ruined because of a pud whacker. I told the coworker it would be best for us not to socialize. I know the buddy system is supposed to be safe, but I swim alone now. I'm not into meat gayzing.

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    Fri Dec 19 2008

    I'm gonna go against the grain and say yes to this one.  Excessive masterbation can be unhealthy.  Masterbation itself is not a sin according to my Christian faith but lust is a sin and lust and masterbation pretty much go together.

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    Tue Dec 16 2008

    I don't really get what's bad about it :D

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    It's a healthy natural part of life and nothing to be ashamed of. It can be done solo or with another person and anyone who claims they have never masturbated, whether alone or with someone, is a liar.

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    Meh...there are far worse habits I can think of besides this.I mean unless your doing it and avoiding things like,working,washing,communicating with the outside world then Yeah it might what you would call a bad habit.

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    Doctors say its even good for your health.

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    Sun Nov 02 2008

    I had an interestinbg experience. usually when I maturbbate or have my wife do it she or i incorporate osme sort of anal penetration be it with fruit / finger or dildo but  at he weekend I went to a nudist beach ( i usually visit my local normanl beach in my g string as I havea tanned waxed butt and I lay on the sand and this guy lay down next to me and started masturbating me in front of everyone, males and females.  No one paid any attention to him so I let him finish and came all over my belly. I then went nude into the sea, cleaned off and went home.  Theres something different

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    Wed Apr 23 2008

    to each their own. just don't do it in front of me or in public and I do not care.

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    Tue Apr 22 2008

    I'm not sure how the rating scale works for this one. There are three things that, if practiced, can prevent masterbation from becoming a bad habit, a modicum of restraint, a polite level of discretion, and a good technique.And for the best quote on the subject, the always reliable Woody Allen once said that masterbation is like playing Bridge, if you don't have a good partner you need a good hand.

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    Sat Jan 05 2008

    It's safer than having sex, no risk of getting STDs or a kid. And theres nothing bad about it unless your doing it way too much or in public places.

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    Sat Jan 05 2008

    What the hell are you saving it for?

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    Mon Dec 10 2007

    The only reason it can be a bad habit is for the risk of injury, which is minimal.

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    I don’t give a rat’s ass if you spank your monkey.  But if you’re going to do it,  you better make it quick before Ceiling Cat(or parents) catch you.

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    Tue Sep 18 2007

    Quite contrary.  Event when I had girls friends, it was something I looked forward to!!  Feels GREAT!

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    Fri Aug 17 2007

    Thats not a bad habit.I do it all time.Your partner if you have one can't be available 24hrs a day to fulfill your needs so you just take care of your own.

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    Wed Aug 08 2007

    Oscargamblesfro's comment on masturbation (BTW, what were you smokin' at the time, dude?): "Wiseguy wrote Maggie Thatcher 5 times- forget about choking the chicken that'll make you want to choke... period... don't know too many people with a thing for old authoritarian British men in drag, but I guess there's a first for everything..."SilverFox: Hey, oscargamblesfro below. I know. I know exactly what you mean. I think I do. Maybe I do, but I'm not absolutely certain, so let me ask you this. WTF are you saying? You thought about Maggie Thatcher five times in a row trying to get yourself into an erotic mood, but you couldn't do the deed because your mental picture morphed into a chicken being choked by a British drag queen, but you're hoping that it will work the next time, which would be a first for you? Got it.As for me, I'm trying to remember if it's a bad habit. It's been soooooo long. But I'm not one to brag, I mean, complain, or something. The blow-up doll I got who looks like Jenn... Read more

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    Wed Aug 08 2007

    Masturbation should be mandatory. For folks in prison, that is. They need their private time, just like the rest of us. It would solve a lot of problems.

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    Mon Jul 30 2007

    Wow....genius...think of all the time and money to be saved here. Do away with jail time, stop smoking programs, rehab...just hold masturbation clinincs.

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    Wed Jun 13 2007

    Just do it on your own time and in private please.

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    Wed Jun 06 2007

    Long distance relationships can suck, so why not? It also gives you something to do if you're bored.

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    better than nothing

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    Hey young people, If you use your left hand it'll feel like someone else!Wasn't it Rodney Dangerfield who said, "Poor! We were so poor if I hadn't been a boy, I'd had nothing to play with?"Or, how about the old joke....Little boy gets caught by his mother masterbating. She screams and hollers and tells him it will make him go blind. Little boy says, " Well can I just do it 'til I need glasses?"

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    True, you might be doing it, move over and let Schaddy-baby help you...too bad those masturbation sleeves don't come with French cuffs...I got some old cuff links I'd like to use again.

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    It's not a bad habit, it's perfectly natural. It's only a bad habit when you're doing it wrong. Heck, it's probably more pleasurable than other things you could possibly do.

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    Wed Mar 21 2007

    To addicting cant stop

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    Wed Mar 14 2007

    Its only a BAD habit if you're doing it wrong.

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    Wed Mar 14 2007

    I always liked the old Redd Foxx joke- "We were so poor when I was a kid in St. Louis, that if I hadn't of been a boy, I wouldn't have had nothin' to play with." When Lenny Bruce was on trial for obscenity, he wanted his lawyer to ask potential jurors whether they masturbated. If they denied it, Bruce wanted them disqualified, as that denial branded them as dishonest liars in his mind.

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    Wed Mar 14 2007

    Wiseguy wrote Maggie Thatcher 5 times- forget about choking the chicken that'll make you want to choke... period... don't know too many people with a thing for old  authoritarian British men in drag, but I guess there's a first for everything...

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    Thu Aug 24 2006

    it't not that fun. hormonally whacked out i enjoy it.

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    Thu Aug 03 2006

    I tried switching hands once in midstream and it was as if my left hand had the palsy or something. Nearly broke the damn thing.

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    Wed Aug 02 2006

    Yes!it is bad the most positive way.

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    Thu May 18 2006

    After all these years I thought it was a necessity not a habit. Oh well, I guess I'm addicted then.

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    Tue May 02 2006

    When something is "habitual" it is done without thinking.So if someone is wanking themself in public,thats a bad habit-but what folks do in private with their own bodies is fine with me.In fact,some of the grouches we deal with probably need to "take care of business" and lighten up!

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    Tue May 02 2006

    One friend's drunken comment: "F**k it. It's too fun to quit."

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    Tue May 02 2006

    Bad habit? Only if your doing it wrong...

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    Sat Apr 29 2006

    it's all worthwhile, as long as something comes from it...

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    This is a natural practice to relieve you from stress by fantasies and you are not harming anybody.

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    I dont consider this a bad habit unless you are masturbating in public.

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    She's not naked on a cold day, is she?

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    Sat Apr 01 2006

    How could this possible be a bad habit. If we were not meant to masterbate, our hands would have been attached to our shoulders. It's a good stress reliever, it's a physical and emotional outlet and it releases a good dose of endorphins.

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    Thu Mar 16 2006

    Oh, c'mon! How can it be anything less than 5 of 5!?!? Gotta dig it! I wholeheartedly agree with Silverlock. Look, if "God" (insert favorite omnipotent deity here) hadn't wanted us to do it, He (She?) would certainly not have made it so pleasurable. I prefer to think of it as a little reward that we get for all the nastiness we have to endure as mortals. There are also definite health benefits from masturbation. Who knows, maybe "Heaven" (insert favorite eternal utopia here) is nothing more than everlasting sexual ecstasy... Anyone who says they don't do it, or at least don't enjoy it, seriously needs to seek qualified psychological help to deal with the crippling guilt (IMO, of course). Seriously, it's there for the taking - It's meant to be enjoyed! Fantasy is definitely NOT correlated in reality, that's why it's called "fantasy". Live it up!

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    Hey what's so bad about this? This is America dudes!

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    Sat Feb 25 2006

    I know a guy who did this.I thought he'd have a bad sex life,but to my surprise,he held his

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    Thu Feb 23 2006

    There is no reason to feel guilty about masturbating. It's a physical necessity, particularly if you are not having sex. For males it relieves the physical build up of sperm that occurs in the testicles - notice if you don't masturbate you will tend to have dreams that have the same effect because the body naturally requires this release as it continues to produce sperm. It needs to get rid of the old to make room for the new. For females (and also males) it is a very effective reliever of frustration and stress. If thinking from a religious perspective, I personally think that if God didn't want us to do it, it wouldn't feel so good and it wouldn't have the health benefits that it does. I think sometimes (amongst other reasons) religious people feel guilty about masturbating because they feel bad about the thoughts they are having at the time as they conflict with their values. My feeling is that we expect too much from ourselves - we can only be who we are and if we're meant to ... Read more

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    Thu Feb 23 2006

    Difficult to see how. For males, doing it frequently actually reduces the chance of prostrate cancer by a third.

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    Sat Jan 21 2006

    I do not in any way see this as a bad habit. It's better than raping someone, don't ya think? Plus, it's a good stress release and feels sooo doggone good!