Masters of Horror: John Carpenter: Pro-Life

When a scared 15-year-old girl (Caitlin Wachs) goes to an isolated clinic to end her pregnancy, her anti-abortion ...

Approval Rate: 50%

50%Approval ratio

Reviews 5

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    Okay, so I've seen quite a few episode's of Master's Of Horror and to tell you the truth 95% are not that great. But I really liked this one, I don't know what it is about it but I liked it. I see alot of folk's didn't care for it but hey, everyone is different. Anyhow a young girl get's inpregnanted by a demon and goes to have an abortion while in the meantime her father and brother's think it's a child from god and try to force her to keep it. Of course she trie's anyway's because she know's the truth about it but her crazy father chase's her to the clinic, which by the way is like a small fortress. So she get's in and her father get angry and from there insue's gun battle's, demon babie's, torture and the one thing I didn't like......the ending. If you must know about it, the girl has the baby which is like a spider/baby, the demon which imprenanted her show's up and just when you think thing's are gonna get better it doesn't. You see the demon baby get's killed but yet the demon do... Read more

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    Mon Nov 24 2008

    A 15 year old girl gets impregnated by the devil when he comes up from underground one lazy summer night and pulls her down into hell for some rough sex. One morning while running in the woods she is nearly hit by a car whose two occupants happen to be on their way to work at the local women's clinic. They take her in to see if she is okay from the accident and then find out that she is with child. Soon the clinic is invaded by her father a God fearing, gun loving, and abortion hating madman played by Ron Perlman. He is not the only problem as they soon find out that the child's father may in fact be the devil himself. The staff and other patients at the hospital are caught in the middle of a deadly war between the two dads. The violence and special effects in this movie are very gross and very graphic. The spider baby is especially gross to look at and when the devil finally appears his scaly body and horns are a bit much. Either way this film sucks it doesn't look or have any of the ... Read more

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    Sun Nov 02 2008

    I was satisfied with the product and the time it took to get to me. :)

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    Sat Nov 01 2008

    This movie is awful in so many ways. The only good acting was by Pearlman, up until he get into the clinic gates, then the writing turn his character into something that no matter how good the actor, it just came off juvenile. People who gave this 4 and 5 stars are either delusional or have not seen his earlier work. Carpenter has graduated to making con art with his films. Im guessing he wrote this is 30 mins for a quick buck. the plot isnt evening worth being described as B movie-esque or mocking or a throw back to. If you have netflix it might be worth watching for a good laugh. The general concept was a good idea but the poor writing and acting made it a lame attempt.

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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    ...and cliched. Another Hollywood picture depicting pro-lifers as murderous whackjobs, and the abortionists as, well, saints. There really isn't much thinking going on among the filmmakers. Girl gets knocked up by Satan while she's on her swing. Flees to abortion center (improbably located in the middle of a forest) to have fetus terminated. Pro-life Dad and brothers show up and--like all good Christians would, shoot people--blood sprays, brains splatter. Girl's water breaks while she's on exam table, feet in stirrups, spraying white caustic slime all over the room. And so on. This is just a lame-brain gross-out movie. It wouldn't entertain a retarded monkey. Skip it. I like Ron Perlman, and it grieves me to see him in a piece of dreck like this one. Oh, and Satan's baby scuttles around on king crab legs.