Marriage is stupid, useless

Approval Rate: 44%

44%Approval ratio

Reviews 22

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    Thu Apr 24 2008


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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    Much like this weblist, frankly. I commented what I think of this list elsewhere, on the You are God item, but it bears repeating here. This is a simplistic and over-directed list, designed to further an agenda than to stimulate anything like a rational series of comments or debate.

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    That's hardly progressive thinking. Haha, burn from the single guy...

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    Then be ready to answer when your child asks you why were you stupid and useless when you got married? You are giving your child the right to call you stupid and useless. Will your child respect you afterwards?

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    Stupid is as stupid does...

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    Mon Dec 12 2005

    We just want it to be universal.

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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    Maybe in Hollywood.

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    Wed Aug 17 2005

    One would wonder why a Progressive would teach marriage is stupid/useless, but then fight for it to be allowed for homosexuals. Seems kinda like a stupid position either way!

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    Wed Mar 16 2005

    Ahh. . so much anger on this list. Well, the 20th century has had a wonderful divorce rate, eh? Are people happier now than 100 years ago? Do they feel safer? I think gay people have the right to f#ck up the alleged institution of marriage as much as straight people. . .although straight people have had plenty of practice.

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    Mon Mar 14 2005

    There is a problem with younger girls primarily who are taught the most important thing is for them to get married. These girls generally will fall for the first guy who'll marry them and knock them up. Marriage is the most healthy institution that can be preserved in society. Married people are generally more happy, well adjusted and productive. There is a natural process to life and pair bonding is a huge part of the process, so far from being stupid and useless, it's necessary and healthy.

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    Sun Mar 13 2005

    Couldn't have said it any better !! In this day and age, it's no longer needed. Back in ye olden times, an agrarian society thrived when large families were required to perform the back-breaking labor necessary to not only keep food on the table, but to trade for other goods and services (more often, ones which kept the circle of agriculture revolving more smoothly). With the church in obscene power, you couldn't just shack up; it had to be sanctified and have the appearance of piety. Thus, modern-style marriage came about, still an unholy union between government and the kirk.

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    Sun Mar 13 2005

    I don't know how anyone can come to a ridiculous conclusion like this. How is marriage stupid? I can't imagine the sadness, bitterness or feeling of rejection that someone would have just to believe in this.

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    i think perhaps it would be best to teach children that marriage isn't stupid, but much more multi-faceted than they are led to believe. it'll only help them more in the future that they know marriage doesn't not just have to exist between a man and a woman, but that it can and will one day exist between loving homosexual couples as well.

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    Thu Mar 10 2005

    This is far from the truth. If marriage is not used responsibally, then it is stupid and useless. Since there is so much unfaithfulness, that is why there is so much adultery and heartache. The reason why there is unfaithfulness is because people choose partners for the wrong reasons. If they choose them for their physical characteristics or their popularity, you are really taking a gamble. If you get attracted to fleshly things, then you will be let down. If people got attracted to goodness and spiritual things, so much pain could be avoided because those people wouldn't go with someone who was going to be unfaithful to them. There are a whole lot of reasons why marriage doesn't work such as a lack of communication, partners not expressing their love enough, boring partners who never want to take their partner out anywhere, selfishness, husbands and wives not fulfilling their marital roles, a lack of respect and another problem is that marriage isn't taken seriously. Now days,... Read more

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    Sat Dec 04 2004

    if marriage isn't taken seriously (Jo-lo for example)then yes it is stupid and useless - but on the other hand, most people marry because they love their spouse and want to be with them for the rest of their lives. So why the hell is that stupid?

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    Fri Dec 03 2004

    I think this web list is pointless too (as are about 30 - 50% in the Web List section including several of my own). But you shouldn't have to bother countering with a conservative ideology list scarlet when you could simply point out all the flaws in this one. As to the topic: Well, yes when it involves stupid and useless people - as it often appears to - marriage seems to be exactly that. But the only ones who are in a position to judge are the two people involved.

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    These are the words of a young fool. I can say that I have learned that marriage is a lifesyle. If you are happy with total freedom and no accountability to anyone but yourself, then live that way. Somehow I still believe it is part of our make up to not want to get old and die alone. Old age/Maturity usually makes us see thigs a little differently.

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    magellan you are so progessive. Attacking a harmless weblist because you don't get. Don't get what? At least Magellan has a command of the English language. And for the record, this harmless weblist is very incendiary, and designed to make fun of a significant segment of the population that Beloved obviously dislikes. I'm sure if I countered with a Best Conservative Ideology to Teach your Kids weblist, the Whaas Whaas would be deafening, and Lawrence's inbox would be overflowing with complaints. UPDATE: Oh Beloved, you're such a card. You really slay me.

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    Thu Dec 02 2004

    update...Ohh I seem to have pushed scarey and magellans hot button some how...Bad Bad beloved. magellan you are so progresive. Attacking a harmless weblist, because you don't get. Whaaa Whaaaa Whaaaa

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    One of my life goals is to marry the love of my life. Marriage--the unity between two people--is not stupid and FAR from useless.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    It's funny, this does seem to be progressive conventional wisdom, but gays (a few of them, anyway) and their sympathizers, are willing to break the law to be able to do it.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    moronic, partisan, unthinking weblist.