Marlboro Menthol
Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by cancerstixrock
Mon Jan 18 2010they dont get old, or booring. they taste great. lots of minty menthol flavor with enough cigarette taste with a good amount of mind nummbing nicotine.
by jew4tee
Fri Nov 06 2009I smoked the menthol 100s for almost 10 years, I quit a couple of weeks ago so now im online just trying to justify going back to smoking. i wont though. damn
by datak1ll
Mon Sep 14 2009This is probably one of the most addictive menthol products i've smoked. Originally i began smoking at the age of 12 - which = cloves/ yes the pussy shit - after about 5 years of puffing clove and poor quality indian smoke, i picked up camel wides [menthol] which got me stuck on the flavor of menthol. [the camels have a sort of weedy taste when you start smoking them] which i completely enjoyed. after that kick wore off they began to taste like trash. now age 22 i've been smoking marlboro menthols for the better part of 3 years and i wouldn't change a thing, they have an amazing flavor - a nice fiber glass bite, and all the cancer causing goodness i could ever hope to put into my decrepid body. 5 stars
by rioteric
Wed Aug 12 2009i smoked a variety of cigarettes, when i started. i orginally smoked camel 9s (terrible) and then i smoked newports (terrible) and a friend has marlboro menthol 100s and i got hooked :) i love them, only cigarette i've ever smoked that i don't get sick of. i love the taste, and i don't really taste the "after taste" i've been smoking these for 8 months now, and don't plan to switch any time soon.
by pcpeter774
Wed Jul 22 2009They are ok for menthols. Actually they are ok considering they are marlboro product. The Blend 54's are better.
by richie_roosta
Sat Jul 18 2009they were great at first. cause i smoke newports and they were close. but I started to get really bad migrains from them and they made me naushas. i kno like 7 other people who got the same simtoms from when they started to smoke them. my guess they have to much fiberglass in them.
by rickytickytapp_y
Thu Jul 02 2009Headache inducing. Poor flavor for menthol. If you want to go with Marlboro for menthol, go with the Milds.
by wilsongolfer3
Mon Jun 29 2009Very Good Menthol cigarette. I started smoking these because I live in the Deep South, and everybody was labelin me a "nigger" for smokin Newports, so I wanted to start smokin a "country boy cigarette" like everybody said. They had a very strong almost synthetic menthol taste at the beginning which I grew to like. The only reason I stopped smokin these is because i found the Blend 54s which were 1.98, so of course I bought a pack of those and fell in love.
by ashlynnbrookef_anxxx
Wed May 27 2009i used to smoke them when they were the only thing my sister had, and they weren't half bad. i like how it kinda has a minty taste. :)
by mcnuggetizer
Mon Apr 27 2009I'm a 15 year old smoker. I went to red's first. I really loved them, switched to newport then to these and I love them.Very smooth smoke, give a reasonable buzz, overall good cig.
by peacher213
Wed Apr 15 2009My Favorite cig...They are a little strong, But not nearly as strong as a newport..overall a very smooth taste. I love marlboro cigarettes
by und3rag3dipp3r_lulz
Mon Mar 16 2009These are decent, I prefer smooths or milds because Marlb Menthol is SO DAMN STRONG!
by blazin83
Wed Mar 04 2009the perfect cig, it has my heart... cough cough and lungs
by fatdude32
Tue Feb 24 2009These are alright i prefer lights leaves you a little dizzy and doesnt even have the great tobacco taste. I dont smoke these often but beware these things are addicting as hell!
by bball123
Tue Dec 30 2008These cigarettes are okay, but i prefer marlboro reds.
by finaldream
Wed Dec 10 2008wow these cigarettes were amazing i loved them they taste so good like mint. They dont leave a shit taste in your mouth like the basics eww never try basic they are the most disgusting cigarettes i have ever had. but seriously i love the menthol my favorite
by urethralicker
Mon Nov 24 2008My friend bought a pack and he gave me one; I had never tried menthol before so I was excited. They smell so good and minty. But when I took a drag, it was awful. Very strong that I couldn't even get the taste of the tobacco, just bittery menthol. I didn't get as light-headed as I usually do with these cigarettes, that was the only good part. If you really want a good cigarette, than go with Newport. Or just don't smoke menthols at all, they are nasty.
by tiffybaby87
Sun Nov 23 2008I love marlboro menthol! I was smoking newports, but I switched to these & I have to say they are the best. tiff- (21)
by jderidder
Sun Oct 19 2008i used to smoke these a year ago constantly. they are a good cigarette. I mostly smoke reds or camel filters, but I have cravings for these a lot still
by formyfor0
Thu Oct 02 2008Smoked this when I first started, addicted, other brands aren't a comparison
by stedlund
Tue Sep 23 2008the worst menthol cig i have ever had, u want a good menthol, try camel menthol
by formyfor
Sat Sep 20 2008i started smoking this a year ago, i was in hk now im in canada there is no cigs that can be any better than this yet but i dont smoke light though, the original menthol one anyone has suggestions?
by nuckafosho
Tue Sep 16 2008all i can say is there THE shit im only 14 but i smoked these for almost 6 months tho i switch between these and newports all my black and mexican friends smoke them...
by cnvaldez
Wed Sep 10 2008Once again any Marlboro is good...
by thebushhead
Tue Aug 19 2008I fucking love these even though im only 15, they are so delicious and especially minty if you havent had one in awhile, but extremely addictive, i have found myself chainsmoking these until my whole pack is gone,for a good menthol try these, or my secon favorite, camel frost. I LOVE MARLBORO MENTHOL!!!!
by sekki19
Sun Jul 27 2008is it true that menthol cigarettes can cause infertility among men?
by wafflekinglol
Tue Jun 24 2008They take a while to burn, taste good, leave you buzzed, but are ADDICTIVE! Watch out when you smoke these, because you'll go through 8 in an hour, no joke.
by mmr4234
Wed Jun 04 2008I enjoy smoking Marlboro Menthol 100's. These are really good cigarettes. Pretty darn good menthol flavor. I usually smoke Benson and Hedges Menthols--which I highly recomend. Marlboro Menthol is slowly becoming my favorite, though. I recomend both Benson and Hedges Menthols and Marlboro Menthol 100's. Both are good cigarettes.
by khanio
Sun Mar 02 2008MArlbro Menthol is the best.
by mrtuner
Fri Feb 15 2008i used to smoke menthol but then i switched back to non menthol and now i can stand them. they are a bit weak. but they are ok when it comes to menthols.
by allstar87
Wed Feb 13 2008i used to smoke these until i tried camel menthol lights. these leave a bad taste in your mouth and the menthol is a little much. camel menthol lights are so much better man!
by limpbizchick
Wed Feb 13 2008i usually smoke the regular marlboro menthol or the menthol smooth. i like the smooths alot b/c it reminds me of a peppermint patty. i do get tired of them after a while and switch to good ole newport. the menthol lights is ok, i only get them when they are buy one get one free otherwise i dont
by headson
Wed Jan 23 2008you should mix it with weed man, its the best.
by smishoe
Sun Jan 06 2008is there fiberglass in marlboro menthol lights?
by drkseph
Mon Dec 31 2007I'm not a very big menthol smoker but when I do smoke menthol I always pick up a pack of MB menthol since they taste better than Newport and MB smooth. However they are kinda rough and something tells me Camel menthe are probably better.
by jebril
Wed Sep 05 2007These are so bad when compared to other cigarattes (especially Camel), there's way too much menthol in them so your tounge almost feels numb cold. It doesn't even become enjoyable I don't know how Marlboro plans to keep you addicted with bad tasting cigarattes. They also make me light headed.
by fredisnotdead
Sun Aug 12 2007two words marlboro sucks try camel or newport or kool
by gdm715a7
Fri Jul 06 2007Tried em in Febuary when they came out and turned out they were great all my friends who had smoked other menthols turned to the Smooths themselves I really enjoy the minty flavor its different than your regular menthol not to menntion they taste way better than the regular Marlboro menthol they provide a great head rush and have a good taste. In fact my father who had been smoking Salem Lights for years took a hit off the first one I had then asked for another hit and ended up smoking one himself He ended up switching brands and Im not complaining about the prices I can pick up 2 cartons in Kentucky for $30 with the promotional sale of course all in all Smooths my new brand!!
by mondurloe
Wed Jun 27 2007I've never really detested a Marlboro product,but these are just awful.The mint flavor overwhelms the tobacco and presents much to be desired especially from a P.M. brand.
by tjw4rd
Fri May 25 2007after trying a few menthol brands, l&b;, richmond and mmayfair i was inclined to try these as my girlfeinds smokes these these. so i did just that also and i liked them quite alot, very minty though, but dont let this put you off them, they are a nice smoke, and give a good head rush, not my fav menthols that i have tried, but id still buy them again, for the mintiness.
by diprosopus
Thu May 17 2007First menthol I've ever had. Really enjoyed it, especially compared to the 2nd worst cigarette i've had, the marlboro light. Worst had to be mustang generics. If you're shopping around menthol flavors, it's worth a try. Not great but a nice changeup, only bummed one, doubt I'd buy a pack simply because I detest the marb lights.
by reeeree
Fri May 04 2007VERY MINTY. but they taste like shit to me. It doesn't have that cigarette flavor most brands have, it just takes like paper on fire, pure black smoke, with a minty flavor. But damn they give you a head rush like reds. i dont smoke menthols though, i smoke turkish royal
by zoeylove
Sun Apr 15 2007I would have to say these are pretty damn good !! I prefer Kools but these are really smooth and fresh! My boyfreind who smokes non menthol says they are pretty good!
by dafirm
Sun Mar 18 2007Marlboro smooths da best!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by extreme4488
Sat Mar 10 2007Marlboro Smooths are my new favorite marb menthols! Its like a minty atomic bomb went off in my mouth and slaughtered all my taste buds with amazing flaver! The filters dont get smushy near the end of the ciggarette so its easy to completely extinguish the cherry. Regular marb menthols have a really squishy filter but their still pretty good. The best thing about smooth's are that when you smoke it, it gets better and better until your done smoking! then you have to smoke another! Cancer be damned! I LOVE MY CANCER STICKS !!!!
by cotton248
Sat Feb 24 2007I personally wont smoke anything other than Marlboro Menthols, but the Marlboro Smooth Menthol that was just released is very good....
by hollywoodisund_ead
Thu Feb 22 2007this is what i smoke they are the best after marlboro 27s