
Approval Rate: 62%

62%Approval ratio

Reviews 47

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    Wed Jun 22 2011

    Best thing ever. It all depends on what your smoking to if it is good or not and the mood around you. No one likes bad trips!

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    Mon May 23 2011

    Legalize it and tax it!

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    Sun May 08 2011

    i can see why some people would smoke this shit all day erry day. if people say weed isn't addicting then they are definitely wrong. when i was coming off i wanted more so badly. also, damn them munchies. i was going to a barbecue after i smoked a bowl and took two bong tokes, and i made my buddy take me to burger king on the ride to the BBQ. all and all, i say its cool if you use it in moderation, just don't be a crackhead with it.

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    Sun Feb 27 2011

    Really, i dont consider this a drug at all, its amazing i fucking love! :D

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    Wed Jan 12 2011

    best drug in the world.

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    Tue Nov 23 2010

    Can be fun and enjoyable but don't overdo it and become a total pothead who does nothing but wake n bake and smoke allll day evrrrrrrrrrrry day who lets their entire life revolve around herb and getting high, and all of their friends are like this too. Works best if you vaporize it. Eating it in prepared food can be fun too but it does last a long time and makes you very very high. Do not drive while high or when you are intoxicated. I do not use anything illegal now at all.

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    Tue Sep 14 2010

    I've smoked some pot, but not for years. I don't really have a problem w/decriminalizing it on a medicinal scale. What's pretty funny is that I think I smoked marijuana the most when I went to community college :P I don't know, but that just sounds funny.

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    Mon Jun 21 2010

    Least harmful drug that isn't addictive. The good thing is I can smoke it, which I haven't done for a while and sleep. They should legalize it for people with insomnia. I'd much rather get stoned than drunk. Can't overdose on it either. I don't see why it's not legal.

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    Mon May 17 2010

    A big part of the reason why weed is illegal is because of the stupid, bullshit racism & stereotypes (etc) that started way back in the day. The Government are douche bags. A lot of intelligent, classy, well rounded people smoke it. THC has been found to reduce tumor growth in common lung cancer by 50 percent and to significantly reduce the ability of the cancer to spread. Aswell as A LOT of other medical benefits. And if you just smoke it to get high, who cares? It is a lot safer than other things that are perfectly legal. It's just calm and relaxing. Worst case senario: You run out of cheetos and need to get off your ass to go to the store to get some more, lol. I've been smoking it for three years now and I am still as intelligent as I was before, and I don't have any health problems caused by it. Infact it has helped reduce chronic muscle pain aswell as other problems associated with my b12 deficiency & hypothyroidism. If you don't smoke it, fine. If you do, spark it up! :)

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    Sat Dec 12 2009

    I hear it's great for medicinal purposes! Did I spell medicinal right? hehehehe

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    Thu Oct 01 2009

    It's just a cheap, inexpensive drunk. Though I might not partake, it should be a legal choice to make.

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    Thu Jul 30 2009


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    Sat Jul 18 2009

    Marijuana is LEGAL in the US. ... you guys just live in the wrong states. Why are you unnecessarily risking forfeiture and arrest? You too can enjoy buying, growing, and smoking marijuana legally in the US, in 5 easy steps... Step 1. Move to California, Colorado, or any of the dozen or so states that have legalized the medical use of pot. Do your research, Gilligan. Step 2. See a a doctor, physical therapist, massage therapist, or other health professional, for your pain, stress, anxiety, PMS, or other qualifying condition. One visit is all you need. Step 3. Take your records, or just a record for one visit (which you are legally entitled to as a patient), or a letter stating that you have been treated for whatever condition, to the physician at any Medical Marijuana Clinic, and get your Medical Marijuana Prescription, paperwork, and ID card. Costs about a hundred bucks, and your Rx is good for a year. Step 4. Visit your corner pot club and buy any kind of dank bud you want, has... Read more

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    Fri Jun 12 2009

    i was against this stuff until i heard a debate on it, the reasons for it being illegal are idiotic, it is proven to be better for you and less harmful in any way than tobacco and alcohal. so i did my own expierment with this plant and i found every bit of it enjoyable and i am mad cuz it is illegal and to many people just have a wrong image of what it really is

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    Thu May 07 2009

    Only two things I can knock on this. 1. It can cause terrible paranoia and 2. IT STAYS IN YOUR SYSTEM FOR WEEKS!

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    Tue Apr 21 2009

    I live in the U.S. where this herb is illegal. I think it's funny how this country has spent trillions of dollars on the 'war on drugs' and the only thing to show for it is debt. ;People could be happier, people could be free, we could be the richer which is obviously what this country cares about, but yet they still continue to fight against this subtle, peaceful herb. I'm not here to complain, cause legally, or illegally, I will still happily smoke weed for the rest of my life. P.S. as time goes on, the bud gets even danker...mmm

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    Sun Feb 15 2009

    The perfect drug to me. Its safe, and extremely nice. The least negative effects out of everything I've done, including legal drugs. In a way, the only thing I see wrong with it is that it's illegal, which I'm highly against. But I think its good to smoke some weed at some point in life for most people. I hate to recommend drugs, and I'm not. I just think it helped me come in touch with some things I may have not opened my mind to without it. And some of those things have become my passion's in life. So it really opened the doors to a better quality of life for me. However, if you smoke it too much, you'll probably be more lazy and your mind may get a little dull if you smoke everyday. I'm not saying I'm against your use if you do choose to smoke every day, I'm just saying that's how its used to effect me, and that's why I quit. But I still agree that it's highly pleasurable and possibly even good to use in some ways.

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    Sun Feb 08 2009

    I love the stuff, and I love it excessively. Now, pot may not be for everyone, and if you want a normal life you better not love it too much. But for some people who could care less about holding some useless position at a useless company pot is not an issue, so go preach to someone else on moderation you self-righteous ass holes. People are smart enough to lead their own lives.

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    Tue Jan 13 2009

    Good stuff is the shit, turns doing nothing into the funnest event ever. Cheap stuff can be extracted into veggie oil to make foods. So can the better stuff, but for special occasion. LEGALIZE IT!

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    Tue Jan 13 2009

    It doesn't bring people to violence, unlike alcohol. I don't feel bad hours later or the next day, unlike alcohol. It's less harmful than alcohol. It helps me sleep easier at night, but so does alcohol sometimes :P My dad would be more tolerable on pot, unlike alcohol.

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    Fri Dec 12 2008

    good for the mind.  extremely healthy.  if you've ever been high and didn't like it then your probably a homosexual who poors out your longnecks of michelobe ultra then sits on the bottles for extreme plessure!

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    Fri Dec 12 2008

    XTZ pill is a potent mixture of effective natural components and herbs that will boost your stamina to such an extent that you will remain fresh and active throughout an all-night party. It will not only heighten your stamina but also ignite your sexual passion so that you can enjoy the party to the utmost.

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    I don't smoke weed but I am definatly not against it if we are a democracy and about 45-50% of americans fully support legalizing it why hasn't it been done???? No instead they let young people mess up their lives getting into drug dealing and people getting sick smoking bad weed but the people in wasington don't care they just want to look like they are doing something good for "the kids" Bool Shit

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    i love pruple kush and kronic

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    i luv mj

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    not a big fan, does hit the spot once in awhile. good to clean the tobacco out of my lungs. usually i would rather just get drunk

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    Mon Sep 22 2008


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    Wed Sep 03 2008

    I would say 5 out of 5, if you don't like it then don't smoke it

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    Wed Aug 27 2008

    loved it for years

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    Tue Aug 19 2008

    i hate everything hippie

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    Mon Aug 11 2008

    Oh yeah one other thing! Marijuana actually does kill brain cells so whoever says it doesn't is wrong. It's been medicaly proven. I always forget stuff and I always lose my things because of it. Not good /= If your going to smoke something smoke Hookah or Cigarettes. They don't kill your brain and have less tar then Marijuana.

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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    I personally think its a great way of thinking is, personal responsibility and individual liberty, just because one single group of people do not like something doesn't mean we screw everyone else of the right. Most people in the US have tried marijuana that is an undisputed fact. It has so many different healing uses and is just a all around gift of nature, for those that have the argument of the smoking "killing brain cells" you can eat it, you can use a vaporizer and get the same healing/euphoric effects all without any damage whatsoever to your lungs. Something I definitely consider watching is the documentary called "Grass":

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    Thu Aug 07 2008


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    Wed Aug 06 2008

    This was always the come down at the end of the night drug.. could never function day to day with it though... laugh too much and eyes all squinted...

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    I don't smoke marijuana, but I don't hold it against others who do. I just draw the line on others doing so if they're responsible for the lives of other individuals while under the influence of marijuana, or any other drug and alcohol.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    Mmm.. I enjoy the Mota

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    Sat Jul 19 2008


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    Sat Jul 19 2008

    Throughout my 2 pregnancies I have smoked occasionally to help with nausea, mood swings, and the inability to eat due to nausea. Neither of my children have any birth defects and my doctor actually said, "Ok. Your drug test came up positive for Marijuana. I can't legally tell you to do it, but here are the benefits...." The only downfall is that you're smoking something and it kills brain cells. I slept better, ate well, and it instantly cured my nausea. Mommy being happy, well fed and without stress is SO GOOD for baby!

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    Fri Jul 18 2008

    gets rid of headaches,nausha,and helps relaxe and calm the nerves.cancer patients use it in small doses to help sickness feeling.

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    Fri Jul 18 2008

    I won't judge you for doing it, but you may wanna wait til they legalize it. Hey, don't be pessimistic, we're bound to get another Democrat in office.

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    Fri Jul 18 2008


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    Fri Jul 18 2008


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    Wed Jul 16 2008

    it is awsome ya

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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    I use to smoke weed but i just dont like it. It doesnt give you the feeling all the time. and when the feeling is over its boring. you just wasted 10 mins of your life and you gain alot of weight from the munchies.

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    The facts are that it's about as addicting and dangerous as caffiene.  Alcohol is WAY more dangerous to the human body but it doesn't have the political opposition marijuana has.  How many people beat their wives when their high on grass? How many beat their wives when their drunk? See what I mean? I'm not even getting into it's proven medical benefits such as for cataract sufferers. Plus if marijuana is legalized by the US Govt. (something that will never happen) farmers would have a new crop to grow that would get them out of their debt. America would suddenly have a new income and the money to pay off this grossly expensive and needless Iraq war George Bush got us into and buyers of this mild drug would get a safe inspected product bought in stores rather than take their chances on the black market.  Must America always be so judgemental? If the drug is basically harmless then legalize it.  If you don't want to smoke it than no one is forcing you to, if you don't want your kids to s... Read more

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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    But don't tell the wief.

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    Sun Jun 29 2008

    The only thing I got against it is it kills brain cells.  I think even good people (docotors, proffesors etc) use it recreationally.  I don't think its a big deal, if you have your priorities straight and just smoke here and there. Probably be less crime if it was legal too.  Also to date, their has not been a single fatality from "over dosing" on marijuana.  A Fact.