Mariah Carey

Approval Rate: 77%

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    Wed Aug 12 2009

    Mariah Carey is my Hero. Ever since I was little her music has inspired me. Its so much more deep and personal than most artist can sing about. I can actually relate to her music and feel better after listening to it. She is a great person. You may have heard shes a "Diva" but thats honestly not true, and only her real fans understand that. you really have to know more about mariah to understand that its really okay to have a few DIVA moments. She has worked to be were she is and her success proves it. Mariah is absolutely the best singer of all time no singer will ever compare to her greatness (;

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    This one reminds me of the self-impressed chick at high school Talent Night who took a few voice lessons and then insisted on displaying her instruction, for good or bad.  Her music is so vapid, synthetic and uncompelling that you have to wonder who listens to this crap.  12 year old girls?  And, for all the talk about her being so hot, she's just so-so.  Insipid face, weak, dirty-looking hair, and she looks slightly overweight and out-of-shape all the time.  Ho-hum to the max.

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    I can not believe these low votes she got..yeah she might be annoying as a person but she is the ultimate queen ..she has the most #1 singles ever. she beat is a shame that people cant see that and rate her low on stupid shit like oh she is fat..whoever said that must be one of the anorexic white suburb chicks that think looking like skin on bones is sexy, no that is nasty..Mariah will be around for a long time to come while a lot of these names on this list will fade away from memory but you will still hear mariah on the radio

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    Sun Dec 09 2007

    Amazing vocal range...

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    Sun Nov 11 2007

    Best singer ever!!!!!!

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    Mon Sep 18 2006

    What's she selling? her voice! but. yeah, she needs to fully emancipate ~mimi by next album. Besides looking gorgeous in whatever the heck she wears, she does lack rhythm and dance execution. If she loosened it up a bit I bet her personality would too, and she'd be able to explain completely, the emancipation of mimi

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    Thu Jul 27 2006

    I suppose she can sing but does that matter when her material is such dull, predictable p*ss poor sh*te. Also has an ego the size of Japan.

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    Mon Jun 26 2006

    She really lacks a personality. It's like she does not know how to explain herself or just does not want to. However her music is very likeable I like two of her albums and they are "The Emancipation of Mimi" and "Glitter" (the movie wasn't to long but not real bad). But she should really make herself more of a person instead of just a popular talent.

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    Sun Jun 18 2006

    A singer of a true talent with an icradible voice. I prefer her ballads days to a new hip-hop days for the reason that her voice sounds much better through them. I'm saddened that a woman with such an amazing instument as her voice would turn an absolutely un-needed attention to her outfits. It's ok to wear what you want, but everything has it's limits. There is no need to prove yourself to people thay have already accepted you for your talent, don't try any harder.

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    Sat Mar 25 2006

    I think Mariah Carey is an excellent singer. However, I tend to agree with some of the other reviews. Mariah has a tendency to over do it with the vocal acrobatics. Once in a while is ok, but it gets annoying after a while. She also needs to realize that she is physically out of shape. If she insist on wearing such revealing outfits, she'd better join a gym and get busy. Personally I feel that the "outfits" detract from her true god given talent. While she is no great actress, I enjoyed her movie Glitter and I feel given time, she will get some acting chops. All in all I think she is great--just needs a little work!

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    Fri Mar 03 2006

    her songs bore me. Every one of them except We Belong Together.

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    Thu Mar 02 2006

    i hate her with a passion as u can tell whats up with the mimi thing

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    Tue Feb 14 2006

    Although I give her credit for making a great comeback after her meltdown a few years ago, something about her just doesn;t sit right with me. Not sure if it's her skanky outfit comprised of outfits that are 5 sizes too small for her surprisingly large frame OR if it's her nasty, mean and high maintenance attitude. The only song of hers I really like is not really an original - it's "Fantasy," a remix of the Tom Tom Club's 20+years old song.

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    Thu Jan 19 2006

    She might be a little crazy, and I cringe when I hear her in interviews but she has the best voice I have ever heard. I wish she would start dressing a little more modestly because the clothes she wears these days aren't as flattering on her but even if you don't like her style or her songs, or especially her acting, its hard to deny that she has a beautiful strong voice.

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    Sun Jan 08 2006

    Someone really should sit Mariah down and convince her that she is a great singer. I don't believe she knows it for two reasons. One, she constantly belts out overdone runs in most all of her songs. As if to proove she can do it. We know you can sing, turning notes into a replica of the Rocky Mountains does not help. Two, women like Brittany Spears and Jennifer Lopez should always be scantily clad in order to distract from their lack of vocal talent, not Mariah. Her voice and talent alone with always bring attention to her, so I don't understand why she seems to need everyone to be able to see nearly 90% of her body at all times. Half of the time this woman cannot walk or sit correctly due to a second layer of skin that she tries to pass of as a dress. I love her voice but because of those two factors, my respect of her talent gets lost.

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    Sun Nov 27 2005

    Great vocal range, most gorgeous woman I've ever seen...

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    Sat Nov 26 2005

    I used to love Mariah Carey back in her Tommy Mottola days - a beautiful young woman with an amazing voice. Now she is fat, cheap-looking and has piled on way too many pounds but lacks sufficient common sense to cover up and try to at least LOOK a bit more classy and dignified. Her voice is enough to make me want to shoot myself through both ears. If a line can be sung in under five notes, singing it in 25 does it no favors at all. She may have a great vocal range, but there is something as overdoing. I am happy for her that she has overcome a difficult time in her life, but hey, millions of people overcome hardships much greater in their lives too!

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    Sun Oct 09 2005

    What happened to her voice? What happened to her face? Mariah Carey is like the old movie star Jennifer Jones. She used a lot of tricks with makeup, camera, and lighting to make people think she was actually pretty. Mariah has REALLY BIG FEET AND HANDS. It's like she's got gigantism going on there. She is an eloquent speaker, but hey, that's not her job. She needs to put some clothes on and stop trying to be something she's not....SEXY! Her songs have become really stupid lately. She whispers. At least Whitney can blame her loss of voice on crack. What's with her lying about the boob job? Like she thinks we don't remember what she looked like before? Get outta here!

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    Sun Oct 09 2005

    She's just too much for me.

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    Wed Sep 28 2005

    Can't sing a lick to save herself if need be!

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    Sun Aug 07 2005

    I'm happy for her success because she's vindicated herself after the Tommy Mottola thing. That's the best thing I can say about MC. I used to like her when I was in high school, but I've outgrown her. She's a good singer and song stylist, but she is limited as an interpreter of her songs. The only thing she can pull off convincingly is ballads and they are all one dimensional in sound and tone with the exception of a few songs. For some reason, I now find her really annoying. Maybe it's the new image, but songs are tired and don't cover new ground anymore. All of her new songs sound the same. I liked her early stuff better.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    She's got it all, without a doubt.

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    Thu May 19 2005

    She has an amazing voice, and is so hot! I give her alot of credit for surviving all she has been through.

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    Sun Mar 20 2005

    i liked her back when i was in elementary school but now i just think she is alright. she does okay when she features in songs but other than that i thinks she needs to hang the towel up. and her movie glitter was horrible.

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    Sat Nov 27 2004


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    Sat Oct 02 2004

    Sorry but mariah deserves to have the greatest voice ever but say sorry to myself to say that Mariah doesnt deserve to have the greatest voice ever when it comes in singing live, she's the biggest trying hard performer of all time, her performances ruined be found at rehab.

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    Fri Jul 23 2004

    Mariah can sing, she has a fantastic vocal range but I think she tends to overdue it by trying to show off in every note she sings with her gymnastics vocally. I would have given her a 5 when she first started out but she like Aguliera cheapen their talent with their slutty image. Mariah has a beautiful body but tends to wear these extremely trashy outfits instead of being the class act she could be...

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    Sun Jun 13 2004

    I don't really like Mariah too much, but there are a few of her songs that I like. Her old stuff from the 90's, that is. I don't like her new stuff, I think it stinks. But I can relate to I Can't Live (If Living Is Without You) and Can't Let Go. I also like Hero and a few of her other old songs as well.

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    Mon Apr 26 2004

    Despite everything this girl has been through, which by the way makes her HUMAN, she is an amazing inspiration and she is another of the best singers ever!

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    Sun Apr 11 2004

    I think Mariah is great.She has a beautiful voice, writes great songsand is very sexy.

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    Sat Apr 10 2004

    This gal went from beautiful babe who could sing like an angel to a a filthy-looking, trashy hoe who cannot sing at all! What went wrong Mariah? Your songs and videos stink.

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    Mon Mar 08 2004

    Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Whitney Houston are what I term 'vocal shredders'. Like guitar shredders -e.g Yngwie Malmsteen' they are all technique and little feeling. E.g insterad of just holding a note they have to belt out the whole '''wooooaahhhh,heeeyyy, yeaaahh, woooooah' vocal gymnastics. Carey is worse still for being a petulant, pretentious prima donna with her head so far up her own fundament. A horrible woman.

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    Mon Mar 08 2004

    The only reason why Mariah got 2 stars instead of 1 is because she did come out with one good song called 'HONEY', and even then, I am sure she probably stole it. Mariah cannot sing, her voice just really grates my nerves. I have not seen her live, as this might change my opinion, but I seriously doubt it would improve the voice overall. And as I said before, she steals most of her music, so I guess she has alot of thanks to be giving out to others for her success. And now that she is sliming her way into hip hop and rap, she has a whole new group of people to thank for helping her no talent self. Get her off my radio please !

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    Fri Oct 17 2003

    Please, Mariah and talent should NEVER be used in the same sentence

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    Mon Oct 06 2003


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    Sun Jun 29 2003

    When did Mariah all of a sudden decide she's from the "hood" ? Her early songs were very good, she does have a beautiful voice at times. She is wearing progressively less clothing as she gets older, she's now over 30, this could start to look scary in a few years. Nobody likes a "ho" for more than a few hours. She makes Madonna seem like Mother Theresa! Have you seen "Glitter"? LOL

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    Ho.....rrible. From Vision of Love to Heartbreaker. Need I say more?

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    Is there a more self congratulatory, arrogant boob in music today?.. I doubt it.. news flash.. When u don't write music, write lyrics or play any instruments, u are my mariah scarey friends, a karaoke singer.. nothing more..

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    Mon Jun 16 2003

    it sounds like she is freakin screamin when she is so called "singin" i think she ruined her music time or fame when she lost it and went crazy and went to the crazy shack! lol

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    Mon Jun 09 2003

    Started off her music career with a bang, loved the songs "fantasy" and "Always be my Baby" then she just started putting out garbage. I would tell her to pursue movies but Glitter was absolutely horrible

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    Tue Apr 29 2003

    I think she is the greatest female singer of them all. She has a magnificent voice and she is also,putting it mildly,sex on legs. A brilliant lady.

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    Sat Mar 22 2003

    only cause I paid to see her perform & she put on a show & who knows when she will come around again + I lent her cd out & never got it back so shes still the Bomb too bad about her personal life but she is got it Keep it Up!

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    Thu Mar 20 2003


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    Wed Mar 12 2003

    Mariah Carey is a talented artist. I think it takes a lot to stay around as long as she has. I have to say that I enjoyed a "90" version of her ,than what she is right now. I wish she could go back doing music that she used to. Of course there is the "look" issue that many of you can't let go. Let it go people, she is a musician, she has to be colorful and creative to draw attention to her, that's why Cher and Madonna is still around, that why Christina and Britney half-naked, they are all entertainers, the have to do whatever it takes to stay around, that's how they make living.

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    Mon Mar 03 2003

    I admit when Mariah first came out I was more fascinated with her because she seemed so shy and reserved and because of that I wanted to know more about her. Now she is all out there and has take away that "mistique" that once captivated a lot of people. All aside, she has an incredible voice and one of the few artists that can sing 'live' without having to lip sync.

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    Wed Feb 26 2003

    I really believe that Mariah Carey is such a legendary singer, i've been a fan but im not bias. From the start i was mesmerize by the way she sing her every self-written and self-produced song. The style and the talent just makes it unquestionably stellar. Also what i like about her is the way she looks, she just know how to dress up in every occasion, and if your saying she's bit fleshy, well it's fashion and if you have that perfectly shaped body why not. she is also very down to earth the way she treat others is just so kind. So i wonder why by every write-up no matter how big or small they always put it on a negative side. i just wish to some peolple out there to evaluate themselves and just reflect if they really know the person.but ofcoarse i can't be always this positive to her, for my comment i seldom see her do a song as beatifully delivered as her pass ones. why is she having vocal problems and sometimes ahe lip-sings that was sing 1999. very weird cause with her fantastic vo... Read more

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    Sun Jan 26 2003

    on her best day, mariah only managed to sound like a mouse on helium and not much else. that was a long time ago. now, shes annoying, not very pretty and manages to make every song about absolutely nothing except how screwed up her life has been. le papillon...hahaha.

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    Thu Dec 12 2002

    She's got a fabulous voice, but she sings way too many ballads. Her voice is suited to faster stuff.