Cocktail consisting of Tequila, triple sec, and lime juice Website
Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by warrendana12
Sun Oct 17 2010In my opinion,margarita's are some of the most sexy, fancy, delicious drinks. My favorite is the Mango margrita. The mango flavor presents a delicious tropical flavor that my taste buds just love to go crazy over. If you are searching for a delicious treat, then treat yourself to a mango margarita.
by jester002
Sat May 29 2010I like a good Margarita on a hot day, but being a purist when it comes to alcohol, I'm not really great on watering down good Tequila with crushed ice and lemon juice.
by irishgit
Sat Dec 12 2009A blender full of these on a hot summer afternoon can make for a very passable day indeed. And its my favorite morning wake up drink when I'm being indolent in Mexico....
by gris2575
Sat Dec 12 2009Great choice when you are feeling Festive. I prefer mine on the ROcks, but frozen works well on a hot summer day. 1 1/2 oz 1800 Tequila, 1/2 oz premium triple sec (preferably Cointreau),1 oz lime juice Rub lime on the rim of the glass, and dip in salt. Shake all ingredients with ice, and serve garnished with a lime. You can use another type of Tequila if you want, but I've always preferred the 1800 Silver for Margaritas.
by twansalem
Wed Oct 14 2009From messing around with making my own, I've decided that I like them with more lemon juice than lime, but the lime juice is still essential. I haven't found what I consider to be the perfect juice to tequila ratio, as that just seems to depend on how strong you want it, but I prefer the lemon to lime juice ratio to be about 2 to 1.
by djahuti
Sat Oct 10 2009These can be good if your bartender knows his or her stuff.A salted rim is essential,and the ones that come out of a machine suck ass.Also AVOID phoney "margaritas" sold already made in a bottle,or worse yet,the pre-packaged "mix".
by laotzu
Tue Jul 28 2009Margaritas are so varied in quality. Unless you are willing to drop top coin on nice liquor to go inside it then the vast majority of what you will taste is the sour mix. In my experiences, most sour mixes are way too sweet, or too sour and acidic. Frozen margaritas are pretty tacky too, it's like tequila put into a 7-11 slurpee.
by lma3113
Wed Jul 01 2009I like tequila so Margarita's are wonderful. I don't care if they are liquid or frozen they are a great blend of some strong alcohol without tasting like it. I love it served with lime juice because I think it gives it a refreshing flavor!
by bitchassjosh
Mon Jun 22 2009Ive really gotta be in the mood for a margarita in order to drink one; however, if it is a hot day, and Im at a bar that serves frozen margarita's, well, sign me up! Nothing beats a frozen margarita on a scalding hot day!
by imogen
Mon Jun 08 2009I think margaritas are best on the rocks--never frozen! Silver tequila is a must. The harsh flavor of a gold tequila ruins it. Fresh lime juice is also essential. Margaritas pack a powerful punch in terms of percentage of alcohol due to the tequila. I think that in the summer nothing beats margaritas when you want a refreshing cocktail!
by mobilebuzz
Thu Apr 30 2009first it's sour, then it's sweet... and then it kicks you in the "A". So yes, it is the best drink in the world (followed by Micheladas, of course).
by kitty77
Thu Jan 22 2009My absolutely favorite drink. There's nothing better than a good margarita with some mexican food!
by mike_d2236
Mon Dec 22 2008drunk sneeks up on u
by lix0d3d3
Tue Oct 14 2008My weakness on a summer night with a warm breeze, goes well with a tastey cigar and good conversation.
by oceansoul
Tue Oct 14 2008Is there a more festive drink than the margarita? I like mine liquid not frozen and my special mixture is much less sweet than most.
by lea9820
Mon Oct 13 2008Had a few yesterday!
by a_girl_who_is_looking_and_fine_holla_at_me
Wed Aug 20 2008they are off the chain
by drummond
Sat Aug 09 2008The blue ones are the best. Watermelon flavored second.
by james430
Fri Aug 08 2008Most suck in my opinion
by halcyonstorm
Tue Aug 05 2008One of my favorite drinks when made from scratch. (The mixes all seem to have an aftertaste to me) With a little fresh lime juice, simple syrup, good tequila and Cointreau, on the rocks in a salt rimmed glass, this is heaven on a hot summer day.
by datz_chinkzz_2_uu_babii_boo
Sun Aug 03 2008only virgin bwahahah. i hate tequila.
by paladin_shin56
Sun Jul 20 2008Shit tastes like limes. Sometimes.
by spike65
Sun Jul 13 2008A classic. Many variations but the old standard is great. Nice date drink.
by blinker_fluid
Sun Jul 13 2008This is my fav drink. I could drink this all day
by jayson627
Sat Jul 05 2008good shit
by faerygrrl
Tue Jun 24 2008The best! With a little salt = heaven
by liz7b74b
Wed Jun 11 2008I don't like em at all
by myspace_32741560
Wed May 28 2008when the mood hits
by wvkountrykitte_n
Tue Apr 22 2008I could drink them all night long!
by lucy13
Mon Apr 14 2008I like mango.
by myspace_39168334
Tue Apr 08 2008to salty for me
by loerke
Thu Mar 27 2008The perfect mixed drink, though the news hasn't reached Boston yet, where some bars don't even carry tequila (the horrors!). Snobs have begun to class up the margarita in all kinds of ways, but the truth is that it's hard to make a bad one. While I have no objection to the snooty mixers made by the likes of Williams-Sonoma, all you need is some lime juice, a bag of frozen strawberries, or pretty much any fruit. (Or try something less conventional ... Maya in S.F. makes an amazing hibiscus or tamarind margarita.) Use any tequila but Pepe Lopez, which is better used for cleaning out the kitchen sink afterwards.
by sperryc
Thu Mar 27 2008A good one is tough to beat when youre at the beach on a hot day. But too much sweetness really gets to me after a while.
by magellan
Thu Mar 27 2008With fresh lime juice, these are divine.
by lazco8f5
Tue Mar 18 2008There is just about nothing I like more than a blended strawberry margarita. 5 stars for sure!
by programmerring_o
Sat Feb 09 2008There are few things in this world that are better than a frozen strawberry or lime margarita. MAGICALLY DELICIOUS!
by angryjed
Mon Dec 03 2007nothing like one on a hot day.
by trebon1038
Thu May 17 2007I like a good margarita made with patron.......smooth and yummy. Better if hand made...some of the mixes some places use are awful.
by zuchinibut
Sun Oct 01 2006Margaritas are so trendy right now, that every place has several versions of how they make them. You can hardly ever go wrong with this choice though. Adapted in so many ways, it always requires tequilla, and usually lime juice as well.
by mommyl
Sat Jul 08 2006Love 'em, especially the strawberry ones. But no salt, please--if it has salt in it, I feel like I'm gargling!
by earthbound
Tue Apr 18 2006This is so easy to get right. Don't believe those who would make a dark art out of it. Just take equal measures of your garden-variety tequila, cointreau and slightly sweetened lime juice. Pop it in the blender with ice and Bob's your uncle. Serve in a glass with a salt-glazed rim with a lime wedge, with which you can start food fights with your friends after your second round. If you really want, you can use some high end tequila, but I think after the cheering effects of one cocktail, claiming to be able to discern the quality of the tequila (unless it is god-awful) has something of a 'Princess and the Pea' aspect to it.
by kingguiness
Fri Jul 22 2005Yes an excellent drink. You really dont need more than 2.
by daonionman
Mon Jul 11 2005Really it all depends on who makes them and what you use, but all the ones i've had, have been great,
by genghisthehun
Sun Jun 26 2005If you can get a good one, ok. Make the bartender mix it in front of you using real mixers and a better brand of tequila.
by middlefinger
Sat Nov 20 20045 stars..when it's made with the best tequila!
by dhihe44
Sun Aug 22 2004very good.
by chrisk1177
Wed Mar 17 2004Extremely overrated.
by bklyngirl
Wed Mar 17 2004The ultimate problem personal favorite is the Presidente from Chili's.