
Approval Rate: 66%

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    Fri Feb 16 2007

    Maralyn was one of the most exciting people of the Ogakor tribe, also, one of the more likeable ones (face it, Kucha was a nicer tribe). She was a star and had that power, and was great to have around, sad when she stumbled in the physical challenges and have one of Tina's knives being thrown in her back. Wish she stayed a bit longer!

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    Wed Aug 28 2002

    she was fun and nice but too weak for this game.

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    Wed Oct 31 2001

    Thought she was hilarious. Would have loved to see her go farther. Only Ogakor I can trully say that I liked.

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    Thu Sep 06 2001

    She was so awesome! She did really good on the show considering how old she was! Way to go "Mad Dog" but they should have voted Tina off!

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    Mon Apr 16 2001

    She got stabbed in the back, by Tina, or she'd still be around. What a gal! And what a sport! She played the game hard and fair. She's got a lot of heart.

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    Mon Apr 09 2001

    She just annoyed me..I am not sure why, maybe because she was trying to be the female Rudy..what the heck is up with Mad Dog anyway? Who the heck has a nickname like that and admits it? She was trying to be a tough lady, however she was a follower through and through, her disloyalty to Kel was pretty pathetic and came right back to her in the end. She was trying to be too tough, too outspoken, yet at the same time she was a spineless wannabe..very annoying.

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    Sun Mar 25 2001

    she is great

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    Sat Mar 24 2001

    Maralyn is the GREATEST! The biggest mistake they ever made was to vote her off. She was the most fun.

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    Fri Mar 23 2001

    A little too dyke for me. Got the hots for Tina

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    Tue Mar 20 2001

    Loving Mad Dog.. Ogakor stinks without her! WOOF!

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    Thu Mar 15 2001

    BACSTABBING BITCH YOU RUINED IT FOR KEL YOU NASTY PIECE OF DOGCRAP. and in case any one didn't tell you that old lady biker look went out in the 70's get a new attitude and personality not that it will make much difference KEL IS KING!!!!! CORDIE from the Lonestar State

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    Mon Mar 12 2001

    i liked her i dont know why they got rid of her!!!!

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    Sun Mar 11 2001

    I have no pity for Maralyn being voted off. She made it clear that she did not support the behavior the rest of the tribe displayed when Jerri accused Kel of hiding food. She seemed even more upset when they began to rummage though his belongings. As soon as she felt a threat she joined right in and voted him off. I would think that a former police officer would have better experience with manipulation and would see right though Jerri's little game. Screw her!

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    Fri Mar 09 2001

    After seeing Maralyn on Survivor, I have a new hero! Not only does she have a tounge-in-cheek sense of humor, she also knew how to 'play the game.' I think she felt bad about voting for Kel, but she did it in the name of the game. I think she put more into the show than was shown. She is just AWESOME!!

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    Thu Mar 08 2001

    What an old bitch, glad she's booted off to, that old hag wouldn't have lasted. Jenny

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    Sat Feb 24 2001

    she was ok but not on the show long enough to give an opion about

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    Thu Feb 22 2001

    Maralyn had the heart

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    Wed Feb 21 2001

    maralyn was great , i'll miss her. She was a good person who got stabbed in the back....bloody ruthless survivers!

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    Sun Feb 11 2001


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    Sat Feb 10 2001

    sorry - but it WAS time for her to go...

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    Fri Feb 09 2001

    SHE'S OFF! That's what she get's for backstabbing Kel last week.

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    Thu Feb 08 2001

    Maralyn is the best survivor! She is #1 on my list. She was funny when she took her teeth out for the immunity challange

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    Thu Feb 08 2001

    Cow. What a %@$ for what she said when she kicked Kel off. 2-face. 3rd Episode: I actually felt sorry for Maralyn when she got kicked off. I don't know if it was strategy or what at Tribal Council when she said she trusts with her heart, and how tight her and Tina were. If it was, it didn't work. Well, now she knows what it feels like.

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    Wed Feb 07 2001

    She is Susan all over again, except she is showing her true colors early. I thought she believed Kel and then she convinced him that everyone was voting for Jerri. What a back-stabber! She will stab the wrong person in the back soon and hopefully get what is coming to her!

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    Tue Feb 06 2001

    shes an old bitch

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    Mon Feb 05 2001

    Being a police officer she did not know what is trust. Furthermore, as a police officer, you can't suspect Kel or rather believeing that Jerri without any evidence that Kel smuggled in beef jerky.

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    I am all for 51 yrs, this takes guts. Her promice to vote for Kel was probley made before he took off to the woods. Ever hear of editing? CBS has done plenty of that. Best of Luck, You Go Gal....

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    I would have rooted for Maralyn all the way had she not broken her promise to Kel. Obviously all her lets-all-be-decent comments about the knapsack incident were nothing but self-promotional bull. Two-faced.

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    Sat Feb 03 2001


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    Sat Feb 03 2001

    Backstabber! You are the next one to go.

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    True, she does look like Rudy in drag. True, she is a complete back-stabber (I was pretty shocked by her vote for Kel). But she has a plan and she's working it. She won't win the whole enchilada because she'll either be too loved or hated by the rest of the group, but I think we'll see her for a while. Maybe #3?

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    Maralyn is awesome she's by far the coolest survivor and I think she'll go far. The best survivor moment was when she took her dentures out that was great. She will win.

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    I think she was wrong for voting off Kel, she told him she would not vote him off, then she did. " Could someone get the knives out of Kel's back."

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    A complete and total bitch for what she did to Kel. I hope she and Jerri do each other in.

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    She'll be voted off soon. Unfortunately, Jerri will soon see her as a threat.

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    She should feel like crap for lying to Kel. Must have made a horrible dishonest cop

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    I'm already kind of scared of Maralyn, and the show hasn't even started yet. UPDATE: After the second episode, I'm moving Maralyn up from two stars to five stars. She's one of my favorites. I got a big kick out of the way she yanked her dentures for the brain/worm/grub-eating immunity challenge, and her "Mad Dog" attitude is especially amusing in a 50-year-old woman. As of now I'm rooting for her to be one of the final four.

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    Maralyn kicks ass. Sneaky and ambitious, with a direct, un-apologetic sense of humor I'm looking forward to seeing her out-manipulate all her younger tribe mates. She looks like she's been around the block a few times, got dumped in an alley, and then crawled back out to have some more. I think she'll have fun poking at the machinations of her tribemates - I'm looking forward to it. My new favorite.

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    Thu Feb 01 2001

    I like Maralyn. She's just like Rudy, stubborn and funny. I like her a lot and I hope her age doesn't prevent her from going far in the show.

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    Wed Jan 31 2001

    Maralyn is about real life surviving..She has overcome many major obstacles in her life that have defeated many other people..I don't know how well she will do, but I know she will survive this one nonetheless..And the viewers will be better off for having gotten a chance to know her for the terrific person she is.

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    Tue Jan 30 2001

    Maralyn is my kind of person. Living with a cop at home I know how she things and feels she will be a great survivor but she must put her foot down to get the Ogakor tribe back on their feet the first challage did not go well for them. I think they must choose a leader and that leader should be maralyn. Good Luck Gogakor tribe.

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    Wed Jan 24 2001

    life's experiences will work in maralyn's favor! she will be fun to watch and i think she can survive

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    Mon Jan 22 2001

    Maralyn is my favorite Survivor as of now. Although the show has not aired yet she seems to be outspoken and full of energy. Being on the police force means that she knows how to deal with all sorts of people and the fact that she is an equestrian shows she has good taste.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Maralyn ROCKS! She's hilarious. She is very outspoken and tough...hey, thas what you need to be like to survive!