Argentine professional football player and manager
Approval Rate: 75%
Reviews 0
by ltcollawrence
Mon Jan 05 2009Kept getting in his own way
by mcchido
by cfelisa
Sat Aug 16 2008All of you insecure untalented people focusing on the fact that he did drugs: you are repulsive. You are like lil bitches saying "her boobs are fake..."
by harlock
Fri Jun 20 2008He was good, so good and so fast. I was only a child when he played, but I remember him playing, and how I enjoyed his matchs. But now... there's nothing of the Maradona before.
by ronaldinhosuck_s
Sat Dec 15 2007drug user!
by nikita24
Tue Dec 04 2007Hmmm I know he is a great player.. but not the best !!! I like more Pele is a lot of aspects he is better ...
by hotel283
Thu Nov 22 2007for all of the off-field drama this man generated he is without question the transcendent player of my generationI will let him provide the justification, some people say this is the greatest goal ever...;= related
by soccerone
Thu Oct 25 2007Are we discussing talent and sheer skills on a football field or are we chriticizing an unfortunate manipulation of a gifted individual. As honed skills goes Maradona is the greatest footballer of all times. I am indeed a Pele supporter but will not deny the fact that maradona on field display of soccer skills cannot be rivaled by anyone.
by richvii
Mon Oct 01 2007He was the best. No pele and zidane can ever come close to his skills and ability as a player.
by ferreira
Fri Aug 31 2007can we say crack-head, the man played 99% of the time high and coked up
by eagle69
Mon Jul 23 2007How do you spell GREATEST , the real spellings are: MARADONA
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed May 16 2007I'll just throw a one since I smell some multi ID stuff going on. KILL IT!
by trofy1
Wed May 16 2007HAND OF GOD BABY!
by irishgit
Thu Apr 12 2007Left foot was great and his Hand of God wasn't bad either. Several million dollars worth of talent with a head not worth the price of a Big Mac. Clearly retirement hasn't brought him any more maturity. Sad.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Mon Apr 09 2007To be a great striker, there needs to be something "uncontrollable" in the character. You see it in many of the players listed. USA strikers generally possess too passive a character to possess the creativity and pure, blinding speed and aggression needed to make something out of nothing, such as George Best, Diego, Pele, Garrincha and Gerd Mueller.Coming from similar roots as Pele, it's still a wonder that they're so different, but shared a passion for scoring. Brazil is in a lull, but the coach won't recognize that the answer to his problem is not Adriano, but in diminutive Robinho...a freakin' genius in our time.
by redman3000
Sun Feb 25 2007was the best i ever so
by crossriver
Tue Feb 06 2007gooooooooooooooooood
by babasd5a
Mon Feb 05 2007that's the best player of all time you heard!!!!!!!
by fabino
Mon Feb 05 2007the legend
by sleekandy
Sun Nov 19 2006he is the god of soccer.. pele was as good as his team..
by jendot
Fri Nov 10 2006He is the best player i ever saw.He make a ball sticked at his leg.
by mahtab3595
Thu Oct 19 2006I think when one sees highlights and also some full game of each player how he dominates, one cannot avoid to declare maradona as the most skillfull and efficient player
by gtyuoj
Fri Oct 06 2006he is awesome!
by wasia955
by 51buck
Sun Mar 05 2006he is the best player ever! full stop. every1 no's it.
by bully8d0
Tue Jan 24 2006i seen the hand of god but also in the same game we saw the feet of god
by abdullah001
Thu Oct 20 2005greatest player of allll time, no doubt about it!!
by davjia
Wed Aug 03 2005Maradona's name may leave a bitter taste in the mouth of many English or Italians but only beacause we find it so hard to be forced to vilify someone with such awe inspiring talent. An alcoholic, a drug addict and a cheat, many may claim that Maradona's fall from grace was due to the tremendous pressure the world heaped on his tiny shoulders. This may appear to be a perfectly valid excuse, but does he really need one?.. His arrogance and need for gratification through self indulgence are what set him apart from the rest. And a browse throughhis gallery of frankly ridiculously good goals, and near misses, is enough to convince his harshest critics that even for his sheer audacity alone, Maradona deserves to be considered alongside pele as the greatest of all time.
by dosh5c85
Mon Mar 21 2005Fat pig he is now. a junk and he is almost dead i am waiting for that moment.
by chrissy_c_1888
Sat Feb 19 2005Arguably the greateest ever- his left foot was the finest ever but the golden boy is a victim of a world that expected too much of him and is now a recovering junkie and alcoholic.