Make yourself puke

Approval Rate: 36%

36%Approval ratio

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    Tue Jan 19 2010

    Just pop in the hot tub scene from About Schmidt.

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    Tue Jan 19 2010

    It doesn't really help, but it may be useful in getting rid of that peanut butter, anchovy, mint jelly, Cheez Whiz and saurkraut sandwich that seemed like such a good idea when you came home late from the bar.

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    Mon Jan 12 2009

    This doesn't always work. You can puke out everything BUT the alcohol.

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    Wed Jan 16 2008

    Puking only works when the alcohol is still in your stomach, so your body can get it out before it gets into your bloodstream. Doing so in the morning 8 or so hours after the fact is not gonna help since you've already absorbed it. And if you puke while drinking and it is not self-induced, make sure to drink a glass of water, eat a small peice of bread and stay awake for awhile so you dont end up puking in your sleep. That usually causes death.

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    Sat May 05 2007

    I woke up 20 minutes ago with pounding headache and feeling terrible!! Had a big shit and a nice puke, feeling much better!! even the headache is better ;-)

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    A bootstrap method reserved for those times you KNOW you're gonna have a killer hangover if you don't take some kinda action...and you're too drunk to find water/aspirin.Don't try this method if you think there's any chance you might pass out while worshiping the porcelain God--no headache is worth that humiliation.

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    Mix water and salt to make yourself puke. It worked for me!

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    Wed May 03 2006

    Sometimes when I wake up after drinking shots I get an aftertaste. If I think too much about the shot I will definitely puke or heave. It's a dreadful experience. I try to avoid drinking shots for this reason. One is ok but 2 or more I can taste it the next morning and I will surely hurl.

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    Fri Mar 17 2006

    My wife is a big self induced-puker when she has had too much to drink. I think it helps get the alcohol out of your system if you puke soon enough, but it won't help hours later. You also need to put water back into your system after puking or you will stay dehydrated.

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    Fri Nov 25 2005

    That's pretty gross,besides,if your body has not rejected the toxins by next day,it's too late-your liver has already processed the poison.

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    Wed Nov 23 2005

    The one time I did puke I only felt worse.

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    Wed Nov 23 2005

    I puked once after drinking. 8 hours later, I was out 4-wheeling with a clear head.

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    Wed Nov 23 2005

    Make yourself puke this makes no sense I always tried not to puke so making my self puke was impossible.

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    Tue Nov 22 2005

    What Goes in Must Come Out!

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    Tue Nov 22 2005

    This goes hand in hand with the "sleep it off" cure if I'm too drunk. Quite often, its the only way to eliminate "the spins" so I can sleep. ...Drink plenty of water afterwards, and gargle some Scope too, for petes' sake!.

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    Wed Mar 23 2005

    I've never intentionaly did this. But after a round of the spins I knew it was coming. Thank God I haven't gone through this in years and likely never will again.

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    it's a dirty job but instant relief. true story: was just in Buffalo looking for an apartment. the saturday we got there i went w/wife and co to Mohwak to see Lucero play. well, ole Skizero had one too many labatt's and the next morning he wasn't feeling too good. took a couple aspirin and tried layng down but it didnt work. problem--the wife and i had to go see an apartment. well, we did. the apartment blew, but more than that it was hot in there. so hot i had to leave. while outside i felt my stomach acting up. next thing i know i'm 1/2 a block down the street vomitting all over Buffalo while my wife is trying to talk to the current tennant. i couldn't help it. i was a little embarrassed, but damn if i didnt feel better instantly.

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    Sun Sep 12 2004

    Scorched earth mentality- but it does work if you follow the steps. (For entertainment use only- I don't condone this behavior) (1) Make yourself puke before bedtime (2) Chug a tumbler of water with 3 Tylenol (3) take a shot of the pink stuff (Pepto) You will probably still wake up with cobwebs, but there will be much less pain. If you do this more than 2 times a year, you'd better drink a little less when you go out.

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    Thu May 27 2004

    I know, I know. It's gross, it's nasty, & it's not good for you. But, as a last resort, sometimes you've got no choice. That's why I offered this suggestion 'for the team.' Just remember, if you've gotta do this, YOU IS WAY BEYOND DRUNK. If you've gotta do this more than once - YOU IS A DRUNK (I oughta know!). Now if you'll excuse me, I'm not feelin' too well....