Mad About You

Approval Rate: 65%

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    Mon Jun 23 2008

    Saw a rerun recently....not that great.

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    Sat Apr 19 2008

    Better than average sitcom. I enjoy an occasional viewing. Not enough going on to hold my interest. Helen Hunt is great.

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    Fri Oct 26 2007

    Mad About You was highly under-rated during its run.

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    Sun Aug 26 2007

    Paul Reiser may be the most irritating "comedian" since Bob Saget. Every time his face came onto the screen I wanted to scream...

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    Sun Dec 31 2006

    the chemistry between the two main characters was awesome. tight writing.

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    Sat Dec 16 2006

    Though not really a "bad" television series, I could never get into "Mad About You". I'll acknowledge that the screenwriters often attempted to portray marriage realistically (I'm presuming that it's not all sweets and roses, but of course I'm still single); however, (as other reviewers have noted) Paul Reiser is irritating to me and just too New York for my tastes. Even the talented Helen Hunt couldn't salvage the show in my eyes. I'm reminded when "Seinfeld" took a jab at the series when George was forced to watch the show with Susan. The look on his face was priceless and pretty much sums it up for me.

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    Tue Jul 11 2006

    this show was okay sometimes

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    Tue May 30 2006

    Why would she marry that dweeb with the toupe?

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    Fri May 26 2006

    good supporting cast and some fairly sharp dialogue, but it became pretty melodramatic as it wore on. Like a lot of programs it over stayed its welcome by a season or two.

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    Mon Apr 17 2006

    This show is pretty funny. They just started running it on Nick@Nite. I don't know what you are talking about with them ending in divorce, because that's not how it happens. They show you 20 years into the future when their daughter is all grown up and does a documentary on the family. You see various things that happen through the yeras from 1999 to 2021. In the end, the old couple in 2021 get back together after seperating for a few months because of their daughters documentary. They never got divorced, and it ends up with them living "happily ever after".

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    Thu Apr 13 2006

    I like Helen Hunt, but I never liked this show. I didn't even know it ended in divorce, but now that I do...I'm not anxious to go watch it.

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    Tue Aug 30 2005

    It sucked!

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    Thu May 05 2005

    this was a show that for somereason my husband and i would sit and watch every timw it was on

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    Mon Jul 12 2004

    One of the best sitcoms of the 90's, but I have to say that seasons 6 and 7 was the weakest, just because of a baby being in the show.

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    One of the best sitcoms on TV and overall very underrated. It's like they peaked inside our home before writing each script. How I miss this cast and viewing them on TV is getting really sparse. Too bad Sony stopped the DVD runs at Season 2. I'm making my own for my personal collection!!

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    Thu Apr 01 2004

    Ok show, but unrealistic and you couldn't really watch it religiously. Some of the jokes were irritating.

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    Wed Mar 31 2004

    Funny love helen hunt too!

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    Mon Nov 24 2003

    This was by far my favorite show growing up. Granted it is hard to find on air any more, but i may just not be looking in the right places. The situations and events of the show were always something realistic. everything that happened to them could happen to anyone. granted some times it was a bit far fetched but the average person could usually relate on some level even if its a sublevel.

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    Mon Nov 24 2003

    Very boring ! This show was on way too long. And now it is being overplayed on LIFETIME as well. Will there ever be a day I don't have to look at this mistake of a show?

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    Fri Jul 11 2003

    The few times I watched this show, I really enjoyed it. However, it wasn’t one of those shows that I marked my calendar to see again and again.

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    Fri May 23 2003

    I can't believe people actually found this show entertaining.

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    Fri May 23 2003

    Dry humor--never got in to it...then they named that poor little baby MABLE!!!! That was it for me...

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    Thu May 08 2003

    lost it way ,too many guest stars and too much helen hunt

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    Mon Mar 17 2003

    Good sitcom, I watche it faithfully, at times a bit over realistic, overall a good show

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    Mon Feb 17 2003

    Even though I like both of the leads a lot and feel that the show was always beautifully staged and heartfully written, I never found them believable as a couple. They had no heat but would have been great friends. Not the most believable of shows, it is hard to vote against a lady who went on to win an Oscar for such a wonderful film as As Good As It Gets.

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    Mon Feb 10 2003

    Why is Mad About You listed as #3? It was better than quite a few of the other shows on this list, but other than that, I thought MAY was a boring, over-rated show. Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt are both annoying and can't act. Paul and Jamie had no chemistry as a couple. The plots were just stupid. The only saving graces for me were Cousin Ira and Murray the dog.

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    Sun Feb 09 2003

    Good sitcom...what a pair...good laughs!

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    Fri Feb 07 2003

    the greatest tv show ever. it kicks seinfeld`s ass.All characters are excellent

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    Tue Jan 14 2003

    I've only just started watching this on Paramount as it didn't hit the UK channels (and by looking at the comments posted here I can see why) but from the episodes I've watched this seems to be a charming, sweet little show. The funniest episode I've seen so far is when Paul Reiser buys Helen Hunt a house as a Valentines present and before they outrightly buy it, he's arranged for them to stay the night. Best part must be the whoopee cushion chairs and having everyone stand and sit up all the time.

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    Tue Jan 07 2003

    I found the show to be cute and funny. Some of the situations the couple got into were hysterical, although some were a little outlandish. I guess that's what makes it fun.

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    Sat Jan 04 2003

    I really liked the show for a while, but some of the later episodes were just plain stupid. Don't really miss it.

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    Thu Nov 14 2002

    never got into it. a very unappealing couple.

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    Wed Oct 30 2002

    The only thing that the show has going for it is her, she's a cuti pie.

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    Thu Oct 24 2002

    I'm trying to remember one funny Mad About You moment. I can't think of any.

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    Mon Jun 03 2002

    Never really enjoyed this show much past it's first season, before all of Paul Reiser's "New Yorkisms" got on my nerves. Perhaps, after it's debut TOO MANY sitcoms began to center in that city. Also most of the supporting characters were either annoying or a drag.

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    Mon Jun 03 2002

    Paul Reiser is a F^CKING LOSER!!!

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    Sun Jun 02 2002

    This show sucked

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    Sun Jun 02 2002

    An ok show...had its moments...Helen Hunt was the best thing about it...Paul Reiser whined way too much.

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    Sun May 12 2002

    The best show. There has never been anything like it since!

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    Thu Apr 04 2002

    it wasnt the best but i remember watching it and laughing.

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    Tue Mar 19 2002

    Very cute, smart, and funny.

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    Mon Feb 25 2002

    Mad About You had a nice premise: a couple living and trying to make it in NYC. The supporting cast was great.There were some pretty funny moments, including the episode where Paul and Jamie were trapped in their bathroom, but overall, this show tried too hard to be funny, but it just fell flat. Paul Reiser just is not a funny man. It was still better than some of the garbage that came out during the 90's, but it's still a forgettable show for me.

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    Sat Feb 23 2002

    A Seinfeld knock off, but I still liked it.

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    Tue Jan 29 2002

    I enjoyed “Mad About You” for about two seasons and then the cute meant-for-each-other thing kind of wore thin for me. I think I got more of a kick out of the snotty neighbors after awhile. Paul’s cousin Ira was pretty hilarious at times too, but by the end my favorite cast member was Murray the dog.

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    Sun Jan 06 2002

    I never liked this show. Glad it's gone.

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    Wed Dec 12 2001

    Mad About you was a funny, sweet show. Paul and Jamie are one of my favorite couples.

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    Wed Nov 28 2001

    Good show for awhile.

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    Thu Oct 11 2001

    I really enjoyed Mad about You the first couple of years it was on. The acting and writing were good and the show was enjoyable. Then, they had to ruin the show by getting Jamie pregnant.

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    Wed Apr 04 2001

    If there's nothing else on, then watch a rerun of Mad About You. An amusing sitcom that you can kill a half-an-hour with. I thought that Mad About You was really funny back then, but for some reason it's not the same today. It spoofed things that were going on 5 years ago, and things that are forgotten about today. Mad About You stars Helen Hunt and the ever-annoying Paul Reiser.

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    Thu Mar 29 2001

    I used to love this show dearly - it was really good in the first few years. But as soon As the Baby came - wham! All episodes after that sucked!!! Actually, I think I loved it up to the point where Jamie disocveres she's pregnant. I almost cried during the eps where they broke up but I did not like any of the seasons after the that. The finale was sorta OK, though.