Lover of cats?

Approval Rate: 36%

36%Approval ratio

Reviews 12

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    Tue Apr 12 2011

    Depends. One of my favorite cats was a half retarded one with an attitude problem and a warped sense of adventure. He'd run around at full speed just for the hell of it, bonsai attack any bird that he got a shot at, and pick fights with dogs. He was an asshole, now that I think of it...

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    Mon Apr 11 2011

    I hate these little shits. I have one (sort of a rescue) that was abandoned by some really shitty people that used to spin it on a tile floor. As a result, you couldn't put a hand on her until I gave her the daily 'treatment' for about four years. Now you can pet her above the shoulder only, and only if she's in the mood for that. What a bitch. I tried to post pics of her asleep on my arm and the following pic of the cut she gave me when she woke up, but I couldn't find them. Suffice it to say, cats are pretty shitty pets. The perpetrators bought a crappy little terrier, so I trained it to eat lunch meat off of my neck when I pretended to be asleep and not to stop when I yelled. Also I reversed the 'good boy, bad boy' tones and words when I riled him up or got him to rest. Hopefully there will be blood.

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    Mon Apr 11 2011

    Hardly. Cats are useless, worthless, self-serving animals who couldn't care less if your house gets broken into or if a blind person cannot navigate a city sidewalk. They also like to crap in the house, and there is a nasty little thing called toxoplasmosis that lurks in cat-shit boxes which causes major problems for pregnant women (and gives all women a permanent case of PMS).

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    Mon Apr 11 2011

    I have never had a cat. Allergies prevent me from enjoying their company. I want a hairless cat one day, but I have too many animals right now. I love seeing the grace and elegance of a cat. I also enjoy the fact that they aren't really domesticated. You may as well own a squirrel. They'll take food and attention from you on their terms, but they won't for a second put up with your bullshit or abuse. I have to admire them for that. I've said on this site before that a dogs biggest problem is that people love them. This leads to cruel and irresponsible people owning them and not caring for their needs. Unfortunately, a cats biggest problem is that people don't love them (the internet aside). This leads to cruel and irresponsible people owning them and not caring for their needs. Too many people would rather kill an animal than provide for it. There are many days when I despair and think that people should never get animals until we as a species have evolved enough to care for them. Fo... Read more

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    Sat Apr 09 2011

    I feel the same about them as they feel about me.

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    Sat Apr 09 2011

    However, that Rum Tum Tugger still creaps me out.

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    Fri Apr 08 2011

    I used to post pics and video of my beloved cat, Angus, who died when he was eighteen. I have not replaced him. I loved that ornery bastard.

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    Fri Apr 08 2011

    If they don't claw my clothes or furniture, piss on the rug or hork up furballs every three seconds, I can keep my loathing down to mere detestation.

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    Fri Apr 08 2011

    I like almost all cats. I say "almost" because I have to be extremely patient with mine for being a horrendously annoying cat (to be fair, she's only like this because previous owners didn't feed her regularly and ignored her, making her neurotic. It's not her fault). Used to be solidly a "cat person"; now I'm split on the cat and dog preference.

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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    I love all animals, but I am more of a cat person.

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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    I love cats. I have two.

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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    I love all animals which yes, includes cats. I have a home cat and a work cat.