Lover of all people, races etc
Approval Rate: 61%
Reviews 17
by djahuti
Tue Apr 12 2011Pretty much.It is almost always an individual who pisses me off.I get along with a very diverse crowd.
by castlebee
Mon Apr 11 2011Oh, can't we all just get a bong? But, before we do - let's take a reality check? All the respect, warm fuzzies, good intentions and consideration in the world isn't going to make me embrace everybody, every culture and every idea on the planet at once. Which is not to say I don’t support tolerance, patience, open-mindedness and each to their own. Anything else would take a considerable amount of chemicals of some kind to launch.
by wiseguy
Sat Apr 09 2011This Item triggers my gag reflex for all the obvious reasons.
by frankswildyear_s
Sat Apr 09 2011Who the Hell has that kind of time?
by genghisthehun
Fri Apr 08 2011I love 50%+1 of most people. The rest I hope get abducted by aliens!
by irishgit
Fri Apr 08 2011"There are two kinds of people I can't stand. Those who are intolerant of other cultures, and the Dutch."
by kamylienne
Fri Apr 08 2011I like people regardless of race, religion, whatever have you. However, I also DISLIKE people regardless of their race, religion, whatever have you. Assholes come in all races and backgrounds. Asking anyone to like every single person on earth is asking a lot.
by broodinghen
Fri Apr 08 2011I try to live in peace with anyone, but often this peace is the mere absence of any relationship. I feel quite free of ingrained hatred and contempt, but might get quite irate if I feel provoked. For some weaknesses I've more patience than most people I know, for scores of others much less. People who act the clown when serious matters are under discussion, for instance, are in danger of getting physically attacked if they ignore my wish for seriousness. There are many people of whom I am afraid. I don't think I'm much of a lover of all people. When I wondered whether I want to be one the answer from inside me was "rather not, being a not-hater will have to do."
by littledragon
Fri Apr 08 2011Nope. Sorry, but if anyone says they love everyone, they're either a big fat liar or their brain doesn't function properly. It's impossible. Everyone has a prejudice of some kind.
by magneticd
Fri Apr 08 2011Having dated damn near all of them, I'd have to say I wouldn't mind seeing several races burned out of existence. I had to stop "Captain Kirking it" because I don't want to hate everybody. Here is the list of people I can still stand: The Welsh, Swedes, Inuits and Samoans. Actually, I think I accidentally had an experience with an Inuit during a fight.
by molfan
Fri Apr 08 2011no not all people especially individual people I know I do NOT love. sorry guess I am not one of those "perfect" people. but then there is no such thing. but what the heck I know there are those people who do not like me so do not feel that guilty.guess I am not bursting with love love love.! over the years i have been deeply hurt by certain individuals so no not loving them. P.S. i do not mean that in a racist way just people in general. I like the quote "the more I get to know certain people, the more I like the dog"
by misspackrat4je_sus
Thu Sep 18 2008God does, so I try to do the same. Everyone was created equal.
by harlock
Wed Jul 09 2008I can't love all people, always there's people I don't like, and people I don't want. And there's a few people I really hate. I think it's impossible to love all people, always there's someone who is impossible to love.
by scarletfeather
Wed Jul 09 2008Only Jesus could love all people, and I am not Jesus.
by cyclee
Wed Jul 09 2008The question can be taken quite a few different ways.I think you're trying to ask if I love all races the same way. In that case I do.If you're asking whether I love all people the same amount, then definitely not. I love those who are related to me more, and those who I call good friends.If you ask if I love people at all, then it's a disappointing no.
by numbah16tdhaha
Wed Jul 09 2008I'd like to love me a latina if that's what you are asking...
by canadasucks
Wed Jul 09 2008Impossible listing. Humans do not have the capacity to love all people from all places as much as family and close loved ones as this listing implies. We do not love strangers the same way we care for our parents, children, or spouses. There is a scale. If you truly loved 'all people. . .all races' equally- you wouldn't be living in that comfortable air-conditioned house reading this. You would have to make all those sacrifices (that you already make) for every complete stranger you met as if they were family- they're not. And you won't. That's not a bad thing- humans are a young and tribal species that, at present condition, are not built for that kind of emotional investment for survival purposes. (You can't stay alive in the dangerous pre or post civilization world by caring for everyone outside of your tribe- makes no evolutionary sense.) Listing has a theological or Bob Marley tinge to it and its heart is in the right place- but no logical person could really take this li... Read more