Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Approval Rate: 81%
Reviews 50
by irishgit
Fri Apr 10 2009The most CGI dependent of the three movies, and in some ways the weakest of them. While there are several good scenes, there is a lot of style over substance which makes it the least interesting of the trilogy for me. Further, the forced introspection of the Frodo scenes gets wearying, without advancing the character to any great degree.
by hondarider91
Mon Sep 22 2008My least favorite of the three films. Don't worry, there is nothing bad about this one, still worth the 5 stars (I only dont like that that it drags on too long at the end). Denethor was brilliant, but I also get frustrated with Frodo and his choices. The effects were awesome and this film was definately a fitting end to the trilogy.
by spike65
Sat Jul 26 2008A fitting end to the trilogy. Must see.
by richardmarshal
Sun Jan 27 2008The most ridiculous of the trilogy. Frodo effectively fails to destroy the ring, using his own anger to kill Gollum and destroy the ring. Apparantly the writers think they're smarter, more insightful and open minded than Tolkien. Many of the events are just plain stupid. The films are filled with geeky, unrealistic events. The grimness and beauty in Tolkiens work become sickeningly intermingled in the characters and their choices. I can't even remember what Aragorn says after he kills the Mouth of Sauron. I was apalled with how badly they ruined the books in this film, how badly they missed the mark. Costumes, FX and lens quality can't save this film from being an abhorent piece of trash. I'm disgusted with what Jackson and his wife have done.
by pixarfan2007
Tue May 08 2007The final part of Lord of the Rings is okay but the first two parts are better. The film just drags on at the end. The effects and the battles, however, are great. They also left a big part of the ending out of the book.
by jeremy00081
Wed Sep 13 2006Great movie with great special effects that make your say, "holy heck!" and awesome battle scenes that make you want to jump through the screen and join in. My only gripe is that there are a couple scenes that are rediculously unrealistic, such as the scene where that girl cuts clean through the 5 feet of that monster's neck with one swipe of her sword. I mean, come on! What an insult to the viewer's intelligence. But forget about scenes like that and this is one great movie.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Thu Feb 09 2006Great, though it dragged a bit at the end. I especially liked Gothmog, the deformed orc leading the evil army of Mordor, he was a real badass, though not a character in the books at all. There is a Balrog named Gothmog in The Silmarillion, and a Gothmog is mentioned in passing in that battle in the third book, though it's unclear if it's an orc, a man, a Ringwraith etc. Excellent film adaptation of the timeless third book of the trilogy.
by kevdraco
Mon Jan 30 2006I thing u r wronmg Chucktown Becaus eit was a huge burden to carry tzhe ring !! The movie is really good ! The photography is brilliant!
by chucktown_asassin
Sun Jan 08 2006the best movie ever but i believe sam should get all of the credit because he always gets frodo out of trouble and frodo does nothing but walk around with a ring.
by blueorchid
Wed Dec 14 2005Probably my most favorite of the trilogy. It had too many endings though. lol. As always, Liv is simply beautiful and Vigo has talent.
by decalod85
Mon Nov 28 2005Once again, unnecessary changes to the original story ruined this movie for me. I hated all the "extreme Legolas" scenes. What happened to the scouring of the shire? Blah!
by dahoabd1
Fri Nov 25 2005i rate this movie with 4,75 stars, because its very good but not everyone shares my opinion. for example: when you have a date the girl will run away.
by inoitall
Sat Oct 29 2005Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ng.... and boring part 2.
by hbbt55
Sat Oct 08 2005I felt that having a director that was a great fan of Tolkein made the movie. I also felt that each actor protrayed each charactor very well.
by shadowlink
Wed Aug 10 2005it was awsome, but my fav is still Two Towers.
by fantasyfalles
Mon Jul 04 2005it was awesome! it blew me away seeing in theatures!!i loved it!
by dragonman
Wed Jun 15 2005What else can be said? The final chapter in a triumph of epic film making, 5 stars.
by randomoscity
Mon Jun 13 2005No words. I can't describe it. Wait, yes I can... The acting was incredible, but far surpassing even the charms of Orlando Bloom is the majesty of the special effects. The editing is seamless and absolutely astounding. The entire trilogy is breathtaking, but this one takes the cake. The first 4 times that I saw it, I bawled. Yeah, I'm a fan.
by maikee31
Thu Jun 09 2005gsgdfgg
by sfalconer
Fri May 27 2005All of the Rings pictures were great but they pulled out all the stops on this one. Some times trilogies don't come together in the end but this is a classic so it had to be good. I have read the Hobbit and the Silmirilion (sp) (twice) and you can't do any better than Tolken. The movie deserves all the accolades it receives and then some. The script the locations the directing the cinemetography, the editing I good go on. Who says they don't make them like the used to.
by crmguy
Sun May 22 2005Great movie and riveting as all other installements in the series...Highly recommend it...I mean I am not someone that likes this sort of genre but couldn't be torn away once I watched the first one...
by kristinand
Sun May 08 2005i must be only one who reallly hates all Lord of the Rings movies
by rater1006
Thu Mar 31 2005Great end of a great trilogy. Plenty of fighting. Easily the best although by now the idea is unoriginal.
by nobby864
Sat Mar 05 2005The best lotr so far! Absolutely brilliant! It's Peter Jackson's croening achievment. Any who rated this lower than five stars can go to hell.
by maomania
Sun Feb 27 2005Not as good as The Two Towers but still an amazing movies. I was so sad at the end, knowing there wouldn't be a fourth movie. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy will always be rememberred.
by elf_chick86
Thu Jan 27 2005the lord of the rings has been a great experience for a lot of people, some people didn't enjoy the movies. that's okay i can live with that. but for those of us who love Tolkien, nothing will ever come close to the whole experience of seeing these films. and of sharing time with our friends who also love them, some of my greatest memories are of seeing tRotK the day it opened with 2 of my good friends. so the ending was a little long... everything about these movies is huge, you can't spend ten hours watching them and have a ten minute ending. that wouldn't be fair to the storyteller.
by djahuti
Tue Nov 16 2004They did a good job,but as always,the Book is the real deal.
by t_felicity
Sun Oct 24 2004Despite the long ending, this was awesome. I guess he had to tie up all of the lose ends, but the ending wasn't as good as I thought that Peter could do.
by mbmoses
Sat Aug 21 2004A low end scale 5... a very good movie, but the ending could of used to be shorter (come on, it would've been easy). Also every time I think this is my fav LOTR movie by far, I get reminded of how cool The Two Towers is and how well edited it is. The only reason the end (and a few other eliments) bugs me so much, is because the rest of the movie is so damn awesome... I'm just nit picking cause there's not much there to not like.
by junoluver
Tue Aug 03 2004Oh man...it was just too drawn out. I enjoyed the first two more. The battle scenes were nice though, and the special effects were okay, but not that astounding. The acting was really below average, and certain scenes were drawn out way too much, like the slow-motion giggling on the bed near the end, which was just embarrassing to watch. It was an epic tale from beginning to end, and a mediocre movie, but it is terribly overrated, in my honest opinion.
by trpnstn1
Sun Jul 11 2004Epic, archetypal, perfect in keeping with the power, drama, and message of the original writings. Combine all that with the superior acting, special effects, and attention to detail and this is the best epic since Star Wars. I have seen other attempts at making these books into movies, and they fell FAR short of what I imagined when I read them, but THIS series... this is better than I remembered, perfect in every way, inspirational, heart warming, hopeful, inspirational, what more could you ask for!!!
by cooljda
Wed Jun 16 2004Great story,great graphics,great acting,and great battle scenes. This movie is destined to be a classic.
by iamopinionated
Sat Jun 05 2004I really don't see what all the hype is about. This was my least favorite of the three. The battles were nicely done and the cinematography is really nice too but there's no story going along with it. It's mainly just fighting, and it really bugs me how main characters never die in massive free-for-all type battles. I haven't read the book but I've heard it deviates from it quite a bit. If you like seeing 3 hours of straight battles then this movie is for you. If you like movies to actually be deep, then you might not like this one.
by ansgard
Fri Jun 04 2004Amazing trilogy and this third one is really lovely....great tolkien and great Jackson
by comedyfreek
Tue May 18 2004it was really good fun..i saw all the whole trilogy in one day..this was by far the best part..a beautiful end to a beautiful story
by louiethe20th
Sun May 16 2004Just a wonderful, wonderful masterpiece! One of my all time top 10.
by richard_howson
Fri May 14 2004I love it! Especially when the Fat one went up the Ring!
by fizbansfriend
Mon Apr 26 2004It is a great movie on it's own, but it is the climax of maybe the best trilogy put on film. Great, Great Movie. Very Deserving of the Best Picture award.
by jwbooth
Mon Apr 05 2004Too long? Wanted to kick the hobbits into the drink in the final schmaltzy scene.
by boonta23
Sun Apr 04 2004Wonderful ending when...I won't spoil it. I like how it wrapped up, I almost cried.
by evileye
Thu Apr 01 2004I've always thought that all fantasy movies were stupid & a waste of time to watch. But since the Lord of the Rings I've developed a greater respect & liking toward those type of movies. This last Lord of the Rings was the best ever!!!!!!!! It deserved all of the Oscars! Go New Zealand!!
by kidcartwright
Tue Mar 30 2004Supeiorly Awesome!!!!!! I saw it 2 days after it came out, but I do have to agree with the bad ending. Why did they have to show Sam and his dumn,happily lived ever after, thing. I dont know what people are saying about the Shire being attacked by Sarumon. I thought with the death (or collapse) of Sauron,it would have killed all of evil. Anyways It rules!!!!
by nokie1998
Tue Mar 23 2004Wonderful ending to a wonderful saga. Can't wait till it is released on DVD!!!!!!
by mr_negative
Mon Mar 22 2004Could've condensed the last half hour. Twin Towers was better.
by pikachan
Sat Mar 06 2004After seeing the first two Lord Of The Rings, I was interested in seeing the final chapter of the story. I found this to be the best part of the trilogy. The film deserves every award it recieves. Peter Jackson is a brilliant director. I highly reccommend this film.
by phreek_of_the_world
Thu Feb 19 2004This is easily the best movie of 2003, a great way to end a great trilogy, and it deserves to win the oscar for best picture.
by bird808
Wed Feb 18 2004Another one of my favourite films from last year. Peter Jackson please take a bow for delivering one of the greatest three cinematic films of all time. The Lord of the Rings trilogies are going to be remembered for many years to come. Where some films fail to make the third or second part of their sequels deliver, all three of The Lord of the Rings films equally delivered. They excited the audiences and most importantly remained true to the book.
by classictvfan47
Sat Feb 07 2004The best movie of the trilogy! Amazingly, after the terribly boring Fellowship, the series bounced back with a vengenance with Two Towers and now this! Incredible action sequences, great dialogue and even some inspired humor. Multiple endings are awesome, and inspire strong emotions. Great movie!
by chatnchew
Tue Feb 03 2004Pure and simple: a masterpiece.
by aragon
Wed Jan 28 2004I am a ver big lord of the rings fan. I read the book, many times, i saw all three movies, i wish that the had drawn it out into more movies. I think that the characters were well potrayed the action was great the weapons and scenery were breathtaking. My only problems were that strayed to far from the book at times, they never really showed what happened to sauraman, and they should have added the proper ending to the movie with the hobbits going back to the shire and having to reclaim it. In short it was excellent movie but in think they rushed the last movie of the three