Long Island Iced Tea
IBA official cocktail, typically made with vodka, tequila, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a splash of cola Website
Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 0
by imogen
Mon Jun 08 2009This is a rather sweet, very strong drink. It packs a powerful punch because the amount of different kinds of alcohol in it is masked by all the sweet flavors, including Coca-Cola. I really cannot remember the last time I drank one of these because they're usually quite expensive at bars and they require an extensive liquor cabinet to make at home. I do not think they're really that delicious anyhow.
by xcuses
Wed Jun 03 2009This drink will knock you out. The deadly combination of vodka, gin, tequila, and rum tastes surprisingly innocuous. It's a sweet, tasty way to get drunk fast.
by mindreign
Tue Jun 02 2009It's like drinking candy. Then you are drunk http://www.mindreign.com/en/search.mr?keyWords=mixe d+drinks&browseCategories=%2Fen%2Findex.mr& browseFormats=%2Fen%2Findex.mr&browseTo=
by chalky_studebaker
Tue Oct 14 2008ah yes, the nectar of the long island iced tea gods. Sir. Thomas Lipton would be most impressed--all he wanted was to get hammered.
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Oct 07 2008AKA a way to get lightweight chicks drunk so you can... well, you get the picture...
by twansalem
Tue Aug 05 2008I wouldn't exactly call them my drink of choice, but a well made Long Island ice tea is almost pure alcohol, yet it doesn't taste like a strong drink. It's hard to say whether my opinion on them is valid, however, as I don't think I've ever had one as one of my first couple drinks of the night.
by lucy13
Mon Apr 14 2008Pace your self.
by uncnc08
Wed Feb 20 2008Folks lets be honest here,when it comes to this drink do we really care what it taste like? after a few sips I can't even remember what this taste like.It goes down smooth enough,and all I can ever drink is one.and Im set for the night.
by shoua890
Thu Dec 06 2007It hits hard, but taste like crap.
by fb653591235
Thu Nov 08 2007Not yummy, but packs a punch.
by minimoose82
Thu Oct 25 2007If you live in Minneapolis, MN a bar on Hennepin Avenue call Rock Bottom makes the perfect Long Islands. Not very sweet, just perfectly mixed. Everywhere else I've gone just doesn't measure up!
by ladyblackpearl
Sat Sep 01 2007Good drink overall, but it can be totally ruined if the bartender doesnt know how to make it right.
by irishgit
Fri Aug 31 2007Too sweet for me, although one on a hot day, lounging on a patio, can be pleasant.
by annalouise
Tue Aug 14 2007I have drank these on holiday.They tasted nice and they went down far too well.Since i really couldnt taste the alcohol i found i was drunk much sooner than i planned on being.
by trebon1038
Thu May 17 2007I like them but they don't seem to like me...they always talk back.
by zuchinibut
Sun Oct 01 2006Its hard to beat a Long Island when all you want to do is get good and hammered! Its a definite go to when you can't quite make up your mind about what you are going to order.
by djahuti
Thu Jun 29 2006These are dangerously potent.As an ex-bartender,I can make Killer Iced Teas:Gin,Vodka,Triple Sec,Lemon Mix,Cola and a splash of rum on top.If you get the proportions right,you can hardly tell it from plain old Iced tea-until it kicks your butt!
by kingguiness
Fri Jul 22 2005It's a sleazy drink. It is 100% about getting plowed.
by deezie
Wed Aug 04 2004Squeeze a lemon in it, and the liquor taste is gone. It's the worst mixed drink for your healths sake, but it sure will get you drunk with a quickness!
by hotel283
Wed Jun 30 2004With the five whites (vodka, gin, tequila, rum and triple sec) it can be magic but when made with that horrible Long Island mix, putrid.
by chrisk1177
Wed Mar 17 2004Brings back horrible memories.
by beckygee
Thu Jan 22 2004best hard drink ever, but don't plan on doing anything important the next day...
by roblinb
Sun Nov 09 2003All you drink technicians in here are making me laugh with your exact recipes. All I know is it F*CKS ME UP :-)
by al_coholic
by bebebloo
Sat Mar 15 2003If I wanna get DRUNK-I'll have maybe 2 Long Island Iceteas! Many a times I was sick from too many. It happens very quick. If you have a low tolerance-stay away!!!
by cool_man
Sat Dec 21 2002I have read opinions about Long Island Ice tea. I tried it yesterday. I can say that it is good but if there is someone who can help you go home. the third cup was the K.O. All what I could remember is the bartender tellng me " if you don't leave the bar I will call cops"!!. I don't understand why he was telling me that. even worse, I think the cab driver stole me 20 bucks. thanks god I got up this morning in my bedroom. Long Island ice tea is a good drink only if you are in a safe place. don't drink it if you are alone in a bar.
by monkezuncle
Fri Nov 22 2002Requires a higly skilled bartender to make it right and only high quality liqours blend with ice tea. Also too strong of a tea can overpower the drink. If you want something complicated be prepared to have it vary widly based on the skill of the bartender. If it is made right though, it can be a real treat. I agree with the rating that said it is a dangerous drink. Many people (especially girls) don't relize that this drink can get you slammed after just a few. Personally, I stick with the Vodka gimlet or whiskey sour.
by sunny184
Fri Sep 28 2001I used to be a bartender and this drink will kill you faster then the rest. It doesn't taste like a drink and some people over do it.
by mukkrukkis
Sun Mar 18 2001I good drink. A few of these babies will knock you on your ass. Personally, I think it would be better with some more rum and less tequila. It all depends on who is mixing it.
by crazy_byrd
Tue Mar 06 2001This is the good time drink....everyone likes it!
by brandon
Sun Dec 17 2000I enjoy Long Island Iced Tea's because they are smooth, contain a lot of alcohol, and after four or five they get me where I need to be. Long Islands contain vodka, rum and gin. When mixed just right with Coke and sweet and sour they can be refreshing.
by kazaam
Fri Dec 15 2000Great for the first few drinks of the night. I think that the Long Island Ice Teas get you started up well, but after a few of them it is a good idea to switch to something with less liquor in it, like beer.
by matthew
Thu Dec 14 2000My favorite mixed drink. It has to be mixed just right. The bartender is what really makes a Long Island Ice Tea. The stronger the better.
by pologirl
Wed Dec 13 2000You only have to drink a couple of them to get drunk. They taste great if you are into alcohol. "Long" means long glass to last longer.
by lew_lew
Wed Dec 13 2000They're really strong and have lots of hard alcohol in them, perfect! They start to taste gross and too strong after awhile. You don't need to drink very many though.
by babygurl
Wed Dec 13 2000This is a nice starter drink, especially at clubs. After a couple of glasses you feel it working. It tastes very good, not that strong. It's a good mixed drink.
by msiojo
Wed Dec 13 2000It's great for when you want a quick buzz. It's good if you like strong drinks. You can taste the alcohol but it still tastes great!
by torres
Wed Dec 13 2000The first time I drank Long Island Iced Tea, I got a pretty good feeling off it. I was at a club and I got me a hella good ass buzz. Later on I got another one and that's when I really started to enjoy the night.
by roon144e
Wed Dec 13 2000This is the best club drink. Not too harsh and at the right spot they'll taste better than a smoothie. Three is all you need and I drink big, so three to five should satisfy anyone.
by lakerf3c
Mon Dec 11 2000Excellent taste! This combines a lot of alcohol, therefore it contains a lot of alcohol. Have a couple of these for a good night. Have too many... don't remember the night.
by cwalkin
Mon Dec 11 2000This drink really had me messed up at a party. It gave me a cool ass buzz which made me hurl at the club one night.
by kook1994
Mon Dec 11 2000This is the most gnarliest mixed drink of all. A true sleeper. You don't realize that the drink is made of all the essential hard alcohol. Truly worth the money at the bar.
by emmez78
Mon Dec 11 2000Long Island Iced Teas are probably the best mix of just alot of liquors thrown together. They're dangerous though!!!
by dubb43d1
Sun Dec 10 2000Great if you want to get drunk quick. A mix of a bunch of alcohols, and doesn't taste bad. I have gotten extremely hammered numerous times on about four or five of these.
by 1leelee20
Sun Dec 10 2000I beleive that this mixed drink is off the floor. Long Island Iced Teas are hella strong and the source of my everyday drinking life. They hit you hella quick because they are filled with hella alcohol. It's a sippin' kind of drink, and the taste of it is pretty cool too.
by jblakes
Sun Dec 10 2000Tastes great. I like all the different alcohols. Gets you there. Perfect party mix.
by ender3fa
Fri Nov 17 2000This drink is strong and will knock people on their tush. It's a lot of alcohol for a very good price. My #1 choice for a bar drink. Personal preference- no tequila (though technically that would be a Texas Tea), extra sweet and sour. That's the perfect mix. Lot's of alcohol still, but easy to pound. LIIT = vodka, gin, rum, triple sec, equal parts sweet and sour and a dash of coke.
by nrmidland
Fri Nov 17 2000Again, perfect mixture of alcohols. Sometimes one overpowers the other when amateur bartenders are present.