Long hair vs Short (men)

Approval Rate: 71%

71%Approval ratio

Reviews 27

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    Mon Feb 28 2011

    Not really an issue in this modern day and age. Today the question seems to be whether to Manscape or not to Manscape.

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    Sun Feb 27 2011

    there are some men who are amazingly hot with long hair but it takes a bad boy personality to pull it off.

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    Sat Nov 27 2010

    Long Hair Men are soooooooooooooo hot! Take a look at Robert Plant (young) or Johnny Depp, or young Roger Daltrey. all with or had long hair and are hotter with it! I'm in love with guys with long hair. One of the best features of a guy. robert plant: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.c rawdaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/uploadedImages/Wolfgangs_Vault/Craw daddy!/Copy/Articles/Issue_129/TellEmMan-large.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.crawdaddy.com/index.php/2007/11/28/rober t-plant-of-bustling-hedgerows-and-bonzo/&usg=__Scuf3jSUiUOM6ANFJcbsGzaTXkA=&h =230&w=230&sz=26&hl=en&start=23& ;zoom=1&tbnid=vCJHfa84I3Z2EM:&tbnh=130& tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyoung%2Broger%2Bdal trey%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DTab%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26channel%3Ds%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D575% 26tbs%3Disch:10%2C449&um=1&itbs=1&iact= hc&vpx=142&vpy=257&dur=4483&hovh=18 4&hovw=184&tx=83&ty=115&ei=l_fxTJ2h KIievgO5oIXODQ&oei=K_fxTPDVGYPsvQOx-ICZCg&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=2... Read more

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    Mon Sep 13 2010

    I love long hair on men. It looks more natural (that might be because it is). It reminds me of vikings and stuff. Plus I can have fun braiding it.

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    Mon Sep 13 2010

    Short, without question, and preferably under an inch long. That way you don't even have to comb your hair after getting out of the shower, much less go through all of the trouble with long hair. An added bonus is that you can buy a cheap hair trimmer from Wal-Mart for $15 and you can have a friend/spouse/roommate etc. cut your hair instead of heading to a barbershop. Hell, if you just shave it all off, you can do it yourself.

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    Wed Apr 30 2008

    Depends. If u have a lady and u have short hair than keep it. If u don't have a girlfriend than try growing it out. Theres a reason why only the guys with long hair at my school have girlfriends...

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    Fri Apr 25 2008

    Yeah, I once had alot of hair, but once those butchers at the recruit depot shaved my head I discovered one thing. Short hair is easy.UPDATE: As a teen I did have long hair to piss my dad off. It was a source of some annoyance for him.

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    Fri Apr 25 2008

    I am a short man.I haven't had much hair, long or otherwise for a few decades.Easy choice.

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    Mon Apr 07 2008

    Short air most of my life... In 2007 I started growing and now the length is at the shoulders. Is natural - Long Warmth - Long Protection - Long Easy to maintain - Short Makes a person look like a trimmed yard henge - Short Some people (mostly other men) might be socially conditioned by media with the idea that long haired men are ruffnecks, hippies, bums or gays. I think most who are offended are only pissed that they have to keep cutting their hair because they are chicken. On the other hand most females that I know and see in public seem to be drawn to my long hair. I also noticed that long hair naturally fills ones own face in a great way. Think of what the king of the jungle would look like if he were shaved. LOL grams79

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    Sat Feb 23 2008

    Depends on the guy. I keep my hair long, but as I gain years I'm headed to the Ben Franklin look. I technically did the (un)voluntary bald thing years ago when I was in the military, so I already know that look just doesn't work for me. I know some guys that pull it off quite well though.

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    Sun Jan 20 2008

    Hmm... I have a wondorous mane of thick flowing hair. So what do I like about my crowing glory, well, I love when I go somewhere and those little old ladies from behind the desk would fond over my hair, or when the women in the grocery store would actually creepily caress my hair, I'm totally serious, and compliment me, I would either flip and then thank them with a turn in my neck, or thank them and then do the flip. I am asked insistantly to flip my hair, which I do very well, it's a gift what can I say. As marvelous as my hair is, I don't brush it, and haven't had it cut in three years, but I really haven't needed to, and my spilt ends are few and unnoticeable, it really is about great genes, sorry. The last haircut I had was some stylish fade, which I have had done up untill I just let it go, and so it is mid-back length now, and has grown out into a layered look. But what I don't like about it is that people can't imagine that I would look just as good with short hair, unbelievabl... Read more

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    Thu Dec 20 2007

    Long hair makes sense. I am an old man with long hair. . Beyond trends and fashion etc.

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    Sun Oct 21 2007

    I am a guy and my hair is to the middle of my back and that is what I like best on other guys. Long hair all the way!

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    Sat Apr 14 2007

    Depnds on how long really... if its long enough to tie back then its too long! but longish surfer style hair looks good

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    The listing doesn't work because it depends on the individual. . .different styles work for different people. . .

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    I have had both over the course of sixty years. I recommend about medium. Don't get a haircut quite so often, and you shall be o.k.

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    ugh, short hair on guys is gross in my opinion. I LOVE long surfer hair on guys

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    Thu Sep 14 2006

    I'm with cherokee on this one. I ahve no preference, but it better be clean...

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    Thu Sep 14 2006

    I don't mind either way as long as it is clean.

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    Thu Sep 14 2006

    Short all the way. I love guys with short hair

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    Thu Feb 16 2006

    I had longer hair when I was younger, for awhile. But it's just not me. Looks great on some other men I think. Just depends on the person. I also have a beard, which I keep short. I've had it since I was 18 with a couple of brief breaks - once when I was very tired and slipped with the trimmer. But it's just not me without the beard. Must be my Danish blood.

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    I've had both-short is easier,but there are definately a lot of women who dig long hair on dudes.

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    Fri Sep 09 2005

    i prefer long hair in men but not real long.

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    Tue May 10 2005

    I remember back in the 70s thinking that long hair on a guy was a given. I couldnt even imagine younger guys without it. A buzz on a guy under 30 back then was like wearing a sign that said Nerd. Young men in the military at the time griped incessantly about how women in the military were allowed to have long hair (provided we kept it up while in uniform) but that same privilege was not extended to them (really guys, I dont think very many of you would have looked too swift with a bun or a French roll anyway - LOL). As time went on and fashions changed, short hair started to come back into vogue for men. The worst point on that particular journey was that mutant, indecisive look known as the mullet. Eeek! I still havent figured that one out. But, when the evolution finally arrived at something decidedly short and with some style, I noticed that shorter hair actually worked much better for most. Yet, I must admit, there are still guys who can pull off the longer look and not for... Read more

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    Sat May 07 2005

    When I was younger my hair went down past my shoulders. I'm sure I would look ridiculous with long hair now. I prefer shorter hair, it looks better and grooms better.

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    Sat May 07 2005

    (2=lean slighly towards short hair) Really depends on the guy, but usually shorter hair tends to look better on most guys.

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    Sat May 07 2005

    Short, short, short, short and, oh, short. I've always disdained the long haired look on a male and everything it symbolized. That unkempt look has consistently been a pet peeve of mine since I can remember. Give me a gentleman's haircut any day of the week instead.