Lipton PureLeaf Tea
Approval Rate: 80%
Reviews 5
by twansalem
Sat Jan 17 2009I started drinking unsweetened Lipton PureLeaf when I decided it was time to quit drinking Mountain Dew. It costs more, and it doesn't have as much caffeine, but I do like the taste and I'm no longer ingesting ridiculous amounts of sugar (or actually high fructose corn syrup).
by prwac46a
Wed Jan 14 2009If you like iced tea with no added flavors or sugars then Lipton Pure Leaf Unsweetened is for you. It doesn't get any better than this. Sometimes I will add some sweet 'n low if I am feeling sweet.
by bklyngirl07
Mon Nov 05 2007I'm addicted to the pureleaf green tea with honey, I can honestly drink it every day. I can no longer drink Arizona iced teas or anything else that's made with high fructose corn syrup, they taste too heavy and artificial. This is my favorite iced tea hands down, it has a great, refreshing taste, like home-made fresh brewed tea!
by mike02vr6
Mon Sep 17 2007bought a bottle of lipton pureleaf by accident, and I was quite surprised at how good it is. I used to use the lipton powder stuff but not anymore. Pureleaf has now weird after taste and not overly sweet, goes down nice and smooth. I will no longer make my own ice tea I will continue to buy this ice tea. Only problem is they only come in 6 packs and the nearest store is 15 min away.
by kamylienne
Sun Jul 29 2007Just recently available in May 2007, Pureleaf is pretty much water, tea, sugar, and apple pectin (for coloration). I didn't know if I'd be able to honestly taste the difference, but there is, and it's a big one. There's not any sweet aftertastes from odd sugar substitutes or anything, it's light and pretty refreshing. So far, I've seen Sweet, Lemon and Raspberry flavors, but I think I'll stick with the lemon for a more "pure" taste. I can't find it in too many stores right now. But, when they start selling it by the case, I'll be buying some (my husband loves the stuff, too).