Linda Tripp

Approval Rate: 53%

53%Approval ratio

Reviews 40

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    Wed Jan 20 2010

    I'd be happy to be that milf's boy toy.

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    Sun Dec 14 2008

    gross. that's a man. poor bill

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    Sorta reached her apogee when John Goodman played her in drag, and he came across as more of a woman than she could ever hope to be. Even with an extensive make-over, she couldn't reach the epitome of neo-con femininity as exemplified by shrill man-thing Ann Coulter. Thankfully, Tripp's 15 minutes actually only lasted 15 minutes, and she will in all probability remain a footnote for those in the future wishing to dredge up the whole sleazy Clinton b-job impeachment fiasco. An ugly rat-scumbag by any other name...

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    Fri Mar 21 2008

    With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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    Tue Aug 07 2007

    Hard to tell how much support I have for my generally positive opinion of whistleblowers, but here's how I analyze their actions. 1st, and most important, factor: Did the whistleblower expose the truth about one or more lies?2nd: Were the lies of substantial consequence to the public, i.e., was it an itty bitty white lie that had little or no consequence, or was it a whopper that drastically affected the public? [Examples: Clinton's lie about not having had sex with Monica would have been an itty bitty one had he said it only once to, e.g., a reporter, and let it go, but he made it into a lie of consequence by vehemently stating it on television to the public (you and me, folks; I don't know about you, but I don't like being lied to by anyone, especially our leader) and, even worse, stating it under oath, thus committing perjury. A whopper of a lie that drastically affected the public? Bush II and Cheney lying about Saddam having WMD, in order to fool the public into buying into their ... Read more

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    Fri Aug 03 2007

    I agree 100% with Mr.Political with this one and yes she was Ugly but she was also RIGHT.

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    Sun Dec 11 2005


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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    Linda who?

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    Sat Jul 09 2005

    she didn't deserve 1 minute of fame. she is an ugly jealous woman

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    Thu Jun 09 2005

    Let me get this straight. Linda Tripp managed to launch a movement to expose one of the most powerful couples on Earth for what it truly was based soely on what she believed to be her patriotic duty but all the libs can focus on is her looks? Kinda strange...

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    Sat Oct 16 2004

    The kind of busybody friend everyone hopes they never have.

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    Tue Aug 03 2004

    Linda may be ugly, but she was one of the few people who dared to stand up to the Clintoons. Bill and Hill have a long history of hiring detectives to intimidate, harass and blackmail anyone who gets in their way. Maybe she shouldn't have taped all those calls from Monica. That made her seem malicious. However, Monica is a silly fool so I don't feel sorry for her.

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    Fri Apr 30 2004

    She really looks terrific these days, don't you think?.

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    Fri Feb 27 2004

    U - G - L - Y, You ain't got no alibi! Yo UGLY!!! Yo UUgly Yo Mama say you OOGLY!!!

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    Sun Jan 11 2004

    hateful personality combined with a rancid appearance. butt ugly on both the inside and the outside.

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    Tue Dec 30 2003

    It's been said that 'you get the face you deserve'. Ooh, I guess it's true.

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    Sat Oct 25 2003

    Only with an absurd amount of spin can you canonize this woman for her behavior. Her looks just happen to reflect her true character.

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    Mon Sep 22 2003

    A particularly gruesome manhater who insisted on taking her enmity towards men in general out on the Chief Executive of the land, thereby attempting to make herself important and famous (a dubious project at the start, and subsequently a quest for failure) and also useful to her mutant confreres in the drooler faction. Another darling of the Rightwingers who broke various laws that the droolers wanted to suspend in her case because this piece of crap finally came up with something against Bubba that could be politically useful, which was the not-so-hidden agenda of the rightwing since 1992. Just another example of selective justice and punishment that's so typical of that criminal conspiracy known as the American Political Right. You have to wonder how someone so dishonest, sneaky and lacking in ethics like this troll could get a security clearance sufficent to scrub down toilet bowls on Capitol Hill, yet managed to achieve two degrees of separation from the Arkansas Wonder. And ju... Read more

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    Wed Jul 02 2003

    I give her major kudos for standing tall when everyone insulted her, but She's not really famous for a good reason. Sure, Monica was a slut and all, but Linda had no right to go and exploit her to win Cash. I guess it really is all about the attention, fame, and the $ sign. But then everyone began to rap on her for the wrong reasons (such as looks). It's remarkable she stood high and confident.

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    Mon Jun 02 2003

    She looks like my ex-sister-in-law, fugly!

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    Sat May 24 2003

    I'll give her three stars for reasons already named by Castlebee and Solenoid DH (BTW Castlebee... even though the jury is still out on it, I have yet to see any proof that JFK had Marilyn Monroe "disposed" of. If it was a habit of JFK's to dispose of the women that he slept with and then didn't want anymore, then there'd be a long list of mysterious deaths). Back to Linda Tripp... three stars, espescially for making such a hilarious character on SNL. John Goodman plays "it" so perfectly.

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    Tue May 20 2003

    She had the sense to protect herself from those who wanted her to be a perjurer. I'm from Arkansas, and we've known for a long time that Clinton and his goons will seek revenge on anyone who crosses them. Linda Tripp was doing the wise and courageous thing.

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    Tue May 20 2003

    Gee, what a pal, secretly tape-recording your friend to gain popularity and attention. Not that Lewinsky or Clinton were angels themelves, but selling your friend out is pretty cheap.

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    Mon Apr 28 2003

    It's called privacy. We all like to have our own, so why would we agree with someone that can't keep it to herself. I don't commend Mrs.Tripp for what she did, but if Monica wanted it to be kept secret then the only person that she could trust with such information was herself and the president. I also don't commend Bill Clinton or Monica for what they did, but if I wanted my privacy then no one, not even family/friends would ever know about it. So they ALL needed to keep their mouths shut!

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    Sun Feb 02 2003

    if there was ever an arguement against plastic surgery, LT is it--fatass.

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    Mon Dec 23 2002

    I think most people find it abhorrent to tape record your "friend" and get them (and one other) into serious trouble for no good reason.

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    Sun Oct 20 2002

    No, she didn't betray a friend. She just DECEIVED a young, stupid girl into THINKING she was her friend, which is just as bad - maybe worse. She's EVIL.

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    Sun Apr 14 2002

    Lets face it! The Conservatives love to bash liberals. They would sacrifice their integrity to defend a two-face snake. This cruel woman invited her bridge club friends so they can laugh at Monica Lewinsky. It is no surprised that these friends testify at Linda Tripp's trial. They said in court that they'd seen the tape recording equipment at Linda's place, she'd told them all about the taping, and she knew it was illegal. I guess they learn their treacherous behavior from the master. If Linda Tripp taped evidence against a Republican president, the Conservatives hypocrites would cry "bloody murder."

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    Tue Apr 02 2002

    This woman is the most attractive person I have ever seen. Why do you always bash her? I have her calendar up on my wall.

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    Tue Apr 02 2002

    Hello!? Two words, people, two words: PRIVATE LIFE! Who cares what Bill and Monica were doing in their private life? It's their business not yours! However, little Miss Linda just had to jump out into the public and relate everything Monica Lewinsky had told her in private, fouling everything up for the entire Clinton administration, didn't she? She just had to open her big mouth. Shows you how one person with no ability to keep a secret can make a mountain out of a fourth of a molehill. Take care, everyone!

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    Wed Mar 06 2002

    Tape recorders rule....Bill Clinton needs a penis extension.

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    Fri Nov 02 2001


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    Sat Jun 16 2001

    The poor woman fell out of the ugly tree and hit every single branch on the way down! She looks like a cross-dressing Chris Farley!

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    Thu Apr 26 2001

    Due to the now way too famous activities in the oval office, somewhere along the line, it was said that Linda Tripp was afraid there were plans to officially and permanently cause Ms. Lewinsky to go away (perhaps another Marilyn/JFK parallel?). So, being concerned for the little twit's safety, etc. she spoke up. No doubt there's not one soul who can actually prove that was the case - and I'm not saying I believe it either. Yet I was left wondering - other than to just expose what was going on - what possible motive could have caused Tripp to want to squawk? Could this be merely a case of another masochistic, overweight, middle-aged woman who just can't get enough public ridicule? Well, whatever prompted her, I'll bet she - like most of the rest of us - wishes she had never troubled herself.

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    Tue Apr 17 2001

    First, let's get something straight, everyone (except Ruby, who already knows)--Linda and Monica were NOT friends. Monica was just a slut who liked to blab things to Monica. Linda didn't betray a friend because Monica wasn't a friend. Ms. Tripp knew that what Clinton was doing was wrong and illegal, so she simply decided she was going to get him in trouble, rightfully so. She had the backbone to actually go against the President and put her reputation on the line just to bring down this scum. Move over, Spice Girls, we have "girl power" right here!

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    Tue Mar 27 2001

    Linda didn't betray a friend. She was kind to a blabbermouth 20-something floozie, who then encouraged her to commit perjury if she was brought into the Jones case. Please remember that perjury was a felony back before Clinton's spin machine convinced the dummies of this country that lying in a sexual harrasment case is OK b/c its "about sex". Tripp had alreaday been called a liar by the President's lawyers on another matter where she had given honest answers to a reporter. She needed evidence so she wouldn't be accused of lying on this one. I guess she didn't anticipate that people would instead tar her for not being attractive enough. But at least everyone knows now that she tells the trust.

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    Fri Mar 23 2001

    I've run into a few people like Ms. Tripp. Who needs them.

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    Fri Mar 23 2001

    This is a nasty woman. Not that I am fond of Monica, but it comes down to the fact that Linda Tripp betrayed a friend, a friend that confided in her about her personal life. Linda tries to portray the pious victim/heroine..doesn't work sweetie, you stabbed a friend in the back and that's that.

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    Thu Mar 22 2001

    Why is it that 3 of these oddball celebrities have ties to Clinton? Linda is obviously a shoddy, backstabbing friend, and no amount of plastic surgery can change that.

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    Wed Mar 21 2001

    Well, I'll be the first reviewer to state the obvious and mention that Ms. Tripp was not at the front of the line when they were handing out looks. But that's certainly not her fault and you can't hold it against her. What you can hold against her is her bitter, jealous, angry personality combined with the fact that she blatantly betrayed a friend of hers. And, in doing so, she gave the world the gift of seeing John Goodman portray her on "Saturday Night Live."