Life Gate Health Acupuncture
Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 1
by herbanpharmer
Thu May 07 2009I'm the owner of Life Gate Health Acupuncture, Jacob Potts. It's my goal to help everyone I can achieve positive health. This goes beyond a relief from symptoms, to creating a new more vital set point. Building vitality now creates longevity later. I believe in informing my patients and the public at large about dietary, exercise, lifestyle, and herbal or nutraceutical choices they can make to achieve positive health. I'm a licensed acupuncturist, massage therapist, and Chinese herbalist. I use acupuncture and Chinese herbs to treat pain, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, menstrual problems, weak immune systems, insomnia, arthritis, and many other health concerns. I look forward to creating an open dialogue with the web, so that we can all move forward into positive health together.