Libyan Uprising

Libyan Uprising

Approval Rate: 43%

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    Wed May 25 2011

    Just what the world needed another violent revolt.

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    Tue Mar 22 2011

    Appears to be gaining in significance.People all over are sick & tired of their corrupt leaders.However,it is interesting how the same folks who cheered Bushs unilateral attack on Iraq are so quick to paint Obama as a "warmonger". I'm not for bombing people,and think war should be a last resort.I think people like Ghadaffi & Saddam would be better dealt with by sending Special Ops to aid those in their own country who want them out,instead of killing our own guys & civilians & doing billions worth of "collateral damage" (so Halliburton or some other creepos can "rebuild" at our expense!) That said,it is pretty slanted to compare the situation in Libya with our attack on Iraq.I'm watching how Obama handles it,and for everyones sake,I hope it doesn't turn in to another quagmire.

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    Mon Mar 21 2011

    UPDATED MARCH 21, 2011: It goes to show you. The minute I give Barack Hussein some credit he shoots me in the ass! This Libya deal is the ultimate in stupidity!ORIGINAL COMMENT MARCH 16, 2011: Uncle Sam has NO national interest in this sand pile, and the Obama Administration is doing the right thing by doing nothing. All this mewing about a no fly zone ignores the fact that imposing a no fly zone is an act of war. Also, it takes a long time to marshal the military assets to be able to impose a no fly zone. I realize that France and England and Togo and Bouvet Island are calling for the no fly zone; however, it is Uncle Sap who has to spend the dough and risk American lives for it.Good job, Barack Hussein, for a change.

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    Sun Mar 20 2011

    Contrary to popular belief, president Obama did get congressional approval for this war. The signed document is sitting right next to his birth certificate.

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    Sun Mar 20 2011

    The U.S/U.N is all about human rights in Africa now? I think we're about a couple of million murders too late.

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    Sat Mar 19 2011

    Cue Obama to the rescue! AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! (Sorry about the "Team America" thing)

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    Wed Mar 16 2011

    Given that the current service standard for ousting a dictator and taking the reigns of power is approximately 3 weeks, I don't know that anyone has the stomach for a protracted conflict that could run past a couple of months. The West should set aside what they can afford for support and possibly hardware to any Arab state(s) that want to take a leadeship role in bringing peace, freedom and justice to the region but keep their people at home. The line between peace keeping a conquest is so faint that nobody ever seems to notice when it was crossed.

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    Wed Mar 02 2011

    Muammar Gaddafi for Center Square. No, I'm not John Davidson, host of Hollywood Squares, I'm just a RIA guy....Ben, Chalky, you're pal.....motherfucker to a lot of you :P (just kidding). Seriously, I feel bad for Libya being under this guy's rule. I'm not sure what the opposition is all about. Personally, I think the biggest pile of puke is Hillary Clinton saying how she wants to press charges against Gaddafi and see him overthrown. Go screw yourself, Hillary. Maybe she should NOT be doing a photo-op w/Gadaffi's son then. It's like the picture of Hussein and Rumsfeld. Go screw yourself, Rumsfeld. I'd like to see Gadaffi out, but who knows what the opposition has up their sleeve. Anything has to be better than Gadaffi you would think. Well, I'm off to my half-day substitute teaching assignment :O)

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    Thu Feb 24 2011

    Not terribly shocking that the wave of revolts against aging kleptocrats has reached Libya. Activity started picking up about 2 weeks ago, but the real momentum got going a couple of days ago with the fall of the Egyptian government, just across the border. Right now, the eastern half of the country (which is culturally and almost administratively separated from the capital Tripoli in the West) is controlled by military forces agitating for a change in regime. Two major tribes that were never in Qadhafi's pocket have also made their intentions clear that they will back the revolt along with various public figures within and outside the country. People who have been waiting over a generation for a crease to open are making their move, for better or worse. Unlike Mubarak in Egypt, Qadhafi seems ready to challenge the domestic and international forces agitating for his removal, and it is likely to get very bloody before its all said and done. Also, we can't rule out the potential ... Read more

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    Thu Feb 24 2011

    We ask the UN, NATO, and AU, to take out Qadhafi, and his sons. They are making a lot of noise. Qadhafi himself is accusing everyone who stands up against him to be bin Ladens. The stakes are high, and he is mad, shooting randomly, and he is continuing to slaughter them. This is going to be a fine lesson for any dictator in Africa. The world have to respond to this psychopath. A hard measure must have to be taken against him to save lives, or he and his Washington friend will annihilate the people. He is sickening to watch, making these noises accusing the people who speak up against him as terrorists. Same language the West use to oppress the world.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    Four stars since it appears that Libyans were late to the "it's time to show our (insert autocratic/religious/military dictator here) that we've had enough." Still, considering that my money's on good ol' Khaddafi (sp?) for bringing the lumber hard - real soon. That alone merits four.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    And the hits just keep on coming. In Libya the violence appears to have been worse and more chaotic than was the case in neighboring Tunisia and Egypt, and there appear to be schisms within the various military and security forces of the state. Moammar Gadhafi, clearly unwilling to give up his cherished status as crazier than a shithouse rat, today vowed to "die like a martyr." North African politics sure are fun these days.