Approval Rate: 66%
Reviews 0
by annamarie123
Sat May 28 2011According to Star signs, I'm a Libra. My aim is balance and balance is not acheived through negativity or mal intent. I try to understand others to the fullest extent and appreciate each moment I share with friends and family because we love each other and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Petty arguments or reasonings make me shake my head because what's to gain from that? Love yourself and the people around you is all I can really say right now. P.S. Don't take this stuff seriously, it's only going to end up creating differences and arguments that don't make any sense and it will put limits on yourself if you believe this stuff! Peace.
by djahuti
Fri Apr 02 2010Libra people are supposedly "balanced",that's what the books tell you.I have yet to meet one who is.Air Signs,they are often intelligent and can be lots of fun,but an old friend who knew a lot more about astrology than I do once told me "Libras cause confusion",and 20 years later,after more experience with them,I have to agree.
by christianmarti_nez
Mon Feb 01 2010My girlfriend is a Libra and I am a Cancer. I actually rated Libra's as higher due to that, though that's pretty much to be expected I think. WE are opposites in lots of ways, and we've had to come to terms with that. She's a born manipulator, something she hates about herself more because of I seem born to be manipulated by her. I mind a lot less than she does. Libras are great talkers, wonderfully intelligent and skilled negotiators all around. They often do end up being manipulative, though not always do they intend to be so negatively intentioned. They're awesome nonetheless, and I think two faced is more than harsh. Though...thinking back I've heard a few stories from her, maybe she's just managed to conquer that part of herself.
by indigobeauty
Wed Dec 23 2009I am a Libra female, but my feminine and masculine energies are balanced. all Libras are not the same. Libras like to avoid confrontation? yes this is true, but i am a scale which means i have extremes. Nobody would want to see my rage, plus it's hard for me to control the beast once I'm upset so i do my best to avoid it. Libras are manipulative? yes, i am a very aware person so i can be manipulative but my love for fairness keeps it in check,if i lose respect for you i will scar your mind without you knowing.Libras love luxuries? true,with so much ugliness in this world through negativity, i like to surround my life with as much beauty to keep me sane. this beauty shows up as sweet people, nice clothes,positive thinking within myself, art etc. Libras are indecisive? yes true. Libras have the gift of seeing everything from many angles.this seems like a curse at times though. Libras are very social all the time? wrong.i am social but i spend just as much time alone. Libras are flirts? ... Read more
by got2bereal
Thu Nov 12 2009By far the funnest sign to hangout with at a party!! Forget about all the haters, they are just jealous. Libra chick are the ones turning all the guys heads and dirty looks from other cats. Male Libras are the ones getting dragged around and fought over by other chicks.
by jjpunk1
Sat Sep 19 2009Librans rule...they balance...they are the one and only inanimate object of all stars!
by darkpalace
Thu Jul 09 2009Libra is a nice sign. They are always striving for justice. They are good looking women. People like them around to keep the peace and because they are fair minded. It has also been said that they can easily make others angry.
by casiopt1
Mon Dec 08 2008they are incredibly pleasant , so pleasant that it hurts. like chocolate, only all the time. feels kinda fake.
by permahorny
Fri Jul 11 2008Dont forget Talib Kweli, chubby checker, tommy lee, will smith, my boyfriend and I. The best partner for a Libra is a Libra. I wont make excuses. i am what i am. a fair few of these comments are negative. sounds like you have felt the wrath of the Libran which is given to those who truly deserve it, others just sound JEALOUS. so what? it's ok to have an opinion. Too bad not all people are Librans, we would all have a good time in bed!!!
by genghisthehun
Wed Feb 27 2008UPDATE: Libra sign members are homicidal maniacs. Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7. ORIGINAL COMMENT: I am saddened that in these so called enlightened times, people still believe in this nonsense.
by buffguy30
Wed Feb 27 2008my first love was, flirty, funny and really really good in bed.
by amanda1234
Sat Jan 12 2008Libras are very caring and sometimes put others feelings before their own. They like to be sorrounded by people.Interested in things that are beautiful such as art. Doesn't like things for too long. In relationships, they will do whatever to end and argument.Are manipulative at times. Love knowing a lot of people.Lastly, are sensitive at times and takes what some people say to heart. Most importantly not all librans are the same!
by misspriss68
Wed Nov 21 2007Libra's are good people, they are very sweet and polite. Wonderful talkers, and very interesting. Also very good in bed :) but... They are fake, two-faced, materialistic and will use the hell out of you if you let them!
by raymangold
Wed Sep 12 2007What can you not like about this sign it does not even have to around you and you still like it! this sign would make a good war stopper or what they call getting the crimnal to calm down would be good hostage crisis person!
by nidhikataria
Thu Jun 28 2007i am a libra and often look on my bad side along with the good one..if i have to comment on a libra~i guess its the best sign one can ever get. everyone's invited for them but they look for perfection so if u r dressed shabby or if ur hands nails r dirty, i wud not give u a second look. secondly, we give unconditional love to people and only expect politeness and compassion from others yet people feel we r demanding and self centered. though, its true that we are gluttons for praises but tell me one thing, who isn't? we love beauty and all the good things in life.again, who doesn't, the fact is that only librans are the one who know hwat they want, the way they want and thats y they'l go out of their way to reach their goal. they r very impatient, but at the same time they can concentrate for long on their much beloved goal or objective. librans are flirtatious and they r indulgents as well. we love to spend on good things, luxuries and art. i guess that shows, that we live life to t... Read more
by atillerman
Sat Jun 16 2007eminem - libra ;(
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sat Jun 16 2007I regard this stuff as slightly interesting nonsense. This is my sign as if anyone would care. You can find things that describe you in any sign, and of course it is all preposterous...I'm distressed to learn from the review below this one that I share it with Eminem, I was hoping that ALL that we had in common was being Caucasian males...
by tl1972
Fri Jun 01 2007They are very funny, adaptable and flirt a lot. They are good listeners and always give everyone at least one chance. Rarely do they judge others.
by jjms2b3b
Thu Feb 08 2007LIBRAN'S ARE THE ONLY SIGN OF THE 12 THAT IS NOT AN ANIMAL, WE ARE AN ITEM OF KITCHENWARE - SOMEHOW THIS MUST AFFECT OUR THINKING AND BEING. Personally i feel strongly about the fact that starsigns are limiting to our soul, we need to believe in ourselves and the talents we have received. The only way to strive for inner peace is to use your specail talents to the maximum, no matter what blady starsign you may or may not be, love and honour and respect everyone who you meet in your life, there is a time and place for everything. I once read that starsigns have no value for the studies made for astrology through astronomy were at a time when astronomers believed that the sun revolved around the earth, which we know today is crock of shyt...sometime to think about and google about. If all starsigns fell away bonding or not bonding with people would be more real and deep.
by pinkheart
Sun Dec 17 2006I'm with a libra now, I also have two children by him. At first it seemed like a match made in heaven, but if I knew about zodiac signs or believed what they said was true I would left him where he found me. We being together for 6 long and unpleasant years. He blames everyboby for his wrongdoing and don't show know considerations for noboby but his on ass. He can make you feel lower than life and that make me leave when we get in a fight. If I can turn back time I would for once listen to my mom. When my grandmother died in November he didn't show me know sympathy at all, instead he argued with me making it feel like it was my fault. If it wasn't for my 2 children I would being gone. So if you are a capricorn stay away from libras because they will do their best to tear down your self-esteem when theirs are down. Also don't say nothing to tick them off, because their temper is nothing nice to see. So BEWARE of LIBRAS!
by micheleb
Tue Nov 21 2006I am a libra and many people see libras as people pleasers that do not have a backbone. This is only partly true. The reason we want to please people is that we are happy when we make the ones we love happy. As far as not having a backbone: Libras will do anything for you and will not expect anything in return. But if you take advantage of us too many times, we hold it in until we explode. When someone does us wrong, we will make that person's life a living hell. There are 2 sides to us. We are very sensitive and when criticized, we can get pretty nasty. We hate arguments but if someone is wrong, we will argue our point.
by tytejeanz105
Tue May 30 2006im a libra and i have to admit i do get moody and hurt easily, but i also recover and forgive easily as well, because i can't move on hating people all my life. i only listen to people's problems if they listen to mine, because ive had many friends who just talk about themselves and i give them advice, but when im stuck or upset about something, they don't help at all. otherwise im a very nice person to everyone, and like to give and recieve compliments and make pleasant conversation, just like a true libra. fights aren't my strongest thing, but if you get on my bad side, i will silently bitch until you realize what you've done wrong. i can truly forgive and love all my friends easily like nothing was ever wrong.
by crazy234
Sun Mar 26 2006ALL YOU BITCHES AND FAGS THAT HATE LIBRA ARE GONNA GO DOWN!!!! Libras kick ass so shut he F up already! THEY WILL STEAL YOUR MAN YOU UGLY WHORE, and THE LIBRA MEN WILL DITCH YOUR BORING FAT ASS. SO Beware. theyre not as innocent as they look. My advice to all libras: tell all those haters to F off. tell all of them.
by amarynthia
Thu Jan 19 2006I am a Libra myself! I think Libras are awesome! Libras are intelligent, diplomatic, tactful, kindhearted, cheerful, charming, and funny. While we're smart, we're not know-it-alls. I think some Geminis can be a bit know-it-alls, but not us.
by goldilocks
Sat Oct 29 2005Libras seem pretty balanced and down to earth...with a slight touch of gaud.
by houseofm
Sun Jul 31 2005Libras, I get along with pretty well as friends, but nothing further than that. I've never seen a Libra (in my personal experience) who wasn't manipulative, and who didn't cheat.
by computergal
Mon Jul 18 2005Libra's need to please is a disease. They are very easy to get along with because they love art and other nice things. I find them quite insecure and say the right things to everybody to not disturb the peace. They are only good for parties and other fun occasions where you just want somebody to hang out with and chill. With their, No, it's about you attitude, they don't reveal much about themselves except for what they want you to know about them. Libra's are charming and enjoy romance...with everybody. They use sex to resolve problems and etc. often times because it's the easy way out and it makes the other person happy. They aren't very loyal though. They use their neutrality to have their cake and eat it by staying on both sides. They dislike getting their hands dirty, so to speak. They lack character. They make wonderful lawyers and artists overall.
by naima680
Sat Jul 16 2005Libras are fab!
by x_factor_z
Fri Apr 15 2005A weak Sun sign in its fall. Venus rules Libra and Venus in Libra may help this weakness a little.
by jjjm22
Fri Jan 21 2005Libras are very realistic people. They are very sweet and very sexy on the surface. They know how to please their partners and people around them with sweetness, encouragement, flattery, and honesty (if it's positive). Those are the people who you'ld say they make my day. With all these good things said, they are sort of erratic. You never find them say those sweet things again to you, they move on to another person to provide their goodness. This time, the guy left behind feels as if he was betrayed or manupilated. It's just a nature of a Libra, they are always looking for new experience, new toy to play with. Well, generally I love libras...they have no excess baggage...they go after what they want and leave after they get it...BUT THEY ARE NOT FOR YOU IF YOU WANT EMOTIONAL PARTNER BECAUSE THEY SEE EMOTIONS AS BEING WEAKNESS...(my ex was a libra whom I enjoyed so much and hated so much...but learnt a great lot...NOW I AM REALISTIC as her...)
by tocwelsh
Sat Jan 08 2005My ex wife is a Libra, got to be a 1...
by alex437
Fri Dec 17 2004Too needy and not sure of themselves enough. They need to get backbones.
by aquaria
Wed Nov 03 2004they know how to get what they want, definitely tactfully, intelligently...they have great taste...but they r so superficial, flirtatious, selfish, and shallow that all goodness in them is plunged in2 question. but they r ok, i guess, once u truly gain their hearts (thru flattery!).
by fin_rave
Sun Oct 24 2004The ghastly Micheal Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are both Librans, and, despairingly, so am I. Margaret Thatcher is also a Libran...obviously if I could change my birth sign I would. I am not esp. keen on my impending death via venereal disease; however, if it wasn't for the other 11 signs finding us so utterly irresistible, we Librans wouldn't be screwing around so much.
by poorrighteoust_eacher
Sat Oct 23 2004Librans are THE most UNsympathetic people I have ever come across. DO NOT EVER expect any kind of sympathy from these people.
by she_rater
by lizziem
Tue Jun 08 2004I couldn't agree more about one particular libra - in fact saiiormn99 - I thought you'd met her from your comments! I found her quite charming on initial meeting, and although she kept saying that each people had different opinions, it soon became apparent that when they differed from hers they were judged and found wanting in the extreme! Always complaining about how mistreated she is, that no one appreciates all the things she does - it does get boring when she repeats all her good points and all her efforts - makes me wonder if the reason she does do something nice its only because she wants recognition for it. Not, in my opinion, the reason for doing a good turn for a friend. yes, I have just finished a big, loud argument with her - all shouting and screaming on her part and nothing I could say or do was acceptable. I did come away feeling really bad, and really guilty - then realised, that the reason she threw all her toys out of the cot was because she wasn't getting her ow... Read more
by saiiormn91
Mon Jun 07 2004All libras, and airs signs at that, are manipulative dramatic and selfish people who cant see past themselves and blame everyone else for their problems. They are so manipulative that they begin to believe thier own lies and think everyone is out to get them but dont understand why people are ever mad at them. They use people and lie to get what they want, but expect everyone to do everything for them and cant figure out why people dont want to talk to them anymore b/c they dont know how to give back. Everything is a guilt trip with them. You could sit and listen to them repeat themselves for hours about how everyone is ruining thier life, and when you make one statement or have a problem they accuse you of making everything about you. They are double talkers and change thier opinions to better suit thier arguments at different times. Libras are not balanced, they are far from it, and the only thing they care about is balancing thier own life, even if you are at the expense. Yes i... Read more
by slsimms
Sat May 15 2004I'm a of my sisters is a leo and she says that Libras are condescending and know-it-alls. I admit that I have a bad side that can be attributed to the fact that I know how to work my charm and get what I want. At the center though, there is a lot of good in us. Every sign has their problem and everyone has their different stop hating on the Libras.
by jaded314
Wed Feb 25 2004This sign can be alot of fun, most of the time they're not. They're irresponsible, messy and don't care about people's feelings. I'm speaking from experience because my brother is a libra. Don't tell me that person that has a different girl every night is sweet!
by scarletfeather
Thu Oct 23 2003Libras are often sweet, outgoing people. They are often very attractive people.
by kolby1973
Wed Aug 27 2003Moody, moody, moody ! Love to fight, and can be almost as dramatic as Scorpios. But I do think they are more loving. Overall, an ok sign.
by blondatheart65
Thu Jul 24 2003i was born in september so that makes me a Libra. all the Libras ive met (other than me) have been self centered brats.
by dopehope
Mon Jul 21 2003Thom Yorke from Radiohead is a Libra you know what? Just listen to "Exit Music" or "Lucky" by Radiohead and you will just find out one of the sides of our sign...And whoever said that Librans suck...oh don't make me laugh!
by measha
Fri Jul 04 2003I am in love with a libra and believe me if you are searching for love which is fair and real, then you would think to be in heaven and would not be able to let go of your libra partner. A libra would give you the understanding you need and that's what I need the most. (I can be really difficult you know!). Everybody says that leo and libra doesn't fit together, but I think it's all nonsence. I mean all my libra needs from me is time, love, my trust and for me not to kindle my fire too much!!!
by thebluewyvern
Mon May 26 2003Sting's a Libra!
by frucksoft
Wed May 14 2003I've enjoyed the company of one Libra out of the five that I've known. Self-righteous, users of people more than the average person, ostentatious and cruel...
by mrkpza14
Thu Mar 13 2003Libras are well ballanced. I'm a Libra, I don't feel that way. This superstious Krap dosn't work.
by wildcrazychick_100
Thu Mar 06 2003bitemyscab, i'm a libra and i'm not a bitch year round...i think your a bitch for saying that a libra is one Everyonelse~I'm proud to be a libra!
by fewgoodmen
Fri Feb 28 2003Libras are petty and selfish. They suck!!!!!