Libertarian Party
Approval Rate: 86%
Reviews 12
by fitman
Fri Aug 22 2008No party that openly stands for abolishing Social Security stands a chance of winning elections even in the most rabidly right-wing of enclaves.A clue to their collective morals: They stole their name.Irrelevent, except in so far as they might take a few votes away from God's Own Party.
by irishgit
Tue Oct 09 2007Lathe-turned morons.
by coltseries70
Fri Mar 09 2007The absolute greatest American party. They believe in a laissez faire ideology based on freedom- both economic and social. It believes in liberty and equal rights undr the law. Free Speech, anti gun control, anti tax, anti war, anti censorship. This is based off of minarchy and capitalism to achieve the American dream. Do away with Marijuana laws. The government needs to lessen the infringement in our lives. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Government which governs least, governs best." All governments are corrupt. Let's keep that corruption to a minimum.This a party of change, to make America even more free. This is what America needs. I also reccomend you read anything by Ayn Rand or Milton Friedman- go on
by socialisimjim
Sun Nov 27 2005The Libertarian Party, aka the "Rich White Man's Party", claims to be for no regulation and smaller government -- except regulations that benfit them, of course. It's the "I got mine" party. Some Libertarians whine that because they have not gotten the press that they feel they deserve, they are relegated to minor party status -- when in reality it is their moronic policies that relegate them thus so.
by thatoneperson
Thu Jul 21 2005the libertarian party is a political party that is too simple. the main issues that i have are their belief that immigration in a good thing and that the more immigration the better. even though they claim that immigrants help create more jobs, I have talked to people that have been unable to get a job because immigrants have taken the jobs that they want because immigrants will work for extremely low wage and long hours making them sometimes preferred over regular United Statesians. also the LP's lack of support of security at the borders would be helpful for terrorist or any other people that want to hurt United Statesians. the LP's drug policy is the opposite of what we need and a lot of things that they want legalized will in the end hurt innocent people. they want to legalize drugs because they think that it will reduce crime and prison population but it will also keep drug users from being put in rehabilitation if they don't want to, and they won't when on drugs. also,... Read more
by ladyarianrod
Tue May 03 2005Decent party. I voted for the Libertarian candidate in 2004, but I've been having some second thoughts about this party. The limited government/freedom thing is cool, but they're a bit too idealistic and lenient for my liking. A complete lack of government is not ideal, but they're on the right track.
by birdegal202
Tue Jan 04 2005Best American political party.
by donqqq
Mon Sep 06 2004Political pseudo-intellectuals.
by redoedo
Sun Aug 22 2004Usually goes overboard with the whole anti-government party platform, but some of their ideas about limiting the size of government deserve some consideration, especially in the current budget mess.
by tobefriday
Thu Aug 19 2004Finally, a party that supports the true purpose of government: minimal! Why does my money say in god we trust? Because some knucklehead forgot to read the 1st ammendment. Our founding fathers sought freedom of all things, not stringent policies on this and that. I no longer have to call myself a liberal-Republican or a conservative-Democrat. I'm a libertarian!
by paleo99
Fri Jul 16 2004Overall, a very unique party which in its pure form resembles anarcho-capitalism. Basically they advocate a hands off approach to government in both the social and economic realms completely. On social reforms, they do make alot of sense, by advocating state's rights regarding same sex marriages, keeping religion out of schools, no funding of faith based charities. Economically is where most people disagree with them. They advocate the abolition of all income taxes, an end to any parks that would not survive on a commercial basis, the opening of the american west to development, and an abolition of minimun wages. Overall, their economic platform would work in the short run, but eventually result in a handful of corporations running everything. In addition, the absense of a minimum wage and immigration laws would result in this country being flooded with third world immigrants working at mcdonalds for $5.00/day. Besides that, I think lower taxes and a balanced budget is a good de... Read more
by falcon91wolvrn_03
Wed Mar 31 2004The libertarian party is great in terms of its stance on personal freedoms. But they want to do away with corporate laws designed to protect workers and the middle class, which I disagree with.