Levi Garrett
Approval Rate: 85%
Reviews 0
by gwakgwakgwak
Thu Apr 08 2010I agree. Inconsistent. It varies from omg wonderful (as said even spit taste all mollasesy goodness like you just emptied a few spoon of honey on yuor tongue). About 40% of the time I get a bag that loses it flavor quick. Like some store bought gum like juicy fruit or something. Great then wtf. It's price isn't too bad (discount tobacco store or online I pay 3.50ish - less if I bulk buy). It does have a good number of stems but it takes half a second to pluck one out. I would put it in the upper brands (but not at the top due to the randomness of what you get- if every bag was at it's finest it would be a 5 star from me and my #1.) I buy 5 different brands and alternate them around. Whenever I do get a good bag of levi g though it is destined to be gone by days end. It is that good - that is when it is good.
by lanny_lank
Tue Mar 23 2010WHY is the quality of Levi Garrett so inconsistent, it can be really nasty and rank, is your quality control on the bottom of the pay scale. I have talked to several people that have noticed this problem, we can understand why sales would be down?
by goodcigars4me
Mon Mar 01 2010absolutely amazing, from that first chew i fell in love. i'm normally a grizzly WG man but god.... this blows it out of the water. Pretty expensive but worth it if you got some extra cash, it is a little sweet and a hint of raisins but then you get a nice sweet mapley taste and natural aged tobacco; not processed and loaded with artificail additives (nicotine and flavor). i payed 4.75 for a bag which is expensive but its great and you get quite a bit for the buck if you can resist not chewing it all in one day (very hard). Even the spit tastes good lol. great overall if you dip and havn't chewed i strongly suggest this or something simliar like southern pride
by thisdude12
Wed Feb 24 2010I have been a loyal Copenhagen man since i began dipping about four years ago when i was thirteen, and i have recently been looking for a chewing tobacco that coukd replace my old dip. I tried Beech- Nut, Trapper, and RedMan, Levi Garrett was absolutely the best! I am the youngest person anyone around here that chews, so i get some weird stares at school whenim the only one to have a pouch and not a can. So here's tp the very best in tobacco, Levi Garrett. I am definately a very satified customer, but at 8.50 a pouch im a reluctant user! haha, great product, but not if you want any type of buzz.
by cwkall01
Wed Feb 03 2010OK so i'm 14 and i know i shouldn't be using chew but i like it so i will keep using it. i usually dip and this is the first chew i have tried and i like it i could go through a pouch a day if i had the money. Levi Garrett has a great taste that is kinda sweet it has a long lasting flavor that is always good i have noticed about five stems in my pouch and over all i love this product the only thing i have a problem is that the package which has tore and is letting some small leaf out and had to put it in a zip lock bag. today i'm going to get some red man select and write a review on that as well
by yuniex13
Mon Sep 07 2009This is the first chew I have ever tryed and I havn't tryed any other chews. I know i need to try other ones before I actually say this is the best, but so far this stuff is AMAZING. I LOVE the taste of it! It tastes like sweet candy in your mouth, it is the BEST chew by far I have ever head, and I have a feeling it will always be the best chew EVER. Im underage for it though, so I gotta get my older friends to get me bags of it at a time :/. I wish I could buy it my self.
by mrchew
Thu Jun 18 2009This is a classic chew, good taste, long lasting flavor but turns to much.
by saucyjack
Wed Jun 17 2009this ok chew. not the best by any means.
by mrvintage
Fri Feb 13 2009I personally found Levi Garrett to be pure shite as a chewing tobacco.It has a raisin taste to it which is in Red Man but the difference between the two is that Levi Garrett has something in the casing as well which gave me a sense of a chemical taste that really messed with my taste factor.On top of that it had a fair share of stems in it.
by clawhammer1
Mon Nov 17 2008Levi Garrett has the perfect balance for me...you can chew on it's leaves too and it does not go to mush..
by grizzlybaby
Sun Oct 12 2008Hey i chew redman. i like it but taste a lil like raisins. do yall know any other chew that doesnt taste like that?
by ztownclown
Tue Oct 07 2008Too sweet for me...but I have been a Copenhagen man for 35 years. I would like to find a chewing tobacco with a strong (not sweet) flavor.
by thesaint1394
Mon Sep 01 2008Levi Garret is the best chewing tobacco on the market that I am aware of. It has a very sweet flavor not like a raisin but like all chewing tobaccos can be some what related to one. The "buzz" or "high" isn't strong unless you have a large plug in. However, even the smallest of plugs has incredible flavor that in my opinion last longer than most other brands. It never breaks up in my cheek only once have I had some come out of place. Rarely have I had stems or dry peices which as anybody who chews knows can be irratating. And remember never swallow anything the outcome is very unpleasent. Enjoy :-]
by harrym209
Sun Aug 31 2008I've been chewing now for 30 years and have tried just about all the brands on the market. I have always gone back to Levi. Very rare do I get a pack that's either dry or has what I call "tree stumps" in it. Nice and moist with great flavor. Maybe not the "buzz" a few other have but that's not what I am looking for anyway. Someone made the comment about it being to sweet...I enjoy that..so to each his own. Great stuff!
by carrollcountyk_id
Sat Aug 16 2008This is a leaf chewing tobacco. If you think grizz dipping is nasty, try the leaf.
by roehoe
Sun May 11 2008i had some just a while back and my other rating on here said i hadn't had any of it but i tried it and it was ok had a few stems in it and is not as moist as red man but it is pretty good stuff so i'll get this every once in a while but red man is still my favorite
by oceansoul
Tue Apr 22 2008Levi Garrett is one of America's classic loose-leaf and plug chews. The taste was not my favorite, but it was good. Levi Garrett Extra tasted a little better and was very moist. The strength of LG was just right and the consistency from pouch to pouch was great.
by dave41079
Tue Apr 15 2008My favorite chew out there. For leaf tobacco you can't beat it.
by coonkicker22
Tue Apr 08 2008levi is the best chew out there. flavor lasts alot longer than redman and its alot cheaper! definately one of my favorite chew.
by manman
Thu Mar 27 2008to me levi garrett is best. i have only chewed it for 10 years.out of the 10 i have chewed many levi has my vote.
by mintydip69
Fri Mar 21 2008Levi Garrett sucks! Its way to sweet of a rasin tas te and it doesnt feel like it has any niccotine in it at all. I put a whole mouth full of it in at onc e and it didnt give me the slitest buzz!
by dorsey206
Wed Mar 05 2008The last several packs of Levi Garrett I have purchased have been full of sticks and pieces of sticks and hardley any actual chewing tobacco.
by johnnyws6
Mon Feb 18 2008Chewed some Levi Extra today and liked it. Tasted just like good ole Levi just a tad sweeter. full flavor, held together nicely, lasts a long time. got one nasty stem thats my only complaint. all in all a good chew, get out a grab a pouch and try it for yourself!
by tarheeltom
Fri Jan 18 2008I like my Levi best of all. But the last 4 or 5 packs have had a LOT of stems! I sure hope someone corrects this soon.
by aaron2785
Wed Jan 16 2008not bad stronger than redman . i want to try the plug i have to order plug from the net because no one sells it in michigan . soon as my box o redman plug is gone i order levi plug but ilike the loose leaf big leaves long lasting flavor
by skoalbulldog66
Tue Jan 15 2008not one for leaf tobacco but, i really enjoyed this!
by moose24
Mon Oct 29 2007Levi garrett is the best friend for a man's jaw!!!
by grizzlydipper
Mon Oct 22 2007Levi Garrett is awesome, its the best jaw tobacco/chaw. I love the stuff.
by deerslayer722
Mon Sep 17 2007Levi is way better than red man. The flavor last for ever.
by ahabceb3
Tue Aug 28 2007This is the only chew that hasn't made me ill to my stomach. nice flavor and lasts along time.
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Aug 09 2007I think the needle on County's personal soundtrack is skipping... Anyways, yet another plug for a product that kills...same old tired act...someone needs some new material...
by longhorn123
Mon Jul 30 2007a lot of my friends say this isn't good but i disagree. its my favorite chew next to redman (golden).
by 1861rebelredne_ck1861
Sun Jun 24 2007Good stuff. great flavor. best chew.
by levay810
Mon Apr 09 2007since ive been chewing, levi has the best taste. others give me weired headaches. so my vote is on levi
by grizzlymintman_12
Wed Mar 28 2007I could live off of this shit!
by deadonat100yar_ds
Tue Mar 20 2007i love this shit. best chew there is. great sweet taste, better than beech nut. i love it.
by baseball90
Thu Mar 15 2007Very good chew, it was the first that i tried and found it very staisfying. It has good flavor as well as good moist leaves. It is the best of all chew i have ever tried and i strongly recommend this brand to anyone looking for a good chew.
by roper300
Thu Jan 25 2007I have tried many chews in my life and I have found that the very best is Levi Garret. It taste better than Red Man and is more moist than Beachnut. Highly Recommended.
by greenirish
Wed Jan 03 2007i personally dont like this chew but i will give them creidit there leaves are the best on the market and u can chew them without them breaking
by goodolboy
Tue Aug 29 2006This is my favorite chew. The taste is better than any of the competition. The leaves are big and you can chew them with out having them break apart. Hardly any little crap pieces. I love it and recomend it to anyone who likes flavorful chew.
by scmagic
Wed Aug 16 2006I chew Levi Garret because of the taste ... it really tastes better and doesnt break apart ... ive tried morgans and lancaster also... they werent as good.
by wildboy
Sat Jun 24 2006good old Levi, Levi Garret is the best chewing baccer around, I have chewed it all my life, I preffer it more than anything else, redman would be second to me, but Good Old Levi taste even better when ur out hunting or working hard on the farm!!!!
by chomper
Fri May 12 2006Tried a pouch of traditional blend, and the taste was very good. Levi Garrett is also the best for chewing, that I have found. Nice thick leaves that don't fall apart if you chew it a bit. I rate Levi as excellent, and the best overall that I have found yet.
by edt4226d
Fri Apr 21 2006Wasn't this that teen idol from the 70's with the curly blond hair?
by 4haeb020
Wed Feb 22 2006I'd have to agree with the other posters, Levi Garrett has bigger leaves & less small crap & stems. Flavour is great & when I chew instead of dip I definately prefer Levi Garrett to Redman Gold Blend when I can get it. Nothing better than a wad of chew whilst out bush, except for maybe a monster pinch of dip ! Cheers !
by jeffsipes13
Fri Jan 06 2006If you are a fan of Redman pouch smokeless tobacco then Levi Garrett is for you, greast taste. Taste like sweet rasins and the leafs are big and thick and dont break apart much 'while chewing. So i give this product 5 stars!!
by urkevitz
Wed Dec 07 2005Flavor is great, but I have been getting stabbed by some hard stems.
by thenochewman
Tue Dec 06 2005Amazingly great chew, just want to let everyone know how good the taste of Levi Garrett is. GO BUY SOME ANd LET YOUR TASTE BUDS GO WILD