Leon Russell
Approval Rate: 79%
Reviews 0
by stnick
Wed Dec 22 2010Jumpin jack Flash, LEON is in. NOEL spelled backwards...think about it.
by stopsharkfinni_ng
Wed Dec 15 2010CONGRATS to LEON
by xmessy
Wed Dec 01 2010Christmas in Chicago
by fitman
Fri Nov 13 2009He deserves better!
by perajen
Fri Sep 18 2009Leon Russel is one of my favorite performers from the 70's. His Shelter People and Carney albums were so spectacular! I couldn't get enough of them. And as everyone above pointed out, he was such a multi-talent who wrote for, produced, and played along with so many other influential musicians, it's certainly one of the biggest oversights of the RRHF committee to not have Leon Russel voted in. Get on it, you morons....Jeez, I'd like to slap some sense into y'all. Now git'r done! Don't make me come over there and start swingin!!
by newsodaworld
Sat Aug 01 2009Claude Russell Bridges (born April 2, 1942), known professionally as Leon Russell, is an American singer-songwriter, pianist, and guitarist. Born in Lawton, Oklahoma, Russell attended Will Rogers High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and began his musical career as a session musician, quickly gaining experience and becoming a high-end keyboardist in demand to notable artists from the 1960s to the present. By the late 1960s, Russell branched out, first to writing songs, and then working his way from gigs as a sideman to joining bands as a full member. Eventually, he moved into a solo recording position, although he never gave up all his previous roles within the music industry.
by brianadumbs
Wed Jun 17 2009legend
by litehouse51
Fri Nov 14 2008As far as i am concerned there is NO Rock and Roll Hall of Fame without Leon Russell! This man is not only multi-talented (and extremely sexy!) but is a ledgend in his time! His talent is incredible and his concerts are great! Still! 50 years he has been giving to us and he is so unrecognized! What a shame! whats the hold up?? INDUCT Leon today in the RRHOF! He is ROCK & ROLL! Leon Lifer!!
by withheld
Sat Apr 26 2008Leon Russell is and always has been a composer's composer, a musician's musician, a performer's performer and a producer's producer. He has a life's history of involvement and outstanding contribution in more genres and styles than the casual listener even has any memory of hearing. Very little thought is required, much less debate, as to whether Russell belongs in the Hall of Fame. The only mystery to it is why he isn't already there.
by janie28621
Fri Mar 14 2008Leon's genius has touched so many and enriched the lives of so many music lovers. It is an absolute crying shame that he has not been inducted into the RRHOF.
by madeincanada
Tue Mar 11 2008Song 4 You
by don123ca
Fri Feb 01 2008Saw Leon in Lancaster Ca last, he was good in his day, but those days have past, a waste of $80. Lead guitarist was good but could sing! Bass player was chewing gum the whole concert??? Looked stupid. Dummer and organist were great.
by gdac3309
Wed Nov 14 2007If anyone in music should be in the R&R; hall of fame, Leon is the guy. It makes a mockery of the hall of fame that he is not. In addition to his solo career he has played and arranged the sound of a ton of other groups from Gary Lewis to the Byrds, Joe Cocker etc.
by whitedog
Sun Sep 09 2007Leon Russell should have been in the RRHOF a long time ago!! his credits are ENDLESS,Leon is the man.
by stevenmfl
Wed Sep 20 2006Leon rocks...enuf said
by jimdowning
Tue Mar 28 2006Leon played with Rick Nelson, The Wall Of Sound, produced Jan & Dean, Garry Lewis, The GAP Band, Tom Petty, Freddy King, J.J. Cale, Joe Cocker,
by mary_nell
Mon Mar 13 2006Leon Russell should have been one of the very first in the RRHOF.
by jerrih
Fri Feb 03 2006there are simply not enough words in the English language to describe how much Leon deserves to be in the RRHOF.......I first listened him in the early 70's and continue to listen to him today...he can perform and write any type of music, has helped influence/enhance the careers of too many artists to name, and continues to tour and bring his music to his fans across the country today, some 35 years later....now if this isnt enough justification then I dont know what is.........Rock on Leon we love ya and our kids love ya and so on and so on......:)
by rkaustin2001
Mon Dec 19 2005To put it as "Sweet Emily" put it.. Leon doesn't just deserve to be in the RRHOF, Leon deserves a "Whole Wing' in the RRHOF! If his true fans, (Leonlifers) have their way, they'll build it for him! Rock On Leon! BobK
by blanck26
Tue Nov 01 2005I believe that Leon Russell should have been in the Rock& Roll Hall of Fame years ago.....I think that the fact that that TWO of the most monumental Concerts in the history of Rock & Roll have just been released here in the USA on DVD & CD in the past TWO weeks - AND I believe if you watch either or both of these DVD's - it SHOWS how vital Leon's influence has been on rock & roll music for decades. From session man to front man on so many different levels. Take the time to watch or listen to "Mad Dogs & Englishmen" Or "Concert For Bangladesh" and you'll understand why Leon has been referred to as the "Master Of Space & Time" The MOSAT definitely belongs in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame!!
by rsp60048
Tue Nov 01 2005What more could the RRHOF require of an inductee than Leon Russell. Session player for the Wrecking Crew and countless others. Producer and arranger on many of of rock'n rolls great songs. Leader of the Shindogs on TV's Shindig. The musical genius behind the Mad Dogs & Englishmen tour. Major particiapant for the Concert for Bangla Desh. Billboard's #1 touring rock'n roll act in 1973. Written over 1000 songs. Multiple Grammies. Stellar solo career. Longevity, continues to tour constantly after 40+ years in the business. Played alongside a virtual who's who of rock'n roll music. I could go on and on......
by maryann1
Mon Oct 31 2005There should be more stars for Leon. He has been overlooked WAY too long! What a contribution he has been throughout the years. It's time Leon is inducted!
by jomama69
Thu Sep 15 2005Without Leon, rock and roll itself would be lessened. He is the master of time and space.
by bear_duncan
Thu Sep 01 2005Leon has done it all! arranger, producer, studio and backup musician. He as worked with some of the greatest artists ever known, From Sinatra and Aretha Franklin, to The Byrds, Joe Cocker and members of The Beatles. He has recorded almost every genre of music from country, rock and gospel flavored soul all while maintaining his own unique high spirited style.
by joedaddy1954
Tue Jul 19 2005There ARE NOT enough STARS here to rate Leon Russell's deserving place in the R&R; Hall of uh, FAME. He's been deserving of this for many, many years, and the people that have gotten in in the last few years is shameful when an artist so deserving has been overlooked. JD
by memehuff
Fri Jul 15 2005GREAT because there's no higher rating available!
by mdeangelo_at_cfl_rrcom
Fri Jul 15 2005his influence is beyond belief, his credentials are incomparable, who else has this kind of resume. I've been a r& roll fan all my life & for whatever reason he is the genuine legend the overlooked icon for the real music lovers not just the ones that want to be noticed, until he gets in I can't consider the R & R hall of fame legitimate.
by john_doto
Fri Jul 15 2005You folks are derelick in your duties. This has gone on for way TOO long now. Do the RIGHT thing. He has more firsts beside his name than anyone I can thing of. The first artist in MUSIC HISTORY to have the #1 song on Jazz, Pop and R & B. I quote a friend - Leon Russell played on, produced, arranged, and wrote some of rock and roll's most successful and important records. George Benson's cover of This Masquerade written by Leon was the first song in music history to occupy the number one spot on the jazz, pop, and R&B; charts. This Masquerade also Record of the Year and a Grammy in 1976. He released four Gold Albums and had a hand in many other chart hits including Superstar, and a A Song For You.. Leon was instrumental in some of Joe Cocker's biggest hits, including, perhaps, the defining song of Joe Cocker's career, Delta Lady, written by Leon. The Carpenters struck gold with Leon's song Superstar, Ray Charles covered A Song For You, and B.B. King covered Hummingbird. ... Read more
by jagger7172
Thu Jul 14 2005uh... no. You put Mellencamp and Chicago in first and then you can have Leon Russell.
by chs75f74
Thu Jul 14 2005Rock, Country, Gospel, and the roots of most music that is recorded today. Musical Director for Joe Cocker's Mad Dogs and Englishmen Tour in the 1970's. Founder of Shelter Records, also Paradise records. Russell, who has worked in every genre of music for almost six decades, is one of the most prolific studio musicians, songwriters and record producers in the world. Along with a fruitful solo career, he has collaborated with Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, Ike and Tina Turner, the Rolling Stones, the Beach Boys, the Byrds, Wayne Newton, Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass, Phil Spector, Eric Clapton, Frank Sinatra,Willie Nelson, George Harrison, Marvin Gaye, and so many more artists that it is very hard to find one artist today whose music hasn't been influenced in some way by the Master of Space and Time. Leon Russell is probably the most underappreciated and most anonymous big shot in the entire music industry, and it is high time that he got the respect that he is due.
by kingguiness
Thu Jul 14 2005I dont know much about Leon Russell. I recall that a bunch of blue haired old bags used to call the radio station I work for and request tightrope.
by catwoman16201
Wed Jul 13 2005No one has contributed more to rock and roll than Leon. The Hall is meaningless without him in it!
by billvn83
Wed Jul 13 2005With all the people Leon helped and played with, he should definitely be in the hall of fame for goodness sakes.
by carol_sears
Wed Jul 13 2005Leon Russell is known as the *MOSAT* Master Of Space And Time! His musical record speaks for itself the world over! He's met all requirements to be inducted into the RRHOF and continues to give of himself musically in our world today! Leon Russell is a TRUE Legend in his time.
by susan_phillips
Wed Jul 13 2005Leon Russell should have been in the RRHOF a long time ago. It's only because he walks to the beat of a different drummer that he's not there already. Leon has played with almost all the people in rock and roll. He was a sideman, he is a solo performer, he is a lyracist, arranger and an all around artist. He has helped more people in music than anyone seems to know about, because he doesn't toot his own horn. Leon continues to write and put out cd's on a regular basis. They are sold on his website and at his shows. He and his band tour the country roughly 250 days a year. His concerts are sold out wherever he goes. Not putting Leon in the RRHOF would only be a disservice to the music industry.