Leather production
Leather is a material created through the tanning of hides, pelts and skins of animals, primarily cows.
Approval Rate: 52%
Reviews 43
by criticalyric
Wed Oct 17 2012While there is nothing quite like a literal second skin to protect your from certain injuries, if they're being raised just for this purpose, it's wasteful...especially if they die the skins pink and you find them on a Kardashian. THAT'S a true injustice.
by moomoocathy
Thu Apr 26 2012I love leather! Real leather from a dead animal that did us the favor to die so we can be warm.
by themes2012
Sun Feb 26 2012Leather is a material created through
by littledragon
Sun Mar 13 2011Why the picture of the stereotypically gay leather clad man? Everything from belts, car interiors, wallets and shoes are made of leather.
by jester002
Sun Jan 17 2010I got bumped off the net yesterday becaue of a bad storm so I couldn't finish this last response... I'm good with leather couches, chairs, and car seats! Besides that, if we stop using cow hyde for leather then were gonna have to switch to another animal source like Pleath's and Nauga's!
by laren616
Mon Jan 04 2010Pleather not leather
by lnentacb
Mon May 25 2009This is about eat what you catch or grow. use every thing waste nothing!
by astromike
Mon Mar 30 2009Be really people. Leather is an important product. You know how valueable, and usefull leather is? Wallets, tennis shoes, furniture, womens expensive purses ect.
by brittany_collins
Wed Jan 28 2009its not ok to kill just for the skin but if people are eating them anyway why not make use of all of the animal
by erin1552
Sat Jan 03 2009haha----someone has to cloth San Fran
by snoopdaddi
by ashlynne
Tue Dec 30 2008I personally dont like leather! Ew! If i could I'd b a vegetarian but i have already been raised eating meat and <3 it!
by francisco9446
by shelly
Mon Dec 22 2008cows are raised for food.i don't like to think of them being killed,but if they are gonna be,i geuss its better to use everything.
by mimmeh
Mon Dec 15 2008boooooo!!!!!!
by angie5963
Tue Dec 09 2008If all parts of the animal is used and it is killed in a humane (the most humane way possible) it is okay.
by irishgit
Sun Nov 23 2008Durable, long lasting, warm clothing. Made from some of the parts of the critter left over after you've eaten the bulk of it.
by dale_8577
Sun Nov 02 2008I don't mind the use of the leather if the animals were used for food and the leather was used as a result of that but just killing an animal for it's hide, head, or whatever is just WRONG!
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Oct 22 2008Calling it leather production makes it sound like the animals are working in a tannery or operating a hoof adapted sewing machine. They are involved in leather production in that they are giving up their skin for use by humans, hopefully after they die. It's no different or worse than giving up the rest of their parts for the BBQ.Reminds me of that old joke: What's the difference between invlovement and commitment? If you are making bacon and eggs, it can be said the chicken was involved but the pig was committed.
by doll_parts
Mon Oct 20 2008these ppl should also b shot
by alyssa2057
Wed Oct 15 2008ok for clothing
by livvyloo
Fri Oct 10 2008Depends on how/if the rest of the animal was used.
by tee92dec
Thu Oct 09 2008I'm a leather lover. Sadly, while you eat that hamburger, you shouldn't feel bad for the cow's skin!
by bratkey
Sun Oct 05 2008Im 100% against this
by trebon1038
Sun Oct 05 2008I think when animals are killed for food the rest of them should be used as well.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sat Oct 04 2008I'll support this. We were given dominion and I need boots. UPDATE: I eat enough of the animals in question to where they don't exactly have to kill extra to satisfy the few leather goods I have.
by ashley506
Wed Oct 01 2008some people like real leather, and furs...but I will never own a real fur
by alisha1835
Wed Oct 01 2008We eat the cow anyway, right?
by jim9713
Wed Oct 01 2008Love leather
by lucy_jane
Wed Oct 01 2008sometimes i wear leather things i already own, but i try not to buy anything new thats leather
by lissa23
Wed Oct 01 2008If you're going to eat the meat from the cow, why not also use the skin?
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Wed Oct 01 2008I don't believe that animals should be killed sole purposely for the usage of leather. But, if the meat is going to be eaten, then you might as well go ahead and use the hide.
by christina7250
Mon Sep 29 2008i like leather.....
by aleashac
Wed Sep 17 2008Every year, the global leather industry slaughters more than a billion animals and tans their skins and hides.
by mariusqeldroma
Thu Apr 17 2008After you eat the meat underneath, it makes logical sense to not let the hide go to waste. We humans have been doing this for many years now, and I don't see a point in stopping. Just be sure you get the ugly part over with as pain-free as possible.
by angryjed
Thu Dec 27 2007three words: rich, corinthian, leather (spoken like ricardo montablan)
by x_factor_z
Thu Dec 27 2007Love that leather smell, plus this is the byproduct of meat-cattle processing because the hide can be reused and this is not wasted.
by canadasucks
Thu Aug 02 2007Warm, fashionable, durable- CS says "Thanks critters!"
by castlebee
Thu Aug 02 2007As I type this I am wearing a pair of comfy white leather tennis shoes and have a nice little brown leather purse sitting below my desk. Yes, like much of the world, I have leather goods. But when I really think about this and several other aspects of "animal useage" it still makes me a little queasy.
by lastmessenger3
Tue Aug 08 2006Only if this animal already dead, or killed for meat, but not alive animal for its skin.
by djahuti
Sat Jun 24 2006Since the bulls are already being used to make beef,I see no reason to waste the skin.There is really no satisfactory man made leather substitute.However,I do object to the inhumane treatment of any animal in the slaughterhouse.Humane slaughterhouses,believe it or not-do actually exist.
by twansalem
Fri Jun 23 2006Haven't seen a better material for making shoes yet.
by planetarygear
Sun Aug 28 2005I rely on protective leather gear in my profession, so this is an important commodity that animals provide. Though I am with the other posters on this board who call for the humane treatment of the bovine that are used in its production.