Law & Order

Approval Rate: 81%

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    Consistent top quality.

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    Tue Mar 25 2008

    This has been a favourite over the years despite the many cast changes. As long as they maintain clear, concise, excellent story telling and allow the character of Jack McCoy to remain on camera frequently I will continue to enjoy this show.

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    Fri Oct 06 2006

    Even though recent female asst DA casting was lame, still a top notch show -- but it's definitely time for Jack McCoy to move on

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    Tue Apr 25 2006

    I'm not a big fan of TV in general, but I do like this show!

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    Wed Jan 25 2006

    Will this series ever die?

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    Sat Jan 14 2006

    Like so many Dick Wolfe-created shows,this is smugly,relentlessly,self-righteously,anti-White.

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    Not as good as it used to be. Dennis Farina gets on my nerves.

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    Sat Oct 29 2005

    This is my favorite show, EVER! :D I could watch the reruns over and over. Jerry Orbach turns me on.

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    The classic. I never tire of them, even the reruns!

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    Fri Sep 23 2005

    I have to give it a good grade because of its history but the stories are now so predictable and once Elisabeth Rohm walked her gorgeous legs off the show there is nothing to watch.

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    Fri Jun 24 2005

    For my money, still one of the best cop shows on television. I like the concept of seeing the whole story through, the police work and arrest and the trial.

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    Thu Jun 23 2005

    Enough already! Hasn't anyone heard of Jump the Shark?

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    Wed May 18 2005

    Amazing that it has never grown stale after all these years.

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    Fri May 06 2005

    not as good as svu but good all the same

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    Tue Apr 05 2005

    This show's runs is basically over. Best when Angie Harmon was ADA and Steven Hill was the DA, with Ben Bratt and Jerry Orbach as the cops. Now it is just too formulaic to be interesting.

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    Wed Mar 30 2005

    this show is too serious i mean u need more humour with this and there aint very nice looking ladies in this show like charmed man damn u need holly marie combs she bagg u guys come on guys get with it it needs to be more interesting!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wed Mar 23 2005

    Has been boring last couple of years. Tuned in again because I love Dennis Farina. He adds a welcome spark but can't expect him to carry the whole show.

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    Sun Feb 20 2005

    Slipping but still good.

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    I have always liked L&O;, my one problem this year is that although I like Dennis Farina, he's trying to hard to deliver his lines like Jerry Orbach did as Briscoe. Hopefully he'll change this and my rating will go up to a 4 or 5. I am looking forward to Michael Imperioli being on the show later in the season.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    Always boring. No matter what the incarnation.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    sort of boring c.s.i is way better BUT GETTING MORE INTERRESTING!!!!

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    Mon Oct 04 2004

    Good, but not as good as it's sequel, Law & Order SVU. But that all depends on what kind of creepy things catch your attention.

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    Mon Sep 13 2004

    I like all the Law and Order series, I think they are entertaining, and the acting is very good. Will certainly miss Jerry Orbach smart ass remarks this year, but we always have re-runs.

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    Mon May 17 2004

    I also don't understand the success of this show. The current cast (especially on the order side) isn't great, with the ditsy blonde woman, the redneck DA, and whiny drunken crybaby Sam Waterston. The show is dreadfully boring (not as boring as West Wing, though) because it is so predictable with it's Scooby-Doo like plots. It's run it's course.

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    Fri Apr 30 2004

    i watch usa network most of the time but there is nothing new on at night all we see anymore is Law and Order SVU when will usa get back to showing movies and comedies after 7pm eastern time:[email protected]

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    Sun Apr 18 2004

    Probably the best 'Law and Order', with talented actors such as Sam Waterson. It's been around for a little too long and the show's background is a little predictable, always leading to the courtroom, but I guess that's why it's called 'Law and Order'.

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    Thu Apr 01 2004

    I don't understand the high ratings, it's so been there done that type of show. It should just end already.

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    Wed Mar 31 2004

    hands down the best crime drama ever...the characters and stories are what make good TV

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    Mon Nov 03 2003

    Law & Order is the best drama of the past twenty years, maybe of all time. Despite all the cast changes (which does happen in real life, and since the goal of the show is to be as realistic as possible, it really plays to the advantage of the show), the show has really held up throughout the years. Sam Waterston and Jerry Orbach really have made the most of their characters. The new characters have done well. I didnt expect Fred Thompson to do bad in this show, since he has held this position in government before, and Elisabeth Rohm is adequate, and can get better. 10/10

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    Tue Oct 21 2003

    Jerry Orbach and Sam Waterston are fantastic. The co-stars are good too.

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    Wed Sep 24 2003

    Law and Order is still the best.

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    Wed Sep 10 2003

    My favorite show ever! Sam Waterston is so talented. He makes it look so natural. I hope it never ends!

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    Tue Sep 02 2003

    great show!!! look up the law they quote and it's real!!!!!

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    Wed Aug 20 2003

    all time favorite!!! including C.I.and SVU . don't mess with law & order!!! oh, the reruns are even good.

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    Sun Aug 03 2003

    They have had many cast changes, mostly partners. I believe most of them have been good. I hope you keep most of the cast on this latest change, they seem suited for the parts they play. Also most of the spin-offs are great. The only one I would have any kind of complaint about would be the summer replacement that uses real cases. However even that one is interesting.

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    Fri Jun 06 2003

    It is on entirely too much. I'm getting sick of it. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

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    Tue May 13 2003

    Great cases on tv! Great police detective characters and prosecutors, especially Jack McCoy! He is a great prosecutor on the show! No wonder why this show lasted for 13 years!

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    Sun May 11 2003

    Love the original, not too impressed with the spin-offs. It's nice to see an evening drama, without the "soap opera" BS. An intelligent, refreshing change for those who are tired of the usual offering of shows geared for the mentally retarded, such as "Charmed," "Survivor," "American Idol,"and "Friends."

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    Sun Apr 20 2003

    My favourite and I adore Serena.

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    Sat Apr 05 2003

    great show with jack mccoy...could watch it over and over. not a real big ben stone fan, but it is law and order and i'll watch it!

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    Fri Feb 28 2003

    Law and Order is a fabulous show that is great after every episode. All of the actors are great, especially the old detective and the prosecutor. Every case is intrigiung and different. Excellent.

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    Tue Feb 25 2003

    keep up the good not change!

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    Sat Feb 15 2003

    Am I the only person who thinks there is overkill on this show?? I'd much rather watch a sitcom than watch death every night. Pull the plug on Law & Order! NOW!

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    Fri Feb 14 2003

    It is unamerican to not like Law and Order.

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    Thu Jan 16 2003

    The show's rigid formula can be both a blessing and a curse -- easy to maintain consistency; harder to come up with moments that surprise and delight. Solid but ultimately unexciting. Dick Wolf's revolving-door casting policy makes it that much harder to develop any real affection for the show (Jerry Orbach and Sam Waterson being happy exceptions) and further reinforces the impression that Wolf's enterprise is less a creative effort than a sausage factory. Well, I guess it worked for Jack Webb...

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    Tue Jan 14 2003

    Overall one of the finest shows on TV. In fact, it's the only fiction show I watch. What better script than stories based on actual cases. They will never run out of material. It is my opinion that the show is weaker this year. I am still not comfortable with the replacement for Adam Shift and the new ADA Serena (Elsabeth Rohm) does not play for me. She does not make the part come alive and I it seems like she is just reading her part. I just don't think Serena can hold a candle to Claire, Jamie or Abbie. I thought Chris North (Mike Logan) was one of the most interesting detectives and added a lot to the series. Sam Waterston is great. I doubt he can be replaced. In summary, it is a very good show. When the casting was better - it was a great show.

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    Wed Dec 11 2002

    Gee.. how original.

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    Mon Nov 25 2002

    I used to enjoy it, but now it seems like it's the same cases over and over again and they're always "Ripped from the headlines!" Can't they come up with anything origional?

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    Mon Aug 26 2002

    This show is great to watch for anyone who is interested in law enforcement and the court system. Many of the shows are based on problems that have happened recently in the news. Oh and Sam Waterston is a hottie. :)