Laurelwood Public House-Brewery

Approval Rate: 77%

77%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Thu Sep 03 2009

    I come here often and if I'm not eating off the happy hour menu, I am eating the Chad's Chicken. It's oh so delicious. The beer selection here is awesome... my favorite is the Golden Ale. I always sit at the bar but they have outside seating on the roof, great for the summer. It's always fast and friendly here :)

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    Wed Aug 12 2009

    Tucked into a strip of pub-fare focused restaurants along traffic-heavy Sandy Boulevard, this brewpub is a haven for families with young tots. New parents strap their newborns into slings and pop by for a rare meal out; more seasoned parents keep kids busy coloring so mom and dad can enjoy the pub’s award-winning IPA in peace. The menu’s a mix of standard dishes like burgers and fries and eclectic offerings like coconut shrimp and a jerkchicken burrito. Certified organic beers from a dry golden ale to seasonals like Laurelwood’s hearty Espresso Stout provide adult-only sips to wash the grub down.

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    Sat Jul 18 2009

    To begin this horrible experience, the waiter was rude and clearly showed his aggravation with the fact that we decided to share a meal instead or ordering brunch. Not that choosing something to share was an easy task with such a limited selection (brunch or hamburger). So when the meal was delivered it was covered in the tomatoes that I had specifically asked to hold and when the most unhelpful waiter asked if we needed anything there was no offer to rectify or reaction what-so-ever to my clever "not tomatoes" comment. Moving on, they could be picked off and he seemed amused watching us maneuver around them... Right up until the point that my partner bit into a chip containing a lovely new condiment of a broken piece of PLATE! This information didn't throw the waiter off his game though - he very nicely said that he would take care of the two fountain drinks for us. What a gentleman, if this is any example of the food or service this "local fav" offers...DON'T BOTHER!

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    Tue Mar 31 2009

    After reading the other reviews, it is nice to know that I am not the only one to be severely disappointed by this restaurant. The food was way too expensive for the small portion size and the poor quality-totally not worth it...Our waitress (I kid you not) came by our table twice during our entire dinner (once to get our order and then to drop our food off)- we ended up having to guess the check amount and leave the money on the table after trying unsuccessfully to flag her down and leaving without getting the to go order that we were going to get for our friend who couldnt make it...they were not busy either! She was also kind of rude to us when she was at the table...maybe it was a good thing that she didnt come back! I also noticed there was a thick layer of dust and dirt on the shelf next to the booth I was sitting in by the it hadnt been cleaned in a long time!! Knowing there was such little attention paid to detail at this place I would never again trust these peo... Read more

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    Mon Mar 16 2009

    I live near Laurelwood and it used to be much better than it is now. They changed their menu a little while back and it was not for the better. The food is more expensive and of lesser quality, and they got rid of the few good bargains on the menu. Their beer is great, so it's still worth a trip just for that, and the happy hour menu gets the food down into reasonable price range, but avoid this place for dinner.

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    Sat Jan 31 2009

    I live in Tigard... Tried to find a microbrew pub for some lunch after a funeral in SE area. As usual, I got lost... and stumbled on to the Laurelwood on Sandy. The place was clean, easy to access and parking was easy in the big lot behind the establishment. We were greeted when we walked in and were seated in moments. They have several "booths for two" a favorite of mine. The menue was straight forward, and easy to understand, excepting how to order a burger...BUT...The brew was awesome, Work Horse IPA, and the burger was good to boot. The fries were battered and terrific. The service was good, friendly, and quick. The "Growler" I took home (after deciding I have not had enough of this delicious stuff) was a welcome addition to the Steeler's 6th victory! I recommend this establishment and will return not for a bottle refund but a refill of both food and beverage!

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    Fri Jan 09 2009

    Laurelwood does beer well, that's true. The food is ok, not bad but not good, standard brew pub fare. Nothing special enough to really want to eat again. The biggest problem here are all the kids running around, screaming at the top of their lungs. Literally, screaming, and sometimes throwing things. I think Laruelwood should have one kiddie area in the room farthest from the bar, not a kiddie area in both dining rooms. Of course they are not responsible for the lack of parenting going on, and kid friendly places are few and far between, but it feels like those without children are almost an afterthought that they don't really care about. Just keep that in mind if you are going and you are not bringing little kids. You will hear screaming the entire time you are there.

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    This is a place to hang in portland, it is a real portland hangout for sure! Great food, drinks, good music, pool table and good conversatio...

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    Sun Dec 14 2008

    After having a few pints from the Laurelwood brewery around town I had to check out their public house. I was impressed! Their Organic Free Range Red Ale is possibly my favorite local beer. All the food experiences have been great too. Their Kobe burger is amazing (albeit messy), my friend got the ribs that were also delicious. Good Caesar salad, and I enjoy their mac and cheese (extra sharp tillamook cheddar = win). Service is pretty consistent... all the servers I've had have been the normal amount of friendly and attentive. Can be slow on busier nights but never so much that it really bothered me. Kind of a loud environment but it's to be expected of a brewery. Definitely come for the beer, it is fantastic!

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    I went to the Laurelwood last night with a friend. Right out of the gate things went downhill. The folks that walked in after us got seated, served drinks and appetisers while we sat at the table with our menus. The waitress was curt and not sociable. We made our drink order and I had a margarita - touted as a new twist on a old drink - and my friend had a glass of wine. the wine was good, my marg. consisted of a pint glass full of ice with maybe a thimble-full of booze mixed with some pink juice for color. I sent it back and didn't request another. Once our food arrived it was for the most part average. I ordered the hop smoked pork loin, and my friend had the ravioli. The sauce for the ravioli - which was good - had far too much pepper, looked like they spilled the jar in the sauce. My pork lion was over cooked and dry, my potatoes were cold upon arrival, but the green beans were cooked to perfection and hot too ! Overall not a very good dining experience and I doubt I will be return... Read more

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    Thu Aug 21 2008

    Man!!! I can not say enough about these guys. Went and sat on the roof top the other evening. Weather was great the Sun was out and the Beer was fantastic. Our server was spot on, delivering great beer after great beer. Our server Patty was extremelly attentive and made my buddy and me feel like we were Kings!! Got hungry and split a plate of ribs........incredible food!!! moist, smoky, savory ribs! Homer says "mmmmmmmm....ribs" Anyway, well worth the wait for a seat on a Friday or Saturday night! Keep rockin' the tasty brew........that you do!!!!!!

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    Tue Aug 19 2008

    [BAD Veggie Burger/Consistently Slow Service] - Yeah..... Think they are moving up, only to go downhill... I've been to Laurelwood since before the new locations and have always loved it! The original Sandy location was primo, the newer 23rd location is fantastic! But...... Like the revamped Bridgeport, I'm sorry I could never say that about this new Sandy location, regardless of how much I wanted to. Don't get me wrong, the Beer has been magnificently consistent and delicious, however the food and service is seriously lacking here. Special orders get messed up, and certain orders get forgotten. Maybe if you order the meat or old standby stuff, you'll be happy, (i.e. the wings on monday?? (which i've never had) nachos, or garlic fries (which are quite nice)) but as a vegetarian wanting to get a good burger this last time, I was VERY disappointed. The new menu "fixed something that ain't broke" in my opinion, kinda like the Kirkland brand in Costco, if you know what I mean... The burger... Read more

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    I saw the "Best of City Search 2008" sticker in the window at the Laurelwood and just had to try them out. My girlfriend and I had breakfast....and I now want that sticker removed! It took nearly 30 minutes to make eggs and pancakes and the restaurant was practically empty. Another group of people, who arrived after us, had already received their lunch orders while we continued to wait for our breakfast. When it arrived, it had great presentation - until we got a closer look and started eating. The grapes had white, webby mold on them, the chefs weren't wearing hats so we had hair in our food, the eggs had shells in them and tasted like they were past their expiration date. Here I am writing this review 24 hours later - I still feel my stomach turning and taste the eggs in my mouth - absolutely disgusting. The service was fine - but a bad kitchen gets them one star. If I ever return, I might have a beer, but won't get close to anything the kitchen staff touches.

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    Tue Jul 15 2008

    I have been to the NW and Sandy location many times and was always greeted with a great experience and delicious "pub fare". Most recently, my brother's family was in town and Laurelwood came to mind, because they cater to children. Throughout the duration of their week long stay, we actually visited Laurelwood twice because of the convenience and kid friendly atmosphere. I have always found the food here to be consistent. I am particularly fond of the pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw. Also, the beer is always tasty. I am big on making a good impression when I have friends and family in town and I was pleased that my brother and his family like Laurelwood. Also, I am a food snob, so I don't return to places where the food isn't good. Again, the food at Lauelwood is very delicious "pub fare". Not for those expecting gourmet.

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    Mon Jul 14 2008

    Wow, funny when I went to look at reviews for Laurelwoods new location up the street from 40th, I saw a strange consitancy. People either gave them 4 or 5 stars or 1 star?!? Maybe they're (Laurelwood that is) a little like Neil Diamond, you either love'm or hate'm?!?!?!? Being fair......most 4 or 5 star reviews word the good and bad things, but apperenttly all one star reviews are extremelly one track minded?!? So, after reading most of these reviews, I decided to go myself. I decided to try and take all things into account to make my decision for rating these guys. First-service,Second-quality on products, Third-enviornment to consume products. I will give each criteria possible 5 out of 5 stars thaen average my rating over the three criteria. This is how I think you'd make a fair rating, right?!?!? First, I parked in the parking lot in back. I felt actually lucky to get a parking spot on a Friday evening after I walked in the front door. Wow.....this place was packed! If people wer... Read more

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    Wed May 28 2008

    you have to go to this is very kid friendly so if you dont llike kids dont go cause they will be playing and having fun while the parents drink and have a wonderful is always wonderful but be ready to wait forever......1hr plus sometimes but very worht the wait.....everyday happyhour rocks cheap food cheap pints...the staff here are the best in town..

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    Tue Apr 15 2008

    We went in on a random Wednesday night at about 7pm when it wasn't that busy. The host was super friendly and quick, but the waitress couldn't have been less attentive and slow if she'd tried! We'd never been there before and the menu is fairly extensive so we took a few minutes to look everything over and decide. While we were pondering the waitress came by three times and was visibly disgruntled that we hadn't made up our minds. Had we known that we would have to flag her down to get her to come back we would've taken it more seriously! We saw her maybe one more time before we had to just take the check up to the host. In the time that we waited to have it collected EVERY table around us had paid, been bussed and had new patrons seated. It wasn't like she was busy- she was chatting it up with other servers! Ugh. Don't bother- the food wasn't even that great.

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    Fri Apr 04 2008

    I haven't been to the original location, so I can't compare the two. But I would agree with the other reviews that atmosphere of the new place is bland. The decor isn't interesting and doesn't reflect anything about Portland. I knew ahead of time that Laurelwood is a family friendly place, and I guess that reputation is well taken advantage of. There were lots of kids and babies, even outside of the "family room". The bar really isn't separate from the main dining and the noise makes conversation difficult. The waitress was friendly and responsive. I ordered the black bean chili, which was really just black beans with spices, not sure what was supposed to make it chili-- not very impressed. However, the garlic fries were very good. Main complaint: We got to the bar at 5:50 during happy hour, and weren't able to order until 6:02, and the bartender didn't give us the happy hour drink prices. I think this was kinda cheap. We probably won't be going back any time soon-- maybe wh... Read more

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    Thu Mar 06 2008

    I was really stoked that Laurelwood was moving up the street into a new building. We tried it out with our two girls about 3 weeks after they opened and it was very busy and noisy. Granted I am used to the previous establishment and all the kiddos, I think this is great. This time we could not even hear our own kids it was so loud. Nuts. Anyways, my wife stated that all the food tasted like Sysco products and we had a good laugh over the terrible food. So then I came across these reviews and see that everyone seems to find some Sysco love in Laurelwoods food. I laughed so hard, I couldn't resist not chiming in and sending review. Anyways we can only hope the owners read these reviews and get some decent food and better beer.

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    Sat Mar 01 2008

    Driving past the Laurelwood Public House I yelled at my friend to pull in so we could have some beer and lunch. Neither of us had ever been there before and this random choice for lunch proved to be excellent. We sat at the bar and sampled their beers while we ate an amazing lunch. I was blown away at how good my sandwich was. While the bartender was a little rude, even in a good mood, I will definitely try to go back because the food was outstanding and the beers were delicious.

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    Wed Feb 13 2008

    When you first walk in, you immediately feel like you've accidently stumbled into one of those large chain restaurants, with the generic wood decor and no personality, that you find out in the suburbs. To bad you'll soon be wishing you were actually in one of those monstrosities instead of at Laurelwood. First off the beer is excellent and all of the varieties are well described on the menu. Good luck getting your server to bring a second one without any attitude. Several of the servers waiting on our large table had no problem expressing their annoyance with having to take multiple drink orders from our group. Somehow it was very inconvenient for them to get our orders to the bar which was literally feet away from our table. Oh and then the food. The food is just terrible for those prices. If they were half off, you could overlook the blandness and enjoy the decent size portions. But that's not the case. If they're going to use all frozen and premade products from Sysco,it would b... Read more

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    Wed Dec 19 2007

    me and my friend had lunch he had meatball sandwich it was good i started with the mushroom soup it was wonderful then i had the ham and cheese sandwich it was very skimpy on the meat paper thin two slices the tomato was sliced thinker very poor sandwich

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    Sun Dec 16 2007

    I agree with the guy below who also gave this place only one star. I have been to Laurelwood many times and have always been dissapointed so I finally gave up. It's too bad because it's a nice pub with a extensive menu it's just that they really need to work on how the food tastes. It's pretty much disgusting. The wait staff is also not the greatest. And no I don't expect people to kiss my feet as one of the reviewers stated below who gave this place 5 stars. I also find it funny that the same reviewer stated how hard it is to pull the shifts these guys pull. Are you kidding me??? I use to be a waitress and no it's not easy but there are alot more jobs harder than waiting tables. I work 12 hr shifts and when I was a waitress I worked 4 hrs and a occasionally I pulled a double which consisted of 8 hrs. So please do not listen to that particular review because clearly he/she is just protective of this place. Maybe they'll get it together because the ambience is nice they just ... Read more

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    Thu Oct 04 2007

    We went here with friends last night an just had a great time. They were pretty busy...we waited about 15 minutes for a table, but the service was appropriate for having a full house. Our server was available whenever we needed him. Food was great. I had the Santa Fe burger...which was excellent...but very messy. Guacamole and black beans on a burger, yum! I also added the garlic fries for $1 which I would highly recommend to anyone who loves garlic....they were hands down the best garlic fries I have ever had. Ordered a Mike's margarita....also good. Others at our table had the nachos...which got a little soggy due to all the toppings, but very tasty...a reuben sandwich and the black and bleu burger...I heard no complaints. My only warning is that this seems to be a hot spot for families with young children...this was fine for us as we had a 18 month old with us....but if you are looking for an less kid inhabited atmosphere you might want to try the bar (smoke free). I am looking ... Read more

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    Mon Aug 27 2007

    Let me just start by saying that I have been a loyal customer to Laurelwood for a good majority of 5+ years, and in that time period I have gone from LOVING the beer, and hating the ambience (too many kids!), to now enjoying the beer AND the ambience, as we now have a 3 month old, and look for a place to get good beer, and not have to worry about making a scene with the possibility of crying, etc... Anyways, we were psyched to check out the new location on Sandy, which unfortunately turned out to be pretty crappy.. . Let's call it Strike 1): As mentioned on here, the staff is slooow and very inattentive; I mean a bother can drink a beer in like 10 minutes, so check back, alright?? And, the food was pretty bad, with the rice being so undercooked that it was crunchy. Come on now, who can't make rice? Thinking this MUST be an odd occurrence, my buddy and I went back 1-2 weeks later, both of us with kids in tow. The service was mildly better, the beer good, but unfortunately 1-2 large, s... Read more

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    Sun Aug 26 2007

    Firt off, I'll start by saying that I've been a member of the service industry for many years and I am appauled by some of the things you all are saying. I have been a semi regular costumer at the Laurelwood for going on three years now (the NE location) and have never been treated with anything but the utmost respect. I got hooked by the AWSOME beer and I keep comming back for the OUTSTANDING service. The staff there faced some obstacles with their move to the new location but what resturant does'nt have a few bumps in the road while moving an entire buisness to a new location? They bounced back with a quickness and are better than ever. I usually sit at the bar where the managment is most of the time and the vast majority of complaints I hear are from utterly self-entitled idiots who think that the whole staff should drop everything and kiss their feet as soon as they walk in the door. I highly doubt that any of you have spent a single day in the industry or have'nt been there ... Read more

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    Mon Aug 20 2007

    Seeing all these bad reviews leads me to think that you and I did not go to the same place. I went to the new Pizza Co at the old 40th location last friday night. (8/17/07) The plcae was packed! Not much different from the lod Laurelwood with all the families and kids. My brother and I came in at around six o'clock and without hesitation went straight for the bar to avoid rrunning into the little monsters that were there. The bartender or beertender as he called himself did a pretty good job. He was busy but knew a lot about the beer and was prompt with service. The large pizza we ordered took about 35 mi. to come out but like I said it was freaken busy! The spicy Italian is fantastic with the seven grain porter crust. The bread stick were a little weak the first time we ordered so the beertender returned ten min. later with another round that were a lot better. The food was good. The beer was AWSOME. (That is why most single mid twenties men go there right?!!) The Green Elep... Read more

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    Fri Aug 10 2007

    I've had exactly three experiences at this eatery. In only two of them was I served. Or even acknowledged. The time I actually DID get food it was good enough. The services was good enough, too. However, the second time (at their old location in Hollywood Dist) I was by myself during an off-hour lunch and was seated in the main room by the windows and promptly ignored. I had a book and figured I'd wait. And wait I did. In the 17 minutes I waited no one had even came by to give me water and tell me they'd be right back. Nothing. Before I left, I told the host I was angry at being ignored and that I was going to leave instead of waiting. He seemed truly puzzled and offered no apology or explanation. Now that they've moved up the street to Sandy Blvd I figured, what are the chances of getting THAT bad of service twice? So, again, I was seated during an off-peak lunch hour. This time I looked at my watch and, out of curiosity, counted how long it took. I quit countin... Read more

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    Wed Aug 01 2007

    Slow service, no service, what is service??? First thing when I walked in, I noticed a family playing cards at the table with their kids. Apparently they have been there before and they knew they were in for a frustrating wait. We were seated and waited 15 minutes to see a waiter, then we ordered one beer and asked for 2 samples to try before the other person ordered theirs. The server (i use that term loosely) came back 10 minutes later with both of the samples, but both were wrong. I made due and ordered the pilsner, which came another 10 minutes or so later. it was an okay beer. Hubby ordered food, I am glad I didn't after seeing what he got. he ordered the meatloaf sand with fries and an hour later got the meatloaf sand with mashed potatoes. He ate with no complaint even though it was dry and had some odd spice added, not that he could complain because we never EVER saw our server again. No more beer offers or anything yet he was in the vicinity of our table over 10 times... Read more

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    Sat Jul 28 2007

    I went here for the first time with my girlfriend today, since it was close to where we were shopping. First of all, the service was pretty slow. The waiter was nice and fairly attentive, but the food took a very long time to arrive. I ordered the meatball sub and I have to say that I have had better meatball subs at Subway! They were very dry and bland, the bread had more flavor. My girlfriend ordered a cheese calzone, which she thought was excessively dry and bland also. In fact, the only cheese that was in this calzone was on the top--there was NO stuffing! Also, the waiters (not ours, but the ones that kept walking by) lacked basic hygiene and we smelled B.O. the whole time we were eating. This was a truly awful place, so awful that I signed up for an account on city search just to warn others!

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    Sun Apr 15 2007

    I used to go to Laurelwood, and despite its shortcomings, my friends and I enjoyed the beer. However, the longer we kept going, the worse the service got. From closing at times other than those posted on the door, to being ignored for up to 30 minutes by the staff. I also used to go with a group that played cards and spent a few hundred dollars a week. That was until the staff made us feel so unwelcome that we have since gone elsewhere. As for the food? It is okay. The happy hour menu is decent. Avoid the dessert cakes. They tend to be dry and the icing on them is horrid. I wish I could tell you I will go back. But until the owner realizes his group (especially a certain manager) needs a lesson in customer service, forget it. There are places with better food, beer as good or better who welcome my business. Laurelwood is not one of those places.

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    I hate to rate so poorly however I have tried them probably 10 times in the last year and it get worse and worse with each visit. They only got my order right one out of ten. I used to manage restaurants so my evaluation is very fair. Sent one order back to the cook, it was returned EXACTLY as I sent it, I showed the waitress she just said oh would you like something else even thought the person I was with had finished their meal even thought it was wrong also, and still charged me even though I could/did not eat it. The person I was with got his order wrong too. He said he will never eat there again. Wait staff not friendly . Service is one of the worst I have seen in any restaurant... Very slow, no acknowlegdgement of new customers, they will slowly walk right by you and not say anything, until you flag someone down and ask to have your order taken. NEW MANAGEMENT LAST FEW MONTHS????? Unfortunately it has gone downhill......

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    Mon Apr 09 2007

    Very disappointed with the fish and chips which is out of this world in their NW location. The chef at this restaurant has some clueless helpers Not even Mcdonald's serves such greasy fries. The fish was way overcooked, greasy and almost inedible. I was starving and ate it anyway. I highly recommend the other Laurelwood for the ambiance and their fish and chips. This one is not worth it. It was also so loud, with about 100 kids running around and crying we couldn't have a conversation.

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    Mon Apr 02 2007

    First, their seasonal beers are terrific. The staff is very friendly and the few food items we've ordered (meatloaf....mmmm) was above average. Kid friendly is fine, but maybe the owner should realize their dream of a daycare center somewhere else. They are losing many customers because of this.

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    Wed Feb 14 2007

    A great pub that you can take your family and friends to. Consistently good and interesting beer selections, tasty pub-style menu and great service for family's with kids along.

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    Sat Nov 04 2006

    Just ate at Laurelwood for the first time. The food was fine. Nothing spectacular, but not bad by any means. Organic choices were a plus. Our server was friendly. The best part of eating at Laurelwood was the play area for the kids and the beer. It's so hard to enjoy meals out for parents of toddlers. One of us is always chasing after or leaving the restaurant with our kid. Being seated right next to the play area was perfect for the whole family. More restaurants should get on the banwagon and include children in their restaurant design. I don't care about all those selfish jerks complaining about too many kids around. That's life. Go to another place. There are plenty of bars around town that don't have kids running around and don't even allow kids.

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    Thu Jul 27 2006

    My husband and I come here during happy hour when we're in the area. We really like the Nacho's during happy hour, which are HUGE (we often order too much).. It's a nice ambiance with outdoor dining. The food is very inconsistant .. sometimes the nacho's will be huge and full of all kinds of toppings, other times it will be small with scant toppings.. I guess it depends who makes it. It's still good, however, and we'll keep on going.

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    Fri Jun 23 2006

    I've been going to the Laurelwood for years. It's a good place for adults, children and dogs. I like to go there because it's a good place to meet up with neighborhood friends. They have great beer and good hamburgers and wings. Aside from these menu items, I have become progressively disappointed in the food. Last night did it for me. I ordered the braised pork with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables. It was only $9.95, so I wasn't expected anything spectacular. My food arrived and everything on the plate was cold. The first indication that it had been sitting for a while was the waiter warned me I shouldn't touch the plate because it might be hot, i.e., it had either been sitting under a heat lamp or the entire plate had been ran through an oven conveyer. I asked the waiter if he could heat up my food because it was cold. The plate was brought back about 5 minutes later. I tasted the potatoes. Still cold. I tasted the vegetables. Still cold. I tasted the pork. Warm to hot. Basi... Read more

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    Fri May 26 2006

    I have lived all over the country and PDX has the worst over all service of any place I have lived. I believe this may be due to the fact that most other states require servers to work for their tips. Having worked in food service for many years I applaud OR for its minimum wage for servers, however, I believe this is the reason for so many poor restaurant experiences in PDX. That Said I believe that Laurelwood has great beer, average food, average PDX service (which is made up by the fact that parents can have an adult conversation for more than 2 minutes) for this I applaud and highly recommend this place. It is not fine French dining or a trendy bar but a great place for parents to come and feel a little more like an adult instead of an eternal parent.

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    Sat Dec 31 2005

    I'm a breakfast person: 1 egg over-medium, meat, potatoes, and toast. I almost always get the same thing everytime I eat out for breakfast. What came out of the kitchen at Laurelwood was the saddest display of breakfast I have ever seen. Over-medium does not mean rock solid. Their so-called "rosemary potatoes" were 1/4 cup of some reheated frozen product. The bacon looked burnt, but yet it was not crispy. At least the toast was good and it did a good job of covering up the mess. Their french fries are off the hook though...and my bloody mary was pretty good too.

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    Tue Nov 29 2005

    I have been dining at Laurelwood NE for many, many months and have enjoyed the food very much. A lot to choose from and in spite of the business growth - you get it, somewhat, fast. The past three times that I have dined there over about a month, something has changed. The food have gone from tasting like mom used to make to open up the can and heat it up!! The beer is still good, which considering my last three experiences is the ONLY part I have enjoyed. Kudos to the servers - those that are good are really good and those that are bad are REALLY bad. Maybe the kitchen and service staff need a vacation?! Get it back to the Laurelwood I love.

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    Sun Nov 20 2005

    I was visiting Portland and happened to walk by. I'm sure glad I did , because their beer and food is great. I am a big fan of Fat Tire Beer, but their Ettinger Amber Ale blows it out of the water. The people there are very nice, and while I was there I saw many families enjoying themselves. I am thinking about visiting Portland in a few months .

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    Yeah, the kids are irratating and the food mediocre and table service abysmal. But, if you go during the happy hours and sit at the bar it's suddenly a different place. First off, the Laurelwood is All About the Beer- it's great stuff and during Happy Hour it's cheap- like, $2.25 a pint. Secondly, you get a bartender that actually provides great service. Lastly, if you're at the bar, rather than a table, you're not near the kids and since I prefer the post 9pm happy hour, there's not many kids there anyway.

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    Sat Aug 06 2005

    We've had enough of the Hollywood Laurelwood. The overwhelming number of kids really makes this a very UNfriendly place for those without, and our recent visit featured a one-hour wait for two dishes that were utterly wrong: dramaticallly overcooked pasta that was served boiling hot, and a properly-cooked steak that was sadly served nearly stone cold. And what's worse: when we sent back the pasta asking for a dish that was properly cooked, our server came back to tell us to reconsider, since the chef said that it was likely to arrive overcooked, as well! (The substitute dish, chicken caesar salad, featured warmed-over frozen chicken.) This kitchen was clearly overwhelmed (it was a crowded but ordinary Thursday night), and we were, too. Like other reviewers here, we won't be going back. It was one of the worst restaurant experiences we have ever had in Portland.

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    Fri Jun 10 2005

    We went to Laurelwood on a Saturday morning and the breakfast rocks!! We have two small kids and it was so great to be able to enjoy a great Bloody Mary (plenty of horseradish) and have the wee ones play. They have a great play area! The service was great: the waitress/bartender (yes the same one who makes the to die for drinks) went out of her way for our family. Had no idea this was such a great weekend place for brunch.

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    Thu Apr 14 2005

    Yes, i can bring the kiddos, but jeez it tastes like we're eating food from the frozen food section of Costco- super processed. i have given it 4 tries now and everytime either the service is non-existant or they mess up my order, or it's just yucky. Stick to the french fries and a beer. milk for kids.

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    Sun Feb 27 2005

    This place has great burgers and is a good place to take kids. A Warning to all those looking for a quiet dining won't find it here. But for those who are used to that environment...this will surely be one of yours and the kids favorites!

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    Mon Feb 14 2005

    I'm a little confused by the negative reviews here. We have been a number of times and have never been dissapointed by the service, especially considering how jam packed this place can get. Even when kids are running everywhere, our servers have never rolled their eyes or seemed fazed by the screaming tykes. The food might not always knock our socks off, but the garlic fries are to die for and the fish and chips are outta this world. The beer is probably some of the best in the NW. We take out of town guests and friends with kids her all the time and always have a great time. Maybe some of these cranks need a nap? Or a beer?

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    Mon Dec 06 2004

    We like Laurelwood for it's family-friendly environment, but the last 3 times we've been, the service has been extrememly bad. Even in the afternoon, when we were almost the only table occupied, our service was absolutely terrible. It's too bad, because it's nice to have a place to take kids.

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    Thu Nov 11 2004

    Today I went to the Laurelwood for lunch with my three year old, a friend and her child. After ordering we waited over 30 minutes and food had yet to arrive. Not once did our server check in with us to refill drinks, apologize for the delay - in fact she was confused as to why we might not be happy. The play area is great but quickly becomes a pit of anguish if the kids are all starving. I have never received incredible service there but this was an all time low. This town needs to rethink the kid friendly rating given to a resturant that takes over 30 minutes to produce a salad, a cup of soup, a sandwich and two orders of mac and cheese (kraft no less). Oh, and the place was under half full.