Kristin Hanson Jewelry, Inc.

Approval Rate: 92%

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    Mon Jan 25 2010

    The school is everything I had hoped. I am learning how to not only be a designer but look at everything around me in a new way. I AM MAKING BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY! Every other school provides technique and no complete projects. Nothing to show for your hard work. I am so happy to be learning everyday in the studio and working on a collection to start the business of my dreams. The full time program is so productive and I am already selling my work and learning how to build a clients. I learning how to use all my potential. Kristin and her teachers are a true inspiration.

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    Mon Jan 18 2010

    If there is anything I can say about investing in a skill and passion, this school has provided. I have been in Fine Jewelry School for 4 months now, signing up for my second course. I have done extensive research on NYC jewelry schools before signing up. Not only is Kristin's studio a dream space to spend long days working but it is the most inspiring place I have come across other then the Moma. I am thrilled with the skilled teachers, who are patient and happy to assist. The was the best investment I have made in my education and I studied in collages for 7 years. Which it turns out, I should have come here instead.

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    Mon Jan 11 2010

    I am a current student at this school enrolled in a 480 hour course. Being in Miss Hanson's studio has been a wonderful experience in so many ways. I read some of these other reviews and feel very strongly about the quality of education here. Her talents and success seem to created a large following of admirers and some jealous individuals. To be expected. From what I understand Miss Hanson has has hundreds of students in the past few years. If you aren't creating a stir..then you must not be talented. And Kristin is one of the most creative jewelry designers out there. Not only am I learning so much from the very talented teachers here but I am learning how to be an artist. Kristin is teaching us how to draw, even paint our ideas and how to fabricate our designs in metal. It is an amazing process. All my classmates are so pleased with their experience in the programs. There are students who are in the 2 year program who have changed their lives and careers to study with Kristin. ... Read more

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    Fri Jan 08 2010

    I signed up for studying at Kristin's because I thought it was going to be great, there was a flexible time schedule and the space looked nice, and Kristin seemed very genuine. The reality was that although Kristin was around the studio, there was no real organization let alone teaching. The first day she tells you to look through books to find inspiration (I could have done that on my own), and then to sketch something out (what if I didn't know how to draw?)....You are allowed to move at your own pace but that means going in and setting up and asking an assistant for instruction (they will not come to you to see what you are doing unless you ask them for help). And often the one and sometimes two assistants there, are too busy working with other people or on fabricating jewelry for Kristin to really help you. Kristin does like to be in the studio but she is often on the phone or occasionally using her strippers pole she installed in the room next to the studio (for exercise?) whic... Read more

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    Sun Jan 03 2010

    Making jewelry has so much personal fulfillment. My classes are spent with several people whom are all focused and enjoying the process. This place is a wonderful opportunity for the dedicated student. I learned that it takes a life time to be a master goldsmith and designer. I am learning a lot. There has clearly been changes made to the school because I don't see any issues in the studio or program. Everyone has a unique style and Kristin shares her secrets of success. It's organized and the instruction is priceless.

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    Fri Jan 01 2010

    i have studied with kristin for over a year now she is so generous with her knowledge and her creativity. she lets us collaborate with her and at the same time she teaches us techniques, about the materials, and encourages us to be creative and find our own path. i have realized that making jewelry takes a lot of steps and lots of learning and at this school they teach you the basics but also can teach you really specialized techniques.

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    Fri Jan 01 2010

    I am shocked and saddened by k1012's review! I am so sorry to hear that you didn't have a good experience at the school. I have been the School Director since June 2009 and in that short time we have made vast improvements to the school. The curriculum is much more detailed, students are given a list of supplies to buy on or before their first day according to their projects and we've hired another full-time teacher, Mher. In 2010 we will no longer be providing students with a tool box and have provided them all with a detailed list of suppliers and vendors in Manhattan's diamond district. Every student has a different experience at the school, but I can honestly say that currently all students are happy, pushing the creative envelope and getting an amazing jewelry education. I strongly encourage any student hesitant about our school to check out our students success in the world of jewelry. Their work speaks for itself: nadialeesolomonjewelry sarahrichey radkadesign There are... Read more

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    Tue Dec 08 2009

    I had been working in the school for over a year as a part time student while working at a job I didn't like. After realizing that I want to be a jewelry designer, I quit my job and became a full time 2 year student in Kristin's studio. Being here full time has helped me grow as an artist and a jeweler so much in the past couple months. The school is not packed and with all the one on one instruction with talented teachers I have no complaints about the structure of the school. Kristin is giving me the confidence to believe in myself as an artist and designer and her passion for her company inspires us all.

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    Tue Dec 08 2009

    This school was such an amazing experience! I learned so much about the art of jewelry and the business. It helped me feel more confident as a jeweler. The teachers are amazing! They are both machines! Extremely talented and will help you with anything you need help with. Kristin is so amazing and very wise. Not only do we learn how to make jewelry, but we do exercises in class sometimes to help us learn how to dig even deeper to our inner creative hearts. I've been here for 2 months already and I want to stay longer! This school has really been an amazing journey and i finally feel like i can have my own jewelry line!! Also, the atmosphere in the room is very zen and peaceful.So if you even thinking about taking her it! Its sooo worth the money and time!

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    Tue Dec 08 2009

    I have been a student of Kristin's from day one. She had four benches in a tiny room and it's been incredible to see the school flourish into what it is today. Three years later and I am still learning something every time I am in the studio. Kristin is an extremely tough teacher, but appreciate her honesty. She helps you take your work to the next level and think outside the box. That matched with the skill level of her two amazing teachers helps you create beautiful jewelry while learning fabrication techniques simultaneously. It saddens me to see some of the negative reviews. My only thought is that Kristin's school exploded in popularity quickly. I know she went through a transition phase. Now she has another full-time teacher besides herself, a part-time teacher and a school director. I've seen her make drastic changes as the school blooms and I couldn't be more proud of my favorite teacher!

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    Wed Dec 02 2009

    What originally began as a promising studio space turned into an absolute nightmare. Kristin stuffs people in like sardines, while walking around looking for the most original idea to copy, and figures out a way to call it "her own". Most of the day she is seen bossing her only competent servant around, to finish jewelry for her. While the "students " are made to wait . Her "toolbox" which is triple keystone, is probably used to fund her "Higher Learning" prerequisite. When coherent, Kristin, is barely able to answer any pertinent questions, and enjoys rambling aimlessly, to hear the sound of her own voice. Her lessons on pricing of jewelery to the students, for example, is completely contrary to her own pricing strategy .Although she was very good at making an S clasp. All in all, if you want a true education on Jewelry design, this is not the place for you.

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    Tue Nov 03 2009

    I dreamed of making jewelry for years. I would scratch down ideas but never had the first clue as to how to bring them to life. I attended sessions at KH studios and was able to make some of my little ideas come to life! The studio is always clean, the atmosphere is one of learning and creativity and Kristin was always there to guide me through my creative process. Thanks so much

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    This school really taught me how to design and understand metal. If your found this studio you found the only place to learn jewelry in NYC....

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    I would like to say that I am very proud of all of my students and work hard at providing a beautiful studio and skilled, talented teachers. I wish all of my students the best of luck with creating jewelry and building their dreams!

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    Sun Nov 01 2009

    Kristin is an amazing artist and was truly an inspiration to my own creative process. I am currently working on my own line thanks to the knowledge I gained at the school. The environment was creative and professional I felt free to express my own ideas and at the same time Kristin was there to guide me through every step of the way. A+

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    Sun Nov 01 2009

    I always dreamed of making jewelry. I would jot down my ideas here and there but never thought I really had a creative edge. I attended sessions at KH studio and was able to make some of those little dreams come true. I am still working but KH studio gave me the skills to continue on. Kristin was always there to guide me through my assignments nurture my creativity. the studio was always clean and the atmosphere was perfect for learning. Thanks so much!

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    Sun Nov 01 2009

    This studio and school is the most inspirational and creative place I have been in a long time. I have studied jewelry in all the NY schools and many others on the east coast and Ms. Hanson provides the best education so far. Although she is a busy business woman, she always makes time to guild me in my projects. Very talented, skilled, and patient teachers are there day to day to walk everyone through each project. Everyone in my class is making such beautiful advanced jewelry in such a short time. All the students whom I have spoke to are very happy with the school and their progress with learning. Most people sign up again and again. This is a new school and I know Ms. Hanson is working hard at perfecting her company and the education of her students. I say this place is a winner. Although it is only a little more expensive them some of the trade schools, it is a private education! All schools have complaining students. If you want to learn jewelry in NYC this is the place. I rec... Read more

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    Fri Oct 02 2009

    I was lured in by the sales pitch and deeply regret my decision to take classes. Yes, the space is nice but it's extremely expensive for what you get. K Hanson rarely teaches, and the other instructors are busy designing for K Hanson so they don't have a lot of time to tend to the students. I was also charged $400 (pus tax) for a tool box that I later found out had about $100 worth of materials. There was no supply list, so I could not purchase the materials myself. My credit card was also charged without my knowledge on more than one occasion. Buyer beware!!!

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    Tue Sep 29 2009

    It saddens me that Mary B. didn't enjoy her experience in Kristin's studio. I have been a student and intern of Kristin's for years and I r...

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    Mon Sep 28 2009

    Don’t believe the hype! Without going into detail, I will say that it is not what it appears. Her only saving grace in running this school is her highly experienced and talented jeweler, along with one other instructor. Anyone who spent any time in this place knows exactly what I am talking about. If you want to spend your hard-earned money on “atmosphere,” it delivers. But if you want to feel like you are a valued student at a serious learning institution, you may be disappointed. Yes, it is the only school in the area of its kind, but that doesn’t mean you will get out of it what you should. After a relatively short period of time, you will figure out where your money is going.

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    Wed Sep 23 2009

    Don’t believe the hype! Without going into detail, I will say that it is not what it appears. Her only saving grace in running this scho...

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    Wed Feb 11 2009

    I first went to the studio to take a tour and was amazed by the beautiful loft and highly trained students working hard and focused. The course provides a flexible schedule which is great for someone with a busy life, and gives individual attention to each student. It is so refreshing to be in a program where cool people are all working on their own designs, others schools don't offer. I loved the projects and curriculum that Kristin created. All the students I spoke to are learning so fast and selling their jewelry right away. I recommend this school to anyone who loves jewelry and design!

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    Sun Feb 01 2009

    When I first came to the studio, I was looking for a place to go at night and on the weekends to explore a life-long hobby of mine. I had never worked with metal before, but I have always loved beading and making jewelry for friends and family. From the moment I walked in, I wanted to be able to come in everyday. It is such a beautiful and peaceful studio that houses Kristin's gallery, too. The students at the school all have different goals in their jewelry making. So it is fun to see what everyone is working on and get ideas from each other. I lost my job at Christmas, and I have started coming to school here full-time. I have learned a ton about not just making jewelry, but building my own business. This school is a unique and special place, which provides an amazing opportunity for anyone interested in jewelry design. I think the combination of a flexible schedule, one on one training, and the studio's atmosphere make this school one of kind. You have to see it to believ... Read more

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    Thu Jan 08 2009

    When I walked into Kristin Hanson Fine Jewelry gallery I was amazed! She turned a rustic industrial loft into a luxurious, elegant, and creative gallery and jewelry workshop. She sat me down on a lovely couch and offered me a cup of delicious tea. The studio was filled with jewelry artists working away to music. I have had my grandmothers diamond ring in a jewelry box for years and I was meeting with Kristin to turn it into a piece of art, I have been wanting forever. I explained to her what I was thinking and she helped me develop my idea by drawing a beautiful ring right in front of me. After we adjusted it a little she measured my finger and told me it would be finished in 3 weeks. When I picked up my ring last week I was so excited to see that the drawing became the most beautiful gold and diamond ring I have ever seen. The best part of it was that it was made specially for me and it was one of a kind. Kristin gave me a great price for her talents and assured me that all her wor... Read more

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    Wed Jan 07 2009

    early on in my course i found the the school to be extremely helpful for developing my skills as a jewelry designer, however I was soon disappointed by the way the school was run and the lack of attention given to many of the students. The working environment became unbearable and unproductive and I realized that I was not going to receive what I was garrunteed. To students interested in attending, i must warn that if you wish to come out of this school with something to show, you must actively search for and demand attention. In a school that strives to offer more than it is able, this is not an easy acheivement for the student.

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    I recently visited Kristin Hanson's Jewelry Gallery and I was amazed by the selection of fine jewelry she provides. The jewelry was very unique and well put together. I could tell that I was buying quality jewelry that would also portray my own sense of style and luxery. The school was interesting to see and the students all seemed very focused. After learning more about Kristin Hanson Jewelry, I was quite impressed with the whole operation she has.