Approval Rate: 57%
Reviews 0
by halweenie
Tue Oct 09 2012on the Kobb
by poolguys
Fri Jul 22 2011a very good band love the seven string guitar they play on http://www.arthurspools.com/
by magneticd
Sun Oct 10 2010What a pants load of suck. These guys are what ICP fans move up to when they mature.
by pcpeter774
Sun Aug 29 2010From 1994 to 1996 they where okay. I'm sorry now they just keep getting worse and worse.
by lakes024
Mon Jun 28 2010hi i love your songs i rally like freak on a leash.
by slipknot004378_091
Sun Jun 20 2010Worst band ever! Lead singer is annoying.
by badgerfan1
Sat Jun 19 2010They use to be okay, but not heavy metal, definitely alternative. They suck now.
by businessman332_211
Wed Aug 13 2008There one of my favorite bands. The one thing I dislike about them is they use to be true to the genre they played but over time they started trailing off into rap...I hate rap so for me it kind of degenerated how much I like this group.
by ninjacobra
Sat Apr 19 2008One of my two favorite bands Ever!
by xagent
Wed Aug 08 2007One of the harder hitting mainstream bands. Twisted Transistor anyone?
by metalfanoh
Sun Jul 08 2007I love their songs (Addias,Clown,Falling away from me, Freak on a Leash etc.They are great in concert.I would see them every year if I could.I dont know why some people have a problem with Korn They dont sound like everyone else.The do something different so they are labeled New Metal The only thing I did not like was Korn Unplugged It just does not fit them.
by limpin_trenchfoot
Wed Aug 30 2006They're spared the 1 star rating cos at least they were innovators (for want of a better word)in the nu-metal scene. Then again they embody everything that blowed about nu-metal -the whiny my-lif-is-sh*t lyrics, the downtuned 7-string guitars, the lack of decent solos, the crappy image, their fans....
by gromit
Thu Jan 12 2006KoRn is a cruel joke. They suck bad. In fact, all 'Nu-Metal' sucks beyond suck itself!
by evilbitch
Sun Jan 08 2006Korn is what made new metal how it is today!!!!
by texasyankee
Sun May 15 2005Love this group's first 2 albums, they will be marked in classic album groups in a few years, right along with led zepplin and ozzy osbourne. Don't believe me? It's true. I am 38, yet I love Korn, and with good reason. This group is original and sounds good.Too many people ... myself included marked this group as a phase, because so many little kids listen to them and wear their shirts, but this group is NOT a little kid group.When I am in a pissed mood and don't know what else to do, I turn on KORN, they have that adrenaline pumping music, lyrics, and a band who knows how to play their instruments. Try it one day, you might just see what I am talking about.edit: of course there were cliches because everyone wanted to do what KORN did! Everyone copied them, because they rocked!
by headofcobain
Wed May 04 2005Korn is OK. A bit overrated, but OK. There first album was interesting, but all that followed was your basic 90's rock cliches. Definitely NOT classic, but worth a listen.
by elf_chick86
Tue Apr 19 2005their old stuff rocked, their new stuff... not so much. saw 'em on ozzfest '03. the greatest thing i have ever heard was the entire crowd singing along to A.D.I.D.A.S. that rocked.
by the_sickness
Wed Jan 05 2005Word Up!
by korngoddess
Wed Dec 29 2004KoRn rocks!! :), IF you are giving a low score you obviously need something to B***h about. Yes, there music is actually called music. If you think not Id like to see you get up there and have thousands of followers like they do and make the money they do. Id say your just jealous because they are all living their dreams and your not!!
by banana_daiquiri_ice
Fri Nov 26 2004I saw KoRn last night in concert(Mpls.MN),it was my 3rd time seeing them in the last 7 weeks. Seen them on Kimmel Live and in Fullerton Ca.It was a great show and I am pleased with their 'Greatest Hits'cd. I grew up listening to Cameo,and was psyched to learn they covered Word Up. I've been down with KoRn since '98'. I thank them for covering Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick in the Wall'. KoRn's arrangement of that song, and my traveling to LA and Fullerton Ca. to see them was a culmination in my life, and a conclusion to my battle with 'KID RAPE'(childhood sexual abuse). I WIN! KoRn's music has entertained and comforted me/and was my background music when I needed to rage. THANK YOU KoRn!!!!!!!
by djahuti
Sun Nov 14 2004To be this bad,they really had to try very hard.
by bunny123452
Thu Sep 30 2004KoRn roOcKS!!!!! Please vote for Korn on: http://www.mtv.de/starhour/index.php http://www.mtv.de/trl http://www.mtv.com/onair/trl/ Thanx!
by darkness302
Wed Aug 04 2004Not Hard enough
by metalhed
Sat Jul 10 2004Any band who claims to be hardcore then goes on tour with linkin park and snoop dog gets no respect from me.
by maersk
Thu May 20 2004i blame these pathetic losers for inventing this horrid plauge of nu-metal sh*t. they cant break up soon enough for my tastes
by marquis_de_squid
Wed Apr 14 2004Horrible, horrible band....can't I give a lower score than 1??? Quite possibly the most wretched excuse for music imaginable....meant solely for the angsty Hot Topic crowd...
by squirrelmaster_69
Tue Mar 16 2004korn rocks. there cd titled issues is a must have. you have to be a retard to give these guys a low score. alot of users here must have rated them bad without a comment like a complete idiot.
by 1johndoefan
Thu Dec 11 2003Absolute GARBAGE!!!
by hot_pink_panty_z
Mon Dec 08 2003Korn rock! They're the best band on earth, ever! They are definately my favourite band I love them to bits... I have all their CDs, everything, they are just the shizzle! For anyone who pays them out, they hate you too and they probably don't give a f#&* what you say about them... none of ya are ever gunna be as sucessful and talented as any of the band. They're not sh*t... they're THE sh*t!
by joefly69
Fri Sep 26 2003I am shocked to see Korn got 50% terrible vote. What is wrong with the world today?
by kornpeep
Sun Sep 14 2003They kick my ass, simple as that.
by monstercheese
Thu Sep 11 2003yo this band is sweet an i luv there sungin and sum uv my personal favorite songs are bottled up inside,here to stay,thoughtless,blind,got the life,adidas,im hiding,did my time,falling away from me,freak on leash andi hope they continue 2 prouce more great music kep it up guyz
by countrybumkin
Fri Jul 25 2003they kinda fell off track there for a while then untouchables came out. it was pretty good but just lacked something. then just the other day i heard their new one did my time. it kicked ace.
by nuttythesquirr_el
Mon Jun 30 2003cool band. they make some of my favorite songs.
by jimmyinatlanta
Sat Jun 21 2003KornHoles is more like it.
by djlarryszyms
Tue Jun 17 2003Depressed? KILL YOURSELF! The most wimpy "metal" I've ever heard! Manowar is more hard core. Stryper is even harder. I think Ozzy wiped his ass with them in '78. They were wee.
by gc_chick_4_lif_e
by sum41freak
Mon Jun 09 2003Korn basicly sucks it is like evry other band these days!!! you cant even understand what they are saying half the time so why listen!!!
by isaidboournsno_tboo
Thu Jun 05 2003Korn rocks!!i wish i had something more intelligent to say but i don't.
by jinglis
Tue May 27 2003The first gig I ever went to was Korn (w/ Limp Bizkit and Helmet) in Glasgow, 1997. I got the ticket from a neighbour who couldn't make it, and I hadn't really listened to their first album all that much. They put on a brilliant show, as did Helmet (who I liked anyway) and the then-unknown LB. After that I was listening to them more, buying the t-shirts and CDs, being influenced by David's drumming, and covering my walls in posters. By the time Follow the Leader came out, however, my opinion was changing. The (relative) innovation of the first album and the heaviness of Life is Peachy were giving way to a more commercial sound, and I knew that this wouldn't be the last of it. And Issues proved that. Although they aren't bad albums at all, it's just such a diversion from their roots that it seems false. Untouchables was the icing on the cake for me - an attempt to be more avant-garde while becoming unlistenable. Harsh, but that's my opinion I suppose.
by kornchild70
Tue May 27 2003This is a great band. Why? Music is good, lyrics are good, and they aren't afraid to show who they are. They also have a great fan dedication and they kick it...plus their original musical style (known as nu-metal) is great.
by gibsonspecial
Fri Apr 18 2003Whatever happened to good songwriting and good use of your instruments. Korn missed the boat on that one. Why the winy vocals?
by samson42284
Mon Apr 07 2003korn is great thats all there is to it. in about thirty years people are going to look back and say, "man they were bad asz". they are creative if you don't like them then thats fine. most of you are to shallow anyway
by tarwedge
Mon Feb 24 2003korn=fun
by ron_n_brooke
by dustindelong
Fri Jan 10 2003heat1935om is a dumb
by nathanj
Mon Dec 09 2002If you dont like Korn you dont like music.You can turn to any rock station,and here all the korn wannabees.
by kornforever
Thu Nov 14 2002F*ck Men, they are the best in my opinion, They have music, that i call music, the lyrics, the meanings, they... Its all beatiful, They are original, they make there own sound, and for the people how think that korn sucks: We don't need you ... I like every album from them, the first(korn) is Beautiful, Life is Peachy is very good too, Follow The Leader is good too, and must people say that issues sucks, :S i don't Think, it's true that they aren't so good, but i like that album too. And untouchables is a great album too... KoRn FoReVeR www.korn4ever.pt.vu
by hardcorechic
Fri Jul 12 2002these guys are one of my favorite bands. they are truly original, and they just plain rock.