Kodak EasyShare Z1285 Digital Camera

Approval Rate: 80%

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    Sat Nov 01 2008

    I am sorry to have taken so long to write this review. I have had the Kodak Z1285 camera for about 6 months now. This camera has angered me so much, that I finally had to sit down and warn others of its absolutely terrible performance. Sure, it looks like a great deal: 12 megapixels, 5x optical zoom, HD video, etc. However, the performance is UNACCEPTABLE. The first thing is a constant blue screen of death. After literally each picture, when you are ready to snap the second precious pic of any loved one or special moment, this camera blanks out to a "blue screen of death" with the word "Processing" displayed. This blue screen lasts anywhere from 3 seconds to 30 seconds and disables your ability to snap a picture. Bye Bye precious moment. This one feature alone makes this camera unsatisfactory for anyone's use. It is a definite deal killer. I called Kodak about this and wrote emails. They do not seem to be aware of this problem and gave me the standard "we apologize for ... Read more

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    Tue Oct 28 2008

    I bought this camera for the brand (always like Kodak), for the fact that it uses an SD card, AA batteries (rechargeables always!), and also for the megapixels it offered. I like the picture quality, especially for landscape, sport and sunset. Indoors with flash is not the greatest, and taking concert pictures does not give me great results. Video is good, sound quality is so-so. Advice to anyone purchasing this camera: use a padded case. I had this camera in the back of our motorcycle and we hit a deep hole (the camera was in my purse in a small case). The back display is broken (not in pieces but looks like a fireworks display when you turn the camera on). You can't see to take a picture, or review the images after you take a picture. But, if I take a picture, and put my SD card into a different camera, I can see the picture. I really liked this camera, but only used it for about 2 months. Take care of those digital cameras with large displays!

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    Tue Oct 21 2008

    We purchased a Kodak Z1275 in August, 2007 and were instantly amazed. When we accidentally broke the screen, we immediately sent it in for repairs, and bought a Z1285 to cover in its absence (in July, 2008). We have taken ~4,400 pictures on the Z1275 and 500+ on the Z1285. The Z1275 and Z1285 are largely the same. The only changes I have seen (beyond body color) is that the 1275 has bracketing settings and that the 1285 has a much quieter motor, which greatly helps when taking movies. The image quality, coupled with the small size (but not too small, like so many unusable `tiny' cameras), is what has one of them in my pocket virtually all weekend, and in my briefcase while on business travel during the week, and one at home for the family to use. While on a trip to Southern California last April, I took similar photos with the Z1275 and with professional Kodak Portra film, and I was stunned at how much better the Z1275 images came out - the colors were brighter and more... Read more

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    Thu Oct 16 2008

    As stated before, the advantages of this camera are hard to find in this price range. 12 Mp, HD stills and video, decent zoom for stills/video and image stabilization, in a pocket size camera... well, I am happy with the purchase and would recommend it no problem!

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    Wed Oct 15 2008

    Great product although the charge doesn't last as long as the site claims. I recommend getting the extra battery. I did and I was able to cut about 24 3 inch limbs off white pines using both batteries. Amazon's free shipping arived quickly and I am pleased with the purchase.