
Approval Rate: 29%

29%Approval ratio

Reviews 31

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    Mon Nov 26 2012

    kmart hardly ever has the items thats in the sale paper on the first look and look and cant even find a sales person to help.half the stuff in the store does not have prices and then you cant find a scanner that works to give you a price.i went to the layaway dept.and layed away a tv.the guy took our money and didnt give any detailsof the layaway.we walked away and i was reading the receipt and it said we had to pay it off in six weeks and pay 100.00 every 2 weeks.whats the use of laying it away if you have to pay it off that soon?this was in september.i thought i would have until we went right back and the guy said they would charge me 15.00 to cancel.we didnt even leave the store! yeah,i canceled.wont go back.

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    Sun Nov 20 2011

    Worked here for 4 total days. Was hired as part time seasonal. Unloaded the truck the first day, then they said I was going to be trained on the register. Third day I came in they had my put out freight and told me to use this scanning gun without any training at all. When I asked for help, they told this girl who didn't give a fuck to help train me. Fourth day I came in, they said to do the truck and there was no one else back there to do it. I walked off the back dock to my car and left the place. As far as I'm concerned they can keep their 24 hours of pay that I worked. It was a second job anyway, and I would rather not have any contact with this shitty place anymore.

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    Sat Oct 01 2011

    I have spent the last year working for kmart. The one thing I don't completely hate is the people. My managers are good people who see that we cant give out rewards cards or credit cards to old or retarded customers. For the bad things, well i can start with the customers. I love most of my customers, but there IQ seems to drop every time they come through my line. They will slide their card and stare at the machine "reading" (i believe most are illiterate) the survey question they are forced to answer. So i have to answer it for them. THe customers also make a big deal out of signing up for a rewards card, its free, it gives you money, and it makes me happy. It will not hurt you. The customers always think an item is a certain price when it is not, thewy do not read the ads, or read sale stickers. I realize most things are in fine print and harder to see, but you do have to spend 50 dollars to get 5 off. I am tired of basically holding the hand of every customer, and carrying the stor... Read more

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    Sun Jul 24 2011

    Going to expose the problems as I see them with this terrible company, as I have worked there for 7 long months, asked for a raise, and was denied. #1 - "Get The Ad Done!" From the start of every Sunday all you hear is "We have to get the ad done." Problem is, they usually only have about 5 or 6 people at our store to complete the ad. Corporate says it is supposed to be finished by 8 AM. Are you kidding me? The earliest employees arrive at 5 AM. The ad is horrendously unorganized and big. Most of the time it isn't finished until 1 or 2 PM. Another problem is that tags or sale stickers are printed company wide and not for specific stores. So you end up with 50% of the department having tags which go nowhere. A total waste of paper, ink, and money in general. #2 - Managers have been there too long A lot of the store managers/assistant store managers come and go on a regular basis, most of them transplants from failed careers at Walmart or Target. The real problem though,... Read more

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    Fri Jul 01 2011

    I never write reviews. On anything. It really speaks for how much I hate this place that I would take time to write a review. Good god, this place is awful. I've been working there about a month and have experienced nearly every complaint I've seen on this page. I don't know where the blame lies, but everyday is just a repeated case of no one knowing what's going on. The crappy register system from the 70's shuts down, oh, about every other time I'm scheduled to work register. I bust my ass trying to do what I've been taught to do, only to be told I was taught wrong. I genuinely try and put myself in the customer's shoes and decided that being in their position, I would just want to purchase my things and get out of the store as quickly as possible: that gets me a warning from the store manager that I'm not getting enough reward card enrollments and credit card applications. But what could be better than offering credit cards and reward cards at every turn? Surveys. Anyone wants to buy... Read more

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    Mon Jun 27 2011

    cardless shop your way rewards? are you fucking serious guys? i was just told by my boss that the rewards card program is now gonna be cardless. so now to meet our quota we have to go around for an hour each day and ask customers if they want to give us their name number and email and all we give them is a damn pin number? are you kidding me kmart? most of the kmart shoppers are fucking eighty years old, u think theyre gonna remember a pin, they cant even get the right card out most of the time to pay for their shit. this rewards program is the biggest fucking joke since they got rid of the fishing dept in our store when everyone who comes in here asks for fishing shit. the corporate office must be run by people who are mentally retarted. next time the district manager comes here im gonna beat that bitch down in the parking lot and then cum on her

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    Mon Jun 27 2011

    I figured I would wait until I voluntarily terminated my employment with Sears Holdings before writing this review. After seven LONG months, I just recently resigned from my position at Kmart as an Assistant Store Manager. One thing that hasn't been discussed on here is the conflict which seemed to arise every week at my store between Kmart's own brand (Smart Sense) and Pepsi/Coke/RC. It was an ongoing issue in my store to get the Smart Sense branded drinks to move. In other words Coke and Pepsi would offer deep deals to our store manager (and regional stores) every week. Prices as low as 88 cents for a 2 liter would discourage sales of Kmart brand soft drinks (even when Kmart's brands were on sale). They were shooting themselves in the foot by letting Pepsi or Coke bring in deep deals weekly, while we watched our own brands go out of date due to lack of sales. The most popular item (which is why I originally commented) was the 35 pk. water which someone in a post seen below ref... Read more

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    Mon Mar 21 2011

    LOVE THIS PAGE! ive worked there for 5.5 years bc its the only job that takes me back during high school and college breaks now..BUT EVERYONE ON THIS PAGE IS RITE!! this place sucks ass. idk who any of u people are but thank u soo much, i totally agree with most of the comments. too bad i cant write my real name on here or else i would. the DISTRICT MANAGER is trying to almost fire me recently bc i talked back to her bc she told and older female employyee that she had to get RID of the fan in garden shop on a day when it was 98 degrees out. that fat bitch is out to get me, and everyone at my stores knows. o well, it sucks being a employee when this is the best option for me during college and other crap thats currently going on. and if ur not an employee, WHY THE FUCK DO U GO/SHOP AT KMART? nah seriously, ask ur self much love. pce

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    Sat Mar 19 2011

    The big reason this dinosaur of a company will not close down is because there are still groups of people that shop there. In my experience, I can narrow down these demographics. This isn't meant to be rude or stereotypical either but it is just my observation. Types of shoppers at Kmart 1. Elderly (70+ years old) = This group probably makes up about 60 % of the shoppers, and the reason they still shop there is because they obviously still think it is 1974, and only get tremendously confused when the get to the checkout. 2. Uneducated = This group probably makes up about 30% of the shoppers. A lot of the Kmart stores that are still in existence seem to be located in areas where the median income is $20,000 or less. These people cherry pick the Kmarts to get the good deals, but don't understand that most of Kmarts other items are higher than Walmart (or a lot of other chains) yet they still get roped in and end up buying things while they are there just to get the 3 or 4 sale ite... Read more

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    Sat Mar 19 2011

    The K-Mart store near me is really fucking nasty. I went in the bathroom to take a piss and there was shit in both of the toilets and I almost fainted it wreaked so bad. All the loser employees are either old, retarded or pregnant. I asked where the light bulbs were and one employee told me they were in the back. Thanks for the crappy directions. The back of the store is like 200 ft long you fucking moron. I managed to find a manager who was hiding near the fitting rooms and she seemed like she didn't even care. They have a small cooler with foods that are all expired. The tiles on the floor are cracked and they don't even replace them. I went to the garden shop section in December and the heat was off and there was no product hardly at all. If you try to get through the checkout you will need like 10 minutes. The mother fucking cashier asked me 4 questions before I could even pay. No I don't want the damn rewards card you stupid cunt, and I'm not giving jack shit to the fu... Read more

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    Sun Mar 06 2011

    You can tell that Kmart and Sears have the same ownership. No innovations and no updating of the stores. It seems like they're trying to keep it going by doing the bare minimum.

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    Sun Mar 06 2011

    I'm surprised to find a review page of Kmart that echoes the exact opinions of myself and most people I talk to who work there. That comment one reviewer made about the ordering is exactly right. Every week we get automatic shipments of the following week's sales items. The trouble is the amount of product shipped far exceeds the amount needed. Our store has about 8 palletts of paper products which were delivered for sales that ended months ago. Also, the SYWR card program is outdated and annoying. One penny for each dollar spent? What kind of reward is that? The managers seem disinterested with each employee's needs. All the stores I have worked in seem to be in major need of repair, which probably wont happen. Raises are not a common occurence, and to get ahead in the company you basically have to kiss ass or hope you get lucky (literally and figuratively). I wouldn't tell anyone to work or shop at Kmart. The company as a whole may still be hanging on with the Sears store... Read more

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    Sat Mar 05 2011

    Here is the basic rundown of a dying company. I have only worked at Kmart for the last two months and that is only because I needed a second job due to being laid off from my old part time job. Anyway, the first thing I noticed is the management is HORRIBLE. Most of them have been there a long time and think they are owed shit. The "established" employees pick the times when they want to work and leave the harder work up to the other employees. I have heard management tell department leads that their frieght doesn't have to be put up if they can get a certain number of Shop Your Way Rewards cards activated. The management supports this dumb policy. If the other employees aren't busy giving each other handjobs for advancement, then the human resources manager is busy writing people off for shit that happened months ago.

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    Fri Mar 04 2011

    Hate working for Kmart working partime there .for one they do not give you enough hours two for the little amount of money they think you supposed to worship the job, no days off if you call out it is not acceptable. horrible place to work.

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    Thu Feb 17 2011

    I was never much of a fan of this store in the first place. However, now it's almost like watching something from your childhood decompose. A shadow of its former self - and that's not really saying much.

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    Fri Jan 21 2011

    Hi! TCU is conducting research and would love your input! Please click the link to take our survey. Thanks!

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    Thu Jan 13 2011

    I am currently employed with Kmart - signed on as a part-time employee. I have worked retail before for other companies, but this one is hands down the worst place I have worked besides a two week stint at Taco Bell during my high school years. Everyone is ill-trained. I had a total of two hours training *tops* and I work multiple departments at this point...cashier, apparel, jewelry, service desk, and electronics so far. There is NO focus on customer service within this sparse training program. In fact, I was even told by a manager that it's "okay to make the customer wait". Not cool, I don't like to give crappy service. My store purposely short-mans the sales staff because the GM gets a bonus if he runs under payroll budget. So, nearly every single day there will be one single employee covering an entire half of the store. Customers can't get help, and if they do manage to snag an employee, chances are this employee has no training in the department the customer is inquiring about... Read more

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    Tue Dec 21 2010

    maybe u all shouldnt be so lazy and actually go in the store where u can find yr item and purchase it there. if it is out of stock then wait patiently for the item to come in like everyone else. or go somewhere else and get it cuz i dont want to deal with yr lazy s**t.

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    Fri Dec 10 2010

    I feel extremely frustrated with KMART customer service. I received an order through the mail that I had ordered online. When I received the items I had an incorrect item instead of the correct item. I called customer service and they were extremely polite as I explained the situation. They said I would receive a confirmation email with the item reordered. I waited for a week and no confirmation email. I called again and received the same run-around. Again, I waited for a confirmation for the new order and a week later nothing. On the third attempt, I was told that the item would be reimbursed (yet again), and I would have to reorder the item myself. After explaining that I received the item on sale, they said they could order it, however I would have to pay half the shipping and handling. REALLY? I have to pay for the mistakes of KMART employees??? As a customer, I feel it is poor business practice to make the customer pay for the mistake of the staff rather than shipping the correct ... Read more

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    Sun Dec 05 2010

    Below summarizes a complaint email I sent to Kmart. Their response follows just below my email content: I am writing you in regards to my order below. For a $9.00 order this has been absolutely not worth shopping with Kmart. I am considering paying full price for the item at another store. Here is the sequence of events: 1. Placed my order online on 11/26 it was one of two pleasant experiences 2. On 11/27 received email that order was ready for pick-up, second pleasant experience (even though ready a day later than expected based on order confirmation email that is attached) 3. Went to the store on 11/28 to pick up (This is where is starts to go wrong) 4. Waited at front desk to get order for more than 10 minutes. 5. I happened to check in the bag to ensure I received the right item. Unfortunately it was the wrong item. I received item number 653569448327 (white and tan colored cat). This does not match the ite... Read more

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    Sun Dec 05 2010

    All i hear from older reviews is crap. And that is mostly true. Sales prices wernt that good, and good luck with online. But I am a cashier at Kmart, and one of the few that actually does his job right. I love working there actually. All the managers love me, and the customers love me too (which is a shocker). This is because you do not know how many people come through my lane, trying to pick a fight. So many people are just in bad moods, and who better than to take it out on than yours truly. But when customers fight with me, or get upset over wrong prices, I fix it. I call what ever department to make sure the prices are correct, and usually they arnt. The computer system is so stupid sometimes. So i simply over ride it and problem solved. Now there are customers that will through fits because they have to wait for me to check the price and possibly have my manager come over to over ride the item (due to it being 50% or something), and they will complain to me like its my fault. I a... Read more

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    Wed Dec 01 2010

    It's a lousy place to work - asking customers 5 different questions. Illegal donation drives to make the job more stressful, because customers DO NOT want to donate, and corporate idiots can't figure that out. Attitude towards the employees. Always threatening to fire people, and if so, why not carry it out assholes? And all for the lowest pay possible.

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    Sat Nov 27 2010

    I hate that I have to give Kmart even one star. I ordered a tv during the online Thanksgiving sale. I had to select a local store for pick up and did so. They charged my card immediately and it turns out they don't have the tv. Although I got an e-mail saying that I'd be notified within 2 hours when my tv was ready -- it took 24 hours to learn that they didn't actually have the TV. I've been told after my 5th interaction with their customer service department (and the first time they've actually answered a question) that I will have the refund "in 5 - 7 days." Each e-mail has included a sales pitch for other items (I'd have to hit my head pretty hard to shop there again!) I've spent the last 24 hours talking to their customer support (In India) who offered to let me buy the TV for much more money through either Kmart or Sears (Their first offer was to pay $60 more at Sears before they looked and realized they had the tv at Kmart for just $30 more). (You see, it's not that they r... Read more

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    Fri Nov 26 2010

    Saw a great Christmas inflatable in the ad. The local Kmart did not have any and suggested I order it online. OK. The cost was fifteen dollars plus shipping, but for spending twenty nine dollars there would be no shipping cost. I put the Christmas inflatable item in the basket and then spent quite a bit of time trying to order something that was actually in stock. I lost count of how many times I was told the item was not in stock. Finally I find an item and place my order. Not even two minutes later I get an email informing me that the Christmas inflatable was not in stock. You are so kidding me! I call the number given and am told that they can not cancel the other item on my order. I ask for a manager and in the ten minute wait I get me order confirmation for the one item I do not want. Turns out that Kmart can not cancel an order once it has been placed. So I guess I have to wait until the item comes and return it to a store that I basically loathe going into to. This ... Read more

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    Thu Nov 25 2010

    I work at Kmart. Here are some things that everyone should know. 1) A lot of prices are messed up due to Sales signs not being taken down or the layout hasn't been updated. You may need a price check at the register. 2) We don't always get shipments of things that go on sale the following week. So we are out of things that are in the Sunday Ad a lot. Frequently its the furniture that doesn't come in as often. 3) Usually its only 1 person covering multiple departments. For example I have to cover Electronics, Layaway, Furniture, Sporting Goods, Housewares, and Hardware. Sometimes there will be one other person to help me out. Its not the employees fault if you have to wait to get attended to. 4) We never have enough people on the sales floor to straighten, work freight, etc. It's not really a bad place to work as long as you get along with people and know how to do your job. It is frustrating being the only person working in so many departments at one time but its not too hard. The... Read more

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    Fri Oct 15 2010

    K-mart on-line is 100% worse than the store - do not buy merchandise on-line. The on-line ads look great and the prices are much lower than anywhere else you can find on line - but when you order they will take your credit card and give you an order confirmation and then e-mail five to seven days later saying that they can't fullfill your order - so now the merchandise that you have been waiting for is out of stock. My advice pay a little higher price and buy from Wal-mart or Target - at least they have a good inventory system that tells you right away if the item is sold out - not one week later. I will never buy anything from K-mart again.

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    Fri Sep 10 2010

    The one by me has some good deals,but the check out is excruciatingly S L O W.....

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    Sat Aug 07 2010

    I love how people complain about Wal-Mart for the same things you'll find at any retailer, but I'll tell you, the very worst store around is KMart. Their prices are terrible, especially when you compare the price at Wal-Mart for the very same item/brand. I'm not talking pennies or even a dime here, but many times DOLLARS more. People also complain about Wal-Mart selling crappy stuff that breaks. The ONLY thing I've gotten from Wal-Mart that ever broke was an ice cream scoop with the lever. I have gotten lots of stuff that was total CRAP from Kmart....sippy cups that leaked all over the place even though they were supposed to be "spill proof", a wooden child gate that snapped the first time we installed it, a mobile for a crib that broke after 3 days (which they refused to replace or refund but they took the gate back...makes no sense.) Their return policy kind of just depends on who's working the service desk that day and what kind of mood they're in. Sometimes I've had to sho... Read more

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    Wed Jul 14 2010

    Kmart is terrible, I will never step into any of thier stores again. I don't even know why they even have a store open. I was at the location in High Ridge MO. When I wanted to speak to the store manager about an issue, I was told to can the 1-866 number instead.

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    Tue Jun 22 2010

    Too expensive for poor service.

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    Thu Jun 10 2010

    KMART IS FULL OF SH*T. i work at a kmart in southern california. i was reading their reviews on different websites and most of the stores treat their employees the same. dont shop at kmart. they rip customers off. what is a sale price at kmart, you can get at walmart as a regular price. managers talk sh*t about customers all the time. we never have anything in stock. there is never enough people on the floor so getting a price check is impossible. the signs for prices are always wrong and people yell and go off on the cashiers. one time this man went off on a young cashier, "YOU STUPID B*TCH! GIMMEY MY MOTHE F*CKEN MONEY BACK!!! YOU CHARGED ME WRONG THE PRICE ON THE SIGN IS CHEAPER! IM GONNA CLOWN YOUR ASS AND EMBARRASS YOU IN FRONT OF EVERYONE HERE! YOUR STUPID CANT EVEN DO SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS THAT!!!" he kept going for like 10 minutes until she started crying. the managers were no were to be found. F*CK KMART!