Approval Rate: 78%
Reviews 0
by johnebgood
Thu Jan 27 2011Great songs, great concerts, multiplatinum records. Pyrotechnics, KISS ARMY. God of Thunder!, Beth, Detroit Rock City!, Strutter. Iiiiiiii Want to Rock and Roll All Night and Party Every Day! And this years vote goes to Patti Smith?
by saynotorush
Fri Jan 07 2011NEVER!
by cec32ab7
Thu Jan 06 2011If the only thing that made them famous was the makeup and theatrics, they would have fallen by the wayside long ago. Their music stands on its own. Their sound was more raw than some other bands of their day because they didn't rely on a lot of studio wizardry to sound like more than they were. Listen to any of their albums (with the possible exception of Music From the Elder) and you'll hear a band that musically, held their own with any of their contemporaries.
by thegarnetway
Tue Jun 08 2010The shock value of their look and show may have gotten them famous but is not what kept them there. They wouldn't have had albums go platinum or survived over a decade selling out arenas and selling albums WITHOUT make-up through most of the '80s and early '90s without writing good music. Not to mention they are one of the most influential bands of all time. I've seen members of Metallica, Motley Crue, Rob Zombie, Guns'N'Roses, Pantera, and even Alice Cooper himself cover KISS at some point or another. They're probably underrated as musical writers because the same thing that made them famous, show and look, is probably something some people can't even get by to even really listen to their music. Why people attack them for commercialism is beyond me.. if you could stick your face on a pinball machine and people buy it and you make $$$.. you'd do it in a heartbeat too. You'll go to a show knowing you got your moneys worth and they put every effort into making sure you do. Clearly by the... Read more
by fitman
Sun May 16 2010As long as I don't have to listen to them, I can't think of a valid reason to keep them out.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sat May 15 2010They'll probably make it at some point, but it won't be based on talent or anything. I'd rather see the midget version make it, personally...
by jester002
Sun May 02 2010It was all about trying to get attention and shock value for this band. Just like Alice Cooper and his snake Damien and Elton John wearing $2000 dollar diamond studded glasses and doing handstands on the piano. If it wasn't costumes and outlandish behavior, it was pyrotechnics and eardrum splitting music. Aside from that, I would put on make up and act an idiot on stage for a few million bucks and residuals for life! That would sure make it a lot easier to “rock and roll all night and party every day!”
by hawkswin
Sun Apr 18 2010trashy, ego-maniacs, overblown and deserving
by geminiprodj
Wed Mar 24 2010Quoting Gene "When he and Paul formed KISS, they wanted to boldly go where no band had gone before." They have definitely accomplished this for sure. Going 35 years strong!!! There should be no reason why KISS can't be voted into the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame. Please listen to us fans and vote KISS in...
by jamie_mcbain
Mon Mar 15 2010What? Does that mean that Gene Simmons' years of self promoting have yet to pay off? And Kiss is not in there yet?
by dagastini
Fri Mar 05 2010cocky, condident & full of crap, just like we like our Rock & Roll Hall of Famers...
by xmess723
Sat Dec 26 2009Beth I need you.
by frankswildyear_s
Fri Nov 13 2009In the interest of full disclosure, I went to a Kiss concert earlier this week. I'd never seen them before, never bought any of their records and probably know only a half dozen of their songs. I was a teen when they were the biggest thing in the world but it never spoke to me. But a friend of mine had a spare ticket and we regularly go to listen to music together. I've never come away from a concert so impressed by the fireworks. If George Martin was the fifth Beatle, the Pyrotechnic director for Kiss is their fifth member, possibly even the star of the band. The music could have been Pat Boone or Tchaikovsky for all it mattered, it was just a big, dumb, empty, audio-visual spectacle. Professional and well crafted to a degree that I've never experienced, although I've never seen Cirque du Soliel either so that would probably be a yardstick. I won't even comment on the men in their 40's in face paint with their children in tow. And no, that wasn't the band, they are in their... Read more
by zepzosorox
Fri Oct 16 2009If talent is a prerequisite, these duds should never be allowed in. Saw them in concert in their "heyday". Good theatrics...lousy music. It was nothing more than over amplified noise & indistinguishable vocals. Sadly, it's obvious talent is NOT always a requirement for entry into the so-called "Hall of Fame". Therefore, I guess Ace & Peter better pack their bags for a trip to Cleveland... Oh wait, they were kicked out of the band. Well, at least they can watch it on TV.
by lateagain
Sun Sep 20 2009Should KISS be in the Hall? Does Gene Simmons wear make up?
by disgustingfats_tupidsmellyugl_ypig
Mon Sep 07 2009Guess my one real problem with them was: are you going to go with the @#%&*! make-up or not!??? ;)
by lindy3953
Sat Aug 15 2009I saw them three times in the seventies and just not sure about them. Musically not virtuosos, but what a show! Is that enough to get 'em in?
by kalel316
Thu Jul 16 2009I am not a fan of KISS but I think they are about as rock and roll as it gets -- let's face it: When Madonna was put in the Hall of Fame over anybody then it was no longer a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (OK, she rocks harder than Billy Ocean). I think Kiss may be the most deserving band on the list.
by macdanife
Fri Jul 03 2009KISS would not be my personal 1st chocie (see top 10) but there is no boubt there influence on metal, glam, live rock is undisputed.
by lofidelity
Sun May 31 2009Innovative, original, LIVE!. Hall is missing a good show.
by biscuithead
Mon May 25 2009I definately think they deserve to be in. They have been around a very long time, and used to be very popular.
by nirose
Mon May 25 2009I think they deserve a place in the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame. They are all old now
by nabeb396
Sun Apr 26 2009It should be a prerequisite to have talent.
by devasic1
Thu Apr 23 2009Love them or hate them, their brass commercialism and stage antics, which upped what Alice Cooper had done, changed the game forever in rock!
by humorbot
Tue Apr 14 2009While musically they aren't particularly anything special, their influence cannot be denied.
by guardianangel
Sun Mar 22 2009If only for their stage antics, they are what the Hall is all about, BIG SHOW!
by take403
Thu Mar 19 2009Kiss may not have been as great songwriters as Lennon/McCartney, as great musicians as the Who, Jimi Hendrix or the Rolling Stones, but they put on one heck of a show in concert! If you went to a Kiss show, you would've had fun, even if you weren't a fan. They have plenty of artifacts to present to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Museum- bubblegum cards, action figures, solo albums by each original member and the costumes they wore from 1974 to 1979 would make an impressive addition in the museum. Oh, but more people would like to see Madonna's lingerie, you say? Ok, enough of the gimmicks, which Kiss was never short on (even when they removed the makeup)- they had some great songs, too! Hotter Than Hell, Deuce, Strutter, Rock And Roll All Nite, Detroit Rock City, Beth (one of the 1st power ballads), Hard Luck Women, Calling Doctor Love, Shock Me, to name of few. I'm sure even former members Peter Criss and Ace Frehley would be honored. "Get up- everybody's gonna move their feet!... Read more
by capzb1e3
Wed Dec 31 2008KISS are one of the biggest bands in the world. they have rappers and pop singers and even jazz artists. thats ok make a rap hall of fame and jazz hall of fame and so on. KISS are huge. prob atone point they were bigger then the beatles, Zeppelin, The Stones, Pink Floyed, Elvis and so on. it took so long for Zepplin to be inducted. Zepp was a milestone in rock and roll. stair way to heaven. common. maddonna is in the rock and roll hall of fame now they want to induct a rap band run dmc. its a disgrace. how about iron maiden. some of the bands in there shouldnt be in it like, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sex Pistols, U2, prince, Ramones, eagles and so on. not saying their bad but what have they contributed to ROCK AND ROLL. Even micheal kackson is in it. hes a good POP artist but hes far from rock. he should be in jail anyway. even bon jovi isnt in it. hes contribted an amazing voice. so the ppl that work in rock n roll hall of fame say KISS hast contibuted to rock. rock and roll all night the anthe... Read more
by faceman7381
Tue Dec 30 2008KISS needs to be in because it is KISS. No one can deny that EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE knows who KISS is.
by destroyer66
Wed Sep 24 2008being inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame is not about populatrity contests (obviously i dont even know half the people who have been inducted and i know my rock n roll) it's about aknowledging the success, contributions and overall impact said musicians have had on the industry, society and on the world as whole and using that criteria what bands are more loved, have a stronger fan base and have a had such a huge impact on the world of music than kiss, everybody from garth brooks and poison to lenny cravitz and the crue have been influenced by these guys wich guarantees the huge impression left on rock n roll and music in general by kiss will never be forgottern, that and the fact they have sold about 100 million albums they have the most fiercly loyal fans in the world, they put on the best show in the world and ask any true rock or metal fan if they were stuck on an island and could only take 10 cd's with them what would they choose many list would suredly contain either ... Read more
by irishgit
Wed Aug 20 2008My view of this, and of everyone else on this list is a resounding "WHO CARES" The entire concept of a Rock and Roll (or any other genre of Music) Hall of Fame is dubious anyway.Having said that, these marketing whores would be suitable entrants in this ridiculous shill of a place
by godofthunder06
Wed Aug 20 2008For the people who claim KISS is talentless, have you seen them play unplugged?? They have survived 35 yrs with little radio play, they are in fact the greatest selling American rock band of all-time(RIAA most gold albums). They have influnced a slew of bands from Lenny Kravitz to Garth Brooks. Only band next to the Beatles where each member has had a top 40 Billboard hit. Not to mention their live show, is incredible. The fact that the Sex Pistols and Blondie are in the hall and not Kiss and a travisty!!
by edt4226d
Mon Aug 18 2008At their "best"...a relative term, I know...I thought they performed simplistic but enjoyable enough "hard" rock least I thought so when I was a teenager in the 1970's...; at their worst, they were banality personified, and unfortunately, they were at their "worst" far more often than they were at their "best". I don't think informed musical critics ever thought too highly of them, so I don't know if "over-rated" is the correct term. Certainly, they were far, far more popular than their "talent" warranted, but that was more because of the circus act they became noted for than anything else-- the clown make-up, the fire-breathing, the spitting up of fake blood, the pyrotechnics. As others have mentioned, they were pretty astute businessmen, if not great or even good musicians. Lunch boxes, toys, TV movies, and, at one point, they had a comic book published and actually mixed some of their blood with the red ink used in the comic, as if they were some sort of saints and the co... Read more
by canadasucks
Sat Aug 16 2008Musically? Yes. But theirs was a show based on performance more than music. These guys took three chords and explosions and made millions. Overrated band to be sure- but they knew it and created a hell of a show to compensate.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sat Aug 16 2008Finalists for the 1970s rock world's 'There's a sucker born every minute' award for about 5 years in a row for realizing that the public at large would gobble up below average hard rock laced with pop and tepid boogie...outdistanced a lot of their competitors in financial terms by noting that if, and only if, the perpetrators dressed up in foolish looking Halloween nonsense and put their mugs on thermoses and board games, the revenue from merchandizing would be phenomenal..... Astute businessmen, 2 star musicians, and overrated...
by ilikepie
Sat Aug 16 2008Certainly overrated. They could hardly play their instruments compared to most half-decent rock bands. Most of their songs sounded exactly the same, KISS were just in it for the money, which they got from merchandise sales. They don't deserve to be as popular as they are. Update: Maybe that was a little unfair. Considering their lack of technical prowess, they wrote some pretty catchy numbers, and Ace Frehley had his moments... And their live performances were truly excellent.
by katrinabena
Wed Aug 13 2008I love the hair bands and hard rock bands but I just could never get into KISS. I agree with others the songs just aren't there and that is my first priority. If all I cared about was making noise I would listen to the Ramones or Motorhead.
by hardrockfanati_c
Wed Aug 13 2008KISS are definitely overrated. While they are great marketers at some point it becomes ridiculous. Musically they always have played very simple rock songs. Ace Frehley was the only member of KISS with any musical talent at all. The guitar and bass riffs are simple and the lyrics are juvenilely written. They more or less are only capable of doing party themed songs. Other hard rockers even shock rockers or theatrical rockers were/are far more capable of thought provoking lyrics than this basically talentless band.
by ddga0363
Mon Jul 14 2008i already left quite a lengthy comment a few below pretty much getting all my points across. But now, one more thing i'd like to, both, Ask, and Tell everyone who is, for Whatever reason, mentioning the 'talent' of the band and how that should decide if they qualify or not. first, since When is Rock n' Roll a talent contest??????!!! i think you people have been wathcing Way too much American Idol and these other bs reality shows!! go back to the good ol' days of rock n' roll where it all started and the Legends are. Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, The Beatles, The Stones, etc., etc. are all Average talented musicians, But all-time great legends because of their songs, longevity, and influence on the music industry! they didn't get in based on their talent (or at least not talent alone), they got in for all those other things among their talent and Kiss has All of those qualifications, too, like it or Not!! Then, as for more recently, if talent is such a big issue, How the Hell did ... Read more
by marycaravella
Tue Jul 08 2008Ohhh hell Yea
by jlcaravella196_5
Tue Jul 08 2008Rock N Roll bad boys with Marketing genius
by steamroller3
Fri Jul 04 2008I am torn on KISS. As far as marketing they are geniuses, though some of it is kind of pathetic. In terms of pyro and making their shows a big event, I give them credit there. However, I still think the Hall should be about the songs first and frankly they are mediocre musicians with the exception of Ace Frehley who is a pretty good guitarist. I just don't think they have the songs to hold up and they pretty much can't do anything other than sing about getting laid. Definitely a one trick pony.
by missynotprissy
Thu Jul 03 2008I am not a fan of KISS at all. Musically I think there are ton of better bands. It is all pyro to hide the fact they can barely play their instruments and don't get me started on Gene Simmons business practices. However, these guys eventually deserve to be in because they do have some diehard fans and they are considered innovators and acute businessmen. No one can deny their long running popularity and just because they are not my personal cup of tea doesn't mean they don't belong.
by axenblock
Wed Jun 25 2008It's all Dave Marsh's doing. He's not a fan of KISS & makes it known. All this guy is known for is kissing up to Springsteen & writing 10 biographies about him & how wonderful he is. I dig Springsteen too, but Marsh is a narrow-minded bozo. Some people in my office saw a pic of the Pretenders on TV & didn't know who they were, but they sure as hell reognized KISS when they saw them. I'm talking about men & women of different nationalities, etc. Even if KISS wasn't the most technically proficient band or the best songwriters, there's a world of people out there who took up the guitar or wanted to get into a band because of them. They, like the Beatles, Elvis...whomever inspired a generation or more of people to play music.
by wwwsuperjukeb_oxnet
Wed May 14 2008Every music group or performer is unique in every way, that's what makes them special. KISS is unique in EVERY way. Their sound, stage shows, excitement, and personalities. My son Joey loves The Wiggles,Queen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, C.C.R., but the group he loves the most is KISS. We took him to a KISS concert when he was 3 & 1/2 years old, he is now 7 years old and we can't wait for their next U.S.A. Tour! We will bring Jenny (5) and Little Louie (3) this time. Listen to our Internet Music Broadcast 24/7 at and "Weekend Jukebox" Friday at 6pm EST. and Saturday at 8pm EST. Requests & Dedications. Music not heard on the radio. Our "Workday - Weekday Mix" plays the best variety and largest collection of music anywhere. We can also be a Disc Jockey for your party. Send us the date, time and have your family & friends E-mail us their requests at We can also design a birthday, anniversary or party for any occasion including summer & Christmas parties. You ... Read more
by kathy1962
Wed May 14 2008I like C.C.R. too I grew up listening to there music and they are good too
by gallasuzanne
Mon Apr 28 2008kiss needs to be in the hall for all the influance they have had on other rockers since . many newer bands have said that kiss had a impact on them even a few country singers.their infuance has been widespread over the years
by shockme10
Tue Apr 08 2008the hottest stage show in the world
by chris0122
Thu Jan 10 2008So what if they werent the most technicaly skilled players. they wrote some killer anthems and they were damn fun to watch. One of the most popular bands of their era. In for sure.
by musicdaddy
Wed Dec 12 2007The fact alone that KISS has not been nominated, but the Beastie Boys are being nominated, is so rediculous I almost wet my pants!