Kirsten Dunst
Approval Rate: 88%
Reviews 0
by jbjb77
Mon Aug 11 2008love her,good at everything she does,very sexy
by aquarian86
Thu May 01 2008mrs spiderman
by ejerzeygirl
Fri Apr 04 2008i jsut dont think she is good at all
by jnkberns
Tue Feb 05 2008I can't think of a reason of why she's famous, she must give great head. Completely untalented, unatractive, and undeserving.
by lillikai
Wed Nov 21 2007She has alot of talent, I especially like her in Spiderman.
by pojobcf8
Tue Mar 27 2007Great child actress but not so great adult actress. She is okay. Way better than most of the trashy actresses her age. She atleast has some sort of class. She seems like a nice person but she needs a better stylist.. She was excellent in Interview With the Vampire + good in Little Women + good in Drop Dead Gorgeous. Her more current roles make her seem to be not too bright contrasting with her past prodigous abilities. I hope she takes some better parts.
by livingdead
Sat Mar 03 2007When she was filming that movie Elizabethtown she was in a club hitting on my friend who was an extra in the movie. She wound up getting buzzed and sitting on his shoulders in the club dancing. Funny stuff but he said her teeth are horrible.
by bigwash
Sat Sep 02 2006Very good in interview with a vampire.
by penwah
Sat Apr 01 2006I accidentally saw "Bring it On" and I thought, okay, here's another teen flash in the pan. But then I saw her in "Levity" with Billy Bob Thornton and was really impressed. Then came the made-for-TV "Devil's Arithmetic," in which she played a modern-day Jewish girl who steps back in time into the Holocaust, and she was wonderful. I'm not much for action movies so I skipped Spiderman, but she was fantastic in Mona Lisa Smile. I will go back and watch more of her work now.
by houseofm
Sun Jul 31 2005She is a good actress, I'll give her that. She proved herself at an early age. I'm just tired of her already.
by edt4226d
Wed Jun 29 2005Stands out because she's a beautiful woman and an actress who can really act, a true rarity in this day and age.
by nobby864
Thu May 26 2005Fit in spiderman
by x_factor_z
Sat Apr 02 2005She's better than most. I loved Bring It On. Fun movies like that makes me fond of such actresses.
by mtbmlb
Wed Mar 09 2005Very sexy and one of my favorite actresses.
by woward
Fri Feb 18 2005Mentioning James76255's letting her talent come out, did you see those bikni slip pictures from her St. Bart's vacation?
by james76255
Sun Jan 23 2005Very underrated as an actress. Nice body, of course, but would like to see her get more attention for things like The Virgin Suicides and not so much for Spiderman. Not that there was really anything wrong with that movie, it just didn't let her real talent come out.
by skater_girl
Fri Jan 21 2005could live without her. cute kid tho.
by ctrust
Mon Dec 06 2004She grown into one of the best.
by wavebacker
Tue Nov 30 2004Not bad. Can look good when made up. Has a nice rack for a girl with such a slim, slender frame.
by ernesta
Sat Jul 31 2004Part of the new breed of Hollywood Pompous Asses, along with Portman, Stiles and others.
by oakleaf
Fri Jul 23 2004She doesn't seem like she is acting; she is real; she is beautiful; she breaks my heart.
by coolpeeps
Sat May 15 2004seen better
by aragon
Wed Jan 28 2004she is a ver bad actress at best but damn she sure is sexy i watched spider man and that scene in the rain with her shirt clinging to her i bet his spidey sense was tingling alright
by horst1a4
Fri Dec 26 2003Went from cute to getting to be stuck on herself.
by molfan
Wed Dec 10 2003A likable young actress. she had some nice roles in her childhood such as Little Women, Dick, etc. she has just entered adulthood and I hope she has the chance to prove herself in older roles.
by bird808
Wed Dec 03 2003As an actress I used to think Kirstin was horrible, always screeching and not one bit of sincerity in her performances, she used to annoy the hell out of me. That was until I saw Crazy/Beautiful. This film was enough to convince me that Kirstin has the potential to go far, not to mention how natural she was throughout. This was by far one of her best performances since Interview with a Vampire.
by kolby1973
Sat Nov 29 2003Kirsten Dunst is a 50/50 actress in my opinion. She did really good in Little Women, but was just horrible in Spiderman. I think her talent really depends on her supporting cast in any movie. Their talent and appearance make her look better if they are good, if they are bad, then she goes down with the ship. And I do not agree with alot of other reviewers when they say she isn't pretty. I think she is a beautiful woman, and that is probably one of the biggest keys to her success, as it isn't her acting skills...
by roblinb
Sun Nov 09 2003Average describes this girl. She is not good-looking in the least and is not a good actress. Give me a Monica Belucci or Halle Berry (although Berry seems like she could be a high maintenance biotch... anyone who saw Monster's Ball knows what I'm talking about uh huh huh huh) anyday over this plain broad.
by freebird_0128
Sat Nov 08 2003While I enjoy Kirsten in a few films and find her moderately talented, there are much better actresses out there. Her choice in roles are often poor and useless movies. She's just overrated.
by stanuzbeck
Thu Nov 06 2003This girl is blandly pretty, but with very little charisma or personality. Even with red hair, she does not seem like the kind of girl that even Peter Parker would obsess over for his entire life, she is just not that special. She is indeed pretty, but not in any kind of memorable way. The only impressive thing about her Interview role was her gorgeous blond curls. She's a pretty face and there are a lot of pretty faces in the world.
by cherrysoda99
Fri Oct 31 2003Kirsten is a very talented young lady. I saw Spiderman and let me tell you, even though I think Tobey MaGuire is totally hot, Kirsten still made the movie stand out. I also saw her in Dick and Little Woman. They were great movies also. She is a wonderful actress and I hope to see her future performances.
by ramster
Tue Oct 21 2003"She's perky, shes cute, shes popular to boot, she b*tchin, great hair the boys all love to stare, shes wanted shes hot, shes everything you're not." Well not quiet, she is a decent actress with a great personality, but the fact that she is above Meryl Streep worries me about this site and its authenticity.
by furball1441
Mon Sep 01 2003gets better with every movie she does
by ladyshark4534
Sun Aug 31 2003The looks are there, but where's the talent?
by hotini101
Sat Aug 23 2003A great actress and has a very cute charm! She's great!
by zoe_blime
Wed Aug 20 2003How did she get a higher ranking than Nicole Kidman?! I guess people look at personality rather than GOOD acting!
by should_be_luck_y
Sun Aug 10 2003What a joy Kirsten Dunst is to watch! Movies like "Dick," "The Virgin Suicides," "crazy/beautiful" and "The Cat's Meow" will keep me looking for the films of this lovely young actress for years.
by chrissy_c_1888
Wed Jul 09 2003When its raining in spiderman hubba hubba, shes hot!
by tommy91a
Wed Jul 09 2003Kirstin Dunst is good actress with a lot of potential but her roles in films have been crap the only desent ones where spider man and jimanji when i was a kid i thought this film was quite funny but even when i was young i still rember films that where a lot better.the only reason i gave her a 4 because i think she has good potential and nice tits.
by malsy420
Sun Jul 06 2003Great Actress & Love her movies!!!
by nightcrawler19_65
Sun Jun 22 2003Her best role was in interview with the vampire. Since then her performance has been average.
by spectreworld
Tue Jun 17 2003She is one of my faves. A true hottie. God smack me if i was dreamin.
by sunglazd
Wed Jun 04 2003I think she is a cutie--kinda like everyone's favorite niece. Loved Dick, and the movie whre she was entering the beauty pagent (fogot the name, sorry)--such fun movies! She is just a cutie.
by marlowe1939
Fri May 30 2003Cute, competent and has an unerring nose for a good role. Not one of the towering talents of the film world, but very reliable. Any director would be proud to have her on their shoot.
by timbsdca
Sat May 24 2003This lady is a pleasure to watch perform!
by tj92101
Sat May 24 2003Absolutely look forward to everything she does!
by snow_buhny
Fri May 02 2003ok i am so confused this person movie_fan64 says on here that she did "sexually implied pictures with a cat" is that real or a joke.
by nicrules_007
Tue Apr 15 2003Well I don't think she is that great looking and I have never seen her act in a movie for older fans! It is always teen movies that make no sense. Um... Spider-Man....