Approval Rate: 63%
Reviews 0
by byzantinechild
Fri Feb 16 2007You need to get a dictionary, look under "ear-gratingly annoying" and find Kimmi's name nestled in the definition. Grr...
by tonyiscool
Thu Jul 21 2005Kimmi is my favorite survivor ever she could easily of won. GO KIMMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
by naima680
Sat Jul 16 2005Im all for her being a wegetarian. I am one myself. But she should have KNOWN that if youre going on survivor, chances are theres gonna be meat! She shouldnt have come in my opinion. Just take a bath and stop whining.
by djghqdd2
Fri Dec 20 2002She's the most beautiful and pretty and sexy woman in all casts of "Survivor"series!! MOE-----!!
by majibb
Sun Dec 08 2002guys like her boobs, because she is a giant colossal boob.
by classicmusiclo_ver
Mon Sep 30 2002The vegetarian drove me nuts. Plus, she refused to bathe. Nasty.
by ofofofof
Wed Aug 28 2002everybody hated her but she was pretty good considering the situation!
by jen0407
Tue Nov 06 2001Kimmi is a sl*t that tried to get my boyfriend to go home with her in the Hamptons.
by loneusfullhous_efan
Tue Nov 06 2001'Hi, my name is Kimmi. I am a vegitarian, and my life's goal is to turn everyone in the world into vegitarians. DON'T KILL THE CHICKEN! DON'T KILL THE CHICKEN! Oh god, you killed the chicken! Our whole world has come to an end! You people are sick, I am going to go find a place to masturbate.' She drove me nuts, first one I was glad to see leave. My love to Alicia on how she handled her.
by imasurvivor
Tue Jul 10 2001if i was to b stranded in the australian outback id really like someone with a personality like kimmi ok all dat vegeterian crap did start to piss me off but if u look past that she seems like a really fun and nice person 2 b with. At least she didnt let her team down by not eating dat bug thang, i like her!
by musicfan
Mon Jun 04 2001Kimmi, with the exception of the Jerri, was by far the most annoying member of the survivor cast. Why was she selected? A vegetarian on a survival show? She was such a whiner and complainer. She had to be the center of attention. She contributed nothing to her tribe. She is a total loser.
by megarooski
Thu Apr 12 2001Survivor has NO NONE ZIP NO possible was to survive with a vegetarian. Not that vegatarians are bad but on survivor they are.
by krinny
Wed Mar 28 2001She didn't give anything to the tribe and she was being rather STUPID about the chikens. GOSH, THERE CHIKENS!!! If she had any sense she would stay away from them and not pet them and give the names. I should give her a TERIBBLE! but she's not as bad as Jerri so I won't.
by elephantsetc
Sat Mar 24 2001I am so glad she is gone. She was so annoying. Such a loud mouth and when people are starving, you don't complain about their food. I knew that would get rid of her. I couldn't believe her famous comment. All I could think of was your parents and grandparents are watching this!
by john494
Fri Mar 23 2001Glad she is gone. Drove me crazy over those F--k--- chickens too
by frank15
Thu Mar 22 2001Yakyakyakyakyak... definitely the most annoying person in the Outback, though not evil incarnate like Jerri. Do us a favor and SHUT UP! Also, don't try to force your vegetarian beliefs on others--I HATE people who tell me not to eat meat. I don't bug you about not eating meat, you don't bug me about eating it, GOT IT?!
by survivor3
Thu Mar 22 2001She realy thought she could get by in the outback by not eating any meat! Ha! Ha!
by annainalaska
Thu Mar 15 2001The only person I can not stand more than Kimmi is Jerri. I cheered out loud when she was booted off.
by cordie
Thu Mar 15 2001Man that girl had to of smelt like skunk when she signed up to be on survivor did she not realize that she would have to do things like that did she expect to have spa treatement What an IDIOT.Plus, that whole thing with the chickens its life get over it.Chickens die all the time
by bethie
Sun Mar 11 2001i didnt like her too much
by cera75
Sun Mar 11 2001Sorry, btu she was a complete turn-off the first night when she was talking about her three-somes and her sex life! HELLO! On national television?? Doesn't she have any morals??
by jenny_castella_ni
Thu Mar 08 2001Stupid lesbian dyke!! I'm glad she's gone. I myself am a vegetarian, but I don't make a huge scene about it and have to let the whole world know. The fact that she said her tribe was horrible just cause they were gonna eat a pig really bothered me, obviously she would rather starve to death than cheat her morals. She's dirty and a freak. Take a bath you stupid dyke!!Jenny
by jj152d8a
Thu Mar 08 2001I am glad the freak is gone!!!!!
by maewest
Wed Mar 07 2001When I watched the first episode, I wanted to strangle Kimmi, but as the show went on, I found that she had some good qualities. I understand and respect her not wanting to eat meat, but I think she should have kept her comments to herself. The other tribe members were hungry--why should they have to be judged? When they were about to kill the chickens, she could have just left the scene without making one. I think that the other tribe members might have respected her opinions more if she had done that. On the other hand, I did like the fact that she was doing a lot of work with boiling the water. She knew that doing anything with food preparation (regarding animals) was going to upset her, so she decided to help in other ways. She realized that her team did need her and adapted as much as she could.
by imisskimmi
Mon Mar 05 2001KIMMI U WERE THE BEST!! i think alicia screwed you over and i loved you! now that your gone i am pulling for elisabeth! damn you were HOTT!! i saw you on cathy griffin tonght u are hilarious. i will miss you and i hope you stay in the public spotlight a little longer!!! YOU RULE!!
by murphybrown
Mon Feb 26 2001Thank god they voted her off! Talk about annoying & smelly to boot!
by just_call_me_c_hris
Sat Feb 24 2001It comes as no surprise to me that Kimmi is now gone. She behaved like a 10 year offense all you 10 year olds out there. She was voted off of the show so that her team mates would no longer be subjected to her annoying cry-baby personality and so that she could go home and bathe, to allow the other contestants a break from her severe body odor.
by dianac4
Fri Feb 23 2001I just LOVED Kimmie and I thought that she really got screwed over. At first, she seemed like the proverbial "wild child" type, but as the show progressed, a lot of her true self was revealed. One of the most impressive, to me at least, was her love of those stupid chickens. This woman has a very sensitive side to her, as was shown when she would get upset about the killing of the chickens. I don't understand WHY everyone was always getting down on her about it, and that Alicia person was a TOTAL witch to her. I remember one time when I went fishing with my husband and we caught catfish. Those things absolutely REFUSED to die, even after being OUT of the water for a couple of hours! I know this is gross, but he had to chop their heads off and I got VERY upset! After all, these were merely FISH for goodness sake, yet I got a bit emotional over the whole thing. I can only imagine how I would react if I were Kimmie and they were killing chickens. I cannot believe that they voted her off. ... Read more
by samiam
Fri Feb 23 2001Good riddance to bad rubbish. She has annoyed me since the first episode and I am happy to see her go. I found it humorous that she voted for Jeff because she heard that others were voting for him..meanwhile, every single Kucha member voted her off. It is one thing to be opinionated..she was just choosing the wrong battles to fight.. Come on now. I can understand and respect people who choose to be vegetarians and vegans..however, she should have lived and let live. She constantly made a huge production when the others were eating the pig, chickens and eggs. Hello, you are in the outback sweetheart..did you really think one of the Reward challenges was going to end with some edomamae and tofu? Did you miss the entire first season of the show? Did you not hear that they were eating ANYTHING they could get their hands on, including Rats? Get a clue..she wouldn't have annoyed me half as much if she wasn't so melodramatic about the situation.
by fangeryl_tsl
Thu Feb 22 2001I like her very much. Her attitude and a really kind person make me feel the love. Well, i know all of us shook of her none kill animal person. I don't think this will show other's annoying. I'm really surprise of her attitude through the animal that will be killed. Woah, i think she is the really kind person i ever met in survivor. She's not even bother her hungry but to save this animal. Hmmm, i hope that this gal will remain until the last one in final episode of survivor.
by sneaker_2008
Thu Feb 22 2001Kimmy has to many problems
by brookeg
Thu Feb 22 2001Gosh, during the 1st episode, I thought for sure she would be the first to go. She was so loud and obnoxious in that tent, not to mention her little talk about masturbation. Come one now, you hardly know these people! Another thing, why would you agree to come on Survivor where you know darn well that the majority of food you'll be eating is meat! She's a veg. She refused to eat the cow brain (understandable, it is pretty disgusting) but you're trying to win a million bucks here. She ate the worm and I was proud of that for her - cuz' that was more disgusting than the cow brain. Now, she's ranting and raving about killing the chickens and the pig. Hey, if other people want to eat the meat that will make them strong and refreshed, leave them alone. Its the name of the game - meat provides protein, which provides strength, which provides winning immunity challenges. She shouldn't have done the show with that strong of a distaste for meat. Plus, the accent is a little much from... Read more
by ckn3a708
Wed Feb 21 2001Stop with veggie thing. Your team needs strength from meat.
by amandajoan
Wed Feb 21 2001Well, the animal loving thing is getting old. If you don't want to eat meat, don't. Stop being a martyr about it and get down off the cross, your team needs the wood.
by chrissy
Tue Feb 20 2001This girl has got to go!!
by cable0019
Sun Feb 18 2001At the beginning of the show I thought Kimmi would be a pain. I thought she would be the typical, make trouble kinda gal. After eating that worm to win the immunity challenge, however, she gained my respect. I think she will be a great asset to the team in the upcoming episodes.
by anika752
Sat Feb 17 2001this gal is in the house
by paradox
Fri Feb 16 2001What's with her dramatized shock over people eating meat? Has she been living on a deserted island her whole life?
by patts157
Sun Feb 11 2001My gosh..she has managed to get on my Last nerve,I don't see how anyone could stand to be around her more than 5 minutes.
by sunshine_girl2_2
Sat Feb 10 2001Whining, conniving little b****.... I'd be happy if she was the next to go!! She thinks to much of herself!!
by chipandale
Sat Feb 10 2001she has to go!
by bigrox
Fri Feb 09 2001I can't stand her and her shrieking voice !!
by starryeyes
Fri Feb 09 2001Hate this loudmouth!
by birds858
Fri Feb 09 2001A big mouthed loser
by clickmaster
Thu Feb 08 2001I am glad that Kimmi did not eat the Cow Brains, hasn't anyone heard of Mad Cow disease? She bugged me for the way she acted when she wouldn't eat the brains tho "oh I just caaann't it's a mammal" boo hoo hoo, oh you poor Kimmi. 3rd Episode: Kimmi does not seem to be making friends, she'd better soon or she will be gone.
by mrpryck2u
Thu Feb 08 2001Kimmi's got some redeeming qualities and some annoying qualities. Her redeeming qualities are her wonderful Long Island accent, her no-nonsense attitude and her wonderful breasts. Her annoying qualities are the fact that she's a vegan and her inabiltiy to judge how others perceive her. Her presence on the show makes for good television. Hopefully, she'll be around for a little while. But, she has to make sure to put the team first. Crap like not eating a land dwelling animal because of her vegan beliefs will not fly with her fellow survivors. I mean, there's a million bucks on the line! You do what you gotta do!
by shelby
Thu Feb 08 2001I also know Kimmi... I was her Camp Counselor years ago. Yes I agree with some of you that Kimmi is loud but she also knows how to have fun. Kimmi is a very energetic and caring person who knows what she wants out of life.... she made it to the show and she is going to have fun while she is there. I am enjoying watching her!!! GO KIMMI!!!!!
by bonobear
Thu Feb 08 2001First of all, I KNOW Kimmi personally. I worked with her on the Campus Slate Newspaper at NYIT. She's a very outgoing person and a sweetheart. Yeah, she's got great jugs, but she's also a caring person as well. I hope she goes all the way. She's intelligent and I guess that scares people. GO KIMMI! (By the way, her knickname is BERLE)
by chrystal
Wed Feb 07 2001Way way too obnoxiously loud!
by colecole
Tue Feb 06 2001shes got personality