Approval Rate: 37%
Reviews 0
by mikerogan06
Wed Jan 04 2012I was forced onto Key Bank by my previous employer. All I want is to close the account and take out my retirement money. It has been over 4 weeks and they are still "processing" my account. I called spoke to 2 supervisors they lied and were snotty. They have no sense of urgency and don't care about the customer at all! I wouldn't recommend this bank to an enemy. Still don't have my money.
by fitman
Thu Oct 20 2011Are you tired of being mistreated by banks? Take out your money and put it into a credit union...
by umakanive
Fri Sep 23 2011We had been with Key Bank for some years now, but we closed our account this week because of poor customer service and the prepayment penalty clause which was not disclosed to us verbally on a commercial loan. Also the loan was not set up to receive the 1098 automatically even though it was a mortgage loan. It is very hard to get issues resolved in a timely manner. It takes sveral phone calls and emails for every small thing. If you do business with Key Bank, please be sure to read everything, as the most important things are not disclosed verbally at the time of closing.
by mpa1695a
Tue Feb 22 2011I have been with key bank only 3 months and I have already closed my account and moved on to another bank. This bank will charge constantly for various "service" charges, they will also neglect to tell you that there is a limit as to how much money you are allowed to transfer from your savings each month. It's my money, why can't I transfer as much or as little as I please? Their online banking is also horrid. It's rather difficult in format to keep up with what is current in you account for their layout of what is and is pending is all messed up and sloppy. It cost me 25 bucks to cancel and I would gladly pay double to be rid of key bank.
by kelmel3
Wed Dec 22 2010Key Bank is the biggest waste of space on this planet!! They have horrible customer service and i dont know why i stayed with them so long. When i had turned eighteen and took my parents off of my minor banking plan they continued to let my parents view my account and when i confronted the bank about it they simply said "i thought it would be ok" I am now 21 and just switched to Bank of America. I am even more pissed now because when i went in to close my key account they said that i had a negative balance of 500.00 even though i have selected the option to stop overdrafts from happening. They also threatened to report me to a credit beureau if i did not pay within the next five days as well as adding more late fees. All I can say is key bank is a piece of shit and i honestly hope they go fuck themselves!!!!
by europe
Wed Nov 24 2010Horrible to deal with! They don't care about their customer, all they care about is screwing the customers. Stay away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by jeminy1
Wed Oct 27 2010This banking institution should be immediately stripped of their license to do business. Their overdraft policy and the way they implement fees to their benefit and against their customers is well established and they should be investigated by every State's Attorney General in which they have branches. The customer service is the worst - No matter how much proof they are provided regarding their errors, the same story is repeated over and over - "They can do nothing to help" It is a crime that in this economic climate a Bank (who probably was afforded bail-out monies) would be so corrupt.
by maryanngroff
Fri Sep 10 2010@Kristalynn Go fuck yourself you dumb piece of shit keybank representative. How stupid do you think we are? It doesn't need a brain surgeon to figure our that Keybank now is sending their own reps here to post fake positive reviews. How pathetic is that. MaryAnn A. Groff I highly advise everybody to go to: and file a official complaint against keybank.
by kristalynn
Thu Sep 02 2010I could not love Keybank more. I just recently moved to Chicago and am still continuing to bank with Key. Every single time you call you get a normal person that answers the phone, and they understand. The representatives are personable and friendly and I have never been upset after getting off the phone. I have had traveling issues where I need to speak with someone, and I can do so directly. I would advise everyone bank with Key. They care about you as a customer.
by musicmom
Tue Aug 24 2010My son, a college kid, lived in the Coventry area last year and opened an account at this Key Bank because of its convenient location. This year, he found an apartment closer to campus. On August 18, 2010 he went to close his account, which had a balance of $9,000. The teller told him that if he wanted a check for the closing balance, he would have to pay a $6.00 fee. REALLY!?! SERIOUSLY!?!! This is just one example of Key Bank's lack of customer service and last ditch effort to service charge a customer even as they walk out the door. My son elected to take his $9,000 in cash. Next day, he opened an account at PNC Bank and explained why he was carrying $9,000 in cash. He was told that PNC will close an account upon request and issue a check - No Charge.
by keybank1modena
Fri Aug 20 2010Their tellers are fucking assholes, keybank managers are rats!!! Keybank has by far the lousiest customer service out of all banks. Straight up horrible. I fucking hate KEYBANK. It's a rip off organization run by Jews. I spit on these incompetent pieces of shit. You are better off putting your money in a sack and digging a hole in your backyard. If you want to meet the MOST INCOMPETENT branch manager, a bank has every produced, you need to meet Maryann Groff at the Modena Key Center, an overwhelmingly stupid cunt!!! ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯ `·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Go Fuck Yourself! Dumb bitch!
by resistance16
Tue Aug 17 2010Today I got an over-draft charge even though I had opted out of over-draft protection as soon as it became available. I called a branch manager to find out what was going on. He proceeded to inform me that because it was direct withdrawal it would come out anyways and i would receive the overdraft fee. No where was I informed of this when I opted out of it. I said this to the manager and all he did was repeated himself over and over again that that's just the way it is. He had no idea how to handle the situation and could only say the same thing. I have called the person above him and am waiting for a call back, so we will see how this will go. I will never do business with them again and i plan and telling everyone i know how horrible they are and also find every place on the internet to say the exact same thing.
by keybanksucks
Tue Jun 01 2010I wish I could give Key Bank no stars. They are just the worse bank I have ever dealt with. I don't want to go into great lengths about it, but for what they are charging me for is insane. They are really charging me to do nothing. They say they will stay our secondary loan and will charge us a few hundred dollars to do it. So they are saying we will charge you for us to keep doing what we are already doing. They are raping me.
by reviewer2468
Thu May 13 2010Key Bank is a Bank in STONE AGE. For a check to be cleared - it takes approximately 2 weeks. The money from the other account (from where the check amount needs to be withdrawn) gets disappeared, but you will not see it in your KEY account. They will place the check to be cleared ON HOLD. ON HOLD??? If the check needs to be investigated and if it is to be put ON HOLD why should the funds be withdrawn from the other account and where is the money gone for these 2 weeks???? I would say... do not consider KEY BANK for your banking needs. It is a b.s. bank.
by thatmelbell
Thu Apr 01 2010I have banked with KeyBank for 4 plus years and have never had a problem. I truly believe that the staff is focused on customer service and treats you as a person, not by the size of a bank account. I have to disagree with the previous reviews. I understand mistakes happen but if you don't have it in your account....DON'T SPEND IT! Honestly.... own up to your mistakes.
by keybankisbeyon_dhorrible
Fri Mar 26 2010Horrible customer service, overdraft fees and just plain nasty people. They must hire their employees directly from crack houses. Key Bank has to be the worst bank in all history and they laugh at you when they think you can't hear. If there was a rating six levels beneath terrible, I would still feel like it was too good for them. Avoid Key Bank like your life depends on it!
by burnedgood
Thu Feb 04 2010Key Bank direct deposited student loan money in a tech schools account, even though I specifically requested them NOT to. The school closed and they came after me for 6 years to repay the student loan. They intentionally omitted a clause in their prommisory note that forgives the loan should the school be closed down. They destroyed my credit. I took a settement in full, although I never got an hour worth of class for the money, and now I have to pay taxes on the little bit they "wrote off". Meanwhile, the people who did get the money wired into their account, got it scott-free! No taxes, no class, just completely free money! Key Bank made no effort what-so-ever in helping me to get the rightfull people held liable for repayment. The ONLY thing they cared about, was my name was signed on the prommissory note. DO NOT deal with this bank, especially for student loans!
by erue8abb
Wed Feb 03 2010Absolutely terrible. They just charged me two overdraft fees for pending items!! They were so generous to reverse a fee they gave me when they made a mistake 4 months ago, but now won't reverse any of the incurring fees. They won't even link my savings account to my checking account to prevent overdrawing. I have worked at three different banks and have never even heard of policies like that. They weren't willing to work with me when I threatened to take my business elsewhere. No wonder they are always trying to hook people in with free iPods and GPS's...because they can't keep the customers they have already. Where is their business sense? Don't they know it's cheaper to keep the customers you have than try to win new ones? Stop wasting money on stupid electronics then nickle and diming won't be necessary. What a horrible company.
by bugsy2263
Tue Jan 12 2010Solid bank with very good products.
by eternal1
Sun Dec 20 2009Here is a copy of my latest string of emails with this "Eat the Poor" establishment (I will be closing my account as soon as I can get back to zero!! - Make sure to read all the way to the bottom so you can see how redundant and UNHELPFUL this bank really is): I will be sure to take my banking business elsewhere when/if this fee is incurred. After having the Recurrent Overdraft Service Fee assessed to my account previously, I checked with Umpqua, Wachovia, Bank of America, and U.S. Bank who not only state that they do not assess such a fee, but have also said they have never heard of such a fee! Due to the hastle of changing my direct deposit to another institution, along with the fact that I have appreciated the wonderful customer service at my branch, I ignored the ridiculousness of the Recurrect Overdraft Service Fee and tried my best to keep myself out of this situation; therefore, remaining at Key Bank. But with Christmas, my children, higher utilities this month, et cetera, t... Read more
by kpearson85
Wed Oct 21 2009wow after hearing all these stories i dont feel alone here i HATE KEY BANKi have been there for about 4 yrs and just closed it to go to national city bank who i love i waould always be charged around $96.oo to up to yess $300 just for being negitive 5 cents in my account and they dont bother to tell you hey can you come make this positive so that your no5 charged oh no they will send you telling you how negitive you are tho!!! so i dont understand how on my debit card and my online banking ok when i use my debit card when i check my account online it shows the money taken out of my account so i know what my balance is but somehow i always end up negitive and i keep track of my transactions. when i went to the bank to bitch about it the lady threw a transaction booklet in my lap and said i suggest you keep track i cant help you "OH NO SHE DIDNT" i threw it right back at he and told her to f- off for the whole bank to hear i was pissed that bank needs to be closed down they are shit and ... Read more
by justsumguy
Tue Sep 22 2009Wow, after having a similar experience with overdraft charges and starting a new account at another bank, I googled "Key bank overdraft fees" and landed on this page. I was hit with four overdraft charges last Friday, 9/18 for a total of $148.00 all for transaction that had not cleared and my direct deposit was occuring in the same batch of transactions. I pleaded my case professionally and even asked them to split the total, they offered nothing. I explained my intention to close my account based on this experience, again they only stated their policies and said they valued my business and hoped to keep it going forward, after I clearly stated I would move on if some compromise was not reached. This practice is not ethical and should not be allowed, yes I agree if you open the day negative, you should be assessed a fee, however if in night transaction processing, your account goes negative, you should not be charged if there is a pending deposit in the transactions. Furthermore, a ... Read more
by jessicaaaaj
Fri Sep 18 2009Key has screwed me out of money for the last time. They have the WORST overdraft policy of any bank by far. Yesterday (17th) a pending charge--an automatic withdrawal from netflix--was posted to my account. This particular charge usually pends for 3 or 4 days before moving to cleared activity. I was paid today (18th) and my paycheck cleared. I called Key to ask if I was going to be charged an overdraft fee because of my pending netflix even though I now had more than enough to cover the mesely $6 it would have overdrafted (I knew to call and ask because they have charged me an overdraft fee on a PENDING CHARGE 6 TIMES ALREADY). The woman I talked to said that yes, even though my paycheck cleared and the netflix charge has yet to do so, I will STILL be charged an overdraft fee because it was pending first. If it hasn't actually gone through to CLEARED activity and won't CLEAR until I already have enough money to cover it then HOW IS IT COSTING YOUR BANK ANY MONEY AT ALL?! IT'S NOT!!! Th... Read more
by john_benoit
Tue Aug 25 2009Key bank has stolen from me for the last time. Earlier this year, I was charged a $34 overdraft fee, only to notice that after paying the fee, my balance was only -$20 or so, meaning I never incurred that charge. I called and reported the error, and after a little confusion on their end, my money was refunded. I was not so lucky this time. Yesterday, (8/24) I checked my account balance: $4. No big deal, paycheck will be here Friday, and I have cash on hand. Today, 8/25, I look at my account balance and I'm in the negative not just one, but four separate overdraft fees! As I looked at my account summary, I saw that the first fee was not charged yesterday, or even the day before, but the 21st of this month! The best part is that at the time of the first fee, my account was shown to be in the positive. Because of the first fee, all of my balances after that were changed to reflect my missing $30, so now it appears that I have incurred 5 additional charges with no warning or notification... Read more
by emmym2412
Thu Jul 02 2009terrible! By far the worst bank I have ever banked with. They cheat you out of your money through overdraft fees, and tactics such as "courtesy" lists where they say to benefit you and allow you to "go on living your life" they let you over draw your account and take out money you do not have. Which in turn just makes you owe them more money then you usually are trying to take out in the first place. Not to mention their poor online banking which is slow, and often does not show everything that is processing. Their unproffesional tellers also are a headache. I was reassured three times yesterday that I had enough money and would not overdraft even after my processing activity, but I did. I am so sick of this bank I now owe them another $70, on top of the $300 I have lost within the last few months to them. If anyone is taking action against this bank I would like to be part of it. My email is [email protected]. thank you, and goodluck if you are still banking at key.
by eldridge4
Wed Jun 17 2009I need all people whom have been hit with excessive overdraft fees from KEYBANK and/or the alleged act of KEYBANK ordering bank transactions from the highest to lowest dollar amount instead of posting the transaction according to the order received forcing customer accounts into a negative balance quicker and artificially increasing the number of overdraft fees the company can charge. Please e-mail at [email protected] NAMES for possible ACTION ASAP!
by gauss33
Sat May 16 2009I am closing my accounts with Key on Monday. Banking with has been a constant nightmare: improper service, improper fees, broken promises/deadlines, unclear/incorrect bank statements (leading to fees), unusable cards/account access, incompetence, borderline fraudulent fees and oh yeah did I mention the ridiculous amount of fees? 1) Ordering checks cost me $115. I opened an account and was IMPROPERLY OVERCHARGED for ordering checks which overdrafted my account and subsequently brought on another overdraft charge. Literally they charged me $25 more than they said they would for my checks + the $80 in overdraft fees. Eventually Key fixed this and refunded me, only after 3 days of not being able to access any money or use my debit card... this all in the first week of banking with them. Way to go. 2) My family received new debit cards in the mail, ALL OF WHICH DID NOT WORK for 2 AND A HALF WEEKS!! This was a COLOSSAL FAILURE on Key's part. My stepfather was traveling when he f... Read more
by itc666
Wed May 06 2009Key Bank are the absolute worst bank I have ever had any dealings with them. They robed me out of so much money in stupid fess when I really did nothing wrong. I even have printouts of transactions where you can see I did nothing wrong but still got charged fees. Anyone thinking of creating an account with them should really look elsewhere. I would almost bet that the people that have posted positive reviews of Key Bank are paid rep management folks trying to make Fee Bank look a little better.
by danwhitney
Tue Apr 21 2009I am a mother of a son that had/has a checking account with Key Bank, but, for some reason, my comment is no longer available to view, I wonder why?! His account was to have a limit of $200, could not go over, we were assured of this, in the office of the manager that set up the account for my son. My son had gone over by $3.00 and by the end of two weeks, he had incurred close to $300 in fees. They were adjusted, because the Bank knew they had made an error in accounting. But, it did take several phone calls. Although, I was to be assigned as an authorize user, each time I called, no one would speak to me because I wasn't on the account. Now, approximatly two years later, the account has been dormant, they sent a letter indicating my son would be assessed a $5 fee each month due to inactivity. We called, both my son and myself, had a very lengthy conversation in regards to the remaining balance with the representative. Requested the account be closed. Well, that was in February. My so... Read more
by allen_zitting
Tue Feb 03 2009I haven't had an account with this bank before, but any time I've dealt with them they have been reasonable and extremely helpful. Also, anyone I've talked to has give good reviews about it. Love ya key bank, now just come to Albuquerque so I can bank with you.
by jazzers
Sat Jan 10 2009IF YOU'RE CONSIDERING OPENING AN ACCOUNT WITH THIS BANK PLEASE READ THIS FIRST! Words cannot describe how much I wish I could rate them negative 5 stars. DO NOT OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THIS BANK UNLESS YOU WISH TO HAVE YOUR MONEY STOLEN FROM YOU! Here's my story. I opened an account with them last summer. They hit me with about 3 overdraft fees prior to my recent experience (which i will get to), and I didn't care enough to make a big deal out of it before. However, recently, I've never felt so betrayed, lied to, and abused by a company in my life. Here's what happened. I get paid via direct deposit to my checking, every other Thursday at midnight. 2 days before my payday, I stopped at Hannaford to pick up some needed items for my sick boyfriend, which cost me $30. At the time I should have had $380 in my account (I checked the ATM). Now, I used my debit card as CREDIT (using it as credit makes it take LONGER to post to your account, usually 3 days) knowing that by the time the transacti... Read more
by carol0429
Tue Dec 30 2008I have also been victimized by Key Bank with holding deposited money, yet paying the debits and checks, . I was told I had $250, but when I debited a $4 cup of coffe, and $60 in a debit for Christmas purchase, I was charged for overdrafts because they process the debits, BEFORE They Credit the deposit! I want in on the lawsuit, does anyone have information on it.
by karatemama
Tue Dec 30 2008I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS BANK!! During times like these when everyone is watching their money much more closely, Key Bank's little tricks are become more and more obvious. My experiences have been similar to previous posting. No matter when I make deposits or how often I check my account, Key still manages to work their "magic" so that they get their overdraft charges. I'm keeping my money under my mattress!!!
by icushc6f
Fri Nov 21 2008Not only do they charge you $7 to cash a check drawn on them, but then they try to power sell you an account with them. I think i will start telling my boss to make my pay check $7 more since it's not worth what it's written for.
by aprild
Fri Nov 14 2008Replacing a lost ATM card fee is 5$ always. Event when you have 25k in their bank...They purposely hold paychecks and large deposits hoping they will criss cross and nab you with overdraft fees. I've had them held 5 to 10 extra days for not apparent reason. Customer service now admits their postings are off by as much as 4-5 days yet does not reveal the reason for it. I learned a long time ago to keep a good 1k extra in my account for padding when they do this. But my mast staement was soo deliberate, holding all my christamas shopping a good week and my mortgage and slamming it all on my account on a Friday, but of course pending my paycheck. Fortunately I had the funds to cover it and knew something was up because my balance continued to appear 1100 too high (they held up the mortgage posting - though the mortgage co credited me already for it 5 days ago...) UNBELIEVEABLE! I am going to pull my 25k out of there. I am scared they are doing this because the bank is going under. KEYBANK... Read more
by james1178
Sun Nov 02 2008-* I rated Keybank with a minus one star based on my experience with Keybank on my home loan. My Minimum Mortgage payment was $ 559.68 and for several years I was paying $ 650.00 per month asking Keybank to applied the difference towards Principle. What Keybank did every other month was to applied the full $650.00 towards interest only and then the following month applied the full $ 650.00 towards principle. I called and asked what was going on and I could never get a satisfactory answer. The only way I could get Keybank to properly apply the payment was to send two payments; one for the minimum payment and the second check for additional principle with a statement on the check "Principle Only". When I first started this process late 2006; January 2007, Keybank reverse my princple payment for December 2006 in the amount of $ 650.00 to interest only. On my 1098 for 2007, Keybank did not include the $ 650.00 in the amount of interest I paid to Keybank. I added the $ 650.00 to my ... Read more
by chalky
Fri Oct 10 2008Key has always been solid. No fees, which is a bonus on both my savings/checkings.
by lizzy106
Fri Oct 03 2008Awful, just awful. I put my Key Bank private student loan into forbearance using the procedures and paperwork they requested of me. After a few weeks, I had no documentation from them, so I called. They said they had lost everything and needed to update my address. I did. I called back a few days later, they said the loan was in forbearance and they would send me something. After a month, I called back, and the person on the phone said they hadn't updated my address. So I updated it again, and again was told that the bank would send me something to confirm the forbearance. A month later, having received nothing, I did the whole thing again. This went on for six months. Finally, I demanded a supervisor. The supervisor told me the loan had not been put into forbearance, and my address had not been updated, and they could do nothing for me because I "should have contacted the bank sooner" with my new address. When I told them I had phone records of the calls I'd made to the bank, the... Read more
by tony322
Wed Aug 13 2008I am closing a Key Bank Checking account tomorrow after years of overcharges that they make up to take my money. On friday 8-8-08 I had $24 in my account, I went to the bank and deposited $370 cash into the account to pay my bills. That same day I paid a $236 phone bill, $106 geico bill and $24 gamefly and think I have $28 left in the account. Tuesday rolls around and I get a overdraft letter in the mail,I call the bank and they tell me that because I made the CASH deposit after 3:00pm that its looked at as a deposit for Monday and that I paid all my bills on Friday so there is nothing they can do. I paid the $51 and closed the account. Many times over the last few years I have wanted to close this account for reasons just like this but I would always find a way to blame myself. I do not feel that this bank is reasonable about the overdraft charges at all and I am glad to be moving on. Key Bank finds a way to make your money their money.
by darrellpeoples
Wed Jul 23 2008CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT NEEDED!!!! Like the rest of you, i play by the rules, work hard for my money, and can admit when i make a mistake however....... After numerous overdraft fees from this bank i finally surfed the net "Key Bank Class Action Lawsuit" and found this site. I NEVER post things for any reason but this has got to stop with Keys unethical overdraft practices. This most recent overdraft almost made me cry. Here's what happened....... Friday July 4th 2008. Account Balance positive $52. I Deposit personal check from rental tenant into Key Bank ATM for $450. Over the holiday weekend spent roughly $200 with Key Bank Debit Card. Total overdraft fees after weekend = -$268. Sooo here's the problem. Key bank says that i was allowed $100 good faith credit for the deposit of the check during that weekend. Any transactions above $152 resulted in a overdraft fee since the check was not yet cleared. The purchases above $152(McDonald's for the family, a U.S. Flag blan... Read more
by itsmymoney
Tue Jul 22 2008after a direct deposit error made on my account, it was overdrawn by close to $250. When i called numerous times to keybank, as well as the branch that i opened my account with not even a supervisor was williing to help me with my problem. Key Bank's mess up cost me over $200, if you are looking for a bank that is willing to meet you at a middle road and come to a solution to please both you and the bank I would strongly reccomend staying as far from this bank as you possibly can.
by dgrimm
Wed Jul 16 2008Worst bank ever!!! My account had a fradulant charge of 40dollars. I went to the bank, discussed this with the Manager and he recommended that I cancel my check card before anymore charges could go through. He assured me that they wouldn't let the 40dollar charge go through, but guess what they did and then tried to charge me an overdraft fee of 38. Not only that he recommended that I pull all the funds from my account til everything was settled so I did well guess what they charged me a five dollar charge for cancelling my debit card and then charged me another 38 for insufficiant funds, after telling me to pull all the money from the account. Talk about really bad business practices and from all people THE BANK MANAGER!!!! This all happened at the Key Bank in Burlington, Vermont. BEWARE
by kerhobc9
Wed Jun 11 2008Key Bank is the worst, avoid this bank at all costs. Here's the history: I had my accounts at Key Bank for 12 years. My business account ran almost $4 million through it during that time with varying balances. A HOLD for $967 showed up from Macy's. I have never set foot in that store, it was obvious fraud. I contacted the fraud dept at Key Bank and was told they would investigate, it would take a minimum of 14 business days for the money to be returned, (stress minimum). They told me to speed it up to contact Macy's directly. After literally 45 phone calls to Macy's, I finally spoke to somebody who didn't shoot me to a FULL voice mail box. I gave them the information and they said they'd look into it. 2 days later the hold was lifted. A week after that I received a letter from Key Bank stating the investigation was closed, the hold was lifted, all was well. 3 weeks later they took the money out of my account, all $967!!!!! I contacted the fraud dept at Key Bank ag... Read more
by donnakay31
Wed May 21 2008Worst bank I have ever done business with. I am opening a new account at a different bank and will soon be closing this one out. Hubby deposited a check in the ATM and the bank put a hold on the check minus $100.00 and charged us $225.00 in over-draft fees.
by stach627
Tue May 13 2008Almost $900 in overdraft fees over the weekend. And we have 10K in a Key savings account. Excessive? All transactions were approved via debit card, nothing more than $30. Watch for this one on the news, because we will be fighting back!