Kenneth Copeland

Approval Rate: 64%

64%Approval ratio

Reviews 45

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    Wed Jan 30 2013

    He has been promising blessings to those fans of his who sow money to his ministry for a long time now. I wish there was a way to find out if every single one of his seed sowing fans have gotten as rich as him yet? He is among one of the first in a long line of word of faith, name it and claim it prosperity teachers. In his mind Christians have become little gods with all of the same power as Jesus himself. Thought God said have no other little gods. If this is true that Kenneth Copeland is a god then why is he wrinkling, aging and looking so run down? I'd like to see him look like he is thirty years old and walk threw walls like the bible said Jesus did, then he might be half way believable. As of now I don't believe in his little gods teachings, or anybody has to sow seed money to him to get money. FYI, Prove you are a god and walk threw walls. I don't mean walking into walls Mr. Copeland but walking threw locked doors and walls, like Jesus!

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    Sat Jun 09 2012

    I really think this dude is gonna wind up killed with a shotgun blast by a disgruntled former congregant.

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    Thu Jun 16 2011

    Carnal, Carnal Carnal, Hedonism, Prosperity and Self indulgence is his major teaching around the clock, as if Jesus said the Christian's life is a have it your way Burger King. Mr. Copeland should read on the life of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and especially his book: The Cost of Discipleship. Jesus said: Take up your Cross and follow me, not take up your Million dollars by buying an Airplane to fly around the world to fleece his gullible flock!

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    Tue Feb 15 2011

    I love this brother because he loves Jesus who cares if he teaches Prosperity is good? Who wants to be poor? Not so if someone tells you they do not want prosperity.

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    Sat Feb 05 2011

    I turned on the Television and it looked like this man had horns coming out of his head for a split second. It freaked me the hell out!

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    Sun Sep 19 2010

    Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are people that seek to do God's will first above all things. If you are mad about how God is blessing them, check out how they have blessed others. Much of what you see belongs to the ministry, not to the Copelands personally. They have a TON of money, don't misunderstand me. Check into what they have given out of their pocket against what they get paid from the ministry. I think you will be surprised. Almost all of the Prosperity preachers have investments in business. That is where much of their money comes from, not from tithes and offerings. Do some research before you start bad mouthing someone. ****On a side note, how often do you see the Faith preachers bad mouthing other preachers or their ministries? I think there are a few jealous ones doing so here!!! GOD BLESS YOU KENNETH AND GLORIA!

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    Mon Jul 12 2010

    Wondering if Christians are supposed to believe the Bible over the Gospel of Prosperity Teachings? Prov. 22:9 "He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor". Psalm 140:12. "I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor". Job 34:19 -"(GOD)who shows no partiality to princes, nor regards the rich more than the poor, for they are all the work of his hands"? Deut. 15:10. "You shall give generously to the poor and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings". Revelation 2:9 - 'I (Jesus) know your Tribulation and your Poverty but you are rich"..... Saint John Most Beloved Apostle of Jesus had this end time vision of Jesus speaking to certain high minded rich Church goers: "Revelation 3:17-You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wre... Read more

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    Sun Mar 21 2010

    1Corinthian 3:4 For while one said, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are you not carnal? Copeland Clones: Worship Jesus and the believe in Him. Kenneth Copeland did not die on the Cross for you! If the amount of money you have and the kind of house you live in, or car you drove was an indication of your love for Jesus and walk with the Lord, then Donald Trump, Madonna, Bill Gates and Oprah along with all of the rich and famous would be the biggest lovers and advocate for Jesus there are!!! Sorry, Copeland's Prosperity doctrine is self induced and he has hypnotized thousands to believe him. When is his 15 minutes of fame and false doctrine up? Let us pray, maybe he will retire. On the other hand as long as their are itching ears wanting to hear how God wants to make them all rich, (even as many of their marriages and lives fall apart) there will still be people preaching that God wants you rich, instead of Holy and daily dependent on Him for your daily bread.

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    Tue Feb 16 2010

    The "You are little gods" doctrine made popular & heavily promoted by Kenneth Copeland is delusional! If this kind of teaching demotes God while promoting mere mortals it is not only delusional but destructive. How much harm has this, "you are little gods and Prosperity gospel done to various people over the years that have gotten sick or met with some misfortune? I pray this teaching is not causing many people to feel condemned or lacking in faith if they are not rich, healthy and problem free around the clock! All I can say to that heresy is, "Keep living!" There are many seasons in life. There is Spring but there is also Winter! We live in a fallen world and we (Christians) do not have Glorified bodies yet, which means everyone will experience a season of Winter as well as Spring before they leave this planet! If Jesus does not rapture us out of here we will all grow old and someday die. The Lord's hand-picked (real ) Disciples were beaten, suffered persecution and many w... Read more

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    Thu Oct 15 2009

    Very sly and intelligent preacher who selectively mixes some biblical truths with the prosperity and kingdom now doctrines! Please read in your bible all of 1st Timothy Chapter 6 and Matthew Chapter 7 Verses 15 through 23 for more insight into Kenneth Copeland and most of the other TV celebrity preachers! May God Truly Bless You And Open Your (Spiritual) Eyes!

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    Sat Jun 13 2009

    Too focused on materialism & self gratification. Another Erroneous Tithe Teacher. Many of His Giving Principles are applicable before Christ fulfilled the law for us for free. Just a few Scriptures to Support Mandatory Tithing is no longer required because Christ has fulfilled all Laws and requirements of the law by His death on the Cross: Giving to support the Church is Voluntary & in light of what Christ has given us for free Voluntary giving should be more than 10 percent but if not our favor & blessings is our Legal right & inclusion in our package of Salvation when Jesus is our Lord & Savior Colossians 2:14 "Blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. The word Ordinance (requirements was used in Malachi 3:7) Ephesians 2:15 "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twain one new man so making peace". ... Read more

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    Tue Mar 03 2009

    The Doctrine that we are gods (equal to Jesus) may be alluring to many. It doesn't matter what they confess none of them can Walk on Water!!! Also where is the fruit & humility??? Only God carries the title of Omnipotent (all-powerful) and Omnipresent (present everywhere). Last I checked people are still aging-(some more graceful than others but neverless aging as well as dying). My prayer is: Father in the name of Jesus, please give us humility like Jesus who rode in on a Donkey (instead of a Chariot) and humbly washed the dirty feet of his disciples!

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    Thu Jan 01 2009

    I believe he and Gloria his wife are Holy Spirit filled/annointed. Blessed by his teachings on The Word. God bless. :-)

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    Tue Dec 30 2008

    I try to take a live and let live attitude towards these refried Jesus-wheezing TV preachers. They have their role in life, and I have mine. Theirs is to to be sanctimonious panhandlers, and mine is to enjoy life as well as I can. I don't pray for libidinous women and whisky, and I don't go on TV asking for people to send me a few bucks.

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    He takes money to make money.

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    Fri Oct 31 2008

    Kenneth Copeland passes himself off as being a theological expert, but let him show us show me just ONE place in the New Testament or even in the Old  where tithing on money is commanded. You have to tamper with Scripture  to justify monetary tithing. God commanded tithes to be taken only from the fruits of the land (Lev.27:30-34). Tithing was a point of Mosaic Law given BY Moses from Mt. Sinai to the children of Israel, not to the Eskimos and Apache Indians. Jacob and Abraham's tithes were voluntary. God didn't ask for those tithes, and Jacob attached conditions to his. How could Jacob bargain with the tithe if he had to tithe anyway? Jesus said tithing is a point of the Law (Matt.23:23). That was BEFORE THE CROSS ushered in the New Covenant. In Acts chapter 15 the apostles had the perfect chance to bind tithing on New Converts but they didn't do it. Why not? Even in the OT, priests did not tithe. We believers are the New Covenant priesthood (I Pet.2:5,9). When a Christian tithes, he ... Read more

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    Sun Oct 19 2008

    Acts 8:18 - 8:23. Maybe he should preach that.

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    Do you believe what the BIBLE says that he (the LORD) cares for his children?  Are you up set because in there ministry the need a plane to travel around the World teaching the Word of GOD.....How much more would it cost them in time and money to travel via comerical airlines would that give them the time to rest as they need before bring to you and others the word of GOD ... They are human too they travel what 250 to 300 days a year always on the go for what to make more money off of offerings???is it for them???or is it for the love they have for GOD....You see with that much traveling they really have time to party and spend all the money you claim they steal ..... If I were you I think I would becareful of what I said when traveling by sight and not seeking the truth .. Try focusing on the GOOD in people there are some out their that think of others first before themselves...By the way thats called love for others and it comes from the GRACE of GOD !!!!!!!! a friend in Christ and G... Read more

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    One of the biggest scumbags ever. I'm amazed nobody has tried to assassinate this guy. You have to say though, he really is 5 star at what he does - scab money out of helpless people. I hope he rots in hell, because thats exactly what he deserves.

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    Wed Jul 02 2008

    how can anyone be this stupid .. you followers just brought him a jet! LOL

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    Thu May 08 2008

    beware the false prophets

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    Tue May 06 2008

    Word of faith is great! It has helped me understand the Bible like no other. If we don't say what God says, what are we going to say and agree with? I experienced the Word in my life, so no one can tell me it doesnt' work. The Word is what keeps us free from the devil, and naturally he tries to make faith teaching look foolish. But the Word will set you free, as it has me!!!

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    all I can say is > www,

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    Tue Mar 04 2008

    This man is off the deep end. Seems he has never read - or understood the Book of Romans.

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    Wed Feb 13 2008

    Ive been there, thats why I am here. Exactly who does have a right to question Copeland about where the money goes? Copeland put on a exhalent performance at his latest ministers conference, visible at , in which has now gotten the attention of people all across the USA, and abroad. If I didnt personally know better, one would actually think he cares about the protection of all his followers (partners),that pour money into his ministry. Requesting a summery of my mothers (Bonnie Parker) contributions, a long time partner of KCM, we like Grassley got little or no response. (Request viewable at ). If their partners arent entitled to this privileged information, even though they are funding this lavish lifestyle KCM has grown very accustom to, nor is the Senate entitled either, then who is? The IRS perhaps? Are the teachings of the Prosperity Gospel message being misconstrued? Do we, any of us, have a valid a... Read more

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    Mon Jan 28 2008

    Scam artist.

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    Thu Jan 10 2008

    Uh Guys, most of these lovely comments only make the minutest bit of sense if there is a God or gods. As I am convinced there are no {is no} God, all these preachers are conning you all. I am sad for you that believe but don't seen to think. I am glad I was able to escape Christ, God and Religion' JAW

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    Thu Dec 20 2007

    King of the WOF hucksters!  He actually convinced his naive, gullible, moronic "partners" (as he calls them) to give him $20,000,000 to buy him a private Citation X jet.  Then, without missing a beat, he asks these "partners" to cough up ANOTHER $20 million so wife Gloria can have a matching jet!  I heard him say on camera when he arrogantly flew in to a celebration for getting the jet that this plane would NEVER be used for anything but preaching the gospel.  Yeah, right!  Seems old Kenny boy is in trouble because this plane that would never be used for anything but preaching the gospel made personal trips for the Copelands to Hawaii, Fiji, a couple of day trips to Steamboat Springs for skiing, and for Copeland and son to go on a weekend hunting trip at one of those places where you're guaranteed to get an animal.  Copeland and his WOF ilk are nothing but scammers and con-artists who have no conscience when it comes to bilking hundreds of millions of dollars out of the naive, the lone... Read more

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    Mon Nov 26 2007

    The Bible says "DO NOT judge, and you will not be judged. DO NOT condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.Luke 6:36-38. And again,For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God pet 4:16. With these two passages, please don't judge a man of a God, however you feel. Ok look at it this way: 2 wrongs can never make a right, and u may feel by condemning a servant of God that u'r doing God a service. But notice that the first passage is a COMMANDMENT , not a SUGGESTION. And may I tell u that By Condemning a man of God ( according to our first passage) you are actually despising God and His Word. And in fact the truth is that you are a horrible sinner and needs special deliverance from that sin of the devil ( The devil specializes in being and acting contrary to God and also accusing the brethren). Now in another sense you may also feel that I'm Kenneth's fan and trying to defend him. NO. If he, Kenneth, actually is a false pastor as ... Read more

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    Mon Nov 12 2007

    all i  can say is shame, shame, shame!you would think, with all that begginghim and his wife do, you might think,they would help people,, but no,this is for a college then the chargean arm & leg for people to go there.. beg, beg, beg.SICK. go to hell beggars!!!

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    Mon Oct 29 2007

    just tryna to get ur money not worth it

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    Thu Oct 25 2007

    Has done more harm to the Worldwide church with his prosperity gospel, then the Devil with his message of Greed.

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    Sun Oct 21 2007

    He and his wife are false teachers.

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    Sun Oct 21 2007

    2Tim 2:15 Study to show thyself approve unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth. Like many false preachers and teachers, Copeland is another one, that fails to rightly divide the word, so he mixes it all up, just like so many other false teachers. He's a snake that hisses, I here.

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    Wed Oct 10 2007

    1 Timothy 6:5 "...who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain." Actually, read all of 1 Tim. 6 to learn a proper attitude about money. As for the so-called "gospel of prosperity", this verse alone proves it's a big fat lie. And if you want to give Biblically, give to the poor, the widow and the orphan...see the need, meet the need. DON'T BE DECEIVED!!!!

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    Thu Aug 16 2007

    Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are people that seek to do God's will first above all things. If you are mad about how God is blessing them, check out how they have blessed others. Much of what you see belongs to the ministry, not to the Copelands personally. They have a TON of money, don't misunderstand me. Check into what they have given out of their pocket against what they get paid from the ministry. I think you will be surprised. Almost all of the Prosperity preachers have investments in business. That is where much of their money comes from, not from tithes and offerings. Do some research before you start bad mouthing someone. On a side note, how often do you see the Faith preachers bad mouthing other preachers or their ministries?

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    Fri Aug 03 2007

    On one of his audiotape sessions, he claimed that a surgeon could get by with the Bible and no medical education. This man is a clear threat to human life.

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    Sun Jul 29 2007

    All for the money, that is why I do not trust most on tv.

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    Mon Jul 23 2007

    this guy and his woman are scam artists of the top order  hes not a bad singer also LOL

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    Fri Jun 01 2007

    Rich and prosperous, but not for me!  Still a man who must answer to God!  It says rate ....not judge

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    Tue Mar 27 2007

    He is one of bests

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    Mon Mar 05 2007

    There are very few televangelists who can "get my goat" like Copeland. I really resent his "I'm-just-a-good-ol-boy-from-the-South" routine. While he's raking in dough left and right, he makes the unsuspecting think he's just a country bumpkin who fell off the latest turnip truck. Yah, this guy's dumb all right - dumb like a fox. He parlays that hick stuff till the bank is full, then attempts to tell everyone that God wants them to be rich (just like he is). He will not open his books to Christian financial accountability groups. Gee, I wonder why!

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    One of God's 5 Star Generals!!

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    Tue Feb 27 2007

    I love it when he dresses like a cowboy. How old is this man, seven?

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    Sat Feb 10 2007

    A very sick man. I can't believe people follow him with all the nonsense that comes out of his mouth.