
Approval Rate: 57%

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    Sat Jul 16 2005

    I think he did have beef jerkey. I have looked up some stuff and this is what I found... A) He was stopped at the airport witha pound of beef jerkey. B) He got caught smuggling extra shoes. There could have been more. C) In his proffecian they are taught how to sew beef jerkey into the seams of their clothes. D) When he was first accused he said it was grass, then later changed his story and said it was tree bark. Plus he seemed reeeaaaallly defensive about it. All around he seems like a nice guy. I just think he did have jerkey is all.

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    Wed Sep 17 2003

    Only person I liked, voted out by those clueless, look-at-me-I'm-beautiful idiots of Ogakor High.

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    Fri Aug 22 2003

    good guy - classy, maintained his dignity when I would've lost mine, and trying to move on with his life(although the media isn't making it easy)

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    Mon Dec 30 2002

    Ugh! This guy is such a wimp! So he got outsmarted by Jerri. It's no reason to go on and on about her, basically stalking the woman. Oh yeah, what kind of Army Officer lets himself get the crap beaten out of him?

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    Fri Dec 20 2002

    He's so poor.He is so nice person.

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    Wed Aug 28 2002

    he was too little time in the game so i didn't get to know him so well, but from what i did saw, he was annoying and boring.

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    Mon Aug 19 2002

    Quite possibly the biggest victim in Survivor history. Victim of a witchy woman's lies, and a six man conspiracy. Seriously, beef jerky? I could have come up with a better lie.

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    Sun Dec 02 2001

    An underrated guy, he should have stayed on longer.

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    Mon Jul 23 2001

    Bunch of idiots to vote him off. Geez u can't even bring food with you or they would all have brought food. u think CBS wouldn't check his bag geez. BUNCH OF IDIOTS. Colby should have won he just wasn't playing smart. Way too nice..

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    Tue Jul 10 2001

    the reason kel was voted out so early was because people knew he would win he was the strongest mentally and physically. Wow i saw him on miss universe!!!!

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    Fri Apr 27 2001

    If he was an NCO he would have done better. To become an officer you have to turn in your common sense. It's a pity that snake Jerry pinned a lie on him in her effort to get rid of all the integrity in the Ogakor tribe.

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    Mon Apr 09 2001

    I liked Kel. Who knows if he had beef jerkey or not. I don't think he did, especially considering the source..however that isn't even the point. Jerri knew that he was the threat that she needed to get kicked off next, so she did whatever she could to bring the rest of the tribe along with her. I guess that is a compliment to Kel, since he was an obvious player and would have continued to do well in the challenges. Even if there wasn't the alleged "Beef Jerkey Incident" the Witch from Hell, I mean Jerri would have found some other way to turn the rest of the Ogakors against him. He was physically fit, intelligent and willing to play the game..too bad he was kicked off so soon.

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    Tue Apr 03 2001

    I concur with what Amandajoan said. It's no coincidence that Ogakor has lost two more immunity challenges since Kel's exit. Too bad the tribe, with some prodding from Jerri, only noticed his awkwardness and overlooked his usefulness. It's sad that Ogakor will learn their lesson about the perils of herd mentality when it's all too late. Update: It occurred to me that he might have fared better if he were in Kucha. Why is this so? Simply because the group ethic in Kucha would have been more compatible with his own. It's not hard to imagine him and Mike going on a fishing expedition together, for instance. Kel and the rest of Ogakor were a match made in some other place than heaven.

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    Wed Mar 28 2001

    I think he was very smart and the way he didn't get mad when the other people searched his bags, you have to have a a srong temper control to do that! Also the way he offered to let the other people use his razer's, that was very nice. The way Jerri started that rummor about beef jurky, I say WHAT EVER, YOU OBVIOSLY DON'T HAVE GOOD VISION AND YOU DEFINETLY NEED A LESSON ABOUT COMMON NICENESS!!!

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    Tue Mar 27 2001

    I'm glad he was voted off early! This opinion has nothing to do if he had food or lied about it. There was something about him that rubbed me the wrong way and I wouldn't want that on my team. It appears that Ogakor felt the same way. (the above was written early February) 3/27/01: I'm surprised to see the high rating KEL still has. This is ridiculous! He was on for JUST 2 EPISODES. I think I know what's going on: The high rating for Kel indicates a low rating for Jerri. Also ridiculous! INFO FOR THE HIGH RATERS OF KEL WHO DON'T HAVE A CLUE ABOUT WHY HE WAS VOTED OFF: The Ogakor team already knew they were going to vote the social retard Kel off BEFORE the jerky incident. I'm sure most of you saw the recap last week, or read other material?? The team picked Kel off before the jerky incident. I don't believe he had the food and that's beside the point. And remember: It was Tina who actually went through his bag, not Jerri.

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    Sat Mar 24 2001

    Kel seemed like a nice, honest guy, but probably not alot of fun. He was pretty quiet and introverted and not what you need for a long, difficult time. It was horrible what Jerri did to him. They should have voted out Mitchell, Jerri, and Amber first.

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    Fri Mar 23 2001

    got scrwed by the "bitch" jerri over the jerky. Should have been around longer

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    Thu Mar 22 2001

    You weren't really eating beef jerky, but also, you haven't really done anything for yourself to make yourself more likeable, and as such, a 3 you get from me.

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    Tue Mar 20 2001

    I guy is basically awesome. The ogakor tribe were afraid because he is an intelligence officer and he s the strongest, not beause of Jerri's accusation. Come on Like a beef jerky incident will kick out a good guy who trie so hard to find damn foor for the ogakor

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    Mon Mar 19 2001

    he is a great guy. He should recieve a 5

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    Thu Mar 15 2001

    I'm obssessed with the Military and it's obvious to me that Jerri made up that rumor about him because she knew what she was up against. I mean a military intelligence officer they play tactical games like that all the time and he had a rock hard body He so would of won if it wasn't for that stupid bitch Jerri.And like I said with Colby he's a Texas Boy and Texas boys are the best Cordie from The Lonestar State P.S. Hey Kel I'm at Fort Hood all the time maybe i'll see you there.

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    Wed Mar 14 2001

    First off, he's a hotty! Love a man in a military uniform!!! Secondly, he never should've been kicked off.

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    Mon Mar 12 2001

    i dont know him too well to rate him so i would've just put good but what i hear about him hes not cool

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    Thu Mar 08 2001

    Glad he got kicked off, he deserved it. Jenny

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    Wed Mar 07 2001

    Did Kel get caught or not?????

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    Mon Feb 26 2001

    Kel is a great person and I hope that he goes far in life. I believe that if he wasn't pushed out of the show too early he would have been in the top 4, if not, he would have won! But the ptoblem is that nitwit who seemingly hypnotized everyone to believe her. I hope she rots in Hell is too good for her! I hope she becomes a rock or something! And quote something from a favorite movie of mine...."I would rather be a ghost, living as a condemned spirit by your side, rather than enter the gates of heaven without you...." ^.^)

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    Sat Feb 24 2001

    well wasnt on to long but he didnt have any beef jerky

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    Thu Feb 22 2001

    Because Kel was only around for two episodes, I really don't know much about him. But, what I really want to know is whether or not he really was eating that beef jerky! If he wasn't and they trifled through his belongings like that, than they deserve to get kicked off. Even if he did, should they have gone through his backpack? Guess I don't know what its like to be starving and anger though. He probably was eating beef jerky. Plus when they confronted him about it, he offered out his razors very quickly. Guilty conscience?

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    Thu Feb 22 2001

    I think that his team let him down by the beef-jerky incident but I'm glad hes off

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    Tue Feb 20 2001


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    Mon Feb 19 2001

    Kel was very lucky to get voted off so early. He left with many adoring fans and gained even more out of sympathy for his quick departure. I am very dismayed over the high rating he has, but not surprised. I understand how the public is fooled by such things (his early bye-bye, his acceptable face, his quiet/helpful demeanor). I'd rather see the ratings go to the remaining survivors and not to Kel who left on the 2nd show. For crying out loud! He was on for just 2 episodes! I truly believe that Ogakor sensed something negative about the man and they did not want him on their team. The cameras fooled you. The team, not Jerri, spoke! Kel gave them the willies. Even if he was truthful about the food, he still SOUNDED suspicious. I couldn't live with him for long either. Thank you Ogakor, for doing away with him on your FIRST vote. I don't blame you at all.

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    Mon Feb 19 2001

    I was suprized he was voted off so quickly, but he broke the first rule of early survival - don't distance yourself from the mainstream of the tribe, either positively or negatively. People are doing a lot of insecure posturing as they figure out their dynamics. It may have helped if he was successful with getting food, but that isn't important now, is it? 2/19/01: I'm amazed that Kel has become MORE well-liked than when he was actually on the show. The post-show interviews etc show a pretty decent guy who, although I'm sure he's totally dissappointed, comes of as being an awfully good sport about it. Good for him. And I think Slim Jim's really should have him be their poster child in their next ad campaign.

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    Sun Feb 18 2001

    The stupidest decision that team ever made was voting Kel off. I would have booted Jerri over Kel in a flat, hot second. Kel would have been an extremely helpful teammate in this fight to survive.

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    Wed Feb 14 2001

    Kel Gleason won many girls heart for his nice attitude towards with the false accusation that was put onto him.

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    Fri Feb 09 2001

    Seems like a nice guy and all, but talk about a bad judge of character: the two people he chooses to align himself with, Maralyn and Tina, turn out to be the biggest sell-outs of the group. Apparently nice guys DO finish last.

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    Fri Feb 09 2001

    Liked him, but now hes gone. He shouldnt be.

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    Fri Feb 09 2001

    he is the best and very nice person. i think that they make a big mistake voting him off. they are all sucks without kel on the group. they should voted off that ugly bitch jerri.

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    Wed Feb 07 2001

    Kel was by far the hottest person on Survivor. I can't believe they voted him off. I'm not as thrilled anymore to wathc Survivor because my hottie has left the building.

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    Wed Feb 07 2001

    I hate that everyone believed Jerri and agreed to vote Kel off. I think he would have been great to have around at the end because he is a hard worker and seems to have a pleasant nature about him. They are going to regret getting rid of him and will wish they had gotten rid of that selfish, liar Jerri!

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    Tue Feb 06 2001

    He got screwed big time!!! Ogakor will suffer because they are so dumb

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    Tue Feb 06 2001


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    Mon Feb 05 2001

    I Miss You Kel. You are not only great, but a true survivor!

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    He would have helped out the team... now I'm rooting for the other side.

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    I can't believe they kicked Kel off!! While everyone else was "in ecstacy", he was out fishing. I don't even understand why they chose him. I thought for sure Jerri would be gone... or hoped anyways.

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    Hi Kel, want to wear my ass as a hat?

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    Too good to be true...not a game player...wanted everybody to like him..

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    Kel is a good guy, but in this show the good guy does not always win. I hope he takes his razor with him and have those backstabbing bitches and cock suckers turn into apes.

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    Sun Feb 04 2001

    Stupid tribe. Kel was self-contained and honest. Instead of valuing this, the tribe chooses, just like in high-school, to coalesce around the loudest and nastiest self-annointed leaders. As to Maralyn breaking her word, well that just reflects beautifully on today's police force. The army wins hands-down. They're lucky to have Kel. And the Ogakor tribe will be sorry they lost him.