Keith Olbermann
Approval Rate: 42%
Reviews 0
by abichara
Sun Jan 30 2011Abruptly fired a couple of weeks ago from his post on MSNBC, Olbermann was largely responsible for defining the network as FOX News's left alter ego. Many different factors may have gone into Olbermann's firing. Some think that it might have had something to do with Comcast buying a controlling stake in NBC, but I suspect that it might have had to do with his recent criticism of Barack Obama, specifically in regards to taxes, Social Security, and high unemployment. Jeffrey Immelt, the head of GE (parent company to NBC) is very close with Obama, and he may have felt pressure from the President's political operation to have Olbermann deep-sixed. Given how thin skinned Obama and his people are to any type of criticism, especially from the Democratic Party's activist base, this is what makes most sense.
by guy_dc1b
Sat Jan 22 2011***News Flash*** New network owner Comcast just named Keith Olbermann Worst Person of the Year. Ober took three minutes in his last show to thank his ten viewers for sticking it out with him. Regards, RIA' unofficial anchorman.
by fitman
Sat Nov 06 2010Fired for contributing to politicians? Won't that get conservatives on his side? Oh, they were Democratic politicians? Nevermind.
by irishgit
Mon Jun 07 2010This guy is to journalism what whoring is to sex and represents a sterling example of the television cult of personality over substance. There's no analysis here, and the bias is shallow and trivial. I don't mind bias in reporters, in fact I expect and welcome it, as long as it comes with some brains. No evidence of that with this former sports meat puppet.
by acm7673
Fri Oct 20 2006Is it any wonder this guy has no ratings at all?
by callitdownthel_ine75
Sun Sep 03 2006Keith Olbermann gets four stars out of five for his pre-MSNBC years when he was a fairly objective ESPN sports news anchor. His sense of humor and his open-air banter with Dan Patrick was spectacular. But lately (as in the past few years at MSNBC), Olbermann has forgotten his place as he has a nasty habit of offering his personal, biased opinions and comments (which are totally irrelevant if he would just present the facts and let the viewers decide for themselves). His smug "I know it all and YOU DON'T, SO SHUT UP!!!" attitude, as well as his feud with others (which ought to be kept to himself) only shows his childish need for attention. Olbermann needs to grow up for once and realize his waning popularity is due to his constant underestimating of the typical American viewer (as well as his growing ego and self-importance).
by ralphthewonder_llama
Fri Nov 05 2010Wha-ha-ha! Busted! Gee, who's gonna lecture us about ethics anymore??
by dickhead44
Sat Feb 13 2010Horrible liberal. Lies abiut Nobama
by mark89450
Tue Nov 10 2009What and how did the term 'politically correct' come from? I see it as a term the liberal radicals came to form and pushed (another pot session in a gay orgy?) - like they push all wreck of society - until this 'term' was accepted. WTF does 'political' or 'correct' have to do wth ANYTHING in our society TODAY? Our politicians can't or aren't qualified to do their job - WORK FOR US...The term itself HAS NO PLACE - just AS THEY DON"T - the retarded that have gotten away with this crap for years until it is now solidified in what they think they have to do or are obligated to - the PEOPLE - and we swallow it and use that term... I don't - it makes no sense .... we should ban that term.... and amend the Constitution for a lot of 'other issues' that make no sense - as this document truly needs ratification.... and some amending TODAY... I have better words for it (PC) .... degenerate... weak... puss... coward.. on and on... any excuse goes... lets run naked in the streets and smoke dope - ... Read more
by rogerisright
Sun Sep 27 2009OLBERMAN IS NOT AN IVY LEAGUER HE WENT TO CORNELL ALRIGHT >>>>Except Keith didn't go to the Ivy League Cornell; he went to the Old MacDonald Cornell. If you've ever watched any three nights of his show, you know that Olbermann went to Cornell. But he always forgets to mention that he went to the school that offers classes in milking and bovine management. Indeed, Keith is constantly lying about his nonexistent "Ivy League" education, boasting to Playboy magazine, for example: "My Ivy League education taught me how to cut corners, skim books and take an idea and write 15 pages on it, and also how to work all day at the Cornell radio station and never actually go to class." Except Keith didn't go to the Ivy League Cornell; he went to the Old MacDonald Cornell. The real Cornell, the School of Arts and Sciences (average SAT: 1,325; acceptance rate: 1 in 6 applicants), is the only Ivy League school at Cornell and the only one that grants a Bachelor of Arts degree. Keith went to an... Read more
by charlesmiller
Wed Sep 23 2009Olbermann is the most obnoxious, arrogant, egotistical, pompous, conceited, lousy excuse for a reporter or commentator I have ever seen besides Rachel Maddow. They both should be fired. Neither of them have a clue about good journalism. Charles Miller Haslet, Texas
by actoby
Thu Sep 17 2009this guy is a total ass, i don't even know how he has a job on tv.. i can't even rate him. also his twin that follows him Ms. Maddow she has to be the WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD.
by littlejoe47
Tue Sep 01 2009As a sportscaster he was funny and irreverent. he and Dan Patrick made a great team to watch. As a "news" broadcaster on msnbc he is ackward, mean spirited, biased, egotistical and worst of all, wrong about virtually everything he comments about. Were he less self absorbed and more objective he could become relevant again....but that is not likely. Reality being what it is, MSNBC isn't even relevant.
by jasonskrew
Tue Jun 30 2009I'm shocked someone hasn't taken this guy out yet! Absolutely the worst broadcaster on the planet. My worst nightmare is he'll return to ESPN.
by olbermanahole
Mon Oct 27 2008I have never seen a BIGGER ASSHOLE than this guy. There has never been such a mean sprited journalist in the history of politics. I don't mind an opinion on President Bush, but the disrepect and true hate that comes out of his mouth is dispicable! This guy should be fird!!! I am banning MSNBC. They should not allow this subjective content to be aired.
by victor83
Mon Oct 27 2008Someone make a list that says Olberman or Briefs....both wind up needing to be washed. What a clown this guy is.
by attymike
Mon Oct 20 2008This guy has gone so far left that is is now a joke. His fascist views are out of touch with American culture and values. Poor guy will be out of a job once that person Obama becomes our first affirmative action President. No one to bitch about anymore.
by neocon1
Tue Sep 09 2008Ubergoober was a fine sports guy, but, come on, let's be real here. Just because you have an opinion and have some experience in broadcast facetime, does this make you a political observer? If so, I'm just an under-employed political observer who is a damn sight better to look at than Ubergoober, and a whole lot smarter as well. He is an idiot who all the other idiots turn to when the mean 'ol Republicans hurt a overly sensitive feeling.
by gutter
Thu Aug 21 2008This guy has fallen off the cliff since he joined the Obama bandwagon and now acts like a cult member. He must be angling for a job with a possible Obama administration (dream on!). He also never has the cojones to have anyone on his show who he disagrees with, instead, as a previous poster here said, having his irritating Mini-Me, Rachel Maddow (they even have the same haircut!) on to bat her lesbian eyes at him and agree with his every utterance. Very, very sad waste of talent.
by doejoemoe
Tue Aug 19 2008Does Olbermann still live with his mother???
by dream64
Tue Aug 19 2008I think his low ratings compared to Bill O'reilly's prove no one, republican or democrat, is watching him. He is incredibly quick to judge, and more often than not he is proven wrong. He spews out a lot of hateful things. He can be as arrogant and wrong as he likes, especially since MSNBC is owned by NBC. They are the least objective news group out of the major networks. Olbermann only has people who share his views on, never anyone with an opposing view. Having the #1 show on MSNBC is relative, especially since he has half the viewership than Bill O'reilly.
by petey475
Fri Jul 04 2008From one who currently serves this country in uniform and has served in combat in Afghanistan, Olbermann is truly hated by the vast majority of us in uniform (from hundreds of comments I have heard). His comments hurt morale and just fuel our enemy with negative propaganda. We simply turn the channel on AFRTS whenever Countdown comes on. Even some troops that I know who are democrats can't stand this guy.
by trunch253
Sun Jun 29 2008Keith has the best show on television PERIOD.
by astromike
Sun Jun 29 2008Sports caster turn to politics, big mouth who I heard can be difficult to work with off camera. He's pompous, errogant, and WAY to the left. HATE him, he's a jerk. Look at his pic lol
by fredrosenberg
Mon Jun 23 2008An excellent representative of the liberal political postions without apology or skewed rationalizations for views.
by sc341240
Sat May 03 2008His show is not fair & balanced, he has a Mini-Me on every night (Rachel Maddow) agreeing with everything he says. There is no conservative counter-point on his show ever, it's just him spouting his frustrations every night. He is becoming increasingly deranged.
by whackocentrist
Fri Apr 18 2008Tried it, really tried it - couldn't do it. He's just another nasty-mouth bashing the other side. If I wanted to hear Bill O'Reilly's opinions, I'd watch Fox. After hearing all this praise about his intelligence and "wit", I'm disappointed. He reminds me of a middle school girl: nastyness, drama and putdowns passing for commentary and popularity. I'm gonna keep looking for a true newsperson. Hope one's out there!
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Fri Apr 18 2008An arrogant liberal dingbat with a microphone. No objectivity. No ability to balance ideologies. No sense of responsibility to maintain anything resembling balance in his political "analysis" nor anything resembling the ability to do so. He is a minor, temporary figure in the nearly unanimous liberal-leaning (to the point of toppling over) American media, which is shamelessly rooting for Barack Obama against Hillary Clinton and, inevitably, John McCain, their favorite republican. Who would be the equivalent, on the right, of Keith? Laura Ingraham? Glenn Beck? No, someone further into the abyss. Definitely a personality, hence the 2 rating. But there are so many whose identical views he shares, you can hardly get a piece of papaer between any two of them.
by canadasucks
Fri Apr 18 2008Not asthetically pleasing. . .does not pull of arrogance or bombast well. . .I think news outlets need to emphasize less personality and more actual news. Liberal? Trashing the stupid mistakes and shocking errors of this administration isn't liberal- it's intelligent. But answers to the issues won't come from the simple formula of "redneck/neocon station here. . .other station here!" News outlets should always be critical of the gov't instead of trolling for ratings, approval, and future favors. Keith O. isn't a phantom 'left' solution to the media's terrible complicity with this administration- he's part of the problem of substituting entertainment for news.
by csdebolt
Fri Apr 18 2008Great job Keith
by genghisthehun
Fri Apr 18 2008UPDATE: I knocked this guy down two stars. He must have had a stroke. He is no longer funny but has become a preacher. If I want to be preached to, I will go watch the pros on the goober preaching channel. Send him back to sports. ORIGINAL COMMENT: He is always worth the time to watch. If the article he is covering doesn't interest you, go to the 'frige, or wherever, and come back because the next article will usually tickle your fancy.
by newbmw
Wed Mar 19 2008No clue why he is on television.
by cdjk619f
Thu Mar 06 2008Tells it like it is
by epii10
Sat Feb 02 2008best news show on tv. period.
by farmer60
Sat Dec 22 2007Left wing idiot. Can he be any stupider??
by bmmit933
Fri Dec 14 2007My favorite news person!
by dude1984
Tue Dec 11 2007Funny dude. I don't watch his show on MSNBC (anti-liberal), but I do occasionally watch him on Sunday Night Football. He is one liberal that I do respect.
by dalem489
Sun Dec 09 2007What little I watch him I always see him doing the same things he accuses others of doing. He uses a lot left wing rhetoric while claiming to be something else .I guess I can always keep a few pics of him around to wipe after a trip to the toilet so I guess he can be useful.
by lancescape
Mon Dec 03 2007ESPN's best - EVER. Discount the ratings/whining from Bush-huggers and right-wingnuts and he wins this easily.
by andrewade
Wed Nov 21 2007You totally rock!!! You are great guy from what little I know of you, (t.v.) Thanks for just being real!! Wade
by jglscd35
Thu Sep 27 2007i loved him on sportscenter, but he is a little too left wing for my taste. although i may disagree with him, he always seems to state an intelligent, if biased opinion.
by denves07
Sat Aug 25 2007I would have given this left-wing hack zero stars if they offered it...don't forget he once slept with a hooker (true). His shrill lies are a key reason MSNBC is dead least in ratings. Fox kicks his butt every night.
by desertchief
Fri Aug 24 2007He's intelligent, he's funny, he's honest, he's real and he's nobody's shill. He's not afraid to stand up to right-wing lies and smear tactics and he's not afraid to call out Democrats when they act like a bunch of wimps. Finally a voice for reasonable, thinking people that makes us feel like we aren't alone in the world!
by dubiec8e
Wed Aug 08 2007It's Keith...he sucks.
by jimmyc1955
Tue Jul 03 2007Smarmy, self important and reliably unfunny - Keith Olbermann is the kind of anchor that most folks have become tire of. It isn't about the news - it's about Keith. Frankly I get all of that I need from Katy Coric.
by gravedust
Sun May 13 2007The people who adore him really just hate Bush. Remember, he started posing as a conservative and only soared when he turned against his earlier stance. There are enough crazies out there who think hes unbiased, that they'll fall right in line. Hey, I understand, there aren't many articulate lefties to follow, So when one does turn up, they fall in line.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Fri May 04 2007Here's a guy who every other sports guy WOULD hate: he's a Cornell (Ivy League) grad who does his own writing...and just about everything he's written in his "Special Comments" has been spot-on, or has been shown later to be spot-on. I can see why he preferred to leave the sports-commentor profession, with an endless supply of loudmouthed, egotistic, overly-opinionated wannabees (the athletes who join 'em are mostly thick as a brick), who, if it were not for billions of position vacancies as sports commentors would be working behind the counter of "adult" book stores.
by disgust4pcness
Tue May 01 2007Typical liberal windbag...airing nothing but lefty propaganda.
by louiethe20th
Sat Aug 26 2006Was much better on Sportscenter than he is with politics.
by relboy69
Mon Aug 15 2005Oh man, I love Keith Olberm... Wait this isn't a joke? Oh I got to get the hell outta here