
Approval Rate: 73%

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    Tue Dec 15 2009

    I know that if I go to a karaoke bar that their will be a few people with a micraphone who can't sing, so at least I know that I asked for it if I go.

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    Tue May 26 2009

    Karaoke is entertaining to watch if you're in the mood, and pretty damn easy to avoid when you're not. I haven't had the balls to try it yet, myself (and frankly I think I lack the 80's repertoire to pull it off).

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    Tue May 26 2009

    I agree its annoying, but its a form of entertainment that people enjoy and they have fun doing it. Thats what I like. I already know they sound terrible lol.

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    Tue May 26 2009

    Depends on how talented the person is.

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    You simply haven't lived until you've heard someone belt out "New York, New York" with a heavy Korean accent.

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    Sun Jul 09 2006

    It's so much fun! I'm willing to put up with people who can't sing--at least they're making the attempt. And the key is to have FUN. However, I don't enter karaoke contests--I don't want to feel like the pressure is on!

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    Wed Jun 07 2006

    Even drunken Japanese style is comedy to me.

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    Wed Jun 07 2006

    Personally you would never catch me doing this but I don't mind watching others. Its nice to see people having a good time. Unless its an annoying person who can't sing but thinks he can and doesn't know when to stop.

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    Sat Jun 26 2004

    Only bad if the person can't sing.