Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton)
Approval Rate: 85%
Reviews 0
by vukf79f1
Fri Apr 24 2009I read this book in little less than a week. It's so gripping that you cannot put it down. It's nothing compared to the movie. It's got a much more detailed mathematical, philosophical and scientific explanation to the dinosaurs. However, the parts where the dinosaurs attack could have been more detailed in order to get a better image in the head of the reader. Overall, a great book. I'd recommend it to anyone. You won't be disappointed!
by collegereading
Thu Apr 23 2009I think Jurassic Park should was a great book, thats why i gave it four stars. I like for bookis to go right into the action and Jurassic Park took about two or three pages and thats what i liked about it. i also like the fact that they used the same names like in the movie so the readers woulnt get confused. Jurassic Park is a book about a man who decides to create an island and make dinosaurs, a few experts come to the island and everything goes wrong. The dinosaurs start to attack the people and the people have to try and get away in one piece.
by byronaruiz
Fri Apr 10 2009The book wasn't what I imagined it to be. It fell short of my expectations. One of the reasons for this is because Crichton fails to develop and unravel his characters. I never fell in love with any of them; they did nothing to cause me to empathize with them as individuals, they were just cocky scientists that argue their point over and over again. I could care less if one them died (the ones that survived, anyway). And I'm not even sure who the main character was. Take this example: - I know this is a literary critique, but bear with me - The movie Forrest Gump isn't about Forrest becoming an All-American football star, meeting Pres. Kennedy, earning the Medal of Honor, becoming a Billionaire, it's about Forrest, Forrest Gump. Going back to the book, simply put, where is the heart? There is none. And that's fundamental in a good story, novel, or movie. But not to say that this isn't a good book. I give it a thumbs up, but barely. (there are indeed very riveting moments in the boo... Read more
by kylemdoty
Fri Apr 03 2009Jurassic Park was good though a little repetitive at times. The best thing about it was that the movie was totally different. The book is a lot better and I loved the movie. The pace of the story is good. There is a lot of scientific language in the book, but I think that's what adds to the "realness" of it. Kyle www.littlequirkyshoppe.com
by michaellichter
Fri Mar 13 2009Michael Crichton has always been a moralist who surfs the waves of hype emanating from the latest social and technological trends, whether he is writing about germ warfare (ANDROMEDA STRAIN), the melding of man and machine (TERMINAL MAN), sexual harassment (DISCLOSURE), or ... whatever it is that SPHERE is about. A recurrent theme in his work is that scientists (and the capitalists who support them) are arrogant, have an insufficiently holistic view of the world, and are generally unaware of the enormity of their ignorance. As a result, they fool with things they shouldn't -- pulling dangerous microbes out of the heavens, implanting men with computer chips that make them killers, or releasing dinosaurs into a world ill-equipped to survive contact with them -- with disastrous results. In no other novel is Crichton as explicit about why scientists should not be allowed to fool around with Mother Nature -- especially in the service of greedy capitalists. His critique of capitalism is less... Read more
by twansalem
Fri Feb 08 2008Jurassic Park is one of my favorite books. I read it in sixth grade, and ever since I have read every Michael Crichton book that I could get my hands on. The best thing about Jurassic Park, and most Crichton books in general, is that he really does his research when he writes. His ability to smoothly blend real science and science fiction is incredible. The book begins with real things that have been possible through genetic engineering, and is obviously is pure fiction by the time the book is in full swing, but it would take an expert in genetic engineering to know exactly where he crossed from science fact to science fiction. So what if the premise of getting dinosaur DNA from mosquitoes trapped in amber isn't feasable. It makes for a great story, and in the end, I'm reading a novel for entertainment, and Jurassic Park sure was entertaining.
by trebon1038
Mon May 22 2006This was a great book. I was surprised at how well the movie turned out considering all the info in the book that got left out. The book was even better (which is often the case) than the movie though.
by moosekarloff
Thu Dec 18 2003Totally contrived and implausible garbage. I tried reading this crap and gave up on it because the requirements of the suspension of disbelief were so severe. This Chichton has been writing the crappiest best sellers for decades now, which shows you that the American reading public, for the most part, are mongoloids. They'd be better off reading the Yellow Pages than greasy kid stuff like this.
by irishgit
Mon Dec 15 2003Competently written, but not very interesting.
by sharpshooter
Tue Jun 17 2003by far the best book ive ever read
by oreo_man
Tue Jan 21 2003Great book. The best thing i`v ever read. Read it before you watch the movie.
by boogabooga114
Sat Oct 26 2002This is one of my favorite novels ever. It was downsized slightly when translated to film, but still can be seen as something totally different. We see more characters, and a more diverse plot than in the film almost everyone is familiar with. The novel blends seamlessly: scientific debate, industrial espanioge, action, and perfect detail. This is one of those few novels where you forget everything around you because you are so engrossed in the plot. If you liked the film, you'll LOVE the novel. One of Crichton's best.
by chaotician23
Wed Jan 16 2002This is the best book ever written. In extreme but usefeul detail, Michael Crichton makes his best book by using a fabulous storyline. Before reading this book the thought of real dinosaurs today may sound stupid, but after, you will feel like you yourself have ventured into the Mesozoic!
by lorien
Thu Jan 11 2001I thought it was wonderful book dealing with dinosaurs that have always fascinated people(young and old), and the applications of bio-engineering. It was well written and always kept the reader interested in what would happen next.
by woknroll
Mon Nov 27 2000Michael Crichton has such a good way to describe what he wants his readers to picture. I read the book because I've read most of his books.
by guitarmonkey
Fri Nov 24 2000This book was extremely entertaining and his ideas on the remaking of dinosaurs was genius, But the book lacked a lot of explanation and some of the characters could have had a lot more depth than they did. I liked it a lot though.
by kevron
Mon Nov 20 2000This is one of my favorite all time books. I almost didn't give it a five because of all the unnecessary technical information in the beginning. Once you get past that however, it's a non-stop thrill ride. I read the last three hundred pages in one day.
by j_boyef2
Tue Nov 14 2000I've seen the movie and read the book. Man, lemme' tell you that the book is way better than the movie. I mean I love to read so that might be why I like the book better than the movie, but he, I recommend this book to a lot of folks.
by tonyddc5
Thu Nov 09 2000A very good book. A must read for all you science fiction people. #1 YA.
by shafty
Tue Jan 11 2000What a great book. I remember reading this well before the movie was released and wondering how long it would take for them to adapt this to the big screen. The book, as in a lot of cases, was much better than the movie.
by harv2154om
Fri Jan 07 2000An incredible writer -- he puts you into the story and lets you suffer along with the characters.
by blac2596om
Wed Dec 08 1999this is actually science fiction
by kalv739du
Tue Nov 02 1999I felt like I was there! This book describes the action taking place in such vivid detail it's absolutely great!
by badm67om
Tue Oct 26 1999Jurassic Park is a classic book, which will always be read.
by sabi89om
Tue Oct 26 1999I really enjoyed Jurassic Park because I like things that keep me in suspense