Julianne Moore
Approval Rate: 88%
Reviews 0
by goldenmom7500
Sun Jul 06 2008Wow! I walked out of The Fugitive wondering who she was - in a bit part.
by johnspina
Sat Apr 01 2006Understated beautiful woman and a nice person who is a good actress.
by penwah
Sat Apr 01 2006I haven't liked her much but that's because I haven't liked the movies she's been in. But I just saw "The Prizewinner of Defiance, Ohio" and she was fabulous. I'll be watching for more.
by cdoc77
Wed Jan 11 2006Did you see her in that sequal to Silence of the Lambs? Weak!
by scarletfeather
Sat Oct 08 2005She is one of the best actresses working today. For some reason, her forte seems to be playing Fifties housewives. She was very touching in "Far from Heaven", which convinced me that perhaps that maybe the Fifties weren't all they were cracked up to be.
by genghisthehun
Sun Jul 31 2005I loved her in the Big Lebowski, and I have seen her in other outings. She is likeable and that goes a long way.
by lindamichelle
Sat Jul 30 2005one of the best actresses in the world, and also gorgeous
by sol12313
Fri Mar 18 2005What was she playing in Boogie Nights, a philosophy major who dabbled in porno? Stick to skin cream ads Jules because not even Burt Reynolds can help you now.
by skysoldier
Tue Feb 08 2005This red hair beauty is stunning. Seems to be very hip and cool.
by skater_girl
Fri Jan 21 2005pretty cool chick!
by mrthing2000
Tue Jan 11 2005A has-been by my standards. She was HOT a couple of years ago, but she got stretched out by another kid. Her personal life is a mess with affairs and sleeping around. Used to be the hotest redhead, now tied with Kirstie Alley (today's KA).
by narendar
Thu Jan 06 2005Julianne Moore has not only the looks of a classic actress but her style is also timeless. She has a natural graceful presence on screen and has an ability to play each and every role to perfection without ever being overly dramatic, yet she possesses this strangely pleasing and calming, almost hypnotic like quality about her that makes her such a wonderful actress to watch. One of the finest actresses around today.
by ctrust
Mon Dec 06 2004As talented as shes pretty.
by craven_moorehead
Thu Dec 02 2004Damn, this woman makes my knees weak! Sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy. And talented. Did I mention she's sexy?
by donqqq
Mon Sep 06 2004One of the best looking 40+ woman on the planet.
by stlsportsguy
Fri Sep 03 2004Only famous for doing Springsteen.
by iluvmattstajan_14
Fri Jul 23 2004Stunning. She is an incredible actress, I'm not sure if she has gotten an Oscar nod, but she deserves one. She is an extremly gifted actress.
by marcm9999
Wed Jul 21 2004Although quite successful, continues to take more challenging roles and is getting better all the time. If she continues like this her career will be stallar.
by oguvel_at_mynetc_om
Wed Jul 14 2004Hi The best beutiful women in the world. [email protected]
by freebird_0128
Fri Jul 09 2004One of the classiest actresses in Hollywood, Julianne Moore remains far too underrated. She possesses truly phenomenal range, taking her to the depths of a porn star (Boogie Nights) to the model 50's wife (Far From Heaven). While I've enjoyed her work in several big budget films, its her touch with independents that impresses me. Beautiful and dignified, Julianne Moore is simply fantastic.
by brygidab
Tue Jun 29 2004She's getting better with each new movie she is in. This is great to watch her improve her acting and possibilities, she gets more interesting roles, too. I hope to see her in many more great movies
by hotel283
Mon Jun 28 2004from a purely shallow sexist point of view....pretty babe-o-licious for an old chick....have a soft spot in my heart for red heads
by john_mccain
Sun Jun 27 2004Approaching 45. Already old.
by bird808
Mon Jun 21 2004Definitely without a doubt one of the most hardworking actresses around today. She's got excellent taste in her movie choices as well. From big budget films such as The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Hannibal to independents like The Hours, Magnolia, Boogie Nights and The End of the Affair shes proven herself to be equally adept on either side of the spectrum. I've yet to see a really bad or distasteful movie with Julianne Moore in it. All of her roles are contrasting their never the same. Shes easily going to be one of the greats, she'll simply be known for her outstanding hard work and not her private life.
by kelly_from_aia
Sun Apr 25 2004Julianne Moore is the best actress in the whole world! She is unique and beautiful in her own way:) No one can out do her! I love you Julianne:*
by blairwitch187
Thu Apr 15 2004A very beautiful and talented woman. She seems like she has a great personality. Charlize Theron was saying how Julianne helped her fix a tear in her dress with a safety pin in the ladie's bathroom at an awards show. Char said to this day, she still kept the safety pin in her dress to remind her.
by gumdrops
Wed Oct 01 2003Have seen her in one comedy (with Hugh Grant) & was not impressed. She may be a fine dramatic actress, but an actress who can pull off comedy can usually do drama equally as well & I just didn't see the talent in her. Beautiful girl, very photogenic, but beauty & talent are not synonymous.
by epeefencer
Tue Sep 23 2003Talented and beautiful!
by zoe_blime
Wed Aug 20 2003The Stars say it all!
by goodamerican
Tue Aug 19 2003Talent. What more needs to be said? She is just so good at what she does.
by petermartin
Sat Aug 02 2003She was born as Julie Smith.I am personal friends with some of her cousins in NJ at the shore area. I tease her cousin Marcia about an autograph picture she was to have gotten me.It has been three years and I have yet to get that picture.I met her parents at her Uncle Art's funeral 5 years ago.Julie is a superb actress.My favorite thing is a play she did.Checkov's Uncle Vonya. I may get to meet her yet one day.She was in "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle" and that is where I first saw her.She died in the greenhouse scene.Remember? Best wishes to Julianne if there is a way she'll see this.Pete in Perth Amboy,NJ
by dazedpoodle
Sun Jul 27 2003Julianne Moore defies greatness. She is the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing, supremely talented actress of this generation. She WILL win an oscar one day. Just wait.
by ericasj
Wed Jun 11 2003I know it's personal opinion, but I still don't understand how anyone could easily say Julianne was overrated. To me, she is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood. I can't think of any other actress in her generation that can play totally different characters as perfect as she does. Julianne is a truly great performer.
by secretsaint
Wed Jun 11 2003she;s fabulous! wonderful!!
by in_my_own_opin_ion
Tue Jun 10 2003Her talent renders me speechless. I'm in awe.
by rich2002
Mon Jun 09 2003Good Actress and sexy!
by okelly
Mon Jun 09 2003Julianne is such an IDEAL ACTRESS!! I can always expect something new in her performances. GO GO GO Julie!! You deserve the best rate! ; )
by silke8f9
Mon Jun 09 2003You alle know: Julie is one of the best actress in Hollywood. And the academy should be ashamed (!!) because they did not give her the Oscar! Catherine Zeta Jones is NOTHING against Julianne Moore!
by goldentail18
Sun Jun 08 2003the best actress of her generation....
by kim_herring
Mon May 26 2003Startled by any rating here below 4. She's a wonderous performer.
by cjs133c0
Mon May 12 2003not a 5 but pretty close, a good actress and classy
by bobo2_3
Wed Apr 16 2003she's got a great smile and has that knack for making me want her....she's funny and sexy...gotta love that
by molfan
Mon Apr 07 2003a 4.5 to me. I know she has been around for some time but with all the attention she got from the Oscars I am just beginning to notice her work as an actress. She did a very fine job as a 1950s wife in Far From Heaven, I liked her work as the kind woman who forgave a family for the death of her child.In a Map of the World. So ar she shows to be a good actress. I would be willing to see more of her movies now.
by electra_laura
Thu Mar 13 2003I love her so much, you can't imaging how!She is the most beautiful and talanted woman on The Earth!!!My dream is to meet her! Julianne! I love you!!! Kisses Laura
by theatre_bug_05
Mon Feb 17 2003Phenominal Actress.
by ridermage
Mon Jan 20 2003It's nice to see her finally getting the respect she deserves! She's one of the better actresses in Hollywood, and she isn't predictable. Her roles have been all over the place, from smaller indy pictures, to big budget popcorn flicks.
by nicolekidmanru_les
Tue Jan 14 2003Beautiful and Talented!
by christielbrad
Fri Jan 03 2003I don't usually leave comments, but in this case, I HAD to. I realize its all a matter of one's own opinion, but how can anyone say that Julianne is overrated?!!! She has great range, does a variety of blockbuster and independent movies, and never appears to have let her fame go to her head. She seems to really choose most of her roles(not just for the money, like some do)! So, in MY opinion, she is underrated!
by lily6601
Thu Jan 02 2003Overrated-she is not as great an actress as everyone makes her out to be.
by nicrules_007
Fri Dec 27 2002Beautiful... looking forward to seeing the Hours with Nicole in it...