From Wikipedia: "Judaism (from the Greek Ioudaïsmos, derived from the Hebrew יהודה, Yehudah, "Judah";[1] ...
Approval Rate: 57%
Reviews 0
by ilovethis
Sat Jun 25 2011Great! I'm glad I was never this rebellious when I was a teen! http://laughtattoons.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?pho toid=126063272
by misusinggrace
Tue Mar 22 2011They are waiting for the Messiah to come and we Christians are waiting for the Messiah to come back again. They have the laws and oracles of God we Christians believe it all pointed to Jesus and that he is the Christ.
by guy_dc1b
Wed Dec 29 2010The books of this religion seem to turn some people into rigid douchebags.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Tue Dec 28 2010Not being Jewish, I have to give an outsider's view. Judaism is a term foisted upon it by the secular philosophers of the Enlightenment. The problem is, Judaism is not a religion, it is a law. There is no word in Hebrew for "religion." The idea that it is a religion is an alien concept put upon it by those meaning to demean, condemn, criticize. Unlike other organized monotheistic religions, they do not actively pursue converts. No "Torah or the sword" or "put in a mikvah every man, woman, and child you can" mindset. The Jewish approach to life is that of applying logic to every situation, from business to personal affairs. The idea is that emotions must be held in check; emotions are what lead people astray and cause problems. A good example is the hate spewed on this thread by emotional (rather than intellectual) responses to the Jews.
by everydaypeople
Tue Dec 28 2010I am Jewish and take offense at the uncivil tone and anti-semitic bents. A person does not have to be a moron because they do not hold the same views. I am educated fools girlfriend/roommate and I assure you he is not Aryandan. Are you all that much of an egotist that anyone who disagrees with you all are one person that you peg who disagrees with you all? He is sober for going on ten years and is a drug counselor. They believe in a higher power to help them cope. What is your vice? Sex, drugs booze, blogging. You do you and let others be. Every day people are what makes the world go round. Every day people is a great song by Sly and the Family Stone and I totally agree with the lyrics.
by jester002
Tue Jul 06 2010Judaism dates back more than 3000 years and is the worlds oldest surviving religious cult err umm I mean religion. The Hebrew bible also known as the Tanakh bases Judaism on the relationship established with God by the so-called Chosen Children of Israel or the Jewish people. Ironically, the chosen ones fate seemed to point to a dysfunctional relationship with God because it was their destiny to become designers, engineers, and mostly slaves for the Great Egyptian Public Works and Pyramid Construction Projects. Instituted in 4032 BC by the Great Pharaoh, loan shark, and former licensed contractor Imatottal Tutimkhanman the Second (pronounced Im-a-Total Two-Time-Conman) the massive projects helped restart the sagging economy which had been suffering from a recession, by rebuilding all roads, bridges, sewers, water lines, power grids, and the pyramids. Famous Egyptologist and archaeologist Doctor Zahi Hawass discovered the diary of a former Jewish slave and well-respected Rabbi Schlong... Read more
by ayn9b559
Thu Apr 01 2010The first of the Abrahamic faiths, Jews believe: *G-d exists, is one and is eternal *G-d is holy and perfect *G-d is our father and our king *The prophets were real and spoke what is true *G-d knows the thoughts and actions of man *The messiah will one day come and free mankind *There will be a ressurrection of souls *There are 613 commandments given by G-d in the Torah Judaism, as a religion is both Tribal and Open, meaning that you are born into it, but they also accept converts (http://www.rateitall.com/i-2398603-conversion-controversy.aspx for slightly more in depth). Importantly, Jews write [the words that I command you today] on the doorposts of their house and on their gates. -Deuteronomy 6:9, 11:19 It's quite a bit more involved than just Christianity minus Jesus.
by gregg85
Wed Dec 09 2009they killed jesus.. have no respect for any of them ANTi CHRiST RELiGON
by nirose
Mon May 25 2009They are Gods chosen people as they say.
by focusonthis
Sun Mar 29 2009God's chosen people. Don't mess with them! A patient people. They are still waiting for the Messiah. A Blind people. They are still waiting for the Messiah. He has Risen !!! God in the form of Jesus Christ came to them first. They rejected Him because they are waiting for a political Messiah and not one who grants enternal salvation. Pray that they open their eys and hearts to Him.
by pugwash01
Fri Feb 06 2009Gods Chosen people!!!! A very religious bunch that seems to not understand that works get you no-where when it comes to the new covenant. Devout to their beliefs and very misunderstood by many people!
by dandvf0c
Thu Jan 22 2009Silly religion - they got bombed like sitting ducks in 1973, on Yom Kippur Day: < the="" obvious="" reason="" for="" choosing="" the="" jewish="" holiday="" of="" yom="" kippur="" for="" staging="" a="" surprise="" attack="" on="" israel="" was="" that="" on="" this="" specific="" day="" (unlike="" any="" other="" holiday)="" the="" country="" comes="" to="" a="" complete="" standstill.="" on="" yom="" kippur,="" the="" holiest="" day="" for="" jews,="" not="" only="" observant,="" but="" most="" secular="" jews="" fast,="" abstain="" from="" any="" use="" of="" fire,="" electricity,="" engines,="" communications,="" etc.,="" and="" all="" road="" traffic="" comes="" to="" a="" standstill.="">>
by abdulhayyulqay_yum
Fri Jan 02 2009Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith Narrated by AbuHurayrah The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Allah will raise for this community at the end of every hundred years the one who will renovate its religion for it. (HR.Abu Daud 4291, Ash Shahihah (599)). Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith Narrated by Mu'adh ibn Jabal The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu'adh ibn Jabal). (HR.Abu Daud 4294, Al Misykah (5425)) Sunan of Abu-Dawood Narrated byTsauban The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their d... Read more
by kuzbe55d
Sun Dec 21 2008World suffers from this racist religion.
by orangecharlie
Wed Dec 17 2008I don't believe as they do, but I find many of the Jewish customs to be beautiful.
by pcozzy
Wed Dec 17 2008don't let the internet be your guide every Jew, is handed a million and a laptop when they are born. I like the Jews but wish they can come to the truth. They need to lighten up their secretive aggressions and selfishness.
by oldiesmusicfan_101
Sat Aug 16 2008I am an agnostic so my knowledge of this religion is mostly from a scholarly point of view rather then a spiritual. Judaism is the first and therefore the oldest monotheistic religion (believes in one god). This religion and some of it`s teachings are quite similar to Christianity, (as it should Christianity was born from it). There are however many differences, they believed in god as an unnamable power, if I`m remembering right from the course I took god isn`t mention a whole lot. The mention of the afterlife is referred to but only in the vaguest of terms. An overly critisized and prosecuted religion, if I was to ever convert it would probably be to this one.
by melanie
Tue Jul 15 2008if they actually realized that their Messiah has already been here and stop practicing old testament rituals
by ryan24
Sat Jul 12 2008Well, It's a regional religion not a 'universal' religion like Buddhism, or Christianity. I don't know a shit load about it but it seems to me to be very legalistic and based around jewish culture and for only certain people.. I wasn't born there so not for me.
by ms_167855084
Tue Jul 08 2008Jesus was a Jew.
by rachael
Mon Jul 07 2008h
by eric_offshore_drilling_is_cool
Sat Jul 05 2008I love the Jewish People I love Israel. But I am a Christian so they lack one thing. Jesus.
by laydeezee92
Fri Jul 04 2008Sounds a great Religion! Although, I do feel sorry for them cause they always seem to be the butt of anti-semitism :(:(:(
by cute_but_psycho
Thu Jul 03 2008Jews kick ass!
by bumblebee
Sun Jun 22 2008its ok because they believe in jesus and god!!
by jreh_2911
Sun Jun 22 2008are is okay... different, yes, but horrible, no
by mrs_keisha
Thu Jun 19 2008W/O payment for sin you are lost. The Messiah has come!
by nathan550
Thu Jun 19 2008good religion,but spawned a few bad ones
by canadasucks
Wed Jun 18 2008Respectable philosophy, dedicated followers, tend to make better decisions as a collective than other major religions. . .I respect and admire the followers of Judaism although I have issues with some of the political, social, and militaristic actions of Israel. Still, it's tough to give complete respect to a group of people who believe so strongly in fairy-tales of the Old Testament God- a malicious, murderous, genocidal monster of a creation that no sane person would ever create by himself.
by private_punx
Wed Jun 18 2008Step right up and pick your Bible, or just the half that suits you.
by oo_michelle_oo
Wed Jun 18 2008No problem with the religion itself, just the nation of Israel.
by wendyvine
Mon Jun 16 2008Gods chosen people but they don't believe in Jesus so....
by mazdadon1
Sun Jun 15 2008This eldest of the Abrahamic religions is I think a wealth of knowledge guarded by secrecy. In fact I believe that this religion was formed through a culmination of spiritual wisdom and technology acquired and accumulated by the Judaic people through experience and revelation before and during the time they were the chosen people of the divine to receive that blessing perhaps exclusively. While much of it may be obsolete however I think that a scholarly cross referring of the scriptures and traditions of Judaism and other religions, particularly other Abrahamic scriptures would bear out an unimaginable amount of applicable knowledge and wisdom. Ironically I think the most significant thing about the Judaic religion as its practiced now is as a historic reference like a great reenactment. I'm more interested in rich heritage and modern disposition of the ethnic groups associated with Judaism than the religion itself, which is still more Ironic because I get the impression that they ar... Read more
by myspace_116743397
Sat Jun 14 2008waited around for Jesus to come, but when he did they didn't believe it... noobs...
by historyfan
Thu Jun 12 2008Where Christians get their roots. :)
by natalo
Tue Jun 10 2008ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
by myspace_353361342
Tue Jun 10 2008no need 4 words
by the_original_sin
Tue Jun 10 2008I am not Jewish but I do prefer Judaism to Christianity . I love how they go back to the roots and the beginnings of monotheistic religion.
by lisa45
Mon Jun 09 2008God's chosen ones.
by myspace_387493239
Mon Jun 09 2008I never put-down other's religous beliefs'-however I will say that Judaism (to me) makes a lot of sense
by myspace_65280043
Sun Jun 08 2008the jews were gods ppl. b4 any of us
by rovert_or_trevor
Fri Jun 06 2008Hey I can't deny the validity of some of the ideals that Judaism follows, but some of their traditions are nonsensical in the present world.
by tyler_482
Mon Jun 02 2008it ok
by funeral_empyre
Mon Jun 02 2008Christianity based off of this. judaism is just a poison.
by gold_dragon
Mon Jun 02 2008I'm Jewish by birth and I've studied Judaism, and subsequently Jewish mysticism aka Kabbalah. Everything that is Judaism was given to the Jews by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Babylonians. The only thing eunique about the Jewish people is their humor.
by marcus
Sun Jun 01 2008Hebrews! lol
by love_lipe
Sat May 31 2008I have ot say GREAT because my ansters were Jewish/German
by madeline
Sat May 31 2008WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!