Juanita Bynum
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by oscargamblesfr_o
Thu Aug 19 2010She gets the patented oscargamblesfro star boost for being a reasonably attractive sister, even though she's probably just as much of a fraud as the white (and other) guys on this list.
by aposor
Fri Mar 19 2010She is the best of the best and the cream of the crop a truly annonted disciple. Don't be jealous
by anonymoustoo
Tue Mar 16 2010I think she loves the Lord but fame, people and money can lift you up till you forget who you are (A humble Servant of the Lord). Thanks to TBN she sure was high and lifted up at the speed of lighting. Let this be a lesson for people who want attention, fame and the spotlight. People can turn on you at the drop of a dime. Don't ever trust the praises of people, as I am sure Bynum can now tell you. We need to let Jesus be the only exalted Super-Star over His Church and quit making Super stars out of mere Vessels of the Lord! Honor them but don't worship them! Did anyone hear her "No More Sheets" when she first came on the National Television scene? It was real honest, awesome and touching. Women were helped to break free from abusive relationships with men they were not married to. I think somehow she changed and it was a prideful change of the worst kind. Regarding her outward appearance she sure became beautiful. Nothing wrong with that. I think it is great to see beautiful women ... Read more
by joned4da
Sat Mar 07 2009Someone said that Pastor Arnold Murray is a false teacher because he agrees with historian Dave MacPherson's research on the pretribulation rapture origin. Well, if that "someone" doesn't like MacPherson's research, maybe he would rather side with some of MacPherson's noisiest critics. If so, all he has to do is Google "The NEWEST Pretrib Calendar" in order to quickly find out who those "scholarly" critics are! Anyone who keeps on hugging the 179-year-old pretribulation rapture view is either grossly ignorant or grossly deceptive!
by anonymously
Wed Jan 21 2009A good loving earthly Father tenderly care and provides for his children without them having to pay Him to do it. How much more so with our Heavenly Father. It is sad that many of Gods people don't know what a Fathers love is and don't know the height, depth and width of Gods love for them. Since we received and put our trust and faith in Jesus we have been reconciled back to God without having to work for our Blessings.
by bishopdh
Wed Dec 31 2008A modern-day Jezebel, this woman violates several aspects of the gospel (including preaching of another gospel). While hearing her speak, she proclaimed that she did not know God's word very well. Interestingly, a person claiming to be a prophet (but doesn't know God's word) has no true basis for judgment when God "supposedly" speaks. These facts, coupled with the fact that she preaches another gospel, has been known to sell $500 prayer kits, twists scripture to her heart's content (e.g., threshingfloors have nothing to do with prayer), and claim to be a defender of battered women when she knows full well that she provoked the incident with Weeks and confessed to frequent practicing of provoking behavior in the past, confirms her as a false prophet.
by lmorovan
Fri May 16 2008Much noise, much babbling, no substance. Pure manipulation of feelings and emotions. Did anyone notice her excruciatingly painful face she puts when on stage? This woman seems to be in labor every time she stands in front of an audience. Note: see my review on Joyce Meyer.
by passtheloot
Sat Apr 19 2008A toothache and sore throat are keeping us up late tonight, so we idly switched over to TBN to see what was going on in the world of wacky word-faith. Theres Juanita Bynum in a white robe, surrounded by men and women dressed all in black. Some interesting notes:Compare Acts 8:
by breezyautumnda_ys
Thu Dec 20 2007Ok, if she and Paula White are "prophets", then you'd think they would have been "spiritually" in tune enough to NOT marry their respective husbands! Prophets of God have a 100% rate on prophecy and anything less is NOT from God. I can tell you and can rightly judge that neither Juanita Bynum nor Paula White are prophets of God! What they are is scam artists who sucker in gullible people to give them money so they can live in mansions, drive luxury cars, fly multi-million dollar private planes, all without having to get a real job.
by overcommer
Fri Oct 05 2007WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!!! Be very careful people how you judge and speak on this woamn and man of God. If we are sin free be the first to through a stone I hope that only the people that is speaking negative about Juanita Bynum and her marriage is the lost. The ones who don't know God but I know that children's of God is the most judgmental people on this earth. Just remember that no matter what people positions in this world they are not exempted from problems. Trouble knocks on the doors of mansions and shacks and no was is exempted from it. In the book written by Larry Huch 10 curses that block the blessing and I quote. "The number one way a curse can come on you and your family is the words you speak about other people an there family. If your not praying about it don't be saying nothing about it if you didn't know the devil don't play fair. He will use the very thing you speak it about this man and woman to get an open door to bring trouble in you and your family live... Read more
by givemejesus
Wed Sep 19 2007well well well, If you guys want to get a good laugh go to her website juanitabynum.com and watch her video she's on there begging for money what she calls "emergency seed" and the amount you ask try this on for size 200K for her new threshing floor so she can pray for us and the nation. Give me a break I have 2 questions for her 1) Why can't she get a loan like the rest of us 2) Go hit up your spiritual father TD Jakes I'm pretty sure he has it why ask us. Or 3 have to add this GO TO WORK!!! I mean that's my answer for getting things I need. And why buy a 200k floor when you can pray in your kitchen, bathroom etc... This is getting dumb now if people don't see this I feel sorry for ya!! I hope you guys don't turn it off before it ends because that's when it gets funny she's so called praying and there's a photographer taking pictures of her praying I'm disgusted by her the nerve. Ya' ll take care and watch out for those false prophets the bible warns us about.....
by crosspreacher
Sat Sep 15 2007juanita is not God's prophet so the whole do my prophets no harm garage dont work here
by haha1000
Tue Sep 11 2007Get your business right with Jesus, Juanita.Sooner or later, your husband will have the opportunity to tell his side of the storyand Oprah is going to wish that she never let you in her house.
by tabby899
by hasanamonique
Sat Aug 25 2007PEOPLE - WHO GOT UP ON THE CROSS AND DIED FOR YOU!!! The LORD JESUS CHRIST IS the only person you should defend, because all else has fallen short of the mark! Pick up YOUR cross and follow him! God Bless you and trust and read your bible for yourself!Is this
by jesussaves777
Fri Aug 24 2007I will continue to pray for juanita because no one truly knows what she is going through and i rather let the lord deal with her than me comment on anything. I pray that the lord may touch her in a great way lord please reach out to her wherever she is in jesus name amen.
by blue47
Thu Aug 02 2007She and T D Jakes need to makes an x rated movie. It'd sell millions...LOL
by doulos
Wed Jul 11 2007Ah, yes. The African American version of Paula White or the female version of T.D. Jakes. I wish people would wake up. How can anyone watch this lady on TV and think she's being sincere? I recall watching her on TV once during an insanely long run of TBN's Prai$e-A-Thons wherein she was dressed all in white (nice prop, Ms. Bynum - aren't you holy?) asking people to sow $1,000 "seeds" and she'll send them a Jewish prayer shawl. Now, c'mon. You can go online and buy one of those shawls for under $20! Fleece here. Fleece there. Fleece everywhere! On top of that, she later asks people to drain their bank accounts into the ministry of TBN. How nice, eh? Not as nice as that diamond on her finger, though. That's a whopper! Prai$e da Lord & pa$$ the bucket(s)! **sighs**
by damien
Sat May 12 2007No comment.....
by lisadh
Thu Apr 05 2007I never liked her aproach at all the yelling can stop! and rambling about., seemed like she was trying to get rich rather then save souls for christ. I was shocked at some of the things she said which were not biblical at all. the first time I saw her was on TBN right after 911 and I dident like her at all. it seemed like they(TBN) were trying to get rich off 911.
by godfirstgodlas_t1infinity
Tue Mar 20 2007Let us pray for Gods' Anointed Servants and those who persecute them; what you believe and what I believe means nothing only God knows who he has called and anointed; if that servant falls out of Gods' will he will deal accordingly; stop with your opinion, my opinion none of us are worthy to pass judgement nor condemn; St. John 8:1-8 any man who is without sin cast the first stone. Let us not think more highly of ourselves than one ought. Be blessed and let God do his job he does not need our help; My prayers are with you all.
by tempshepard
Tue Mar 13 2007Praise the Lord. we need to understand that even if God is using her to deliver people that does not mean that satan is not influencing her nor does it mean she is immune to him or his demonic spirits. Alot of pastors have been lured away by satan and his spirits and they have are perverting the word for their own gain.I am a true believer that prosperity sermons are demonic because they cause you to do the sugar daddy approach with God. they cause people to think about money and material things and that is not the prosperity the lord was talking about. They also teach that god is gonna give you alot of money and a 2007 car or a big house. But if you recall not all people in the bible were rich in money. That is called flesh preaching. Plus if you really are attentive in the lord you will notice that that they don't give you the bible in it's fullest and truest form. they only talk about certain things. For exsample the book of leviticus is not discussed. mainely because it sheds the l... Read more
by jcsaves
Sun Mar 11 2007This is a genuine false prophet. When I hear her preach, I'm reminded of the late James Brown's famous song, "Talking Loud but Aint Saying Nothin'." I don't think she's doing much on her "bringing the nation back to God" project. Too busy trying to find new ways to get people's money.
by nationprophet
Sun Mar 11 2007I rebuke all of you who put your mouth on the prophet of God. She is annointed and appointed by God to lead a nation back to God. God has blessed my so much through his servant. I remember a period in my life when I was about to backslide out of the kingdom and I heard her message on New Heart and it literally changed my life, and it was then that the Lord told me to follow this woman and because of my obedience as he takes her up and give her revelation I automatically get the down load. I know that may sound stupid to all of her HATERS but Jesus said darkness cannot comprehend the light. Come into the light and you will understand. But in the meantime we in Christiandom will continue to guard her in prayer and intercession as we pray for your deliverance. Prophet Timothy Hines
by manofgod0504
Sun Mar 04 2007Prophetess Juanita Bynum, thank you for letting the Lord use you. Your testimony has touched more lives than you know. Thank you.
by scripscan
Sun Feb 18 2007Another joke, eh? She's laughing all the way to the bank!
by em102103
Tue Feb 06 2007The "million-dollar" wedding of Dr. Juanita Bynum, well-known evangelist and author of the best-selling Matters of the Heart, to Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III featured a wedding party of 80, all friends and family, 1,000 guests, a 12-piece orchestra, and a 7.76-carat diamond ring. The black-tie wedding cost "more than a million," the bride said, and included flowers flown in from around the world. "My dress," she says, "took nine months to make. All of the crystals (Swarovski) on the gown were hand-sewn. The headpiece was sterling silver, hand-designed. (www.marriage-planner.com).
by trustinjesus34_56
Wed Jan 31 2007False Prophet. Never did Christ scream giving a sermon. Only when they made his Fathers house a den of thieves.
by bewarefalsepro_phets
Sun Jan 28 2007Very interesting defenses for this false "prophetess," especially from "LADYJOSEPH/ELECTLADY". "Everytime you are putting your mouth on the man or woman of God you are not touching them but the God in them." I had to take about a ten minute laugh break after I read that. But then, I realized how sad it is and to what lengths that people will defend these false prophets. I wish I had time to pick apart that sad defense of the "prophetess" by LADYJOSEPH/ELECTLADY. But hey, if she's happy supporting this false profit and giving her all her money, who's business is it of mine? To anyone who has a lick of discernment...STAY AWAY FROM THIS FALSE "PROPHETESS."
by godlybrotha
Mon Jan 08 2007I have to laugh when I see and hear people shout, "touch not mine anointed," in defense of prosperity pimps, for truly they are the type of people who keep them in business. To think that someone can give themselves the title of "preacher", or "minister", or even "Dr", and "prophet or prophetess", and stand in the pulpit and spout all kinds of heresy and false teaching, WITHOUT ANYONE HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE is pure nonsense. We all have a biblical mandate to expose those who contradict the true gospel(Titus 1:9), and mark those who cause dissention and AVOID them(Rom 16:17). People really quote "touch not mine anointed" and don't have a clue as to what that means. It was referring to King David and his determination not to KILL Saul. So, touch not literally mean to KILL, it has NO REFERENCE to condeming false teaching. If it DOES, then wasn't Paul wrong when he confronted Peter in Gal 2:11 for being a hypocrite?? Did Peter tell Paul, "Hey, buddy, touch not mine anointed!"? Furthermor... Read more
by joy777
Tue Dec 12 2006She is a wonderful woman of God with an incredible annointing, Her Passion for the lord is so clear, I don't understand why anyone would be so mad at her annointing, lets not forget this a woman who has spent years seeking the face of God in early mornings even before the recognition and money, have we forgotten that she did not always have all that she has today she has simply been blessed, to criticise her is to criticise the Lord God Almighty and His word.Its simple if you live for God with all your heart He Will bless You
by marymartha
Mon Dec 04 2006So is that last comment rather like "dont touch God's annointed"? - hmmmm so the preacher (so called) can say what they want, give themselves a title (prophetess - oh pllleeeeaaaseeee) commit heresy, and yet we the Bible reading minions cant say anything??? - hmmm you should be a catholic 050300 - God gave us the Bible for a reason
by chozen
Thu Nov 30 2006ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH....YA'LL IN TROUBLE....THE BIBLE SAYS THAT THE TOUNGE- CUTS....NOW I TRULY UNDERSTAND...WHAT THAT MEANS....AND NOT ONLY THAT BECAUSE ALL OF THIS IS CLEARLY WHAT CHRIST STATED IN THE WORD ABOUT HIS PERSECUTION AND HE WARNS US ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO HIM....SO TRUTH BE TOLD THIS HAS TO OCCUR BECAUSE SCRIPTURE HAS TO COME TO PASS...BECAUSE ISAIAH 55:11 "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty/void, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which i sent it." So I am glad to see this because this just confirms what the Lord has already stated...and it has come to pass.....so for me and everybody else that has been chosen/called...Our prophecies are coming to pass...be prepared...get ready....rid your demons, put on the whole armor of God...and stand firm....."CAUSE YOU SEE THE KIND OF WORLD WE LIVE IN, CAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO PERSECUTE US THE SAME WAY...." I TOUCH AND AGREE RIGHT NOW THAT EVE... Read more
by 503009e0
Thu Nov 02 2006To all of you who say whatever you want about a servant of GOD be careful.GOD will not playing with you remember MOISES sister.
by peanut11188
Tue Oct 17 2006juanita bynum is a woman of god. we need men and women of god in these last days. oh and when she speaks in tongues what language is she speaking?
by puturtrustingo_d
Sat Sep 30 2006She's awesome!
by wyldhype
Wed Sep 20 2006It seems like anyone associated with TBN or the Bible is persecuted. Have any of you read scriptures where Jesus said that anyone with good news will be persecuted. My God if they hung our Savior on the cross, how can we not think these preachers will fall prey to satan's lies and deception and hurtful statements to sever and divide the Body of Christ. Again, let God be the judge. I am convinced we spend more time on being policemen than trying to save sinners.
by jbgjackson
Sun Sep 10 2006God's work will be manifest through Dr. Bynam.
by glizzy
Thu Sep 07 2006God spirit resides within this woman. Pray that she will stay permanently on the holy hill.
by shay1977
Mon Aug 21 2006I know Juanita Bynum she was my mentor for a while in NY I was living in NJ...I have also followed her ministry as I traveled to Atl,GA I preached from age 7-21 i backslid and have since repented....I look at it like this, most people view her as fake because of all the prosperity preaching she does...I have heard her say on occassion that if you don't live right you will not be blessed and she ministers about salvation and delivberance but honestly by the time she gets finished raising the offering most people have forgot about the first requirement she gave which is salvation and if being rich sticks out more in you ministry than salvation in it's purest form, it's not good....The Bible says "for the love of money is the root of all evil"....not money but the love of it is the "root" to "all evil",....then if that is the root why would a minister on any level preach so much about it or allow it to outshine their message if God gave them the message? It is not for me to call that Wo... Read more
by graceplusnothi_ng
Sat Aug 19 2006She speaks jibberish and claims it's tongues. Not biblical at all. She is laughable.
by christianchld
Tue Aug 01 2006Juanita Bynum is known for her powerful preaching on God and his judgment and how God feels about sin. I think that she has been a blessing to many and again, we must know Jesus for ourselves. Many of these people on TBN and Daystar and the Word Network have helped many lives and brought many to Jesus in spite of their teachings and interpretations of scripture. I think we should leave the judgment to God on all preachers. It's funny how we critcize some of these televangelists on TBN, but call others blessings. I have never heard anyone speak bad about Adrian Rodgers or Dr.Kennedy, yet we speak badly about Dr.Dollar and Myles Munroe and Kenneth Copeland. That is judging and God is the only one who can judge. How can we say someone is called or isn't called? Only God knows and we must use discernment and believe that the Holy Spirit will lead us to the right pastor in spite of the controversial teachings these men and women of God might have.
by questioneveryt_hing
Sat Jul 22 2006a false prophet if ever I saw one
by airbrushartist
Mon May 01 2006Hmmmmmmmm! Miracle.UH I mean Dunamis ,I thought you were a lot smarter and Biblical discerned ,But from your statment about The prophetess bynum I can see maybe you are not.... Take this little test. Who replaced Judas after he went to Hell? and How did they Decide?
by youngprophet
by michellemaroni_e
Mon Apr 10 2006I love God!!!!!! She represents everything about God. She does not compromise her beliefs and she is a mentor to many many black women. I believe that she is for such a time as this. God is really using her to reach the masses. I am was in Atlanta GA at the Threshing floor Revival and I was really blessed. It WAS NOT JUST ANOTHER CONFERENCE!!!!!!! There was true impartation there. I thank God for a person that I can identify with. God used mighty men of God that ALL had flaws, but they are not here. We can read their works is the Bible but we cant see them. Dr.Bynum is a living breathing example of how God can save you and exalt you like no other thing in this earth. She glows with holiness. I am not praising her but I do recognize and see God in her. Knowing her past is so reachable to me as a Black woman that has messed up and now that Jesus has saved me I can relate on so many levels to Dr. Bynum. DONT hate cause she is a MIGHTY WOMAN OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!