Joy Behar
Approval Rate: 64%
Reviews 0
by lmo132
Fri Mar 05 2010Joy Bahar is a liberal and that is fine with me. I do not believe that because she has liberal views that she is a bad or stupid person. I only wish that she had the good sense to feel the same about those who have a more conservative view. She seems intolerant and incapable of accepting anyone who does not agree with her. She comes across as crude and ignorant. I believe that people with her level of bias should be in some other business. She should take a page from the book of the network that cleans her clock every night and be more fair and balanced! She is way too full of herself.
by lix0d3d3
Sun Jan 24 2010I stumbled upon one of her bumbling interviews with some other raging liberal bemoaning a comment Brown made when he won the election about his daughter's being available.. that she spent the five minutes or so discussing that was in itself an indication as to what little material of substance she has to spew.. that 9/10 posts responding to the video were all people who didn't support/like her was another.... but the third point was, and I don't know why I was so surprised, was her making disparaging remarks about Brown's daughters wearing bikini's while on vacation. made me wonder why Liberals seemed to keen to attack children/children of Republican/Conservative politicians while at the same time spewing their so called support of women's rights... I for one hope that Joy Behar never puts on a bikini that someone decides to snap a picture of, because that kind of image is the sort that is burned on the retina's and enough to make me to run for the porcelain throne and ask someone to ... Read more
by realistandhuma_n
Wed Dec 09 2009I don't even want to give her any credibility as I find her very crass, unattractive and well frankly stupid and un informed. Her job seems to be to fill as many unsubstanciated lies and inuendos enought to make the average( albeit even more stupid) person go hmmmm. I will not buy any products of sponsors who endorse her nor any of the hate filled so-called second-rate actors or comedians that fill up a time slot on her show. It's all about hate for them they remind me of a bad movie that has eggagerated talk show hosts embedded in the movie that are so over the top that they can't be believed. They are surreal. and they have their purpose... Am I worried about this subhuman? No she will face the wrath of someone much higher than myself at a later date. Enjoy your dance and deals with Satan now as it will all come home to you hate filled jackals sooner or later... Janice Clemens
by marnimarni
Fri Oct 09 2009ick ick ick ick ick ... can't stand that woman on the View. I stopped watching it because of her. To me, she is in the same nerve grating category as Kathy Lee Gifford. Joy's show will never last. It's already boring after a few weeks. My biggest fear is that they might consider her as a replacement for Larry King when he retires. I hope they get Ryan Seacrest or Anderson Cooper to replace Larry.
by tonjajacobson
Thu Mar 19 2009I love listening to Joy on the view... I almost always agree with what she has to say. Also, Whoopi Goldberg!!!!They are both no-nonsense and are not afraid of giving their own views on things going on. Elisabeth is a nit-wit!!!!! There, I have said what I needed to say and hope that Joy and Whoopi will be on for a long time. You go, Ladies!!!!!!! tonja jacobson
by angrysushi
Fri Dec 26 2008I don't watch The View any more, I just can't stand her. This woman is so smug and annoying, and I don't care to watch her laughing at her own jokes. Yuck.
by pms80e9f
Sun Dec 21 2008I use to enJOY what I thought was her quick wit. Then they had the behind the scenes show, she was asking a writer for one liners for hot topics. He was shown saying how busy he was writing material for Joy.
by chalky
Fri Nov 14 2008I think Joy Behar shares the same trough as Hillary Clinton. I didn't think anyone could give Rosie O'Donnell a run for the money but Joy could definitely do that.
by dant2590
Fri Nov 14 2008Joy is a really funny lady! And it's so great when she puts Elizabeth in her place. She and Whoopi make a great team. It really is too bad, though, that the shows creators are so dumb that they leave that stupid blond girl on the show day after day. Joy really has a sense of humor and never takes anything majorly seriously, unlike Elizabeth whose face would crack if she ever smiled. I'd LOVE to see the show that Joy and Whoopi have on the road. I bet that's great [and a chance to see them WITHOUT whiny Elizabeth]
by kitty77
Tue Oct 28 2008She is a rude, crude, hypocritical loudmouth b*tch. She sits there and either pouts or just yells over anybody that she disagrees with. I stopped watching this show full of harpies (except for Elisabeth) a long time ago. I hate this show and frankly, I can't understand how it stays on the air.
by callitdownthel_ine75
Wed Sep 17 2008Joy Behar likes to say that Republicans (and anyone she is even remotely ideologically or personally oppposed to) are narrow-minded and shrill, but you put a guest on The View that she is either ideologically opposed to, or one that she has some beef with for no apparent reason, and what does she do? Let's see: Behar typically reacts by folding her arms, scoffs at whatever that person has to say, and doesn't even have the professionality to address that person in a manner that would make her more sympathetic. In the end, while Elisabeth Hasselbeck may be what her opponents call a "dumb blonde" and a ditz (among other things), let's at least be fair in also calling Behar what she is: a major hypocrite.
by smoochesdarlin_g
Thu Sep 11 2008Cranky, negative and sarcastic. That about sums it up.
by dianah
Tue Mar 18 2008If this woman can just sit still for two minutes, I might listen to her. She flinches, scratches, fidgets and you can see in her annoying body habits that she just cant wait for someone to jump in to cause some hate and discontent. And if they don't she will. Joy and Barbara should just hang it up. Thank God Star left. Sherry is so ill informed and Elisabeth has a chipmunk voice. I guess I cant take any of them anymore. I stopped watching months ago, but every show seems to pick up some tidbit that one of these morons had to say.
by thedon
Mon Feb 18 2008Joy is one brassy lady - only the gifted can quip so quickly. She really is brilliant, and at 64, she looks like a million. I love her, she keeps me laughing and we all could use more of that! Cheers Joy - and don't give an inch to Elitist-bitch Hasselbeck. God help us.
by abbylou
Wed Jul 11 2007Just curious what ya think....I know she isn't in the running but I think Jenny McCarthy would make a creat replacement host. Does anyone agree with me??? Whoopie should get the other seat.I love Joy. She is direct, honest, smart, funny.....the list goes one. Yea, she is a little bitter at times but I will take her any day over Elisabitch!!! She says some of things that people might be thinking but are too afraid to say. I love her and I hope she continues with The View as long as it's on the air.
by tammi585
Tue May 29 2007Joy was the 2nd best thing on The View, but I can live without her rather then have to suffer through another second of Elisabeth Hasselbeck!!!!!!!! Hope she show flops. I know Rosie and Joy will be just fine as they are great people who actually have talent! Hope the show wins an emmy also to prove it was Rosie that won it for them after all these years!
by bassman44113
Sun Apr 22 2007I find this woman horribly irritating. Shes's like nails on a chalkboard, I cannot change the channel fast enough. She seems very bitter
by rschonfeld
Thu Jan 25 2007Reminds me of my "know-it-all Aunt" who, it turns out, really did know it all.
by hellokitty09
Fri Jan 05 2007Her nasal and scratchy voice makes me want to barf all over the place.
by cablejockey
Thu Sep 21 2006I like Joy. She has a no nonsense approach to the show and I like her sharp wit.
by dallas
Wed Jul 05 2006I can't help it. She makes me laugh out loud.
by marlane
Sat Jul 01 2006She deserves kudos for hanging in there! Guess her experience as a NYC teacher helps her deal with those tantrum throwing "ladies." Also it helps that she actually is smart. Will miss seeing her verbally trounce Star for casting herself as the only one in the know about the life of the poor and/or working class.
by childofgod70
Sat Jul 01 2006I hope this is the last season. The View is spilling over into other media and it is not pretty. Too catty, too bitter, not interesting. This show should have been put out to pasture years ago. Joy is so very Joy-less.
by audreyce
Tue Mar 28 2006This is a very bitter and unhappy woman and should not be inflicted upon people under any guise.... I stopped watching the view because I simply could not stomach this very horrid woman anymore-
by ih8rateitall
Fri Mar 24 2006All of these View chicks need a man to straighten them out dudes. These women yack, yack, yack, yack. Shut up!
by rhapsody22
Wed Jan 18 2006My god, this woman is possibly one of the most grating hosts on television. She's rude and offensive but is she really any worse than the other wretched women on this show? Elitist, nobody Star Jones Reynolds, whiny Meredith Viera and ditzy, untalented Elisabeth Hasselbeck. These women have done nothing for society except get paid to bitch and gossip about men and their unhappy lives.
by lgarr33b
Wed Jan 18 2006Crabby, washed-up, has-been comedienne.
by cleverpinkpixi_e
Thu Oct 20 2005speaks her mind. i like that.
by tunaa8ad
Wed Aug 04 2004Joy is an excellent comedienne and always makes me laugh on The View. She's very funny and has a quick wit.
by eric04
Wed Aug 04 2004Voice aside, she has to laugh at her own jokes or clap at her own comments in order for the audience to get them.
by jglscd35
Tue May 11 2004her voice can actually remove paint!
by ernesta
by vlrg9ad8
Fri Apr 16 2004I used to watch The View to be entertained, but Joy has turned the program into a vehicle to promote her own left wing politics while bashing anyone who doesn't agree with her. After listening to her mean-spiritedness, hypocrisy (lambasting conservative Rush Limbaugh while defending liberal Howard Stern for the same type of comments, and interrupting everyone but verbally insisting that no one interrupt her, etc), and agenda pushing, I am no longer able to stomach her.
by tototoo
Thu Apr 08 2004Joy adds the humor to The View and comes up with excellent quips. She has a quick wit and is entertaining as well as being a good interviewer.