Joining the military? You must be dumb.

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    Tue Oct 14 2008

    Vague listing. Some yes- some no. Plenty of people join for some wonderful reasons and others went because (in all honestly) he or she had nowhere else to go. And I have both kinds in my family. This is 'thesis of gargantuan proportions.'  Certainly belonging to the military doesn't mean you aren't above criticism if you hold a false or incorrect opinion. . .

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    Tue Oct 14 2008

    Some say support our troops, some say we're knuckledraggers who can't do anything better with our lives. Of course I won't name names, but I'm curious to see if the haters come out and play today...

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    Tue Oct 14 2008

    Luckily I still live somewhere it's respected. If other places think it's so dumb, take any benefit of the military away from them. I'd hate to subject them to such stupidity.

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    Tue Oct 14 2008

    If someone believes in the cause and consequences of going in the military, then those who do so are the farthest thing from dumb