John Travolta

Approval Rate: 72%

72%Approval ratio

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    Sat Jan 23 2010

    I LOVE HIM TO DEATH all his movies are fantastic and a must see.

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    Tue Aug 11 2009

    Wow, has he ever come a long way since Vinnie Barbarino...

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    Tue Aug 11 2009

    He has a fair bit of talent, but in general, he chooses not to use it. Take a look at the resume, and there are far, far, far, too many shitty performances on it.

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    He has had some good roles over the years. lIked him in Saturday night fever, Grease. and then over the years he made kind of a comeback . he was good in Primary colors. and Michael. He is a likable actor. He was good in Ladder 49 too.   UPDATE: I have always liked John Travolta and right now my heart goes out to him .Kelly Preston and family.. on january 2.while vacationing in the Bahama's their 16yr.old son Jett died suddenly from what is believed a siezure and maybe hitting his head on a bathtub. Maybe I should not be reporting this on Rateitall. but just saw it all over the news and I feel terrible for the family. losing a child is one of the worst things that can happen to a person.

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    JOHN TRAVOLTA IS SUPER HOTT AND MEGA CUTE WHEN HE WAS IN HIS 20's Hes an interesting person now.

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    Mon Aug 11 2008

    In fairness to Travolta, I didn't see Saturday Night Fever in which he was supposed to be quite good. But I did see him in Pulp Fiction which supposedly revitalized his career, and I can't quite understand why. To me, it was a role that almost anyone could have played. He seems to be an actor of very limited range.Update-- On a personal note, I have 2 little cousins who were extras on the remake of "The Taking Of Pelham  1 2 3" starring Travolta, Denzel Washington, and James Gandolfini, which should be released sometime soon. My cousins had pictures of themselves that were taken on the set in NY, and Travolta was extremely gracious and kind to them, posing patiently for numerous pictures taken by their mother. Washington, on the other, couldn't be bothered. I'm sympathetic with "stars" being bothered wherever they go, but how much would it have taken for Washington (a superb actor, by the way) to pose for a picture with 2 juvenile extras? Travolta may not be the actor Washington is, bu... Read more

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    In his action movies hes okay, in his comedys he is just plain dumb, he thinks hes funny..well hes not

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    Fri Dec 07 2007

    Ugh. Vinne, you overplayed your hand.

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    Mon Feb 05 2007

    Adorable,cute nice guy. I think he is a great actor,he just needs to pick better scripts.

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    Sun Jan 14 2007

    Can't get past the "high school greaser" image; he carries it around in every movie

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    Fri Sep 15 2006

    Travolta has proved himself to be a great actor over the years, but his too-cool-for-school persona is a bit too much at times.

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    Sat Aug 12 2006

    Truely underated. This guy is a great actor. He has a gaze that is very hipnoctic. Watch his eyes in his movies.

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    Mon Dec 12 2005

    Barely passable actor, just this side of awful.

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    Sat Oct 29 2005

    Hit or miss with him.

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    Mon Oct 10 2005

    A very flat actor. I liked him in Welcome Back Kotter, but that's about all.

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    Sat Aug 20 2005

    I like Travolta. If I have anything negative to say it's that he could stand to say no to a script occasionally. Every time he makes another comeback, he starts appearing in every movie that comes his way. Ummmm... By the way, do you think the last two reviews are from the same person with two different usernames? Gee, could be.

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    he has a daltin head and in 'be cool' he says lets make a deal way too much. they should have just shot him. in the head. the movie would have been way more funnier. he's so stupid. he cant even act and he sings like a girl

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    Thu May 19 2005

    he really made a comeback with pulp fiction but he actually has done many movies over the years that fit in almost every category. musical=grease comedy=look whos taking drama=the boy in the plastic bubble etc... despite all the ups and downs he has showed perserverence

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    Thu Apr 21 2005

    I hate celebrities who: 1) Can't admit they're gay when everybody else knows it already. 2) Shill for the Scientology cult. 3) Park jets on their front lawns.

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    Thu Mar 31 2005

    He's done a lot and I always manage to enjoy his movies. Not saying he's the best but he's damn good.

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    Sat Mar 19 2005

    I just love the guy. He's made some poor choices, but I have really enjoyed many of his movies. He also seems like one of the nicest men in Hollywood. He's a treasure.

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    Wed Mar 02 2005

    He is terrible. He cannot really play any kind of emotion, he is stiff and just not good enough. He is good in movies like Grease or Saturday night fever where you don't have to be a good actor for. The only mentionable performance was in Pulp Fiction, but he was outshined by all the other actors.

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    Fri Feb 04 2005

    without QT, nothing.

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    I loved him in Grease. That will always be my all time favorite movie! i loved him in look who's talking too

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    Fri Dec 10 2004

    Talk about lucky. his career was dead in the water until he got the role in Pulp Fiction. Now he's one of the hottest actors around, getting tons of work in a variety of movie types. He's done some good stuff ( Get Shorty) and his share of bad ones ( Battlefield Earth). He's here to stay though and I really dont have that much of a problem with that. Mr. Comeback has a beautiful wife ( Kelly Preston) as well. That's good for a One Star bump up.

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    Tue Nov 16 2004

    John Travolta is an extremely talented actor! He is a triple threat because he is a great dancer, actor and singer! He should do more musicals! My favorite movies of his are Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Urban Cowboy, Primary Colors (he did such a great impersonation of Bill Clinton), A Civil Action and The Generals Daughter! I hope he wins an oscar one day! He deserves one!

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    Sun Sep 26 2004

    He's usually extremely mediocre and sometimes absolutely terrible Battlefield Earth. Him being a Scientologist doesn't help things either.

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    Travolta is one of the best actors

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    Tue May 18 2004

    Love this guy. Plays great angels. I think he walks on water.

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    Mon May 17 2004

    Although he's married to Kelly Preston (a very hot woman), I still beleive that John Travolta is gay. Maybe the Queer Eye guy can recruit him. His acting ability is well below marginal, just look at the lack of box office success, in particular Battlefield Earth and Swordfish.

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    Wed Sep 17 2003

    He'd be great if he wasn't a Dianetics looney!

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    Tue Sep 02 2003

    He lost alot of respect in my eyes after he starred in Pulp Fiction. Because that movie was so immoral and ridiculous, I just can't see his talent anymore, and believe me I have tried. I just can't get past that horrible movie. :(

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    Mon Sep 01 2003

    Had his peak in the '70s and '80s. Hasn't been doing that great in bmy opinion. Still good.

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    Sat Aug 30 2003

    John Travolta stinks as an actor, singer, entertainer. When he acts he makes me cringe. His only good role was playing Tony Manero in Saturday Night Fever because he was playing a stupid, confused Brooklyn kid . It's pretty close to what he really is. He was alright in Grease but they should have chosen someone else to play Danny Zucco and it would have been better. Presently, he is as fat as a cow. The Late, Great Bob Hope used to call him " John Ravolta " . If there were a way to give him a negative rating he deserves it. This guy is another one of Hollywoods mistakes. Anyone who gave him a 5 Star rating must be on drugs and if they are not then they need to be on drugs. Or at least have their heads examined.

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    Sat Jul 26 2003

    He might be very likeable in a dorky sort of way, but he is not an actor, and no one should ever put him in charge of anything so important as a 200 million dollar action sci-fi flick (you know the one I mean). He may have a great goofy smile, but he sucks at acting and I am only going to suspect the intelligence of anyone who willingly converts to the Church of Scientology. Don't email me and tell me I'm wrong about the CoS, because you will never convince me that there is anything legitimate about those heartless scam artists.

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    Thu Jul 10 2003

    one of the best he has stared in face/off one of the best action films of all time

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    Tue Jun 03 2003

    Difficult to believe that such an unconvincing no-talent like this continues to get roles. He sucked in the "Welcome Back, Cotter" days and he hasn't progressed much since then. Every performance of his that I've seen, and we're talking about a dozen movies, was so poorly realized and shallow that I wanted to write him a letter suggesting some acting schools he should check out. Sings like a duck with hay fever and for all the talk about him as a dancer, he's really nothing to rave about. Really weak.

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    Tue May 06 2003

    He was good in Saturday Night Fever and Grease. And I thought he was pretty funny sometimes on Welcome Back Kotter....I wonder why Nick at Nite quit showing that.....

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    Tue May 06 2003

    John Travolta has an amazing talent that is rare in Hollywood today. Throughout his career, he has shown that he can bounce back. John Travolta really impressed me in "Face Off" and "Broken Arrow", in which he played the villian. I really didn't expect that he would do well in playing the villian, but he performed perfectly. He's pretty good at playing the hero in movies as well, such as he did in "Domestic Distrubance". However, his best films in recent years in my opinion have been dramas: "A Civil Action", "The General's Daughter", "Primary Colors" and "Michael". They were all great performances which showed John Travolta's depth and range as an actor. His earlier works are classics- he was wonderful in "Grease", which served as a preminition of just how colorful Travolta's career would be. And his career certainly has been colorful. However, what was he thinking with "Battlefield Earth"?

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    Thu May 01 2003

    I liked him earlier in his career in "Grease", and in "Pulp Fiction." Now, I find him annoying. He talks like he has a stick up his patoot.

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    Wed Apr 30 2003

    Grown up & looking good now.

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    Mon Feb 03 2003

    He is okay, but he needs to get a real religon what the heck is scientology sounds more like some kind of plant then a religon

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    Tue Jan 14 2003


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    Mon Jan 13 2003

    John is one of those actors who can perform any role, no matter how terrible the film is. Even his work in Moment By Moment and Perfect was great.

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    Wed Jan 01 2003

    So cute in Grease and Saturday Night Fever!