John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1961-1963)

Approval Rate: 47%

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    Thu Sep 10 2009

    All style, no substance. The style, and the bullets in Dealey Plaza, have gained him a place in history his deeds do not warrant.

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    Thu Sep 10 2009

    Who knows what the man might have accomplished for this country had he lived. Anyone who believes the Warren Commission Report or defends it either needs their head examined or is with the extremist conservative groups that brought JFK down. His assassination is one of the worst and most shameful moments in this country's history...and a terribly depressing expose on who's REALLY running the show...

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    Sun May 10 2009

    Give Kennedy an ok rating, but at least thankfully it was JFK not his brother Ted that was President.

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    Fri Apr 17 2009

    Dude was a player! Heard that threesomes were not uncommon for him, and banging random people at dinner parties was as common as the wine they served. however that has nothing to do with the presidency. Playa was smooth but I understand he was a lousy president. The bay of pigs was a disaster. he did not keep his promise to the blacks, leading to increasing militancy among some blacks who felt betrayed by him, and he was pulled closer and closer to 'nam. Still i gave him an extra star, 'coz like Reagan he brought optimism to the people with charm and humor.

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    "It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now ... Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus." John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, president's news conference

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    He did a lot of good for our country and had a backbone when it came to dealing with the Soviets. I don't like how he handled his personal life, but I think he was a good president.

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    Wed Sep 03 2008

    he wasn't given enough time

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    Fri Aug 29 2008

    not the god people make him out to be, but one of the freshest voices of the last century, and full of hope

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    Sat Aug 09 2008

    one of the best though had short presidency. Though sad he had to be a cheater like his father. jackie was a hot babe not like he had someone who wasnt his equal.

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    Sun Aug 03 2008

    This great president united our country and world opinion to work with us. He inspired young Americans to look beyond their own interests to work for the common good of our country and other countries. Unfortunately he was drug further and further towards the Vietnam war, which I believe he wanted to pull us out. Killed before he could accomplish the reforms that we needed in the post war international world.

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    Wed Jul 23 2008

    He made some mistakes but he learned from them. He could have served a second term.

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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    Kennedy was ultimately a reckless leader who didn't know how to handle the USSR, least of all by taking away the Communists' major recruitment tool, which was American racism and inequality. The empty flash should provide a lesson for Obama, who certainly has more substance but the tenor of whose leadership style can sometimes evoke JFK's. Garry Wills has shown that Obama's political style ultimately most resembles Lincoln's instead ... let's hope he's right ...

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    He helped save the world from a nuclear crisis, but I don't always agree with what he stands for.

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    I believe JFK was a good man, and truly wanted what was best for our country...and dealt w/ other countries "amicabley" - however, couldn't give a him a rating of "great" cuz of the rumors of the infidelity

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    Fri May 23 2008

    Potential snuffed out. The country took a downward spiral in the aftermath that it still hasn't pulled out from.

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    Tue May 06 2008

    Ended the Cuban Missile Crisis through diplomatic means. Kind of a dog (but what pres wasn't?), a minus. A dog with Marilyn Monroe, a plus :P Got the country united and involved...

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    Tue May 06 2008

    Had he lived, might've proven to be a 5 Great! One extra point for civil rights oratory (shared w/RFK), and another for not backing down on Soviet missiles in Cuba, but loses a point for being such an unrepentant hound dog.

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    Wed Apr 16 2008

    Oh that we had his intellect and intelligence guiding us today!

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    Sun Feb 17 2008

    I think what comes to mind when I think of JFK, are his failed inventions such as "Cool Ranch Doritos" and "Coke 2" before they really "hit it big."

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    Sun Oct 28 2007

    Who killed  John Fitzgerald Kennedy you know who ? The  suit and  tie guys of  our Goverment  ask the  C.I.A. ? maybe.The goverment did'nt want  a Kenndy Danasty for the next  30 years. You see John Kenndy would've  won a second term as President  1963 to 1968 than Robert Kenndy would've did his two terms 1968 to1972 than 1972 to 1976 sorry Nixon than Edward Kenndy would have  did his  two terms 1976 to 1980 and  then 1980 to 1984 sorry Regan and Carter.So the powers that may be meaning the  goverment  did'nt  want that to happen. So John Kenndy had  to had to go.So they to stop this from happening.

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    Thu Oct 04 2007

    Adept handling of the Cuban missile crisis, but in sum, died before his full potential could be realized. Primarily, his legacy appears to be that he was a source of hope for many, as well as a profit exhorting us towards an idealistic America that, sadly, we have yet to achieve.

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    Mon Oct 01 2007

    Incompetent to the ninth degree, and a plagiarist to boot.

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    Tue Jul 24 2007

    History is filled with myths and legends after the death of an individual who hits the world with a powerful impact. These legends are started by others and then built upon by yet others. JFK would have shrugged off the camelot image as foolishness if he had the chance. The fact that their are those who hate JFK means nothing. Lincoln was hated. Washington was hated. Churchill was hated. Even the founder of the Church was hated. JFK had his strong and weak points. His weak points have been exploited ad nauseum. His strong points are in his style and spirit of leadership. Those are very important qualities in a leader. Yes he committed sins, and the same grace available to him is also available to his detractors.

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    Wed May 02 2007

    The last great Democratic president, he inspired a generation with what I consider the greatest inaugural address in history. Somewhere along the way people turned Ask not what your country can do for you, as what you can do for your country into Ask not what I can do for my country, ask what my government can provide for me.

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    Thu Mar 15 2007

    The most over-rated President. Owes his mythical stature to Lee Harvey Oswald. Short of that he would today be reviled in the same way LBJ is reviled for his involvement in the VietNam War, one of the greatest disasters in US history.

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    Tue Mar 06 2007

    Style and martyrdom mask a do nothing administration. The Kennedy Administration was a total failure in all hemispheres of the globe. I remember, and so do the objective historians.

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    Tue Mar 06 2007

    Yes JFK is some what overrated but some good did come from his administration. He fought for civil rights and led us through some of the most terrifying times during the Cold War. I would put him in the top 20 greatest presidents of all time, thats my opinion.

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    Sun Feb 11 2007

    Easily the most overrated president in United States History. If it had not been for his good looks and assassination he would not be far up on this list. He started the biggest rip-off of American Tax dollars with the NASA Space Program and helped the U.S get further involved in Vietnam.

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    Sun Feb 11 2007

    He does not deserve the seeming deification he has received over the years. On balance, I agree that he is overrated. However, I give him credit where credit is due: First, his tax cuts and the boom economy created by his policies. Secondly, his courage regarding the civil rights movement.

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    Wed Dec 13 2006

    JFK was a daring, charismatic leader who had original thoughts and a clear vision of peace and progress for the future; his was an exciting, inspiring presidency. It still hurts to think what he might have accomplished before the forces of darkness cut him down, the same forces that rule the U.S.A. today.

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    Sun Nov 19 2006

    JFK was a great president and a great man. Not all of the presidents complete their goals, especially when they are assassinated! Give the man credit. He fought for civil rights just like MLK...he made a difference in a lot of people. And as for him not being faithful to his wife...people make mistakes, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a person just like the next man.

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    Thu Oct 19 2006

    Overrated - he didn't accomplish ANY of the things he gets credited for SOLO. The nation is a wee doubleminded here - he was at best an unfaithful spouse- consorted with questionable people, and he got away with it and is called a hero - yet now - its all about exposing ANY little thing someone MIGHT have done.

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    Sun Sep 17 2006

    as two faced as they come hung out with mobsters, had them help him get elected. Then Let his brother go after them. father was a bootlegger whole family was a lil outside the law from time to time. Yeah he Got the the nukes out of cuba but could not get rid of Castro. And he tried many times he was a loser. He could not keep it in his pants either and people think Clinton was bad. People say his family is cursed no "bad things happen to bad people" thats all it is

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    Wed May 31 2006

    A lot of hype by the media. His asassination was a terrible tragedy. His accomplishments were limited.

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    Tue May 16 2006

    JFK and the American dream died 11/22/1963. Kennedy was highly successful in the short 1000 days he was in office IMO. The Bay of Pigs was an inherited disaster that was planned during the Eisenhower administration and lead by the CIA so, I don't blame Kennedy for that problem even though he personally took the blame for the fiasco. He stared down the Soviets in Cuba during a missle crisis in 1962. He only wanted advisors and equipment specialists for a short period in Vietnam. He knew that it was the S Vietnamese that had to win or lose the conflict, not America. The Peace Corps, civil rights legislation, the US space program and a contagious optimism that stimulated Americans to want to help the country succeed were all part of JFK's legacy. His death changed our country forever whether it was done by a lone nut or in some sort of conspiracy.

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    I am fascinated by the divergence of opinion concerning President Kennedy's life and legacy. As I'm presently producing a theatrical documentary on his life and legacy, "In Search of Kennedy,",it's interesting to observe the emotions, both good and bad, that surround his private and public life. For me, he remains the only president that I really adored, admired and respected. Being young when he died, just 19, his youth,charisma,courage and leadership qualities remain with me all these years despite the unflattering things that have come out about his since his untimely murder.

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    The glamor of JFK and his wife Jackie are the stuff of legend- 'Camelot' and the aspirations of 'The New Frontier' will be remembered by all boomers. Many of JFK'S goals (medicare, tax cuts for the middle class -not the super rich, and civil rights where blocked by the GOP) Sadly in his death, LBJ coaxed a guilty congress into passing much of his legislation. Perhaps had he lived we would not have expanded our mistaken intrusion into SE Asia.

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    Kennedy was exactly what the nation needed: an empathetic leader after te duldrums of Eisenhower, and a level-headed colegiate who would'nt give into the war-minded hawks of his era during the missile crisis. He had many weaknesses, but they were balanced by his strengths. Ultimately his crowning achievements were fessing up to the bay of pigs before the nation, and suppressing any hostility during the cuban missile crisis.

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    Sun Apr 09 2006

    He started America's involvement in the Vietnam war, Bay of Pigs fiasco and brainwashed citizens in red scare. We really showed Cuba how much we like them! It's a wonder they didn't appeal to the U.N. And calling yourself a jelly doughnut in Berlin, Germany doesn't do much to your credibility either. So eat your hat Bush critics!

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    Thu Mar 30 2006

    He was a criminal.

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    Mon Mar 20 2006

    Horrible president. Bay of Pigs was a disaster and hadn't he of not been shot then nobody would care about him

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    Sat Feb 04 2006

    A good president.He cut taxes,was(truly) progressive on social issues,and stood upto the Reds.A yound dynamic leader who loved America and was not ashamed to say it.

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    Fri Jan 27 2006

    Actually, civil rights was a weak point. He received the lowest percentage of the black vote of any Democratic nominee since Al Smith - about 68 percent if I remember. He did get a bit stronger once he was in office, but his platform during the campaign was very weak in an effort to keep the south. Updating - Actually geo, it didn't start with Kennedy. The first advisors were sent to Viet Nam in 1957, under Eisenhauer.

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    Tue Jan 10 2006

    A great President. A man who wasn't afraid to stand up to racists in the 60's even though it would have damaged his votes in the south. But unfourtunately some idiot shot him and we will never truly know what he would have done in the years following his death.

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    Sun Nov 27 2005

    In a truly "fair and balanced" world, this would be a 4 because of character flaws and the fact that he never had a chance to actually prove if he would be great but, given all the idiotic comments from the Bushies, I need to throw out the 5 to help make things right. I mean, seriously -- the Peace Corps portrayed as the reason that "everyone hates us"? I can't even begin to understand that comment.

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    Fri Nov 18 2005

    A true hero, who died for his country, murdered by what has now metastasized into Neo-Con Bushism.

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    Mon Sep 19 2005

    Just so everybody knows this rating is negative 1 because he is by far the worst president this country has ever had. First, he got us into Vietnam, which in no way can be compared to Iraq, almost got us into a nuclear war with the Soviet Union, and developed the Peace Corps, which is why, to all of you liberal scumbags out there, why everyone else hates us. Whether you'll admit it or not, we are still cleaning up the mess left by JFK. War hero my ass! Oh yeah, when the mob cheated him into the presidency, ahead of Nixon, a future great president, he turned on them and tried to crack down. People wonder why he got shot. I wonder why he didn't get shot earlier. Honestly, I would much rather have organized crime be our biggest crime problem rather than these poor white trash, black people and latinos who can't tell their elbow from their ass running around. How could a man who couldn't even fix his own problems (*cough Marylin Monroe cough*0 fix ours?

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    Tue Sep 06 2005

    Most over-rated president ever. Never should have been elected, he got alot of the female vote because he was good looking (women should not be able to vote) jk. any way he was over rated and his morals and duties were mixed up.

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    Tue Aug 02 2005

    What did he do? Get shot and have countless affairs?